Exemple #1
func podStatusResultToResp(result podStatusResult) (*podstore_protos.PodStatusResponse, error) {
	if statusstore.IsNoStatus(result.err) {
		return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.NotFound, result.err.Error())
	} else if result.err != nil {
		return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, result.err.Error())

	var processStatuses []*podstore_protos.ProcessStatus

	for _, processStatus := range result.status.ProcessStatuses {
		processStatuses = append(processStatuses, &podstore_protos.ProcessStatus{
			LaunchableId: processStatus.LaunchableID.String(),
			EntryPoint:   processStatus.EntryPoint,
			LastExit: &podstore_protos.ExitStatus{
				ExitTime:   processStatus.LastExit.ExitTime.Unix(),
				ExitCode:   int64(processStatus.LastExit.ExitCode),
				ExitStatus: int64(processStatus.LastExit.ExitStatus),

	return &podstore_protos.PodStatusResponse{
		Manifest:        result.status.Manifest,
		PodState:        result.status.PodStatus.String(),
		ProcessStatuses: processStatuses,
		LastIndex:       result.queryMeta.LastIndex,
	}, nil
Exemple #2
// Convenience function for only mutating a part of the status structure.
// First, the status is retrieved and the consul ModifyIndex is read. The
// status is then passed to a mutator function, and then the new status is
// written back to consul using a CAS operation, guaranteeing that nothing else
// about the status changed.
func (c *consulStore) MutateStatus(key types.PodUniqueKey, mutator func(PodStatus) (PodStatus, error)) error {
	var lastIndex uint64
	status, queryMeta, err := c.Get(key)
	switch {
	case statusstore.IsNoStatus(err):
		// We just want to make sure the key doesn't exist when we set it, so
		// use an index of 0
		lastIndex = 0
	case err != nil:
		return err
		lastIndex = queryMeta.LastIndex

	newStatus, err := mutator(status)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return c.CAS(key, newStatus, lastIndex)
Exemple #3
// no return value, no output channels. This should do everything it needs to do
// without outside intervention (other than being signalled to quit)
func (p *Preparer) handlePods(podChan <-chan ManifestPair, quit <-chan struct{}) {
	// install new launchables
	var nextLaunch ManifestPair

	// used to track if we have work to do (i.e. pod manifest came through channel
	// and we have yet to operate on it)
	working := false
	var manifestLogger logging.Logger

	// The design of p2-preparer is to continuously retry installation
	// failures, for example downloading of the launchable. An exponential
	// backoff is important to avoid putting undue load on the artifact
	// server, for example.
	backoffTime := minimumBackoffTime
	for {
		select {
		case <-quit:
		case nextLaunch = <-podChan:
			backoffTime = minimumBackoffTime
			var sha string

			// TODO: handle errors appropriately from SHA().
			if nextLaunch.Intent != nil {
				sha, _ = nextLaunch.Intent.SHA()
			} else {
				sha, _ = nextLaunch.Reality.SHA()
			manifestLogger = p.Logger.SubLogger(logrus.Fields{
				"pod":            nextLaunch.ID,
				"sha":            sha,
				"pod_unique_key": nextLaunch.PodUniqueKey,
			manifestLogger.NoFields().Debugln("New manifest received")

			working = true
		case <-time.After(backoffTime):
			if working {
				var pod *pods.Pod
				var err error
				if nextLaunch.PodUniqueKey == "" {
					pod = p.podFactory.NewLegacyPod(nextLaunch.ID)
				} else {
					pod, err = p.podFactory.NewUUIDPod(nextLaunch.ID, nextLaunch.PodUniqueKey)
					if err != nil {
						manifestLogger.WithError(err).Errorln("Could not initialize pod")

				// TODO better solution: force the preparer to have a 0s default timeout, prevent KILLs
				if pod.Id == constants.PreparerPodID {
					pod.DefaultTimeout = time.Duration(0)

				effectiveLogBridgeExec := p.logExec
				// pods that are in the blacklist for this preparer shall not use the
				// preparer's log exec. Instead, they will use the default svlogd logexec.
				for _, podID := range p.logBridgeBlacklist {
					if pod.Id.String() == podID {
						effectiveLogBridgeExec = svlogdExec


				// podChan is being fed values gathered from a kp.Watch() in
				// WatchForPodManifestsForNode(). If the watch returns a new pair of
				// intent/reality values before the previous change has finished
				// processing in resolvePair(), the reality value will be stale. This
				// leads to a bug where the preparer will appear to update a package
				// and when that is finished, "update" it again.
				// Example ordering of bad events:
				// 1) update to /intent for pod A comes in, /reality is read and
				// resolvePair() handles it
				// 2) before resolvePair() finishes, another /intent update comes in,
				// and /reality is read but hasn't been changed. This update cannot
				// be processed until the previous resolvePair() call finishes, and
				// updates /reality. Now the reality value used here is stale. We
				// want to refresh our /reality read so we don't restart the pod if
				// intent didn't change between updates.
				// The correct solution probably involves watching reality and intent
				// and feeding updated pairs to a control loop.
				// This is a quick fix to ensure that the reality value being used is
				// up-to-date. The de-bouncing logic in this method should ensure that the
				// intent value is fresh (to the extent that Consul is timely). Fetching
				// the reality value again ensures its freshness too.
				if nextLaunch.PodUniqueKey == "" {
					// legacy pod, get reality manifest from reality tree
					reality, _, err := p.store.Pod(kp.REALITY_TREE, p.node, nextLaunch.ID)
					if err == pods.NoCurrentManifest {
						nextLaunch.Reality = nil
					} else if err != nil {
						manifestLogger.WithError(err).Errorln("Error getting reality manifest")
					} else {
						nextLaunch.Reality = reality
				} else {
					// uuid pod, get reality manifest from pod status
					status, _, err := p.podStatusStore.Get(nextLaunch.PodUniqueKey)
					switch {
					case err != nil && !statusstore.IsNoStatus(err):
						manifestLogger.WithError(err).Errorln("Error getting reality manifest from pod status")
					case statusstore.IsNoStatus(err):
						nextLaunch.Reality = nil
						manifest, err := manifest.FromBytes([]byte(status.Manifest))
						if err != nil {
							manifestLogger.WithError(err).Errorln("Error parsing reality manifest from pod status")
						nextLaunch.Reality = manifest

				ok := p.resolvePair(nextLaunch, pod, manifestLogger)
				if ok {
					nextLaunch = ManifestPair{}
					working = false

					// Reset the backoff time
					backoffTime = minimumBackoffTime
				} else {
					// Double the backoff time with a maximum of 1 minute
					backoffTime = backoffTime * 2
					if backoffTime > 1*time.Minute {
						backoffTime = 1 * time.Minute