Exemple #1
func TestCreateFailsIfCantAcquireLock(t *testing.T) {
	newRCID := rc_fields.ID("new_rc")
	oldRCID := rc_fields.ID("old_rc")

	rollstore := newRollStore(t, nil)

	update := fields.Update{
		NewRC: newRCID,
		OldRC: oldRCID,

	// Grab an update creation lock on one of the RCs and make sure the
	// creation fails
	session, _, err := rollstore.store.NewSession("conflicting session", nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create session for conflicting lock: %s", err)
	defer session.Destroy()

	_, err = rollstore.rcstore.LockForUpdateCreation(update.OldRC, session)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to acquire conflicting lock on old rc: %s", err)

	_, err = rollstore.CreateRollingUpdateFromExistingRCs(update, nil, nil)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected update creation to fail due to lock conflict")

	ru, _ := rollstore.Get(fields.ID(newRCID))
	if ru.NewRC != "" || ru.OldRC != "" {
		t.Fatal("New ru shouldn't have been created but it was")
Exemple #2
func createHelloReplicationController(dir string) (fields.ID, error) {
	signedManifestPath, err := writeHelloManifest(dir, "hello.yaml", 43770)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	cmd := exec.Command("p2-rctl", "--log-json", "create", "--manifest", signedManifestPath, "--node-selector", "test=yes")
	out := bytes.Buffer{}
	cmd.Stdout = &out
	cmd.Stderr = &out
	err = cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		return fields.ID(""), fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create replication controller for hello: %s %s", out.String(), err)
	var rctlOut struct {
		ID string `json:"id"`

	err = json.Unmarshal(out.Bytes(), &rctlOut)
	if err != nil {
		return fields.ID(""), fmt.Errorf("Couldn't read RC ID out of p2-rctl invocation result: %v", err)

	output, err := exec.Command("p2-rctl", "set-replicas", rctlOut.ID, "1").CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return fields.ID(rctlOut.ID), nil
Exemple #3
// Given a consul key path, returns the RC ID and the lock type. Returns an err
// if the key does not resemble an RC lock key
func (s *consulStore) lockTypeFromKey(key string) (fields.ID, LockType, error) {
	keyParts := strings.Split(key, "/")
	// Sanity check key structure e.g. /lock/replication_controllers/abcd-1234
	if len(keyParts) < 3 || len(keyParts) > 4 {
		return "", UnknownLockType, util.Errorf("Key '%s' does not resemble an RC lock", key)

	if keyParts[0] != consulutil.LOCK_TREE {
		return "", UnknownLockType, util.Errorf("Key '%s' does not resemble an RC lock", key)

	if keyParts[1] != rcTree {
		return "", UnknownLockType, util.Errorf("Key '%s' does not resemble an RC lock", key)

	rcID := keyParts[2]
	if len(keyParts) == 3 {
		// There's no lock suffix, so this is an ownership lock
		return fields.ID(rcID), OwnershipLockType, nil

	switch keyParts[3] {
	case mutationSuffix:
		return fields.ID(rcID), MutationLockType, nil
	case updateCreationSuffix:
		return fields.ID(rcID), UpdateCreationLockType, nil
		return fields.ID(rcID), UnknownLockType, nil
Exemple #4
func TestWouldWorkOn(t *testing.T) {
	fakeLabels := labels.NewFakeApplicator()
	fakeLabels.SetLabel(labels.RC, "abc-123", "color", "red")
	fakeLabels.SetLabel(labels.RC, "def-456", "color", "blue")

	f := &Farm{
		labeler:    fakeLabels,
		rcSelector: klabels.Everything().Add("color", klabels.EqualsOperator, []string{"red"}),

	workOn, err := f.shouldWorkOn(rc_fields.ID("abc-123"))
	Assert(t).IsNil(err, "should not have erred on abc-123")
	Assert(t).IsTrue(workOn, "should have worked on abc-123, but didn't")

	dontWorkOn, err := f.shouldWorkOn(rc_fields.ID("def-456"))
	Assert(t).IsNil(err, "should not have erred on def-456")
	Assert(t).IsFalse(dontWorkOn, "should not have worked on def-456, but did")

	dontWorkOn, err = f.shouldWorkOn(rc_fields.ID("987-cba"))
	Assert(t).IsNil(err, "should not have erred on 987-cba")
	Assert(t).IsFalse(dontWorkOn, "should not have worked on 987-cba, but did")

	f.rcSelector = klabels.Everything()

	workOn, err = f.shouldWorkOn(rc_fields.ID("def-456"))
	Assert(t).IsNil(err, "should not have erred on def-456")
	Assert(t).IsTrue(workOn, "should have worked on def-456, but didn't")
Exemple #5
func (r RCtl) RollingUpdate(oldID, newID string, want, need int, deletes bool) {
	if want < need {
			"want": want,
			"need": need,
		}).Fatalln("Cannot run update with desired replicas less than minimum replicas")
	sessions := make(chan string)
	quit := make(chan struct{})

	go kp.ConsulSessionManager(api.SessionEntry{
		LockDelay: 1 * time.Nanosecond,
		Behavior:  api.SessionBehaviorDelete,
		TTL:       "15s",
	}, r.baseClient, sessions, quit, r.logger)

	session := <-sessions
	if session == "" {
		r.logger.NoFields().Fatalln("Could not acquire session")
	lock := r.kps.NewUnmanagedLock(session, "")

	result := make(chan bool, 1)
	go func() {
		result <- roll.NewUpdate(roll_fields.Update{
			OldRC:           rc_fields.ID(oldID),
			NewRC:           rc_fields.ID(newID),
			DesiredReplicas: want,
			MinimumReplicas: need,
			DeletePods:      deletes,
		}, r.kps, r.rcs, r.hcheck, r.labeler, r.sched, r.logger, lock).Run(quit)

	signals := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
	signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt)

	for {
		select {
		case <-signals:
			// try to clean up locks on ^C
			// do not exit right away - the session and result channels will be
			// closed after the quit is requested, ensuring that the locks held
			// by the farm were released.
			r.logger.NoFields().Errorln("Got signal, exiting")
		case <-sessions:
			r.logger.NoFields().Fatalln("Lost session")
		case res := <-result:
			// done, either due to ^C (already printed message above) or
			// clean finish
			if res {
			break LOOP
Exemple #6
func (r rctlParams) ScheduleUpdate(oldID, newID string, want, need int) {
	_, err := r.rls.CreateRollingUpdateFromExistingRCs(roll_fields.Update{
		OldRC:           rc_fields.ID(oldID),
		NewRC:           rc_fields.ID(newID),
		DesiredReplicas: want,
		MinimumReplicas: need,
	}, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not create rolling update")
	} else {
		r.logger.WithField("id", newID).Infoln("Created new rolling update")
Exemple #7
func TestCreateRollingUpdateFromExistingRCs(t *testing.T) {
	rollstore := newRollStore(t, nil)

	newRCID := rc_fields.ID("new_rc")
	oldRCID := rc_fields.ID("old_rc")

	update := fields.Update{
		NewRC: newRCID,
		OldRC: oldRCID,

	newRCLabels := klabels.Set(map[string]string{
		"some_key": "some_val",

	u, err := rollstore.CreateRollingUpdateFromExistingRCs(update, newRCLabels, newRCLabels)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error creating update: %s", err)

	storedUpdate, err := rollstore.Get(update.ID())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to retrieve value put in roll store: %s", err)

	if storedUpdate.NewRC != newRCID {
		t.Errorf("Stored update didn't have expected new rc value: wanted '%s' but got '%s'", newRCID, storedUpdate.NewRC)

	if storedUpdate.OldRC != oldRCID {
		t.Errorf("Stored update didn't have expected old rc value: wanted '%s' but got '%s'", oldRCID, storedUpdate.OldRC)

	rcLabels, err := rollstore.labeler.GetLabels(labels.RC, newRCID.String())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to fetch labels for newly created new RC: %s", err)

	if rcLabels.Labels["some_key"] != "some_val" {
		t.Errorf("Expected labels to be set on new RC")

	ruLabels, err := rollstore.labeler.GetLabels(labels.RU, u.ID().String())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to fetch labels for newly created new RU: %s", err)

	if ruLabels.Labels["some_key"] != "some_val" {
		t.Errorf("Expected labels to be set on new RU")
Exemple #8
func (r RCtl) ScheduleUpdate(oldID, newID string, want, need int, deletes bool) {
	err := r.rls.Put(roll_fields.Update{
		OldRC:           rc_fields.ID(oldID),
		NewRC:           rc_fields.ID(newID),
		DesiredReplicas: want,
		MinimumReplicas: need,
		DeletePods:      deletes,
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not create rolling update")
	} else {
		r.logger.WithField("id", newID).Infoln("Created new rolling update")
Exemple #9
func (r rctlParams) Delete(id string, force bool) {
	err := r.rcs.Delete(rc_fields.ID(id), force)
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not delete replication controller in Consul")
	r.logger.WithField("id", id).Infoln("Deleted replication controller")
Exemple #10
func (r rctlParams) Disable(id string) {
	err := r.rcs.Disable(rc_fields.ID(id))
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not disable replication controller in Consul")
	r.logger.WithField("id", id).Infoln("Disabled replication controller")
Exemple #11
func (r RCtl) Enable(id string) {
	err := r.rcs.Enable(rc_fields.ID(id))
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not enable replication controller in Consul")
	r.logger.WithField("id", id).Infoln("Enabled replication controller")
Exemple #12
// these parts of Create may require a retry
func (s *consulStore) innerCreate(manifest pods.Manifest, nodeSelector klabels.Selector, podLabels klabels.Set) (fields.RC, error) {
	id := fields.ID(uuid.New())
	rcp := kp.RCPath(id.String())
	rc := fields.RC{
		ID:              id,
		Manifest:        manifest,
		NodeSelector:    nodeSelector,
		PodLabels:       podLabels,
		ReplicasDesired: 0,
		Disabled:        false,

	jsonRC, err := json.Marshal(rc)
	if err != nil {
		return fields.RC{}, err
	success, _, err := s.kv.CAS(&api.KVPair{
		Key:   rcp,
		Value: jsonRC,
		// the chance of the UUID already existing is vanishingly small, but
		// technically not impossible, so we should use the CAS index to guard
		// against duplicate UUIDs
		ModifyIndex: 0,
	}, nil)

	if err != nil {
		return fields.RC{}, consulutil.NewKVError("cas", rcp, err)
	if !success {
		return fields.RC{}, CASError(rcp)
	return rc, nil
Exemple #13
func TestLockTypeFromKey(t *testing.T) {
	store := consulStore{}
	expectedRCID := fields.ID("abcd-1234")
	mutationLockPath, err := store.mutationLockPath(expectedRCID)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to compute lock path for rc")

	updateCreationLockPath, err := store.updateCreationLockPath(expectedRCID)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to compute lock path for rc")

	ownershipLockPath, err := store.ownershipLockPath(expectedRCID)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to compute lock path for rc")

	type lockTypeExpectation struct {
		Key          string
		ExpectedType LockType
		ExpectError  bool

	expectations := []lockTypeExpectation{
		{mutationLockPath, MutationLockType, false},
		{updateCreationLockPath, UpdateCreationLockType, false},
		{ownershipLockPath, OwnershipLockType, false},
		{"bogus_key", UnknownLockType, true},
		{"/lock/bogus_key", UnknownLockType, true},
		{"/lock/replication_controllers/bogus/key/blah", UnknownLockType, true},

	for _, expectation := range expectations {
		rcId, lockType, err := store.lockTypeFromKey(expectation.Key)
		if lockType != expectation.ExpectedType {
			t.Errorf("Expected lock type for %s to be %s, was %s", expectation.Key, expectation.ExpectedType.String(), lockType.String())

		if expectation.ExpectError {
			if err == nil {
				t.Errorf("Expected an error to be returned for key %s, but there wasn't", expectation.Key)
		} else {
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected error for key %s: %s", expectation.Key, err)

			if rcId != expectedRCID {
				t.Errorf("Expected returned rcID to be '%s', was '%s'", expectedRCID, rcId)
Exemple #14
func TestCreateRollingUpdateFromOneExistingRCWithIDFailsIfCantAcquireLock(t *testing.T) {
	oldRCID := rc_fields.ID("old_rc")

	rollstore := newRollStore(t, nil)

	// Grab an update creation lock on the old RC and make sure the
	// creation fails
	session, _, err := rollstore.store.NewSession("conflicting session", nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create session for conflicting lock: %s", err)
	defer session.Destroy()

	_, err = rollstore.rcstore.LockForUpdateCreation(oldRCID, session)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to acquire conflicting lock on old rc: %s", err)

	newUpdate, err := rollstore.CreateRollingUpdateFromOneExistingRCWithID(

	if err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Should have erred creating conflicting update")

	update, err := rollstore.Get(fields.ID(newUpdate.NewRC))
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Should nothave erred checking for update creation: %s", err)

	if update.NewRC != "" {
		t.Fatalf("Update was created but shouldn't have been: %s", err)

	rcs, err := rollstore.rcstore.List()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have failed to list RCs: %s", err)

	if len(rcs) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("There shouldn't be any new RCs after a failed update: expect 0 but were %d", len(rcs))
Exemple #15
func (rm *P2RM) checkForManagingReplicationController() (bool, fields.ID, error) {
	podLabels, err := rm.Labeler.GetLabels(labels.POD, rm.LabelID)
	if err != nil {
		return false, "", fmt.Errorf("unable to check node for labels: %v", err)

	if podLabels.Labels.Has(rc.RCIDLabel) {
		return true, fields.ID(podLabels.Labels.Get(rc.RCIDLabel)), nil

	return false, "", nil
Exemple #16
// Test that if a conflicting update exists, a new one will not be admitted
func TestCreateExistingRCsMutualExclusion(t *testing.T) {
	newRCID := rc_fields.ID("new_rc")
	oldRCID := rc_fields.ID("old_rc")

	conflictingEntry := fields.Update{
		OldRC: newRCID,
		NewRC: rc_fields.ID("some_other_rc"),

	rollstore := newRollStore(t, []fields.Update{conflictingEntry})

	update := fields.Update{
		NewRC: newRCID,
		OldRC: oldRCID,

	_, err := rollstore.CreateRollingUpdateFromExistingRCs(update, nil, nil)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected update creation to fail due to conflict")

	if conflictingErr, ok := err.(*ConflictingRUError); !ok {
		t.Error("Returned error didn't have ConflictingRUError type")
	} else {
		if conflictingErr.ConflictingID != conflictingEntry.ID() {
			t.Errorf("Expected error to have conflicting ID of '%s', was '%s'", conflictingEntry.ID(), conflictingErr.ConflictingID)

		if conflictingErr.ConflictingRCID != conflictingEntry.OldRC {
			t.Errorf("Expected error to have conflicting rc ID of '%s', was '%s'", conflictingEntry.OldRC, conflictingErr.ConflictingRCID)

	ru, _ := rollstore.Get(fields.ID(update.NewRC))
	if ru.NewRC != "" || ru.OldRC != "" {
		t.Fatal("New ru shouldn't have been created but it was")
Exemple #17
func (r rctlParams) SetReplicas(id string, replicas int) {
	if replicas < 0 {
		r.logger.NoFields().Fatalln("Cannot set negative replica count")

	err := r.rcs.SetDesiredReplicas(rc_fields.ID(id), replicas)
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not set desired replica count in Consul")
		"id":       id,
		"replicas": replicas,
	}).Infoln("Set desired replica count of replication controller")
Exemple #18
func TestLockRCs(t *testing.T) {
	fakeStore := kptest.NewFakePodStore(nil, nil)
	session, _, err := fakeStore.NewSession("fake rc lock session", nil)
	Assert(t).IsNil(err, "Should not have erred getting fake session")

	update := NewUpdate(fields.Update{
		NewRC: rc_fields.ID("new_rc"),
		OldRC: rc_fields.ID("old_rc"),
	err = update.lockRCs(make(<-chan struct{}))
	Assert(t).IsNil(err, "should not have erred locking RCs")
	Assert(t).IsNotNil(update.newRCUnlocker, "should have consulutil.Unlocker for unlocking new rc")
	Assert(t).IsNotNil(update.oldRCUnlocker, "should have consulutil.Unlocker for unlocking old rc")
Exemple #19
func createHelloReplicationController(dir string) (fields.ID, error) {
	hello := fmt.Sprintf("file://%s", util.From(runtime.Caller(0)).ExpandPath("../hoisted-hello_def456.tar.gz"))
	builder := manifest.NewBuilder()
	stanzas := map[launch.LaunchableID]launch.LaunchableStanza{
		"hello": {
			LaunchableId:   "hello",
			LaunchableType: "hoist",
			Location:       hello,
	manifest := builder.GetManifest()
	manifestPath := path.Join(dir, "hello.yaml")

	f, err := os.OpenFile(manifestPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		return fields.ID(""), err
	defer f.Close()
	err = manifest.Write(f)
	if err != nil {
		return fields.ID(""), err

	manifestPath, err = signManifest(manifestPath, dir)
	if err != nil {
		return fields.ID(""), err

	cmd := exec.Command("p2-rctl", "--log-json", "create", "--manifest", manifestPath, "--node-selector", "test=yes")
	out := bytes.Buffer{}
	cmd.Stdout = &out
	cmd.Stderr = &out
	err = cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		return fields.ID(""), fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create replication controller for hello: %s %s", out.String(), err)
	var rctlOut struct {
		ID string `json:"id"`

	err = json.Unmarshal(out.Bytes(), &rctlOut)
	if err != nil {
		return fields.ID(""), fmt.Errorf("Couldn't read RC ID out of p2-rctl invocation result: %v", err)

	return fields.ID(rctlOut.ID), exec.Command("p2-rctl", "set-replicas", rctlOut.ID, "1").Run()
Exemple #20
func rollsWithIDs(t *testing.T, id string, num int) api.KVPairs {
	var pairs api.KVPairs
	for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
		ru := fields.Update{
			NewRC: rc_fields.ID(id),

		jsonRU, err := json.Marshal(ru)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unable to marshal test RU as json: %s", err)

		pairs = append(pairs, &api.KVPair{
			Value: jsonRU,

	return pairs
Exemple #21
func (r rctlParams) Get(id string, manifest bool) {
	getRC, err := r.rcs.Get(rc_fields.ID(id))
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not get replication controller in Consul")

	if manifest {
		out, err := getRC.Manifest.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not marshal replication controller manifest")
		fmt.Printf("%s", out)
	} else {
		out, err := json.MarshalIndent(getRC, "", "    ")
		if err != nil {
			r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not marshal replication controller to JSON")
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", out)
Exemple #22
func rcsWithIDs(t *testing.T, id string, num int) api.KVPairs {
	var pairs api.KVPairs
	builder := manifest.NewBuilder()
	manifest := builder.GetManifest()
	for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
		rc := fields.RC{
			ID:       fields.ID(id),
			Manifest: manifest,

		jsonRC, err := json.Marshal(rc)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unable to marshal test RC as json: %s", err)

		pairs = append(pairs, &api.KVPair{
			Value: jsonRC,

	return pairs
Exemple #23
func (s *fakeStore) Create(manifest pods.Manifest, nodeSelector labels.Selector, podLabels labels.Set) (fields.RC, error) {
	// A real replication controller will use a UUID.
	// We'll just use a monotonically increasing counter for expedience.
	s.creates += 1
	id := fields.ID(strconv.Itoa(s.creates))

	entry := fakeEntry{
		RC: fields.RC{
			ID:              id,
			Manifest:        manifest,
			NodeSelector:    nodeSelector,
			PodLabels:       podLabels,
			ReplicasDesired: 0,
			Disabled:        false,
		watchers:      make(map[int]chan struct{}),
		lastWatcherId: 0,

	s.rcs[id] = &entry

	return entry.RC, nil
Exemple #24
package rcstore

import (


const testRCId = fields.ID("abcd-1234")

func TestLockForOwnership(t *testing.T) {
	kpStore := kptest.NewFakePodStore(nil, nil)

	session, _, err := kpStore.NewSession("test rc ownership session", nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create fake session in fake store: %s", err)

	rcstore := consulStore{}
	unlocker, err := rcstore.LockForOwnership(testRCId, session)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to lock rc for ownership: %s", err)

	expectedKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", consulutil.LOCK_TREE, rcTree, testRCId)
	if unlocker.Key() != expectedKey {
		t.Errorf("Key did not match expected: wanted '%s' but got '%s'", expectedKey, unlocker.Key())
Exemple #25
	rc_fields "github.com/square/p2/pkg/rc/fields"

	klabels "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/labels"

const (
	testRCId  = rc_fields.ID("abcd-1234")
	testRCId2 = rc_fields.ID("def-456")

func TestNewConsul(t *testing.T) {
	store := NewConsul(kp.NewConsulClient(kp.Options{}), nil)
	rollstore := store.(consulStore)
	if rollstore.kv == nil {
		t.Fatal("kv should not be nil for constructed rollstore")

	if rollstore.rcstore == nil {
		t.Fatal("rcstore should not be nil for constructed rollstore")

	if rollstore.labeler == nil {
Exemple #26
func TestCreateRollingUpdateFromOneExistingRCWithID(t *testing.T) {
	oldRCID := rc_fields.ID("old_rc")

	rollstore := newRollStore(t, nil)

	newRCLabels := klabels.Set(map[string]string{
		"some_key": "some_val",

	newUpdate, err := rollstore.CreateRollingUpdateFromOneExistingRCWithID(

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to create rolling update: %s", err)

	storedUpdate, err := rollstore.Get(fields.ID(newUpdate.NewRC))
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to retrieve value put in roll store: %s", err)

	if storedUpdate.NewRC != newUpdate.NewRC {
		t.Errorf("Stored update didn't have expected new rc value: wanted '%s' but got '%s'", newUpdate.NewRC, storedUpdate.NewRC)

	if storedUpdate.OldRC != oldRCID {
		t.Errorf("Stored update didn't have expected old rc value: wanted '%s' but got '%s'", oldRCID, storedUpdate.OldRC)

	_, err = rollstore.rcstore.Get(newUpdate.NewRC)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have failed to fetch new RC: %s", err)

	rcLabels, err := rollstore.labeler.GetLabels(labels.RC, storedUpdate.NewRC.String())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to fetch labels for newly created new RC: %s", err)

	if rcLabels.Labels["some_key"] != "some_val" {
		t.Errorf("Expected labels to be set on new RC")

	ruLabels, err := rollstore.labeler.GetLabels(labels.RU, newUpdate.ID().String())
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to fetch labels for newly created new RU: %s", err)

	if ruLabels.Labels["some_key"] != "some_val" {
		t.Errorf("Expected labels to be set on new RU")
Exemple #27
func (r rctlParams) RollingUpdate(oldID, newID string, want, need int, pagerdutyServiceKey string) {
	if want < need {
			"want": want,
			"need": need,
		}).Fatalln("Cannot run update with desired replicas less than minimum replicas")
	sessions := make(chan string)
	quit := make(chan struct{})

	go consulutil.SessionManager(api.SessionEntry{
		Name:      SessionName(),
		LockDelay: 5 * time.Second,
		Behavior:  api.SessionBehaviorDelete,
		TTL:       "15s",
	}, r.baseClient, sessions, quit, r.logger)

	sessionID := <-sessions
	if sessionID == "" {
		r.logger.NoFields().Fatalln("Could not acquire session")
	session := r.kps.NewUnmanagedSession(sessionID, "")

	alerter := alerting.NewNop()
	if pagerdutyServiceKey != "" {
		var err error
		alerter, err = alerting.NewPagerduty(pagerdutyServiceKey, r.httpClient)
		if err != nil {
			r.logger.WithError(err).Fatalln("Could not initialize pagerduty alerter")

	result := make(chan bool, 1)
	go func() {
		result <- roll.NewUpdate(roll_fields.Update{
			OldRC:           rc_fields.ID(oldID),
			NewRC:           rc_fields.ID(newID),
			DesiredReplicas: want,
			MinimumReplicas: need,
		}, r.kps, r.rcs, r.hcheck, r.labeler, r.sched, r.logger, session, alerter).Run(quit)

	signals := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
	signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt)

	for {
		select {
		case <-signals:
			// try to clean up locks on ^C
			// do not exit right away - the session and result channels will be
			// closed after the quit is requested, ensuring that the locks held
			// by the farm were released.
			r.logger.NoFields().Errorln("Got signal, exiting")
		case <-sessions:
			r.logger.NoFields().Fatalln("Lost session")
		case res := <-result:
			// done, either due to ^C (already printed message above) or
			// clean finish
			if res {
			break LOOP
Exemple #28
// Creates a rolling update that may or may not already have an existing old
// RC. If one matches the oldRCSelector, it will be used as the old RC in the
// new update.  If one does not exist, a "dummy" old RC will be created that is
// identical to the specifications for the new RC.
// Returns an error if the old RC exists but is part of another RU, or if
// the label selector returns more than one match.
func (s consulStore) CreateRollingUpdateFromOneMaybeExistingWithLabelSelector(
	oldRCSelector klabels.Selector,
	desiredReplicas int,
	minimumReplicas int,
	leaveOld bool,
	rollDelay time.Duration,
	newRCManifest manifest.Manifest,
	newRCNodeSelector klabels.Selector,
	newRCPodLabels klabels.Set,
	newRCLabels klabels.Set,
	rollLabels klabels.Set,
) (u roll_fields.Update, err error) {
	// This function may or may not create old and new RCs and subsequently
	// fail, so we defer a function that does any cleanup (if applicable)
	var cleanupOldRC func()
	var cleanupNewRC func()

	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			if cleanupOldRC != nil {

			if cleanupNewRC != nil {

	session, renewalErrCh, err := s.newRUCreationSession()
	if err != nil {
		return roll_fields.Update{}, err
	defer session.Destroy()

	// Check if any RCs match the oldRCSelector
	matches, err := s.labeler.GetMatches(oldRCSelector, labels.RC, false)
	if err != nil {
		return roll_fields.Update{}, err

	var oldRCID rc_fields.ID
	if len(matches) > 1 {
		return roll_fields.Update{}, AmbiguousRCSelector
	} else if len(matches) == 1 {
		oldRCID = rc_fields.ID(matches[0].ID)
	} else {
		if leaveOld {
			return roll_fields.Update{}, util.Errorf(
				"Can't create an update with LeaveOld set if there is no old RC (sel=%s)",

		// Create the old RC using the same info as the new RC, it'll be
		// removed when the update completes anyway
		rc, err := s.rcstore.Create(newRCManifest, newRCNodeSelector, newRCPodLabels)
		if err != nil {
			return roll_fields.Update{}, err

		oldRCID = rc.ID
		cleanupOldRC = func() {
			err = s.rcstore.Delete(oldRCID, false)
			if err != nil {
				s.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("Unable to cleanup newly-created old RC %s after update creation failure:", oldRCID)

			// Any labels we wrote will be deleted by rcstore.Delete()

		// Copy the new RC labels to the old RC as well
		err = s.labeler.SetLabels(labels.RC, oldRCID.String(), newRCLabels)
		if err != nil {
			return roll_fields.Update{}, err

	// Lock the old RC to guarantee that no new updates can use it
	err = s.lockRCs(rc_fields.IDs{oldRCID}, session)
	if err != nil {
		return roll_fields.Update{}, err

	// Check for updates that exist that operate on the old RC
	err = s.checkForConflictingUpdates(rc_fields.IDs{oldRCID})
	if err != nil {
		return roll_fields.Update{}, err

	// Create the new RC
	var newRCID rc_fields.ID
	select {
	case err = <-renewalErrCh:
		return roll_fields.Update{}, err
		rc, err := s.rcstore.Create(newRCManifest, newRCNodeSelector, newRCPodLabels)
		if err != nil {
			return roll_fields.Update{}, err

		newRCID = rc.ID

	cleanupNewRC = func() {
		err = s.rcstore.Delete(newRCID, false)
		if err != nil {
			s.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("Unable to cleanup newly-created new RC %s after update creation failure:", newRCID)

		// Any labels we wrote will be deleted by rcstore.Delete()

	// lock newly-created new rc so it's less likely to race on it
	// with another parallel update creation
	err = s.lockRCs(rc_fields.IDs{newRCID}, session)
	if err != nil {
		return roll_fields.Update{}, err

	// Check once again for conflicting updates in case a racing update
	// creation grabbed the new RC we just created
	err = s.checkForConflictingUpdates(rc_fields.IDs{newRCID})
	if err != nil {
		return roll_fields.Update{}, err

	// Now that we know there are no RUs in progress, and we have the
	// update creation locks, we can safely apply labels.
	err = s.labeler.SetLabels(labels.RC, newRCID.String(), newRCLabels)
	if err != nil {
		return roll_fields.Update{}, err

	u = roll_fields.Update{
		OldRC:           oldRCID,
		NewRC:           newRCID,
		DesiredReplicas: desiredReplicas,
		MinimumReplicas: minimumReplicas,
		LeaveOld:        leaveOld,
		RollDelay:       rollDelay,
	return s.attemptRUCreation(u, rollLabels, renewalErrCh)