Exemple #1
func main() {
	cache, _ := lrcache.NewLRCache(*redisHost, *redisConnPoolSize, *redisPrefix, *lruSize)

	bob := &Person{Name: "Bob", Age: 21}
	sally := &Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 19}

	cache.Set("bob-key", bob)     // pushes bob-key to LRU
	cache.Set("alice-key", sally) // pushes bob-key out of LRU and into Redis, puts alice-key in LRU

	res1 := cache.Get("bob-key")
	res2 := cache.Get("alice-key")

	log.Println(ExtractCustomType(res1)) // from redis
	log.Println(ExtractCustomType(res2)) // from LRU

Exemple #2
func main() {
	cache, _ := lrcache.NewLRCache(*redisHost, *redisConnPoolSize, *redisPrefix, *lruSize)

	// set 10 elements in the cache. since the LRU size is set to 5,
	// we expect 5 elements in the lru, 5 evictions from lru, and 5 elements in redis
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		key := strconv.Itoa(i)
		value := i
		fmt.Printf("setting key %s with value %d. evicted stuff from cache? %v\n", key, value, cache.Set(key, value))
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		result := cache.Get(strconv.Itoa(i))
		val, err := result.IntVal()
		if err == nil {
			if result.FromRedis() {
				fmt.Printf("value came from redis: %d\n", val)
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("value came from LRU: %d\n", val)
		} else {