// Print current Haxe date and time using the Haxe "target".Lib.println() API if one exists
func main() {

	dateNow := _haxeapi.XDate_now()

	sDate := dateNow.XtoString()

	fTime := dateNow.XgetTime()

	sTime := _haxeapi.XStd_string(fTime)

	s := tardisgolib.Platform() + " says it is " + sDate + "; timstamp= " + sTime

	switch tardisgolib.Platform() {
	case "neko":

	case "cpp":

	case "php":

		// print using the built-in trace-style println() for other platforms

// Print tardisgo web site LICENSE in the simplest way possible
// (this particular formulation does not work for JavaScript, C# or Flash)
func main() {

	s := string(_haxeapi.Xhaxe_Http_requestUrl("http://tardisgo.github.io/LICENSE"))

	switch tardisgolib.Platform() {
	case "neko":

	case "cpp":

	case "php":

		// print using the built-in trace-style println() for other platforms