func (api *API) generateAPICode(apiName string) string {
	className := strings.Title(apiName)
	packageName := strings.ToLower(apiName)
	content := `package org.mozilla.taskcluster.client.` + packageName + `;

import org.mozilla.taskcluster.client.APICallFailure;
import org.mozilla.taskcluster.client.CallSummary;
import org.mozilla.taskcluster.client.Credentials;
import org.mozilla.taskcluster.client.EmptyPayload;
import org.mozilla.taskcluster.client.TaskClusterRequestHandler;

	comment := "/**\n"
	if api.Description != "" {
		comment += utils.Indent(api.Description, " * ", true)
	if len(comment) >= 1 && comment[len(comment)-1:] != "\n" {
		comment += "\n"
	comment += " *\n"
	comment += fmt.Sprintf(" * @see \"[%v API Documentation](%v)\"\n", className, api.apiDef.DocRoot)
	comment += " */\n"
	content += comment
	content += "public class " + className + ` extends TaskClusterRequestHandler {

    protected static final String defaultBaseURL = "` + api.BaseURL + `";

    public ` + className + `(Credentials credentials) {
        super(credentials, defaultBaseURL);

    public ` + className + `(Credentials credentials, String baseURL) {
        super(credentials, baseURL);

    public ` + className + `(String clientId, String accessToken) {
        super(new Credentials(clientId, accessToken), defaultBaseURL);

    public ` + className + `(String clientId, String accessToken, String certificate) {
        super(new Credentials(clientId, accessToken, certificate), defaultBaseURL);

    public ` + className + `(String baseURL) {

    public ` + className + `() {
	for _, entry := range api.Entries {
		content += entry.generateAPICode(apiName)
	content += "}"
	return content
func (entry *APIEntry) generateAPICode(apiName string) string {
	comment := "\n    /**\n"
	if entry.Description != "" {
		comment += utils.Indent(entry.Description, "     * ", true)
	if len(comment) >= 1 && comment[len(comment)-1:] != "\n" {
		comment += "\n"
	comment += requiredScopesComment(entry.Scopes)
	comment += "     *\n"
	comment += fmt.Sprintf("     * @see \"[%v API Documentation](%v#%v)\"\n", entry.Title, entry.Parent.apiDef.DocRoot, entry.Name)
	comment += "     */\n"
	inputParams := ""
	if len(entry.Args) > 0 {
		inputParams += "String " + strings.Join(entry.Args, ", String ")

	apiArgsPayload := "null"
	if entry.Input != "" {
		apiArgsPayload = "payload"
		p := entry.Parent.apiDef.schemas.SubSchema(entry.Input).TypeName + " payload"
		if inputParams == "" {
			inputParams = p
		} else {
			inputParams += ", " + p

	requestType := "EmptyPayload"
	if entry.Input != "" {
		requestType = entry.Parent.apiDef.schemas.SubSchema(entry.Input).TypeName
	responseType := "EmptyPayload"
	if entry.Output != "" {
		responseType = entry.Parent.apiDef.schemas.SubSchema(entry.Output).TypeName
	returnType := "CallSummary<" + requestType + ", " + responseType + ">"

	content := comment
	content += "    public " + returnType + " " + entry.MethodName + "(" + inputParams + ") throws APICallFailure {\n"
	content += "        return apiCall(" + apiArgsPayload + ", \"" + strings.ToUpper(entry.Method) + "\", \"" + strings.Replace(strings.Replace(entry.Route, "<", "\" + uriEncode(", -1), ">", ") + \"", -1) + "\", " + responseType + ".class);\n"
	content += "    }\n"
	// can remove any code that added an empty string to another string
	return strings.Replace(content, ` + ""`, "", -1)
func (jsonSubSchema *JsonSubSchema) TypeDefinition(level int, extraPackages map[string]bool) (classDefinition, comment, typ string) {
	if d := jsonSubSchema.Description; d != nil {
		if desc := *d; desc != "" {
			comment += desc
	if comment != "" && comment[len(comment)-1:] != "\n" {
		comment += "\n"

	// Create comments for metadata in a single paragraph. Only start new
	// paragraph if we discover after inspecting all possible metadata, that
	// something has been specified. If there is no metadata, no need to create
	// a new paragraph.
	var metadata string
	if enum := jsonSubSchema.Enum; enum != nil {
		metadata += "Possible values:\n"
		for _, i := range enum {
			switch i.(type) {
			case float64:
				metadata += fmt.Sprintf("    * %v\n", i)
				metadata += fmt.Sprintf("    * %q\n", i)
	if def := jsonSubSchema.Default; def != nil {
		var value string
		switch (*def).(type) {
		case bool:
			value = strconv.FormatBool((*def).(bool))
		case float64:
			value = strconv.FormatFloat((*def).(float64), 'g', -1, 64)
			value = fmt.Sprintf("%q", *def)
		metadata += "Default:    " + value + "\n"
	if regex := jsonSubSchema.Pattern; regex != nil {
		metadata += "Syntax:     " + *regex + "\n"
	if minItems := jsonSubSchema.MinLength; minItems != nil {
		metadata += "Min length: " + strconv.Itoa(*minItems) + "\n"
	if maxItems := jsonSubSchema.MaxLength; maxItems != nil {
		metadata += "Max length: " + strconv.Itoa(*maxItems) + "\n"
	if minimum := jsonSubSchema.Minimum; minimum != nil {
		metadata += "Mininum:    " + strconv.Itoa(*minimum) + "\n"
	if maximum := jsonSubSchema.Maximum; maximum != nil {
		metadata += "Maximum:    " + strconv.Itoa(*maximum) + "\n"
	// Here we check if metadata was specified, and only create new
	// paragraph (`*\n`) if something was.
	if len(metadata) > 0 {
		comment += "\n" + metadata

	if URL := jsonSubSchema.SourceURL; URL != "" {
		u, err := url.Parse(URL)
		if err == nil && u.Scheme != "file" {
			if len(comment) > 1 {
				comment += "\n"
			comment += "See " + URL + "\n"
	comment = utils.Comment(comment, "")

	typ = "Object"
	if p := jsonSubSchema.Type; p != nil {
		typ = *p
	if p := jsonSubSchema.RefSubSchema; p != nil {
		j := JsonSubSchema(*jsonSubSchema.RefSubSchema)
		_, _, possSimpleType := (&j).TypeDefinition(0, make(map[string]bool))
		switch possSimpleType {
		case "":
			typ = p.TypeName
			typ = possSimpleType
	switch typ {
	case "array":
		if jsonSubSchema.Items != nil {
			if jsonSubSchema.Items.Type != nil {
				j := JsonSubSchema(*jsonSubSchema.Items)
				subClassDefinition, _, subType := (&j).TypeDefinition(level, extraPackages)
				if subType == "" {
					log.Fatalf("%v returns an empty Type", jsonSubSchema.Items.SourceURL)
				typ = subType + "[]"
				classDefinition = subClassDefinition

			} else {
				if refSubSchema := jsonSubSchema.Items.RefSubSchema; refSubSchema != nil {
					if refSubSchema.TypeName == "" {
						log.Fatalf("%v has not set TypeName", refSubSchema.SourceURL)
					typ = refSubSchema.TypeName + "[]"
		} else {
			typ = "Object[]"

	case "object":
		if s := jsonSubSchema.Properties; s != nil {
			typ = jsonSubSchema.TypeName
			classDefinition = "\n" + strings.Repeat("    ", level) + "public class " + typ + " {"
			for _, j := range s.SortedPropertyNames {
				// recursive call to build go types inside structs
				var subType string
				c := JsonSubSchema(*s.Properties[j])
				subMember := s.MemberNames[j]
				subClassDefinition, subComment, subType := (&c).TypeDefinition(level+1, extraPackages)
				classDefinition += "\n"
				classDefinition += subClassDefinition
				classDefinition += "\n"
				classDefinition += utils.Indent(subComment, strings.Repeat("    ", level+1), false)
				classDefinition += strings.Repeat("    ", level+1) + "public " + subType + " " + subMember + ";"
			classDefinition += "\n"
			classDefinition += strings.Repeat("    ", level) + "}"
			classDefinition += "\n"
		} else {
			typ = "Object"
	case "number":
		typ = "int"
	case "integer":
		typ = "int"
	case "boolean":
		typ = "boolean"
	// json type string maps to go type string, so only need to test case of when
	// string is a json date-time, so we can convert to go type time.Time...
	case "string":
		if f := jsonSubSchema.Format; f != nil && *f == "date-time" {
			typ = "Date"
		} else {
			typ = "String"
	switch typ {
	case "Date":
		extraPackages["java.util.Date"] = true
	return classDefinition, comment, typ