Exemple #1
// Transform a BMN coordinate value to a WGS84 based latitude and longitude coordinate. Function returns
// EINVAL, if the meridian stripe of the bmn-coordinate is not set
func BMNToWGS84LatLong(bmncoord *BMNCoord) (*cartconvert.PolarCoord, os.Error) {

	var long0, fe float64

	switch bmncoord.Meridian {
	case BMNM28:
		long0 = 10.0 + 20.0/60.0
		fe = 150000
	case BMNM31:
		long0 = 13.0 + 20.0/60.0
		fe = 450000
	case BMNM34:
		long0 = 16.0 + 20.0/60.0
		fe = 750000
		return nil, os.EINVAL

	gc := cartconvert.InverseTransverseMercator(
		&cartconvert.GeoPoint{Y: bmncoord.Height, X: bmncoord.Right, El: bmncoord.el},

	cart := cartconvert.PolarToCartesian(gc)
	pt := cartconvert.HelmertWGS84ToMGI.InverseTransform(&cartconvert.Point3D{X: cart.X, Y: cart.Y, Z: cart.Z})

	return cartconvert.CartesianToPolar(&cartconvert.CartPoint{X: pt.X, Y: pt.Y, Z: pt.Z, El: cartconvert.WGS84Ellipsoid}), nil
Exemple #2
// Transform a Swiss coordinate value to a GRS80 based latitude and longitude coordinate. Function returns
// EINVAL, if the swiss coordinate type is not one of LV03 or LV95
func SwissCoordToGRS80LatLong(coord *SwissCoord) (*cartconvert.PolarCoord, os.Error) {

	var fn, fe float64

	switch coord.CoordType {
	case LV03:
		fe = 600000
		fn = 200000
	case LV95:
		fe = -2600000
		fn = -1200000
		return nil, os.EINVAL

	gc := cartconvert.InverseTransverseMercator(
		&cartconvert.GeoPoint{Y: coord.Northing, X: coord.Easting, El: coord.el},
		46.952406, // lat0
		7.439583,  // long0
		fe, // fe
		fn) // fn

	cart := cartconvert.PolarToCartesian(gc)
	// According to literature, the Granit87 parameters shall not be used in favour of
	// higher accuracy of the following shift values

	// pt := cartconvert.HelmertLV03ToWGS84Granit87.Transform(&cartconvert.Point3D{X: cart.X, Y: cart.Y, Z: cart.Z})
	pt := &cartconvert.Point3D{X: cart.X + 674.374, Y: cart.Y + 15.056, Z: cart.Z + 405.346}

	return cartconvert.CartesianToPolar(&cartconvert.CartPoint{X: pt.X, Y: pt.Y, Z: pt.Z, El: cartconvert.GRS80Ellipsoid}), nil
Exemple #3
// Convert an OSGB36 coordinate value to a WGS84 based latitude and longitude coordinate.
// Important: A OSGB36 datum like NN11 will be internally expanded to NN1500015000 to point to the middle of the zone.
// For the point at NN1000010000 it is necessary to fully qualify northing and easting.
// Plain grid zone specifiers will NOT be shifted towards the middle of the square.
func OSGB36ToWGS84LatLong(coord *OSGB36Coord) *cartconvert.PolarCoord {

	easting, northing := OSGB36ZoneToRefCoords(coord)

	gc := cartconvert.InverseTransverseMercator(
		&cartconvert.GeoPoint{Y: float64(northing), X: float64(easting), El: coord.el},

	cart := cartconvert.PolarToCartesian(gc)
	pt := cartconvert.HelmertWGS84ToOSGB36.InverseTransform(&cartconvert.Point3D{X: cart.X, Y: cart.Y, Z: cart.Z})

	return cartconvert.CartesianToPolar(&cartconvert.CartPoint{X: pt.X, Y: pt.Y, Z: pt.Z, El: cartconvert.WGS84Ellipsoid})