func makeAndPushEventReply(currentUser *users.User, event *notifications.Event,
	entity notifications.Entity, onlineUser *ws.OnlineUser) {

	// entry := entity.CausedEntry()

	switch event.VType {
	case notifications.VT_DEFAULT, notifications.VT_NEW_POST, notifications.VT_NEW_TODO,
		notifications.VT_NEW_CHAT, notifications.VT_POST_NEED_ACK, notifications.VT_COMMENT_NEED_ACK,
		notifications.VT_NEW_COMMENT, notifications.VT_NEW_KNOWLEDGE, notifications.VT_NEW_SHARED_REQUEST,
		notifications.VT_NEW_QORTEX_FEEDBACK, notifications.VT_NEW_INNER_MESSAGE:

		reply := CountNotification{
			Method:  "Counter.Refresh",
			GroupId: entity.CausedEntry().GroupId.Hex(),
			MyCount: services.UserCountData(onlineUser.AllDBs(), onlineUser.User),

		if event.IsFollowed && currentUser.Id != onlineUser.User.Id {
			reply.Method = "Counter.NewArrived"
			reply.NewEntry = true
			reply.EntryId = entity.NewEntryId().Hex()
			reply.NewMessageNumber = onlineUser.AddNewMessageId(reply.EntryId)

	case notifications.VT_LIKE, notifications.VT_REMOVE_LIKE:

		reply := CountNotification{
			Method:  "Counter.Refresh",
			GroupId: entity.CausedEntry().GroupId.Hex(),
			MyCount: services.UserCountData(onlineUser.AllDBs(), onlineUser.User),
func SendEntryNotification(entryTopicData *nsqproducers.EntryTopicData) (err error) {

	serv, err := MakeWsService(entryTopicData.OrgId, entryTopicData.UserId)
	if err != nil {

	apiEntry := entryTopicData.ApiEntry
	currentOrg := serv.CurrentOrg
	currentUser := serv.LoggedInUser

	// TODO: the db should be group db, not current org db
	db := currentOrg.Database

	entry, err := entries.FindById(db, bson.ObjectIdHex(apiEntry.Id))
	if err != nil {

	var entity notifications.Entity

	switch entryTopicData.Status {
	case nsqproducers.TOPIC_STATUS_CREATE, nsqproducers.TOPIC_STATUS_DELETE, nsqproducers.TOPIC_STATUS_UPDATE:
		entity = notifications.MakeEntryEntity(db, currentOrg, currentUser, entry)

	case nsqproducers.TOPIC_STATUS_LIKE, nsqproducers.TOPIC_STATUS_REMOVE_LIKE:
		hasLiked := (entryTopicData.Status == nsqproducers.TOPIC_STATUS_LIKE)
		entity = notifications.NewLikeEntity(currentOrg, currentUser, entry, hasLiked)

	// currentTime := time.Now()
	causedEntry := entity.CausedEntry()
	causedEntries := entity.CausedEntries()
	eventMap := entity.Events(db)

	// Save or delete notification items
	if err := entity.HandleNotificationItems(db, eventMap); err != nil {
		utils.PrintStackAndError(err) // dont' return

	orgIds := entity.GetToNotifyOrgIds()

	// Build organization map for shared group user
	orgMap := make(map[string]*organizations.Organization)
	orgs, err := organizations.FindByIds(utils.TurnPlainIdsToObjectIds(orgIds))
	if err == nil {
		for _, org := range orgs {
			orgMap[org.Id.Hex()] = org

	onlineUsers := GetOnlineUsersByOrgIds(orgIds)
	emailToUserMap := make(map[string]bool)

	// Handle event for each user
	for toUserId, event := range eventMap {
		// If it is Qortex Support, then the key of the eventMap is "userId-organizationId",
		// which is used to differentiate same user in different organizations
		toUserId = strings.Split(toUserId, "-")[0]

		toUserObjectId := bson.ObjectIdHex(toUserId)
		orgId := bson.ObjectIdHex(event.ToUser.OriginalOrgId)

		// don't notify anything to sender
		if currentUser.Id == toUserObjectId && entity.NotNotifySelf() {

		if entity.NeedResetUserCount() {

			if causedEntries != nil {
				for _, causedEntry := range causedEntries {
					notifications.ResetCount(db, toUserObjectId, causedEntry.GroupId, orgId)

			} else {
				// Reset user mycount for event user
				notifications.ResetCount(db, toUserObjectId, causedEntry.GroupId, orgId)

		onlineUser := pickOnlineUser(toUserObjectId, onlineUsers)
		if onlineUser == nil {

			// Don't send mail multi times to the same member when posting a Qortex Support
			_, exist := emailToUserMap[toUserId]
			if !exist && event.NeedToSendNotificationMail() {
				// Send Mail if user offline, only work in Dev and Production
				// serv.SendNotificationMail(event, apiEntry, currentTime, orgMap)

		} else if entity.NeetToSendRealtimeNotification(onlineUser.User) {
			makeAndPushEventReply(currentUser, event, entity, onlineUser)

		emailToUserMap[toUserId] = true
