Exemple #1
//GetTasks retrieves all the tasks depending on the
//status pending or trashed or completed
func GetTasks(status, category string) (types.Context, error) {
	var tasks []types.Task
	var task types.Task
	var TaskCreated time.Time
	var context types.Context
	var getTasksql string
	var rows *sql.Rows

	comments := GetComments()

	basicSQL := "select id, title, content, created_date, priority from task t"
	if status == "pending" && category == "" {
		getTasksql = basicSQL + " where finish_date is null and is_deleted='N' order by priority desc, created_date asc"
	} else if status == "deleted" {
		getTasksql = basicSQL + " where is_deleted='Y' order by priority desc, created_date asc"
	} else if status == "completed" {
		getTasksql = basicSQL + " where finish_date is not null order by priority desc, created_date asc"

	if category != "" {
		status = category
		getTasksql = "select t.id, title, content, created_date, priority from task t, category c where c.id = t.cat_id and name = ?  and  t.is_deleted!='Y' and t.finish_date is null  order by priority desc, created_date asc, finish_date asc"
		rows, err = database.db.Query(getTasksql, category)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("something went wrong while getting query")
	} else {
		rows = database.query(getTasksql)
	defer rows.Close()
	for rows.Next() {
		task = types.Task{}
		err := rows.Scan(&task.Id, &task.Title, &task.Content, &TaskCreated, &task.Priority)
		task.Content = string(md.Markdown([]byte(task.Content)))
		// TaskContent = strings.Replace(TaskContent, "\n", "<br>", -1)
		if err != nil {

		if comments[task.Id] != nil {
			task.Comments = comments[task.Id]

		TaskCreated = TaskCreated.Local()
		task.Created = TaskCreated.Format(time.UnixDate)[0:20]

		tasks = append(tasks, task)
	context = types.Context{Tasks: tasks, Navigation: status}
	return context, nil
Exemple #2
//SearchTask is used to return the search results depending on the query
func SearchTask(username, query string) (types.Context, error) {
	var tasks []types.Task
	var task types.Task
	var TaskCreated time.Time
	var context types.Context

	comments, err := GetComments(username)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("SearchTask: something went wrong in finding comments")

	userID, err := GetUserID(username)
	if err != nil {
		return context, err

	stmt := "select t.id, title, content, created_date, priority, c.name from task t, category c where t.user_id=? and c.id = t.cat_id and (title like '%" + query + "%' or content like '%" + query + "%') order by created_date desc"

	rows := database.query(stmt, userID, query, query)
	defer rows.Close()
	for rows.Next() {
		err := rows.Scan(&task.Id, &task.Title, &task.Content, &TaskCreated, &task.Priority, &task.Category)
		if err != nil {

		if comments[task.Id] != nil {
			task.Comments = comments[task.Id]

		task.Title = strings.Replace(task.Title, query, "<span class='highlight'>"+query+"</span>", -1)
		task.Content = strings.Replace(task.Content, query, "<span class='highlight'>"+query+"</span>", -1)
		task.Content = string(md.Markdown([]byte(task.Content)))

		TaskCreated = TaskCreated.Local()
		CurrentTime := time.Now().Local()
		week := TaskCreated.AddDate(0, 0, 7)

		if (week.String() < CurrentTime.String()) && (task.Priority != "1") {
			task.IsOverdue = true // If one week then overdue by default
		task.Created = TaskCreated.Format("Jan 2 2006")

		tasks = append(tasks, task)
	context = types.Context{Tasks: tasks, Search: query, Navigation: "search"}
	return context, nil
Exemple #3
//GetTasks retrieves all the tasks depending on the
//status pending or trashed or completed
func GetTasks(username, status, category string) (types.Context, error) {
	log.Println("getting tasks for ", status)
	var tasks []types.Task
	var task types.Task
	var TaskCreated time.Time
	var context types.Context
	var getTaskSQL string
	var rows *sql.Rows

	comments, err := GetComments(username)

	if err != nil {
		return context, err

	basicSQL := "select t.id, title, content, created_date, priority, case when c.name is null then 'NA' else c.name end from task t, status s, user u left outer join  category c on c.id=t.cat_id where u.username=? and s.id=t.task_status_id and u.id=t.user_id "
	if category == "" {
		switch status {
		case "pending":
			getTaskSQL = basicSQL + " and s.status='PENDING' and t.hide!=1"
		case "deleted":
			getTaskSQL = basicSQL + " and s.status='DELETED' and t.hide!=1"
		case "completed":
			getTaskSQL = basicSQL + " and s.status='COMPLETE' and t.hide!=1"

		getTaskSQL += " order by t.created_date asc"

		rows = database.query(getTaskSQL, username, username)
	} else {
		status = category
		//This is a special case for showing tasks with null categories, we do a union query
		if category == "UNCATEGORIZED" {
			getTaskSQL = "select t.id, title, content, created_date, priority, 'UNCATEGORIZED' from task t, status s, user u where u.username=? and s.id=t.task_status_id and u.id=t.user_id and t.cat_id=0  and  s.status='PENDING'  order by priority desc, created_date asc, finish_date asc"
			rows, err = database.db.Query(getTaskSQL, username)
		} else {
			getTaskSQL = basicSQL + " and name = ?  and  s.status='PENDING'  order by priority desc, created_date asc, finish_date asc"
			rows, err = database.db.Query(getTaskSQL, username, category)

		if err != nil {
			log.Println("tasks.go: something went wrong while getting query fetch tasks by category")

	defer rows.Close()
	for rows.Next() {
		task = types.Task{}

		err = rows.Scan(&task.Id, &task.Title, &task.Content, &TaskCreated, &task.Priority, &task.Category)

		taskCompleted := 0
		totalTasks := 0

		if strings.HasPrefix(task.Content, "- [") {
			for _, value := range strings.Split(task.Content, "\n") {
				if strings.HasPrefix(value, "- [x]") {
					taskCompleted += 1
				totalTasks += 1
			task.CompletedMsg = strconv.Itoa(taskCompleted) + " complete out of " + strconv.Itoa(totalTasks)

		task.ContentHTML = template.HTML(md.Markdown([]byte(task.Content)))
		// TaskContent = strings.Replace(TaskContent, "\n", "<br>", -1)
		if err != nil {

		if comments[task.Id] != nil {
			task.Comments = comments[task.Id]

		TaskCreated = TaskCreated.Local()
		// if task.Priority != "1" { // if priority is not 1 then calculate, else why bother?
		// CurrentTime := time.Now().Local()
		// diff := CurrentTime.Sub(TaskCreated).Hours()
		// if diff > 168 {
		// 	task.IsOverdue = true // If one week then overdue by default
		// }
		// }
		task.Created = TaskCreated.Format("Jan 2 2006")

		tasks = append(tasks, task)
	context = types.Context{Tasks: tasks, Navigation: status}
	return context, nil