Exemple #1
func (s *SnapTestSuite) setupSnappyDependentServices(c *C) (string, *MockProgressMeter) {
	inter := &MockProgressMeter{}
	fmkYaml := `name: fmk
version: 1.0
type: framework
version: `
	fmkFile := makeTestSnapPackage(c, fmkYaml+"1")
	_, err := installClick(fmkFile, AllowUnauthenticated, inter, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	packageYaml := `name: foo
icon: foo.svg
 - fmk
 - name: svc1
   start: bin/hello
 - name: svc2
   start: bin/bye
version: `
	snapFile := makeTestSnapPackage(c, packageYaml+"1.0")
	_, err = installClick(snapFile, AllowUnauthenticated, inter, testOrigin)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapServicesDir, "foo_svc1_1.0.service")), Equals, true)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapServicesDir, "foo_svc2_1.0.service")), Equals, true)

	return fmkYaml, inter
func (ts *FileLockTestSuite) TestFileLock(c *C) {
	lockfile := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "lock")

	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(lockfile), Equals, false)

	lock := NewFileLock(lockfile)
	c.Assert(lock, Not(IsNil))
	c.Assert(lock.Filename, Equals, lockfile)
	c.Assert(lock.realFile, IsNil)

	err := lock.Unlock()
	c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrNotLocked)

	// can only test non-blocking in a single process.
	err = lock.Lock(false)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(lockfile), Equals, true)
	c.Assert(lock.Filename, Equals, lockfile)
	c.Assert(lock.realFile, Not(IsNil))

	err = lock.Lock(false)
	c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrAlreadyLocked)

	err = lock.Unlock()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(lockfile), Equals, false)
	c.Assert(lock.Filename, Equals, "")
	c.Assert(lock.realFile, IsNil)
Exemple #3
func (s *SnapTestSuite) TestSnappyHandleServicesOnInstall(c *C) {
	packageYaml := `name: foo
icon: foo.svg
 - name: service
   start: bin/hello
	snapFile := makeTestSnapPackage(c, packageYaml+"version: 1.0")
	_, err := installClick(snapFile, AllowUnauthenticated, nil, "mvo")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	servicesFile := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapServicesDir, "foo_service_1.0.service")
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(servicesFile), Equals, true)
	st, err := os.Stat(servicesFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	// should _not_ be executable
	c.Assert(st.Mode().String(), Equals, "-rw-r--r--")

	// and that it gets removed on remove
	snapDir := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSnapsDir, "foo.mvo", "1.0")
	yamlPath := filepath.Join(snapDir, "meta", "package.yaml")
	part, err := NewInstalledSnapPart(yamlPath, testOrigin)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = part.remove(&progress.NullProgress{})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(servicesFile), Equals, false)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(snapDir), Equals, false)
Exemple #4
func (s *SnapTestSuite) TestRemoveHWAccess(c *C) {
	makeInstalledMockSnap(s.tempdir, "")
	err := AddHWAccess("hello-app", "/dev/ttyUSB0")

	// check that the udev rules file got created
	udevRulesFilename := "70-snappy_hwassign_hello-app.rules"
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapUdevRulesDir, udevRulesFilename)), Equals, true)

	writePaths, err := ListHWAccess("hello-app")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(writePaths, DeepEquals, []string{"/dev/ttyUSB0"})

	regenerateAppArmorRulesWasCalled := mockRegenerateAppArmorRules()
	err = RemoveHWAccess("hello-app", "/dev/ttyUSB0")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(*regenerateAppArmorRulesWasCalled, Equals, true)

	writePaths, err = ListHWAccess("hello-app")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(writePaths, HasLen, 0)

	// check that the udev rules file got removed on unassign
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapUdevRulesDir, udevRulesFilename)), Equals, false)

	// check the json.additional got cleaned out
	content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapAppArmorAdditionalDir, "hello-app.hwaccess.yaml"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(string(content), Equals, "{}\n")
func (s *PartitionTestSuite) TestHandleAssets(c *C) {
	p := New()
	bootloader, err := bootloader(p)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// mock the hardwareYaml and the cacheDir
	hardwareSpecFile = makeHardwareYaml(c, "")
	cacheDir = c.MkDir()

	// create mock assets/

	// run the handle assets code
	err = bootloader.HandleAssets()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// ensure the files are where we expect them
	otherBootPath := bootloader.(*uboot).otherBootPath
	for _, f := range []string{"vmlinuz", "initrd.img", "dtbs/foo.dtb", "dtbs/bar.dtb"} {
		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(otherBootPath, f))
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		// match content
		c.Assert(strings.HasSuffix(string(content), f), Equals, true)

	// ensure nothing left behind
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(cacheDir, "assets")), Equals, false)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(hardwareSpecFile), Equals, false)
Exemple #6
func (s *purgeSuite) TestPurgeMultiContinuesOnFail(c *C) {
	inter := &MockProgressMeter{}
	ddirs0, _ := s.mkpkg(c, "v0")
	ddirs1, _ := s.mkpkg(c, "v1")
	ddirs2, _ := s.mkpkg(c, "v2")

	count := 0
	anError := errors.New("fail")
	remove = func(n, v string) error {

		// Fail to remove v1
		if v == "v1" {
			return anError
		return removeSnapData(n, v)
	defer func() { remove = removeSnapData }()

	err := Purge("hello-app", 0, inter)
	c.Check(err, Equals, anError)
	c.Check(count, Equals, 6)
	for _, ddir := range ddirs0 {
		c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir), Equals, false)
	for _, ddir := range ddirs1 {
		c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir), Equals, true)
	for _, ddir := range ddirs2 {
		c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir), Equals, false)
	c.Assert(inter.notified, HasLen, 2)
	c.Check(inter.notified[0], Matches, `unable to purge.*fail`)
	c.Check(inter.notified[1], Matches, `unable to purge.*fail`)
Exemple #7
func (s *purgeSuite) TestPurgeMultiContinuesOnFail(c *C) {
	inter := &MockProgressMeter{}
	ddir0, _ := s.mkpkg(c, "v0")
	ddir1, _ := s.mkpkg(c, "v1")
	ddir2, _ := s.mkpkg(c, "v2")

	count := 0
	anError := errors.New("fail")
	remove = func(n, v string) error {
		if count == 2 {
			return anError
		return removeSnapData(n, v)
	defer func() { remove = removeSnapData }()

	err := Purge("hello-app", 0, inter)
	c.Check(err, Equals, anError)
	c.Check(count, Equals, 3)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir0), Equals, false)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir1), Equals, true)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir2), Equals, false)
	c.Assert(inter.notified, HasLen, 1)
	c.Check(inter.notified[0], Matches, `unable to purge.*fail`)
Exemple #8
func (s *SnapTestSuite) TestSnappyHandleServicesOnInstall(c *C) {
	snapYamlContent := `name: foo
   command: bin/hello
   daemon: forking
	snapFile := makeTestSnapPackage(c, snapYamlContent+"version: 1.0")
	_, err := installClick(snapFile, AllowUnauthenticated, nil, "mvo")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	servicesFile := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapServicesDir, "foo_service_1.0.service")
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(servicesFile), Equals, true)
	st, err := os.Stat(servicesFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	// should _not_ be executable
	c.Assert(st.Mode().String(), Equals, "-rw-r--r--")

	// and that it gets removed on remove
	snapDir := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSnapsDir, "foo.mvo", "1.0")
	yamlPath := filepath.Join(snapDir, "meta", "snap.yaml")
	part, err := NewInstalledSnapPart(yamlPath, testOrigin)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = (&Overlord{}).Uninstall(part, &MockProgressMeter{})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(servicesFile), Equals, false)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(snapDir), Equals, false)
Exemple #9
func (s *SnapTestSuite) TestSnappyHandleBinariesOnInstall(c *C) {
	packageYaml := `name: foo
icon: foo.svg
 - name: bin/bar
	snapFile := makeTestSnapPackage(c, packageYaml+"version: 1.0")
	_, err := installClick(snapFile, AllowUnauthenticated, nil, "mvo")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// ensure that the binary wrapper file go generated with the right
	// name
	binaryWrapper := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapBinariesDir, "foo.bar")
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(binaryWrapper), Equals, true)

	// and that it gets removed on remove
	snapDir := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSnapsDir, "foo.mvo", "1.0")
	yamlPath := filepath.Join(snapDir, "meta", "package.yaml")
	part, err := NewInstalledSnapPart(yamlPath, testOrigin)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = part.remove(&MockProgressMeter{})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(binaryWrapper), Equals, false)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(snapDir), Equals, false)
// BootloaderDir returns the full path to the (mounted and writable)
// bootloader-specific boot directory.
func BootloaderDir() string {
	if helpers.FileExists(bootloaderUbootDir()) {
		return bootloaderUbootDir()
	} else if helpers.FileExists(bootloaderGrubDir()) {
		return bootloaderGrubDir()

	return ""
Exemple #11
func (s *purgeSuite) TestPurgeMultiOK(c *C) {
	inter := &MockProgressMeter{}
	ddir0, _ := s.mkpkg(c, "v0")
	ddir1, _ := s.mkpkg(c, "v1")

	err := Purge("hello-app", 0, inter)
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir0), Equals, false)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir1), Equals, false)
	c.Check(inter.notified, HasLen, 0)
Exemple #12
func (s *SquashfsTestSuite) TestUnpackMeta(c *C) {
	snap := makeSnap(c, "", "random-data")

	outputDir := c.MkDir()
	err := snap.UnpackMeta(outputDir)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// we got the meta/ stuff
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(outputDir, "meta/package.yaml")), Equals, true)
	// ... but not the data
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(outputDir, "data.bin")), Equals, false)
Exemple #13
func (s *purgeSuite) TestPurgeRemovedWorks(c *C) {
	inter := &MockProgressMeter{}
	ddir, part := s.mkpkg(c)

	err := part.remove(inter)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir), Equals, true)

	err = Purge("hello-app", 0, inter)
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir), Equals, false)
Exemple #14
func (ts *FileLockTestSuite) TestFileLock(c *C) {
	path := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "lock")

	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(path), Equals, false)

	lock, err := lockfile.Lock(path, false)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(lock > 0, Equals, true)

	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(path), Equals, true)

	err = lock.Unlock()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Exemple #15
func (s *SnapTestSuite) TestRemoveAllHWAccess(c *C) {
	makeInstalledMockSnap(s.tempdir, "")

	err := AddHWAccess("hello-app", "/dev/ttyUSB0")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	regenerateAppArmorRulesWasCalled := mockRegenerateAppArmorRules()
	c.Check(*regenerateAppArmorRulesWasCalled, Equals, false)
	c.Check(RemoveAllHWAccess("hello-app"), IsNil)

	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapUdevRulesDir, "70-snappy_hwassign_foo-app.rules")), Equals, false)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapAppArmorAdditionalDir, "hello-app.hwaccess.yaml")), Equals, false)
	c.Check(*regenerateAppArmorRulesWasCalled, Equals, true)
Exemple #16
func (s *OemSuite) TestCleanupOemHardwareRules(c *C) {
	m, err := parsePackageYamlData(hardwareYaml, false)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	err = writeApparmorAdditionalFile(m)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	additionalFile := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapAppArmorDir, "device-hive-iot-hal.json.additional")
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(additionalFile), Equals, true)

	err = cleanupOemHardwareUdevRules(m)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(additionalFile), Equals, false)
Exemple #17
func (s *SnapTestSuite) TestWriteCompatManifestJSONNoFollow(c *C) {
	manifest := []byte(`{
    "name": "hello-world"
	manifestJSON := filepath.Join(s.tempdir, "hello-world.some-origin.manifest")
	symlinkTarget := filepath.Join(s.tempdir, "symlink-target")
	os.Symlink(symlinkTarget, manifestJSON)
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(symlinkTarget), Equals, false)

	err := writeCompatManifestJSON(s.tempdir, manifest, "some-origin")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(manifestJSON), Equals, true)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(symlinkTarget), Equals, false)
Exemple #18
// Icon returns the path to the icon
func (s *SnapPart) Icon() string {
	if helpers.FileExists(iconPath(s)) {
		return iconPath(s)

	return filepath.Join(s.basedir, s.m.Icon)
Exemple #19
func (s *RemoteSnapPart) downloadIcon(pbar progress.Meter) error {
	if err := os.MkdirAll(dirs.SnapIconsDir, 0755); err != nil {
		return err

	iconPath := iconPath(s)
	if helpers.FileExists(iconPath) {
		return nil

	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", s.Icon(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	w, err := os.OpenFile(iconPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer w.Close()

	if err := download("icon for package", w, req, pbar); err != nil {
		return err

	return w.Sync()
Exemple #20
func (s *SnapPart) remove(inter interacter) (err error) {
	// TODO[JRL]: check the logic here. I'm not sure “remove
	// everything if active, and the click hooks if not” makes
	// sense. E.g. are we removing fmk bins on fmk upgrade? Etc.
	if err := removeClickHooks(s.m, s.origin, false); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := s.deactivate(false, inter); err != nil && err != ErrSnapNotActive {
		return err

	err = os.RemoveAll(s.basedir)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// best effort(?)

	// don't fail if icon can't be removed
	if helpers.FileExists(iconPath(s)) {
		if err := os.Remove(iconPath(s)); err != nil {
			logger.Noticef("Failed to remove store icon %s: %s", iconPath(s), err)

	return nil
Exemple #21
func (s *purgeSuite) TestPurgeRemovedWorks(c *C) {
	inter := &MockProgressMeter{}
	ddirs, part := s.mkpkg(c)

	err := (&Overlord{}).Uninstall(part, &MockProgressMeter{})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	for _, ddir := range ddirs {
		c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir), Equals, true)

	err = Purge("hello-app", 0, inter)
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	for _, ddir := range ddirs {
		c.Check(helpers.FileExists(ddir), Equals, false)
func (s *PartitionTestSuite) TestSyncBootFilesWithAssets(c *C) {
	err := os.MkdirAll(bootloaderGrubDir, 0755)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	runCommand = mockRunCommand
	b := grub{
			currentBootPath: c.MkDir(),
			otherBootPath:   c.MkDir(),
			bootloaderDir:   c.MkDir(),

	bootfile := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "bootfile")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(bootfile, []byte(bootfile), 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	bootassets := map[string]string{
		bootfile: filepath.Base(bootfile),

	err = b.SyncBootFiles(bootassets)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	dst := filepath.Join(b.bootloaderDir, bootassets[bootfile])
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(dst), Equals, true)
	c.Check(helpers.FilesAreEqual(bootfile, dst), Equals, true)
Exemple #23
func (s *purgeSuite) TestPurgeActiveRestartServices(c *C) {
	inter := &MockProgressMeter{}
	ddirs, part := s.mkpkg(c, "v1", `apps:
  command: foo
  daemon: forking
	c.Assert(part.activate(true, inter), IsNil)
	for _, ddir := range ddirs {
		canary := filepath.Join(ddir, "canary")
		c.Assert(os.Mkdir(canary, 0755), IsNil)

	called := [][]string{}
	systemd.SystemctlCmd = func(cmd ...string) ([]byte, error) {
		called = append(called, cmd)
		return []byte("ActiveState=inactive\n"), nil

	err := Purge("hello-app", DoPurgeActive, inter)
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	for _, ddir := range ddirs {
		c.Check(helpers.FileExists(filepath.Join(ddir, "canary")), Equals, false)
	c.Assert(inter.notified, HasLen, 1)
	c.Check(inter.notified[0], Matches, `Waiting for .* to stop.`)
	rv := make(map[string]int)
	for i, c := range called {
		rv[c[0]] = i + 1
	c.Check(rv["stop"] > 0 && rv["start"] > rv["stop"], Equals, true)
Exemple #24
func (s *SquashfsTestSuite) TestInstallFailUnmountsSnap(c *C) {
	snapPkg := makeTestSnapPackage(c, `name: hello
version: 1.10
  command: some-binary
  uses: [some-binary]

  type: migration-skill
  security-template: not-there
	// install but our missing security-template will break the install
	_, err := (&Overlord{}).Install(snapPkg, "origin", 0, &MockProgressMeter{})
	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "could not find specified template: not-there.*")

	// ensure the mount unit is not there
	mup := systemd.MountUnitPath("/snaps/hello.origin/1.10", "mount")
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(mup), Equals, false)

	// ensure that the mount gets unmounted and stopped
	c.Assert(s.systemdCmds, DeepEquals, [][]string{
		{"start", "snaps-hello.origin-1.10.mount"},
		{"--root", dirs.GlobalRootDir, "disable", "snaps-hello.origin-1.10.mount"},
		{"stop", "snaps-hello.origin-1.10.mount"},
		{"show", "--property=ActiveState", "snaps-hello.origin-1.10.mount"},
Exemple #25
func (s *SquashfsTestSuite) TestRemoveSquashfsMountUnit(c *C) {
	m := &snapYaml{}
	inter := &MockProgressMeter{}
	err := addSquashfsMount(m, filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSnapsDir, "foo.origin/1.0"), true, inter)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// ensure we have the files
	p := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapServicesDir, "snaps-foo.origin-1.0.mount")
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(p), Equals, true)

	// now call remove and ensure they are gone
	err = removeSquashfsMount(m, filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSnapsDir, "foo.origin/1.0"), inter)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	p = filepath.Join(dirs.SnapServicesDir, "snaps-foo.origin-1.0.mount")
	c.Assert(helpers.FileExists(p), Equals, false)
Exemple #26
// MigrateToDynamicGrub rearranges things to work with the old,
// dynamic grub setup. Needed for when you rollback over the switch to
// static grub.
func MigrateToDynamicGrub() error {
	grubConfigRaw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(bootloaderGrubConfigFile())
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return err

	grubConfig := string(grubConfigRaw)
	if !isOldGrubConfig(grubConfig) {
		// nothing to do
		return nil

	part := New()
	// first copy current kernel/initrd to /boot/grub/$current (a or b)
	if err := copyKernelAssets("/", part.rootPartition().shortName); err != nil {
		return err

	// then copy other kernel/initrd to /boot/grub/$other (a or b)
	if helpers.FileExists("/writable/cache/system/boot") {
		if err := copyKernelAssets("/writable/cache/system/", part.otherRootPartition().shortName); err != nil {
			return err

	return helpers.AtomicWriteFile(bootloaderGrubConfigFile(), []byte(newGrubConfig), 0644, 0)
Exemple #27
func (dbs *databaseSuite) TestGenerateKey(c *C) {
	fingerp, err := dbs.db.GenerateKey("account0")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(fingerp, NotNil)
	keyPath := filepath.Join(dbs.topDir, "private-keys-v0/account0", fingerp)
	c.Check(helpers.FileExists(keyPath), Equals, true)
Exemple #28
// IsSideLoaded determines if the system was installed using a
// custom enablement part.
func IsSideLoaded(bootloaderDir string) bool {
	file := filepath.Join(bootloaderDir, InstallYamlFile)

	if !helpers.FileExists(file) {
		// the system may have been sideloaded, but we have no
		// way of knowing :-(
		return false

	InstallYaml, err := parseInstallYaml(file)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Noticef("Kernel sideload cannot be read, assuming sideload: %s", err)
		// file isn't parseable, so let's assume system is sideloaded
		return true

	if InstallYaml.InstallOptions.DevicePart != "" {
		// system was created with something like:
		//  "ubuntu-device-flash [...] --device-part=unofficial-assets.tar.xz ..."
		return true

	return false
Exemple #29
// regeneratePolicyForSnap is used to regenerate all security policy for a
// given snap
func regeneratePolicyForSnap(snapname string) error {
	globExpr := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapAppArmorDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s_*", snapname))
	matches, err := filepath.Glob(globExpr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(matches) == 0 {
		// Nothing to regenerate is not an error
		return nil

	appliedVersion := ""
	for _, profile := range matches {
		appID, err := newAppID(filepath.Base(profile))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if appID.Version != appliedVersion {
			// FIXME: dirs.SnapAppsDir is too simple, gadget
			fn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapAppsDir, appID.Pkgname, appID.Version, "meta", "package.yaml")
			if !helpers.FileExists(fn) {
			err := GeneratePolicyFromFile(fn, true)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			appliedVersion = appID.Version

	return nil
Exemple #30
// InDeveloperMode returns true if the image was build with --developer-mode
func InDeveloperMode() bool {
	// FIXME: this is a bit terrible, we really need a single
	//        bootloader dir like /boot or /boot/loader
	//        instead of having to query the partition code
	bootloader, err := findBootloader()
	if err != nil {
		// can only happy on systems like ubuntu classic
		// that are not full snappy systems
		return false

	file := filepath.Join(bootloader.Dir(), InstallYamlFile)
	if !helpers.FileExists(file) {
		// no idea
		return false

	InstallYaml, err := parseInstallYaml(file)
	if err != nil {
		// no idea
		return false

	return InstallYaml.InstallOptions.DeveloperMode