Exemple #1
// SetUpSuite disables the snappy autopilot. It will run before all the
// integration suites.
func (s *SnappySuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
	var err error
	Cfg, err = config.ReadConfig(config.DefaultFileName)
	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, check.Commentf("Error reading config: %v", err))

	if !IsInRebootProcess() {
		if Cfg.Update || Cfg.Rollback {
			// TODO handle updates to a different release and channel.
			// Always use the installed snappy because we are updating from an old
			// image, so we should not use the snappy from the branch.
			output := cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "/usr/bin/snappy", "update")
			expected := "(?ms)" +
				".*" +
				fmt.Sprintf("^Reboot to use %s version .*\\.\n", partition.OSSnapName(c))
			c.Assert(output, check.Matches, expected)
			RebootWithMark(c, "setupsuite-update")
	} else if CheckRebootMark("setupsuite-update") {
		// Update was already executed. Update the config so it's not triggered again.
		Cfg.Update = false
		if Cfg.Rollback {
			cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "snappy", "rollback", partition.OSSnapName(c))
			RebootWithMark(c, "setupsuite-rollback")
	} else if CheckRebootMark("setupsuite-rollback") {
		// Rollback was already executed. Update the config so it's not triggered again.
		Cfg.Rollback = false
Exemple #2
// SetUpSuite disables the snappy autopilot. It will run before all the
// integration suites.
func (s *SnappySuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
	var err error
	Cfg, err = config.ReadConfig(
	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, check.Commentf("Error reading config: %v", err))

	if !IsInRebootProcess() {
		if Cfg.Update || Cfg.Rollback {
			switchSystemImageConf(c, Cfg.TargetRelease, Cfg.TargetChannel, "0")
			// Always use the installed snappy because we are updating from an old
			// image, so we should not use the snappy from the branch.
			output := cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "/usr/bin/snappy", "update")
			if output != "" {
				RebootWithMark(c, "setupsuite-update")
	} else if CheckRebootMark("setupsuite-update") {
		// Update was already executed. Update the config so it's not triggered again.
		Cfg.Update = false
		if Cfg.Rollback {
			cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "snappy", "rollback", "ubuntu-core")
			RebootWithMark(c, "setupsuite-rollback")
	} else if CheckRebootMark("setupsuite-rollback") {
		// Rollback was already executed. Update the config so it's not triggered again.
		Cfg.Rollback = false
func (s *snapRefreshAppSuite) TestAppUpdate(c *check.C) {
	c.Skip("port to snapd")

	snap := "hello-world.canonical"
	storeSnap := fmt.Sprintf("%s", snap)

	// install edge version from the store (which is squshfs)
	cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "snap", "install", storeSnap)
	defer cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "snap", "remove", snap)

	// make a fakestore and make it available to snapd

	// use /var/tmp is not a tempfs for space reasons
	blobDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("/var/tmp", "snap-fake-store-blobs-")
	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
	defer cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "rm", "-rf", blobDir)

	fakeStore := store.NewStore(blobDir)
	err = fakeStore.Start()
	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
	defer fakeStore.Stop()

	env := fmt.Sprintf(`SNAPPY_FORCE_CPI_URL=%s`, fakeStore.URL())
	cfg, _ := config.ReadConfig(config.DefaultFileName)
	setUpSnapd(c, cfg.FromBranch, env)

	// run the fake update
	output := updates.CallFakeSnapRefresh(c, snap, updates.NoOp, fakeStore)
	c.Assert(output, check.Matches, "(?ms).*^hello-world.*fake1.*")
Exemple #4
// SetUpSuite disables the snappy autopilot. It will run before all the
// integration suites.
func (s *SnappySuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
	var err error
	Cfg, err = config.ReadConfig(
	c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, check.Commentf("Error reading config: %v", err))

	if !IsInRebootProcess() {
		if Cfg.Update || Cfg.Rollback {
			// TODO handle updates to a different release and channel.
			// Always use the installed snappy because we are updating from an old
			// image, so we should not use the snappy from the branch.
			output := cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "/usr/bin/snappy", "update")
			// TODO raise an error if there is no available update.
			if output != "" {
				RebootWithMark(c, "setupsuite-update")
	} else if CheckRebootMark("setupsuite-update") {
		// Update was already executed. Update the config so it's not triggered again.
		Cfg.Update = false
		if Cfg.Rollback {
			cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "snappy", "rollback", partition.OSSnapName(c))
			RebootWithMark(c, "setupsuite-rollback")
	} else if CheckRebootMark("setupsuite-rollback") {
		// Rollback was already executed. Update the config so it's not triggered again.
		Cfg.Rollback = false
Exemple #5
// AddOptionsToCommand inserts the required coverage options in
// the given snappy command slice
func AddOptionsToCommand(cmds []string) ([]string, error) {
	index := findIndex(cmds, "snappy", "snap", "snapd")
	if index != -1 {
		cfg, err := config.ReadConfig(config.DefaultFileName)
		if err != nil {
			return []string{}, err
		if cfg.FromBranch {
			return addCoverageOptions(cmds, index)
	return cmds, nil
Exemple #6
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) {
	output := io.MultiWriter(
	runner.TestingT(t, output)

	if _, err := os.Stat(config.DefaultFileName); err == nil {
		cfg, err := config.ReadConfig(config.DefaultFileName)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error reading config: %v", err)

		if err := tearDownSnapd(cfg.FromBranch); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Error stopping daemon: %v", err)
Exemple #7
func init() {
	c := &check.C{}
	// Workaround for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1498293
	// TODO remove once the bug is fixed
	// originally added by elopio - 2015-09-30 to the rollback test, moved
	// here by --fgimenez - 2015-10-15
	wait.ForFunction(c, "regular", partition.Mode)

	if _, err := os.Stat(config.DefaultFileName); err == nil {
		cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "systemctl", "stop", "snappy-autopilot.timer")
		cli.ExecCommand(c, "sudo", "systemctl", "disable", "snappy-autopilot.timer")

		cfg, err := config.ReadConfig(config.DefaultFileName)
		c.Assert(err, check.IsNil, check.Commentf("Error reading config: %v", err))

		setUpSnapd(c, cfg.FromBranch, "")