Exemple #1
func needCheckUpdate() bool {
	// Does not have record for check update.
	stamp, err := Cfg.Int64("app", "update_check_time")
	if err != nil {
		return true

	if !com.IsFile("conf/docTree.json") || !com.IsFile("conf/blogTree.json") {
		return true

	return time.Unix(stamp, 0).Add(5 * time.Minute).Before(time.Now())
Exemple #2
// copy static assets
func (b *Builder) copyAssets(ctx *Context, srcDir string, dstDir string) error {
	return filepath.Walk(srcDir, func(p string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if fi.IsDir() {
			return nil

		// if file exist, check mod time
		rel, _ := filepath.Rel(srcDir, p)
		toFile := filepath.Join(dstDir, rel)
		if com.IsFile(toFile) {
			if fi2, _ := os.Stat(toFile); fi2 != nil {
				if fi2.ModTime().Sub(fi.ModTime()).Seconds() > 0 {
					ctx.Diff.Add(toFile, DIFF_KEEP, fi2.ModTime())
					return nil
				if err := helper.CopyFile(p, toFile); err != nil {
					return err
				ctx.Diff.Add(toFile, DIFF_UPDATE, time.Now())
				return nil

		// not exist, just copy
		if err := helper.CopyFile(p, toFile); err != nil {
			return err
		ctx.Diff.Add(toFile, DIFF_ADD, time.Now())
		return nil
Exemple #3
func LoadPkgNameList(filePath string) {
	PackageNameList = make(map[string]string)

	// If file does not exist, simply ignore.
	if !com.IsFile(filePath) {

	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Package name list", "Fail to read file")
		log.Fatal("", err.Error())

	pkgs := strings.Split(string(data), "\n")
	for i, line := range pkgs {
		infos := strings.Split(line, "=")
		if len(infos) != 2 {
			// Last item might be empty line.
			if i == len(pkgs)-1 {
			log.Error("", "Fail to parse package name: "+line)
			log.Fatal("", "Invalid package name information")
		PackageNameList[strings.TrimSpace(infos[0])] =
Exemple #4
func TarGzDownload(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) {
	commitId := ctx.Repo.CommitId
	archivesPath := filepath.Join(ctx.Repo.GitRepo.Path, "archives/targz")
	if !com.IsDir(archivesPath) {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(archivesPath, 0755); err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(404, "TarGzDownload -> os.Mkdir(archivesPath)", err)

	archivePath := filepath.Join(archivesPath, commitId+".tar.gz")

	if com.IsFile(archivePath) {
		ctx.ServeFile(archivePath, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name+".tar.gz")

	err := ctx.Repo.Commit.CreateArchive(archivePath, git.AT_TARGZ)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Handle(404, "TarGzDownload -> CreateArchive "+archivePath, err)

	ctx.ServeFile(archivePath, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name+".tar.gz")
Exemple #5
func Pages(ctx *middleware.Context) {
	toc := models.Tocs[ctx.Locale.Language()]
	if toc == nil {
		toc = models.Tocs[setting.Docs.Langs[0]]

	pageName := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.Req.URL.Path[1:], ".html"))
	for i := range toc.Pages {
		if toc.Pages[i].Name == pageName {
			page := toc.Pages[i]
			if !com.IsFile(page.FileName) {
				ctx.Data["IsShowingDefault"] = true
				page = models.Tocs[setting.Docs.Langs[0]].Pages[i]
			if !setting.ProdMode {

			ctx.Data["Title"] = page.Title
			ctx.Data["Content"] = fmt.Sprintf(`<script type="text/javascript" src="/%s/%s?=%d"></script>`, toc.Lang, page.DocumentPath+".js", page.LastBuildTime)
			ctx.Data["Pages"] = toc.Pages

			renderEditPage(ctx, page.DocumentPath)
			ctx.HTML(200, "docs")

Exemple #6
func (p *FileProvider) regenerate(oldsid, sid string) (err error) {
	defer p.lock.Unlock()

	filename := p.filepath(sid)
	if com.IsExist(filename) {
		return fmt.Errorf("new sid '%s' already exists", sid)

	oldname := p.filepath(oldsid)
	if !com.IsFile(oldname) {
		data, err := EncodeGob(make(map[interface{}]interface{}))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err = os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(oldname), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
			return err
		if err = ioutil.WriteFile(oldname, data, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
			return err

	if err = os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(filename), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
		return err
	if err = os.Rename(oldname, filename); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Exemple #7
func InitSetting() {
	var err error
	WorkDir, err = os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Fail to get work directory: %v", err)

	confPath := path.Join(WorkDir, ".bra.toml")
	if !com.IsFile(confPath) {
		log.Fatal(".bra.toml not found in work directory")
	} else if _, err = toml.DecodeFile(confPath, &Cfg); err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Fail to decode .bra.toml: %v", err)

	if Cfg.Run.InterruptTimeout == 0 {
		Cfg.Run.InterruptTimeout = 15

	// Init default ignore lists.
	Cfg.Run.IgnoreDirs = com.AppendStr(Cfg.Run.IgnoreDirs, ".git")
	Cfg.Run.IgnoreRegexps = make([]*regexp.Regexp, len(Cfg.Run.IgnoreFiles))
	for i, regStr := range Cfg.Run.IgnoreFiles {
		Cfg.Run.IgnoreRegexps[i], err = regexp.Compile(regStr)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("Invalid regexp[%s]: %v", regStr, err)
Exemple #8
func ExampleIsFile() {
	if com.IsFile("file.go") {
		fmt.Println("file.go exists")
	fmt.Println("file.go is not a file or does not exist")
Exemple #9
func TestRegister(t *testing.T) {
	e := s.Register(new(School), 55)
	if e != nil {
	name := strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprint(reflect.TypeOf(new(School)).Elem()))
	sc := s.schema[name]
	if sc == nil {
		printError(t, "RegisterNoSchema", name, nil)
	if sc.PK != "Id" {
		printError(t, "RegisterPk", "Id", sc.PK)

	if sc.Index[0] != "Rank" {
		printError(t, "RegisterIndexHas", "Rank", sc.Index[1])

	file := path.Join(directory, name, "rank.idx")
	if !com.IsFile(file) {
		printError(t, "RegisterHasFile:"+file, true, false)

	if sc.ChunkSize != 55 {
		printError(t, "RegisterChunkSize", 55, sc.ChunkSize)

Exemple #10
func DeleteUploads(uploads ...*Upload) (err error) {
	if len(uploads) == 0 {
		return nil

	sess := x.NewSession()
	defer sessionRelease(sess)
	if err = sess.Begin(); err != nil {
		return err

	ids := make([]int64, len(uploads))
	for i := 0; i < len(uploads); i++ {
		ids[i] = uploads[i].ID
	if _, err = sess.In("id", ids).Delete(new(Upload)); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("delete uploads: %v", err)

	for _, upload := range uploads {
		localPath := upload.LocalPath()
		if !com.IsFile(localPath) {

		if err := os.Remove(localPath); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("remove upload: %v", err)

	return sess.Commit()
Exemple #11
func init() {
	var err error
	Cfg, err = ini.Load(CFG_PATH)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("fail to load config file '%s': %v", CFG_PATH, err))
	if com.IsFile(CFG_CUSTOM_PATH) {
		if err = Cfg.Append(CFG_CUSTOM_PATH); err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Errorf("fail to load config file '%s': %v", CFG_CUSTOM_PATH, err))

	appNames := Cfg.Section("").Key("apps").Strings(",")
	Apps = make([]App, len(appNames))
	for i, name := range appNames {
		Apps[i] = App{name, Cfg.Section(name).Key("repo_name").String()}

	sec := Cfg.Section("app")
	if sec.Key("run_mode").MustString("dev") == "prod" {
		macaron.Env = macaron.PROD
	HttpPort = sec.Key("http_port").MustInt(8091)
	Https = sec.Key("https").MustBool()
	HttpsCert = sec.Key("https_cert").String()
	HttpsKey = sec.Key("https_key").String()

	Langs = Cfg.Section("i18n").Key("langs").Strings(",")
	Names = Cfg.Section("i18n").Key("names").Strings(",")

	setGithubCredentials(Cfg.Section("github").Key("client_id").String(), Cfg.Section("github").Key("client_secret").String())
Exemple #12
// get current theme
func GetCurrentTheme() (*Theme, error) {
	themeSetting, err := GetSettings("theme")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	t := new(Theme)
	t.Directory = themeSetting["theme"]
	t.IsCurrent = true
	tomlFile := path.Join("static", t.Directory, "theme.toml")
	if com.IsFile(tomlFile) {
		if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(tomlFile, t); err != nil {
			log.Error("Db|GetCurrentTheme|%s|%s", tomlFile, err.Error())
			return nil, err
	// fill data
	if t.Name == "" {
		t.Name = t.Directory
	if t.Version == "" {
		t.Version = "0.0"

	return t, nil
Exemple #13
func Download(ctx *middleware.Context) {
	ext := "." + ctx.Params(":ext")

	var archivePath string
	switch ext {
	case ".zip":
		archivePath = path.Join(ctx.Repo.GitRepo.Path, "archives/zip")
	case ".tar.gz":
		archivePath = path.Join(ctx.Repo.GitRepo.Path, "archives/targz")

	if !com.IsDir(archivePath) {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(archivePath, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(500, "Download -> os.MkdirAll(archivePath)", err)

	archivePath = path.Join(archivePath, ctx.Repo.CommitId+ext)
	if !com.IsFile(archivePath) {
		if err := ctx.Repo.Commit.CreateArchive(archivePath, git.ZIP); err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(500, "Download -> CreateArchive "+archivePath, err)

	ctx.ServeFile(archivePath, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name+"-"+base.ShortSha(ctx.Repo.CommitId)+ext)
Exemple #14
func makeLink(srcPath, destPath string) error {
	// Check if Windows version is XP.
	if getWindowsVersion() >= 6 {
		cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "mklink", "/j", destPath, srcPath)
		return cmd.Run()

	// XP.
	isWindowsXP = true
	// if both are ntfs file system
	if volumnType(srcPath) == "NTFS" && volumnType(destPath) == "NTFS" {
		// if has junction command installed
		file, err := exec.LookPath("junction")
		if err == nil {
			path, _ := filepath.Abs(file)
			if com.IsFile(path) {
				cmd := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "junction", destPath, srcPath)
				return cmd.Run()

	return com.CopyDir(srcPath, destPath, func(filePath string) bool {
		return strings.Contains(filePath, doc.VENDOR)
Exemple #15
// validPath checks if the information of the package is valid.
func validPath(info string) (string, string) {
	infos := strings.Split(info, ":")

	l := len(infos)
	switch {
	case l == 1:
		// for local imports
		if com.IsFile(infos[0]) {
			return doc.LOCAL, infos[0]

		return doc.BRANCH, ""
	case l == 2:
		switch infos[1] {
		case doc.TRUNK, doc.MASTER, doc.DEFAULT:
			infos[1] = ""
		return infos[0], infos[1]
		log.Error("", "Cannot parse dependency version:")
		log.Error("", "\t"+info)
		log.Help("Try 'gopm help get' to get more information")
		return "", ""
Exemple #16
func InitModels() {
	if !com.IsFile(_CFG_PATH) {

	var err error
	Cfg, err = goconfig.LoadConfigFile(_CFG_PATH)
	if err == nil {
		beego.Info("Initialize app.ini")

	setGithubCredentials(Cfg.MustValue("github", "client_id"),
		Cfg.MustValue("github", "client_secret"))

	docLock = new(sync.RWMutex)
	blogLock = new(sync.RWMutex)


	// Start check ticker.
	checkTicker = time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute)
	go checkTickerTimer(checkTicker.C)

	// ATTENTION: you'd better comment following code when developing.
	if needCheckUpdate() {

		Cfg.SetValue("app", "update_check_time", strconv.Itoa(int(time.Now().Unix())))
		goconfig.SaveConfigFile(Cfg, _CFG_PATH)
Exemple #17
func NewConfigContext() {
	workDir, err := ExecDir()
	if err != nil {
		qlog.Fatalf("Fail to get work directory: %s\n", err)

	cfgPath := filepath.Join(workDir, "conf/app.ini")
	Cfg, err = goconfig.LoadConfigFile(cfgPath)
	if err != nil {
		qlog.Fatalf("Cannot load config file(%s): %v\n", cfgPath, err)
	Cfg.BlockMode = false

	cfgPaths := []string{os.Getenv("GOGS_CONFIG"), filepath.Join(workDir, "custom/conf/app.ini")}
	for _, cfgPath := range cfgPaths {
		if com.IsFile(cfgPath) {
			if err = Cfg.AppendFiles(cfgPath); err != nil {
				qlog.Fatalf("Cannot load config file(%s): %v\n", cfgPath, err)

	AppName = Cfg.MustValue("", "APP_NAME", "Gogs: Go Git Service")
	AppLogo = Cfg.MustValue("", "APP_LOGO", "img/favicon.png")
	AppUrl = Cfg.MustValue("server", "ROOT_URL")
	Domain = Cfg.MustValue("server", "DOMAIN")
	OfflineMode = Cfg.MustBool("server", "OFFLINE_MODE", false)
	DisableRouterLog = Cfg.MustBool("server", "DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG", false)
	SecretKey = Cfg.MustValue("security", "SECRET_KEY")

	InstallLock = Cfg.MustBool("security", "INSTALL_LOCK", false)

	RunUser = Cfg.MustValue("", "RUN_USER")
	curUser := os.Getenv("USER")
	if len(curUser) == 0 {
		curUser = os.Getenv("USERNAME")
	// Does not check run user when the install lock is off.
	if InstallLock && RunUser != curUser {
		qlog.Fatalf("Expect user(%s) but current user is: %s\n", RunUser, curUser)

	LogInRememberDays = Cfg.MustInt("security", "LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS")
	CookieUserName = Cfg.MustValue("security", "COOKIE_USERNAME")
	CookieRememberName = Cfg.MustValue("security", "COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME")

	PictureService = Cfg.MustValue("picture", "SERVICE")
	DisableGravatar = Cfg.MustBool("picture", "DISABLE_GRAVATAR", false)

	// Determine and create root git reposiroty path.
	homeDir, err := com.HomeDir()
	if err != nil {
		qlog.Fatalf("Fail to get home directory): %v\n", err)
	RepoRootPath = Cfg.MustValue("repository", "ROOT", filepath.Join(homeDir, "gogs-repositories"))
	if err = os.MkdirAll(RepoRootPath, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
		qlog.Fatalf("Fail to create RepoRootPath(%s): %v\n", RepoRootPath, err)
	ScriptType = Cfg.MustValue("repository", "SCRIPT_TYPE", "bash")
Exemple #18
func reloadProtects(localRoot string) error {
	defer Protector.lock.Unlock()

	protectPath := path.Join(localRoot, "protect.ini")
	if !com.IsFile(protectPath) {
		return nil

	Protector.HasProtection = true

	cfgs, err := ini.Load(protectPath)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Fail to load protect.ini: %v", err)

	for _, k := range cfgs.Section("user").Keys() {
		Protector.Users[k.Name()] = strings.ToLower(k.Value())

	fmt.Println("\nProtected Resources:")
	for _, k := range cfgs.Section("auth").Keys() {
		fmt.Println("➜ ", k.Name())
		Protector.Resources[k.Name()] = make(map[string]bool)
		for _, name := range k.Strings(",") {
			fmt.Println("    ✓ ", name)
			Protector.Resources[k.Name()][name] = true

	return nil
Exemple #19
// LoadConfig loads configuration file.
func LoadConfig(cfgPath string) {
	if !com.IsExist(cfgPath) {

	var err error
	Cfg, err = goconfig.LoadConfigFile(cfgPath)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Fail to load configuration file: %v", err)
	if com.IsFile("custom/app.ini") {
		if err = Cfg.AppendFiles("custom/app.ini"); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Fail to load custom configuration file: %v", err)

	DocsJsPath, err = Cfg.GetValue("server", "docs_js_path")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("Fail to load configuration file: cannot find key docs_js_path")

	HvJsPath, err = Cfg.GetValue("server", "hv_js_path")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("Fail to load configuration file: cannot find key hv_js_path")
Exemple #20
func TestBuilderBuild(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Build Process", t, func() {
		So(b.Error, ShouldBeNil)
		So(b.Context(), ShouldNotBeNil)
		So(b.Context().Error, ShouldBeNil)

		// check dirs and files
		Convey("Check Built And Files", func() {
			var flag = true
			t := path.Join(target, b.Context().Meta.Base)
			for _, dir := range shoudlExistDirs {
				if flag = flag && com.IsDir(path.Join(t, dir)); !flag {
			So(flag, ShouldBeTrue)

			for _, f := range shouldExistFiles {
				if flag = flag && com.IsFile(path.Join(t, f)); !flag {
			So(flag, ShouldBeTrue)
Exemple #21
func getByGopmfile(ctx *cli.Context) {
	// Check if gopmfile exists and generate one if not.
	if !com.IsFile(".gopmfile") {
	gf := doc.NewGopmfile(".")

	targetPath := parseTarget(gf.MustValue("target", "path"))
	// Get dependencies.
	imports := doc.GetAllImports([]string{workDir}, targetPath, ctx.Bool("example"))

	nodes := make([]*doc.Node, 0, len(imports))
	for _, p := range imports {
		p = doc.GetProjectPath(p)
		// Skip subpackage(s) of current project.
		if isSubpackage(p, targetPath) {
		node := doc.NewNode(p, p, doc.BRANCH, "", true)

		// Check if user specified the version.
		if v, err := gf.GetValue("deps", p); err == nil && len(v) > 0 {
			node.Type, node.Value = validPath(v)
		nodes = append(nodes, node)

	downloadPackages(ctx, nodes)

	log.Log("%d package(s) downloaded, %d failed", downloadCount, failConut)
Exemple #22
func init() {
	log.Prefix = "[Go Walker]"

	sources := []interface{}{"conf/app.ini"}
	if com.IsFile("custom/app.ini") {
		sources = append(sources, "custom/app.ini")

	var err error
	Cfg, err = macaron.SetConfig(sources[0], sources[1:]...)
	if err != nil {
		log.FatalD(4, "Fail to set configuration: %v", err)

	if Cfg.Section("").Key("RUN_MODE").String() == "prod" {
		ProdMode = true
		macaron.Env = macaron.PROD
		macaron.ColorLog = false

	sec := Cfg.Section("server")
	HTTPPort = sec.Key("HTTP_PORT").MustInt(8080)
	FetchTimeout = time.Duration(sec.Key("FETCH_TIMEOUT").MustInt(60)) * time.Second
	DocsJsPath = sec.Key("DOCS_JS_PATH").MustString("raw/docs/")
	DocsGobPath = sec.Key("DOCS_GOB_PATH").MustString("raw/gob/")

	GitHubCredentials = "client_id=" + Cfg.Section("github").Key("CLIENT_ID").String() +
		"&client_secret=" + Cfg.Section("github").Key("CLIENT_SECRET").String()

Exemple #23
func initBlogMap() {
	os.Mkdir("blog", os.ModePerm)
	langs := strings.Split(Cfg.MustValue("lang", "types"), "|")
	for _, l := range langs {
		os.Mkdir("blog/"+l, os.ModePerm)

	if !com.IsFile("conf/blogTree.json") {
		beego.Error("models.initBlogMap -> conf/blogTree.json does not exist")

	f, err := os.Open("conf/blogTree.json")
	if err != nil {
		beego.Error("models.initBlogMap -> load data:", err.Error())
	defer f.Close()

	d := json.NewDecoder(f)
	err = d.Decode(&blogTree)
	if err != nil {
		beego.Error("models.initBlogMap -> decode data:", err.Error())

	defer blogLock.Unlock()

	blogMap = make(map[string]*docFile)
	for _, v := range blogTree.Tree {
		blogMap[v.Path] = getFile("blog/" + v.Path)
Exemple #24
func initLangDocs(tocs map[string]*Toc, localRoot, lang string) {
	toc := tocs[lang]

	for _, dir := range toc.Nodes {
		if err := dir.ReloadContent(); err != nil {
			log.Error("Fail to load doc file: %v", err)

		for _, file := range dir.Nodes {
			if com.IsFile(file.FileName) {
				if err := file.ReloadContent(); err != nil {
					log.Error("Fail to load doc file: %v", err)

	for _, page := range toc.Pages {
		if err := page.ReloadContent(); err != nil {
			log.Error("Fail to load doc file: %v", err)
Exemple #25
func ZipDownload(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) {
	commitId := ctx.Repo.CommitId
	archivesPath := filepath.Join(ctx.Repo.GitRepo.Path, "archives")
	if !com.IsDir(archivesPath) {
		if err := os.Mkdir(archivesPath, 0755); err != nil {
			ctx.Handle(404, "ZipDownload -> os.Mkdir(archivesPath)", err)

	zipPath := filepath.Join(archivesPath, commitId+".zip")

	if com.IsFile(zipPath) {
		ctx.ServeFile(zipPath, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name+".zip")

	err := ctx.Repo.Commit.CreateArchive(zipPath)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Handle(404, "ZipDownload -> CreateArchive "+zipPath, err)

	ctx.ServeFile(zipPath, ctx.Repo.Repository.Name+".zip")
Exemple #26
func buildBinary(ctx *cli.Context, args ...string) {
	genNewGoPath(ctx, false)


	cmdArgs := []string{"go", "build"}
	cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, args...)
	err := execCmd(newGoPath, newCurPath, cmdArgs...)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("build", "fail to build program:")
		log.Fatal("", "\t"+err.Error())

	if isWindowsXP {
		fName := path.Base(pkgName)
		binName := fName + ".exe"
		exePath := filepath.Join(curPath, doc.VENDOR, "src", pkgName, binName)
		if com.IsFile(exePath) {
			err = os.Rename(exePath, filepath.Join(curPath, binName))
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("build", "fail to move binary:")
				log.Fatal("", "\t"+err.Error())
		} else {
			log.Warn("No binary generated")
Exemple #27
func InitModels() {
	if !com.IsFile(_CFG_PATH) {

	var err error
	Cfg, err = goconfig.LoadConfigFile(_CFG_PATH)
	if err == nil {
		beego.Info("Initialize app.ini")

	setGithubCredentials(Cfg.MustValue("github", "client_id"),
		Cfg.MustValue("github", "client_secret"))

	docLock = new(sync.RWMutex)

	// Load documentation.

	beego.RunMode = Cfg.MustValue("beego", "run_mode")
	// ATTENTION: you'd better comment following code when developing.
	if beego.RunMode == "pro" {
		// Start check ticker.
		checkTicker = time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute)
		go checkTickerTimer(checkTicker.C)

Exemple #28
func (s *Server) serveFile(ctx *tango.Context, file string) bool {
	if com.IsFile(file) {
		return true
	return false
Exemple #29
// FIXME: limit size.
func UpdateAvatarSetting(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.UploadAvatarForm, ctxUser *models.User) error {
	ctxUser.UseCustomAvatar = form.Enable

	if form.Avatar != nil {
		fr, err := form.Avatar.Open()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Avatar.Open: %v", err)

		data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fr)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("ReadAll: %v", err)
		if _, ok := base.IsImageFile(data); !ok {
			return errors.New(ctx.Tr("settings.uploaded_avatar_not_a_image"))
		if err = ctxUser.UploadAvatar(data); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("UploadAvatar: %v", err)
	} else {
		// In case no avatar at all.
		if form.Enable && !com.IsFile(ctx.User.CustomAvatarPath()) {
			return errors.New(ctx.Tr("settings.no_custom_avatar_available"))

	if err := models.UpdateUser(ctxUser); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateUser: %v", err)

	return nil
Exemple #30
func (s *Server) serveFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, file string) bool {
	if com.IsFile(file) {
		log15.Debug("Server|Dest|%s", file)
		http.ServeFile(w, r, file)
		return true
	return false