Exemple #1
 * WriteToBeanstalkd puts jobs onto beanstalkd
func (conn *Connection) WriteToBeanstalkd(jobs <-chan interface{}) {

	log.Printf(" [*] Publishing beans. To exit press CTRL+C")
	for j := range jobs {
		job, ok := j.(rabbitbeans.Job)
		if !ok {
			rabbitbeans.FailOnError(errors.New("Unknown message on channel"), "Can't put message on rabbit")
		if !conn.config.Quiet {
			log.Printf("Received a bean to create: %s", job.Body)
		id, err := conn.beansConnection.Put(
			job.Body,     //body
			job.Priority, //pri uint32
			job.Delay,    //delay
			job.TTR,      // TTR time to run -- is an integer number of seconds to allow a worker to run this job
		rabbitbeans.LogOnError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to put job on beanstalkd %s", job.Body))
		if err != nil {
		} else {
		if !conn.config.Quiet {
			fmt.Println("Created job", id)
Exemple #2
func configure() Config {
	var config Config

	if len(os.Args) < 2 {
		msg := "Missing config file"
		rabbitbeans.LogOnError(errors.New(msg), "Starting in rabbitToBean mode by default")
		config.RabbitToBean = defaultRabbitToBean
	} else {
		data, readErr := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[1])
		rabbitbeans.LogOnError(readErr, "Starting in rabbitToBean mode by default")

		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(data, &config)
		rabbitbeans.LogOnError(jsonErr, "Starting in rabbitToBean mode by default")
	log.Printf("Starting with config: %v", config)
	return config
Exemple #3
 * WriteToRabbit connects to the rabbitMQ queue defined in the config
 * (if it does not exit, it will error). Then it pushes to messages on that
 * queue whenever it gets a new one on the jobs channel.
func (conn *Connection) WriteToRabbit(queueName string, jobs <-chan interface{}) {

	ch, err := conn.rabbitConnection.Channel()
	rabbitbeans.FailOnError(err, "Failed to open a channel")
	defer ch.Close() // Clean up by closing channel when function exits

	q, err := ch.QueueInspect( // Make sure queue exists - don't create one otherwise and err.
		queueName, // queue name
	rabbitbeans.FailOnError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find queue named: %s", queueName))
	log.Printf("Connected to queue: %s", q.Name)

	if err := ch.Confirm(
		false, // noWait = false - means, please do wait for confirms
	); err != nil {
		rabbitbeans.FailOnError(err, "Could not set channel confirm mode on")

	// Buffer of 1 for our single outstanding publishing
	confirms := ch.NotifyPublish(make(chan amqp.Confirmation, 1))

	log.Printf(" [*] Sending rabbits. To exit press CTRL+C")
	for j := range jobs {
		job, ok := j.(rabbitbeans.Job)
		if !ok {
			rabbitbeans.LogOnError(errors.New("Unreadable job on the channel"), "Skipping item")
		if !conn.config.Quiet {
			log.Printf("Sending rabbit to queue: %s", string(job.Body))
		err = ch.Publish(
			"",        // exchange
			queueName, // routing key
			false,     // mandatory
			false,     // immediate
				ContentType: job.ContentType,
				Body:        job.Body,
		if err != nil {
		} else {
			// only ack the source delivery when the destination acks the publishing
			if confirmed := <-confirms; confirmed.Ack {
			} else {
			rabbitbeans.FailOnError(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find queue named: %s", queueName))
Exemple #4
 * ReadFromBeanstalkd reads jobs off of beanstalkd.
func (conn *Connection) ReadFromBeanstalkd(jobs chan<- interface{}) {

	log.Printf(" [*] Consuming beans. To exit press CTRL+C")

	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(conn.config.TickInterval) * time.Second)
	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case <-ticker.C:
				log.Printf("Polling beanstalkd for beans")
				var i = 0
				for {
					id, body, err := conn.beansConnection.Reserve(5 * time.Second)
					if cerr, ok := err.(beanstalk.ConnError); !ok {
						rabbitbeans.FailOnError(err, "expected connError")
					} else if cerr.Err != beanstalk.ErrTimeout {
						rabbitbeans.LogOnError(err, fmt.Sprintf("expected timeout on reserve %d", id))
						// Means the job deadline is real soon!! Reserve job anyways
					} else {
					if !conn.config.Quiet {
						log.Printf("Reserved job %v %s", id, body)
					jobs <- rabbitbeans.Job{
					if i == conn.config.BatchSize {
				log.Printf("Processed %d jobs this tick", i)