Exemple #1
// Graph coloring backtrack,
// search heuristics are set based on heuristc flag
func colorMapBacktrack(g graph.Graph, height int, h *nh.Heap) bool {
	// Have all nodes been colored?
	if height == len(g) {
		return true

	// Assign current node by MRV heap or sequentally
	var currNode *graph.Node
	if Heuristic.MRV {
		// Top from the heap has the Minimum Remaining Values
		currNode = heap.Pop(h).(nh.NodeItem).Node
	} else {
		currNode = g[height]

	colors := ColorsCache.Colors[height]

	for _, color := range colors {
		// Is this color avaliable for use?
		if currNode.TakenColors[color] == 0 {
			// Update currNode color and warn adjacents
			impossible := updateColorAndAdj(currNode, color, h)

			// Forward Checking
			if Heuristic.FC {
				if impossible {

			// Proceed with recursion
			if colorMapBacktrack(g, height+1, h) {
				return true

	// Need to backtrack
	if Heuristic.MRV {
		heap.Push(h, nh.NewNodeItem(currNode))
	return false
Exemple #2
// Setup for graph coloring backtracking algorithm,
// search heuristics are set based on heuristc flag
func colorMap(g graph.Graph) bool {

	// For MRV, we'll use a heap
	var h nh.Heap
	if Heuristic.MRV {
		h = nh.NewNodeHeap(len(g), Heuristic.Degree)
		for _, n := range g {
			h.Items = append(h.Items, nh.NewNodeItem(n))

	// Init colors cache
	ColorsCache.Colors = make([][]graph.NodeColor, len(g))
	for i := range g {
		ColorsCache.Colors[i] = make([]graph.NodeColor, 0, graph.NumColors-1)
		for color := graph.Blank + 1; color < graph.NumColors; color++ {
			ColorsCache.Colors[i] = append(ColorsCache.Colors[i], graph.NodeColor(color))

	return colorMapBacktrack(g, 0, &h)