Exemple #1
// CopySource copies the source into the HostPath
func (p *Runner) CopySource() error {
	timer := util.NewTimer()
	f := p.formatter

	err := os.MkdirAll(p.options.HostPath(), 0755)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Link the path to BuildPath("latest") for easy access
	err = os.RemoveAll(p.options.BuildPath("latest"))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = os.Symlink(p.options.HostPath(), p.options.BuildPath("latest"))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = os.Symlink(p.ProjectDir(), p.options.HostPath("source"))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if p.options.Verbose {
		p.logger.Printf(f.Success("Source -> Staging Area", timer.String()))
	return nil
Exemple #2
// SetupGuest ensures that the guest is prepared to run the pipeline.
func (p *BasePipeline) SetupGuest(sessionCtx context.Context, sess *Session) error {
	defer sess.ShowLogs()

	timer := util.NewTimer()
	f := &util.Formatter{p.options.GlobalOptions.ShowColors}

	cmds := []string{}

	if !p.options.DirectMount {
		cmds = append(cmds,
			// Make sure our guest path exists
			fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir -p "%s"`, p.options.GuestPath()),
			// Make sure our base path exists
			fmt.Sprintf(`rm -rf "%s"`, filepath.Dir(p.options.BasePath())),
			fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir -p "%s"`, filepath.Dir(p.options.BasePath())),
			// Copy the source from the mounted directory to the base path
			fmt.Sprintf(`cp -r "%s" "%s"`, p.options.MntPath("source"), p.options.BasePath()),
			// Copy the cache from the mounted directory to the pipeline dir
			fmt.Sprintf(`cp -r "%s" "%s"`, p.options.MntPath("cache"), p.options.GuestPath("cache")),

	// Make sure the output path exists
	cmds = append(cmds, fmt.Sprintf(`mkdir -p "%s"`, p.options.GuestPath("output")))

	cmds = append(cmds, fmt.Sprintf(`chmod a+rx "%s"`, p.options.BasePath()))

	p.logger.Printf(f.Info("Copying source to container"))
	for _, cmd := range cmds {
		exit, _, err := sess.SendChecked(sessionCtx, cmd)
		if exit != 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Guest command failed with exit code %d: %s", exit, cmd)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	if p.options.Verbose {
		p.logger.Printf(f.Success("Source+Cache -> Guest", timer.String()))
	return nil
Exemple #3
// AddServices fetches and links the services to the base box.
func (p *Runner) AddServices(ctx context.Context, pipeline core.Pipeline, box core.Box) error {
	f := p.formatter
	timer := util.NewTimer()
	for _, service := range pipeline.Services() {
		if _, err := service.Fetch(ctx, pipeline.Env()); err != nil {
			return err

		if p.options.Verbose {
			p.logger.Printf(f.Success(fmt.Sprintf("Fetched %s", service.GetName()), timer.String()))
		// TODO(mh): We want to make sure container is running fully before
		// allowing build steps to run. We may need custom steps which block
		// until service services are running.
	return nil
Exemple #4
// CopyCache copies the source into the HostPath
func (p *Runner) CopyCache() error {
	timer := util.NewTimer()
	f := p.formatter

	err := os.MkdirAll(p.options.CachePath(), 0755)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = os.Symlink(p.options.CachePath(), p.options.HostPath("cache"))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if p.options.Verbose {
		p.logger.Printf(f.Success("Cache -> Staging Area", timer.String()))

	if p.options.Verbose {
		p.logger.Printf(f.Success("Cache -> Staging Area", timer.String()))
	return nil
Exemple #5
func executePipeline(cmdCtx context.Context, options *core.PipelineOptions, dockerOptions *dockerlocal.DockerOptions, getter pipelineGetter) (*RunnerShared, error) {
	// Boilerplate
	soft := NewSoftExit(options.GlobalOptions)
	logger := util.RootLogger().WithField("Logger", "Main")
	e, err := core.EmitterFromContext(cmdCtx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	f := &util.Formatter{options.GlobalOptions.ShowColors}

	// Set up the runner
	r, err := NewRunner(cmdCtx, options, dockerOptions, getter)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Main timer
	mainTimer := util.NewTimer()
	timer := util.NewTimer()

	// These will be emitted at the end of the execution, we're going to be
	// pessimistic and report that we failed, unless overridden at the end of the
	// execution.
	fullPipelineFinisher := r.StartFullPipeline(options)
	pipelineArgs := &core.FullPipelineFinishedArgs{}
	defer fullPipelineFinisher.Finish(pipelineArgs)

	buildFinisher := r.StartBuild(options)
	buildFinishedArgs := &core.BuildFinishedArgs{Box: nil, Result: "failed"}
	defer buildFinisher.Finish(buildFinishedArgs)

	// Debug information

	// Do some sanity checks before starting
	err = dockerlocal.RequireDockerEndpoint(dockerOptions)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, soft.Exit(err)

	// Start copying code
	logger.Println(f.Info("Executing pipeline"))
	_, err = r.EnsureCode()
	if err != nil {
		e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
			Stream: "stderr",
			Logs:   err.Error() + "\n",
		return nil, soft.Exit(err)
	err = r.CleanupOldBuilds()
	if err != nil {
		e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
			Stream: "stderr",
			Logs:   err.Error() + "\n",
	if options.Verbose {
		logger.Printf(f.Success("Copied working dir", timer.String()))

	// Setup environment is still a fairly special step, it needs
	// to start our boxes and get everything set up
	logger.Println(f.Info("Running step", "setup environment"))
	shared, err := r.SetupEnvironment(cmdCtx)
	if shared.box != nil {
		if options.ShouldRemove {
			defer shared.box.Clean()
		defer shared.box.Stop()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorln(f.Fail("Step failed", "setup environment", timer.String()))
		e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
			Stream: "stderr",
			Logs:   err.Error() + "\n",
		return nil, soft.Exit(err)
	if options.Verbose {
		logger.Printf(f.Success("Step passed", "setup environment", timer.String()))

	// Expand our context object
	box := shared.box
	buildFinishedArgs.Box = box
	pipeline := shared.pipeline
	repoName := pipeline.DockerRepo()
	tag := pipeline.DockerTag()
	message := pipeline.DockerMessage()

	shouldStore := options.ShouldArtifacts

	// TODO(termie): hack for now, probably can be made into a naive class
	var storeStep core.Step

	if shouldStore {
		storeStep = &core.ExternalStep{
			BaseStep: core.NewBaseStep(core.BaseStepOptions{
				Name:    "store",
				Owner:   "wercker",
				Version: util.Version(),

	e.Emit(core.BuildStepsAdded, &core.BuildStepsAddedArgs{
		Build:      pipeline,
		Steps:      pipeline.Steps(),
		StoreStep:  storeStep,
		AfterSteps: pipeline.AfterSteps(),

	pr := &core.PipelineResult{
		Success:           true,
		FailedStepName:    "",
		FailedStepMessage: "",

	// stepCounter starts at 3, step 1 is "get code", step 2 is "setup
	// environment".
	stepCounter := &util.Counter{Current: 3}
	checkpoint := false
	for _, step := range pipeline.Steps() {
		// we always want to run the wercker-init step to provide some functions
		if !checkpoint && stepCounter.Current > 3 {
			if options.EnableDevSteps && options.Checkpoint != "" {
				logger.Printf(f.Info("Skipping step", step.DisplayName()))
				// start at the one after the checkpoint
				if step.Checkpoint() == options.Checkpoint {
					logger.Printf(f.Info("Found checkpoint", options.Checkpoint))
					checkpoint = true
		logger.Printf(f.Info("Running step", step.DisplayName()))
		sr, err := r.RunStep(shared, step, stepCounter.Increment())
		if err != nil {
			pr.Success = false
			pr.FailedStepName = step.DisplayName()
			pr.FailedStepMessage = sr.Message
			logger.Printf(f.Fail("Step failed", step.DisplayName(), timer.String()))

		if options.EnableDevSteps && step.Checkpoint() != "" {
			logger.Printf(f.Info("Checkpointing", step.Checkpoint()))
			box.Commit(box.Repository(), fmt.Sprintf("w-%s", step.Checkpoint()), "checkpoint", false)

		if options.Verbose {
			logger.Printf(f.Success("Step passed", step.DisplayName(), timer.String()))

	if options.ShouldCommit {
		_, err = box.Commit(repoName, tag, message, true)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Errorln("Failed to commit:", err.Error())

	// We need to wind the counter to where it should be if we failed a step
	// so that is the number of steps + get code + setup environment + store
	// TODO(termie): remove all the this "order" stuff completely
	stepCounter.Current = len(pipeline.Steps()) + 3

	if pr.Success && options.ShouldArtifacts {
		// At this point the build has effectively passed but we can still mess it
		// up by being unable to deliver the artifacts

		err = func() error {
			sr := &StepResult{
				Success:    false,
				Artifact:   nil,
				Message:    "",
				PackageURL: "",
				ExitCode:   1,
			finisher := r.StartStep(shared, storeStep, stepCounter.Increment())
			defer finisher.Finish(sr)

			pr.FailedStepName = storeStep.Name()
			pr.FailedStepMessage = "Unable to store pipeline output"

			e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
				Logs: "Storing artifacts\n",

			artifact, err := pipeline.CollectArtifact(shared.containerID)
			// Ignore ErrEmptyTarball errors
			if err != util.ErrEmptyTarball {
				if err != nil {
					sr.Message = err.Error()
					e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
						Logs: fmt.Sprintf("Storing artifacts failed: %s\n", sr.Message),
					return err

				e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
					Logs: fmt.Sprintf("Collecting files from %s\n", artifact.GuestPath),

				ignoredDirectories := []string{".git", "node_modules", "vendor", "site-packages"}
				nameEmit := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
					relativePath := strings.TrimPrefix(path, artifact.HostPath)

					if info.IsDir() {
						if util.ContainsString(ignoredDirectories, info.Name()) {
							e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
								Logs: fmt.Sprintf(".%s/ (content omitted)\n", relativePath),
							return filepath.SkipDir

						return nil

					e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
						Logs: fmt.Sprintf(".%s\n", relativePath),

					return nil

				err = filepath.Walk(artifact.HostPath, nameEmit)
				if err != nil {
					sr.Message = err.Error()
					e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
						Logs: fmt.Sprintf("Storing artifacts failed: %s\n", sr.Message),
					return err

				tarInfo, err := os.Stat(artifact.HostTarPath)
				if err != nil {
					if os.IsNotExist(err) {
						e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
							Logs: "No artifacts stored",
					} else {
						sr.Message = err.Error()
						e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
							Logs: fmt.Sprintf("Storing artifacts failed: %s\n", sr.Message),
						return err
				} else {
					size, unit := util.ConvertUnit(tarInfo.Size())
					e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
						Logs: fmt.Sprintf("Total artifact size: %d %s\n", size, unit),

				if options.ShouldStoreS3 {
					artificer := dockerlocal.NewArtificer(options, dockerOptions)
					err = artificer.Upload(artifact)
					if err != nil {
						sr.Message = err.Error()
						e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
							Logs: fmt.Sprintf("Storing artifacts failed: %s\n", sr.Message),
						return err

				sr.PackageURL = artifact.URL()
			} else {
				e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
					Logs: "No artifacts found\n",

			e.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
				Logs: "Storing artifacts complete\n",

			sr.Success = true
			sr.ExitCode = 0

			return nil
		if err != nil {
			pr.Success = false
			logger.WithField("Error", err).Error("Unable to store pipeline output")
	} else {

	// We're sending our build finished but we're not done yet,
	// now is time to run after-steps if we have any
	if pr.Success {
		logger.Println(f.Success("Steps passed", mainTimer.String()))
		buildFinishedArgs.Result = "passed"
	pipelineArgs.MainSuccessful = pr.Success

	if len(pipeline.AfterSteps()) == 0 {
		// We're about to end the build, so pull the cache and explode it
		// into the CacheDir
		if !options.DirectMount {
			err = pipeline.CollectCache(shared.containerID)
			if err != nil {
				logger.WithField("Error", err).Error("Unable to store cache")
			if options.Verbose {
				logger.Printf(f.Success("Exported Cache", timer.String()))

		if pr.Success {
			logger.Println(f.Success("Pipeline finished", mainTimer.String()))
		} else {
			logger.Println(f.Fail("Pipeline failed", mainTimer.String()))

		if !pr.Success {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Step failed: %s", pr.FailedStepName)
		return shared, nil

	pipelineArgs.RanAfterSteps = true

	logger.Println(f.Info("Starting after-steps"))
	// The container may have died, either way we'll have a fresh env
	container, err := box.Restart()
	if err != nil {

	newSessCtx, newSess, err := r.GetSession(cmdCtx, container.ID)
	if err != nil {

	newShared := &RunnerShared{
		box:         shared.box,
		pipeline:    shared.pipeline,
		sess:        newSess,
		sessionCtx:  newSessCtx,
		containerID: shared.containerID,
		config:      shared.config,

	// Set up the base environment
	err = pipeline.ExportEnvironment(newSessCtx, newSess)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Add the After-Step parts
	err = pr.ExportEnvironment(newSessCtx, newSess)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, step := range pipeline.AfterSteps() {
		logger.Println(f.Info("Running after-step", step.DisplayName()))
		_, err := r.RunStep(newShared, step, stepCounter.Increment())
		if err != nil {
			logger.Println(f.Fail("After-step failed", step.DisplayName(), timer.String()))
		logger.Println(f.Success("After-step passed", step.DisplayName(), timer.String()))

	// We're about to end the build, so pull the cache and explode it
	// into the CacheDir
	if !options.DirectMount {
		err = pipeline.CollectCache(newShared.containerID)
		if err != nil {
			logger.WithField("Error", err).Error("Unable to store cache")
		if options.Verbose {
			logger.Printf(f.Success("Exported Cache", timer.String()))

	if pr.Success {
		logger.Println(f.Success("Pipeline finished", mainTimer.String()))
	} else {
		logger.Println(f.Fail("Pipeline failed", mainTimer.String()))

	if !pr.Success {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Step failed: %s", pr.FailedStepName)

	pipelineArgs.AfterStepSuccessful = pr.Success

	return shared, nil
Exemple #6
// SetupEnvironment does a lot of boilerplate legwork and returns a pipeline,
// box, and session. This is a bit of a long method, but it is pretty much
// the entire "Setup Environment" step.
func (p *Runner) SetupEnvironment(runnerCtx context.Context) (*RunnerShared, error) {
	shared := &RunnerShared{}
	f := &util.Formatter{p.options.GlobalOptions.ShowColors}
	timer := util.NewTimer()

	sr := &StepResult{
		Success:  false,
		Artifact: nil,
		Message:  "",
		ExitCode: 1,

	setupEnvironmentStep := &core.ExternalStep{
		BaseStep: core.NewBaseStep(core.BaseStepOptions{
			Name:    "setup environment",
			Owner:   "wercker",
			Version: util.Version(),
	finisher := p.StartStep(shared, setupEnvironmentStep, 2)
	defer finisher.Finish(sr)

	if p.options.Verbose {
		p.emitter.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
			Logs: fmt.Sprintf("Running wercker version: %s\n", util.FullVersion()),

	p.logger.Debugln("Application:", p.options.ApplicationName)

	// Grab our config
	rawConfig, stringConfig, err := p.GetConfig()
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err
	shared.config = rawConfig
	sr.WerckerYamlContents = stringConfig

	// Init the pipeline
	pipeline, err := p.GetPipeline(rawConfig)
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err
	shared.pipeline = pipeline

	if p.options.Verbose {
		p.emitter.Emit(core.Logs, &core.LogsArgs{
			Logs: fmt.Sprintf("Using config:\n%s\n", stringConfig),

	// Fetch the box
	box := pipeline.Box()
	_, err = box.Fetch(runnerCtx, pipeline.Env())
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err
	// TODO(termie): dump some logs about the image
	shared.box = box
	if p.options.Verbose {
		p.logger.Printf(f.Success(fmt.Sprintf("Fetched %s", box.GetName()), timer.String()))

	// Fetch the services and add them to the box
	if err := p.AddServices(runnerCtx, pipeline, box); err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err

	// Start setting up the pipeline dir
	p.logger.Debugln("Copying source to build directory")
	err = p.CopySource()
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err

	// ... and the cache dir
	p.logger.Debugln("Copying cache to build directory")
	err = p.CopyCache()
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err

	p.logger.Debugln("Steps:", len(pipeline.Steps()))

	// Fetch the steps
	steps := pipeline.Steps()
	for _, step := range steps {
		if _, err := step.Fetch(); err != nil {
			sr.Message = err.Error()
			return shared, err
		if p.options.Verbose {
			p.logger.Printf(f.Success("Prepared step", step.Name(), timer.String()))


	// ... and the after steps
	afterSteps := pipeline.AfterSteps()
	for _, step := range afterSteps {
		if _, err := step.Fetch(); err != nil {
			sr.Message = err.Error()
			return shared, err

		if p.options.Verbose {
			p.logger.Printf(f.Success("Prepared step", step.Name(), timer.String()))

	// Boot up our main container, it will run the services
	container, err := box.Run(runnerCtx, pipeline.Env())
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err
	shared.containerID = container.ID

	// Register our signal handler to clean the box up
	// NOTE(termie): we're expecting that this is going to be the last handler
	//               to be run since it calls exit, in the future we might be
	//               able to do something like close the calling context and
	//               short circuit / let the rest of things play out
	boxCleanupHandler := &util.SignalHandler{
		ID: "box-cleanup",
		F: func() bool {
			p.logger.Errorln("Interrupt detected, cleaning up containers and shutting down")
			if p.options.ShouldRemove {
			return true

	p.logger.Debugln("Attaching session to base box")
	// Start our session
	sessionCtx, sess, err := p.GetSession(runnerCtx, container.ID)
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err
	shared.sess = sess
	shared.sessionCtx = sessionCtx

	// Some helpful logging

	p.logger.Debugln("Setting up guest (base box)")
	err = pipeline.SetupGuest(sessionCtx, sess)
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err

	err = pipeline.ExportEnvironment(sessionCtx, sess)
	if err != nil {
		sr.Message = err.Error()
		return shared, err

	sr.Message = ""
	sr.Success = true
	sr.ExitCode = 0
	return shared, nil