Exemple #1
// Remove an unconfirmed user
func GenerateRemoveUnconfirmedUser(state pinterface.IUserState) WebHandle {
	return func(ctx *web.Context, username string) string {
		if !state.AdminRights(ctx.Request) {
			return MessageOKback("Remove unconfirmed user", "Not logged in as Administrator")

		if username == "" {
			return MessageOKback("Remove unconfirmed user", "Can't remove blank user.")

		found := false
		usernames, err := state.AllUnconfirmedUsernames()
		if err == nil {
			for _, unconfirmedUsername := range usernames {
				if username == unconfirmedUsername {
					found = true

		if !found {
			return MessageOKback("Remove unconfirmed user", "Can't find "+username+" in the list of unconfirmed users.")

		// Mark as confirmed

		return MessageOKurl("Remove unconfirmed user", "OK, removed "+username+" from the list of unconfirmed users.", "/admin")
Exemple #2
func GenerateAllUsernames(state pinterface.IUserState) SimpleContextHandle {
	return func(ctx *web.Context) string {
		if !state.AdminRights(ctx.Request) {
			return MessageOKback("List usernames", "Not logged in as Administrator")
		s := ""
		usernames, err := state.AllUsernames()
		if err == nil {
			for _, username := range usernames {
				s += username + "<br />"
		return MessageOKback("Usernames", s)
Exemple #3
// TODO: Undo for removing users
// Remove a user
func GenerateRemoveUser(state pinterface.IUserState) WebHandle {
	return func(ctx *web.Context, username string) string {
		if !state.AdminRights(ctx.Request) {
			return MessageOKback("Remove user", "Not logged in as Administrator")

		if username == "" {
			return MessageOKback("Remove user", "Can't remove blank user")
		if !state.HasUser(username) {
			return MessageOKback("Remove user", username+" doesn't exists, could not remove")

		// Remove the user

		return MessageOKurl("Remove user", "OK, removed "+username, "/admin")
Exemple #4
func GenerateStatusCurrentUser(state pinterface.IUserState) SimpleContextHandle {
	return func(ctx *web.Context) string {
		if !state.AdminRights(ctx.Request) {
			return MessageOKback("Status", "Not logged in as Administrator")
		username := state.Username(ctx.Request)
		if username == "" {
			return MessageOKback("Current user status", "No user logged in")
		hasUser := state.HasUser(username)
		if !hasUser {
			return MessageOKback("Current user status", username+" does not exist")
		if !(state.IsLoggedIn(username)) {
			return MessageOKback("Current user status", "User "+username+" is not logged in")
		return MessageOKback("Current user status", "User "+username+" is logged in")
Exemple #5
func GenerateToggleAdmin(state pinterface.IUserState) WebHandle {
	return func(ctx *web.Context, username string) string {
		if !state.AdminRights(ctx.Request) {
			return MessageOKback("Admin toggle", "Not logged in as Administrator")
		if username == "" {
			return MessageOKback("Admin toggle", "Can't set toggle empty username")
		if !state.HasUser(username) {
			return MessageOKback("Admin toggle", "Can't toggle non-existing user")
		// A special case
		if username == "admin" {
			return MessageOKback("Admin toggle", "Can't remove admin rights from the admin user")
		if !state.IsAdmin(username) {
			return MessageOKurl("Admin toggle", "OK, "+username+" is now an admin", "/admin")
		return MessageOKurl("Admin toggle", "OK, "+username+" is now a regular user", "/admin")
Exemple #6
// TODO: Log and graph when people visit pages and when people contribute content
// This one is wrapped by ServeAdminPages
func GenerateAdminStatus(state pinterface.IUserState) SimpleContextHandle {
	return func(ctx *web.Context) string {
		if !state.AdminRights(ctx.Request) {
			return "<div class=\"no\">Not logged in as Administrator</div>"

		// TODO: List all sorts of info, edit users, etc
		s := "<h2>Administrator Dashboard</h2>"

		s += "<strong>User table</strong><br />"
		s += "<table class=\"whitebg\">"
		s += "<tr>"
		s += "<th>Username</th><th>Confirmed</th><th>Logged in</th><th>Administrator</th><th>Admin toggle</th><th>Remove user</th><th>Email</th><th>Password hash</th>"
		s += "</tr>"
		usernames, err := state.AllUsernames()
		if err == nil {
			for rownr, username := range usernames {
				if rownr%2 == 0 {
					s += "<tr class=\"even\">"
				} else {
					s += "<tr class=\"odd\">"
				s += "<td><a class=\"username\" href=\"/status/" + username + "\">" + username + "</a></td>"
				s += TableCell(state.IsConfirmed(username))
				s += TableCell(state.IsLoggedIn(username))
				s += TableCell(state.IsAdmin(username))
				s += "<td><a class=\"darkgrey\" href=\"/admintoggle/" + username + "\">admin toggle</a></td>"
				// TODO: Ask for confirmation first with a MessageOKurl("blabla", "blabla", "/actually/remove/stuff")
				s += "<td><a class=\"careful\" href=\"/remove/" + username + "\">remove</a></td>"
				email, err := state.Email(username)
				if err == nil {
					// The cleanup happens at registration time, but it's ok with an extra cleanup
					s += "<td>" + CleanUserInput(email) + "</td>"
				passwordHash, err := state.PasswordHash(username)
				if err == nil {
					if strings.HasPrefix(passwordHash, "abc123") {
						s += "<td>" + passwordHash + " (<a href=\"/fixpassword/" + username + "\">fix</a>)</td>"
					} else {
						s += "<td>" + symbolhash.New(passwordHash, 16).String() + "</td>"
				s += "</tr>"
		s += "</table>"
		s += "<br />"
		s += "<strong>Unconfirmed users</strong><br />"
		s += "<table>"
		s += "<tr>"
		s += "<th>Username</th><th>Confirmation link</th><th>Remove</th>"
		s += "</tr>"
		usernames, err = state.AllUnconfirmedUsernames()
		if err == nil {
			for _, username := range usernames {
				s += "<tr>"
				s += "<td><a class=\"username\" href=\"/status/" + username + "\">" + username + "</a></td>"
				confirmationCode, err := state.ConfirmationCode(username)
				if err != nil {
					panic("ERROR: Could not get confirmation code")
				s += "<td><a class=\"somewhatcareful\" href=\"/confirm/" + confirmationCode + "\">" + confirmationCode + "</a></td>"
				s += "<td><a class=\"careful\" href=\"/removeunconfirmed/" + username + "\">remove</a></td>"
				s += "</tr>"
		s += "</table>"
		return s
Exemple #7
// Make functions related to users and permissions available to Lua scripts
func exportUserstate(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, L *lua.LState, userstate pinterface.IUserState) {
	// Check if the current user has "user rights", returns bool
	// Takes no arguments
	L.SetGlobal("UserRights", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		return 1 // number of results
	// Check if the given username exists, returns bool
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("HasUser", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Get the value from the given boolean field, returns bool
	// Takes a username and fieldname
	L.SetGlobal("BooleanField", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		fieldname := L.ToString(2)
		L.Push(lua.LBool(userstate.BooleanField(username, fieldname)))
		return 1 // number of results
	// Save a value as a boolean field, returns nothing
	// Takes a username, fieldname and boolean value
	L.SetGlobal("SetBooleanField", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		fieldname := L.ToString(2)
		value := L.ToBool(3)
		userstate.SetBooleanField(username, fieldname, value)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Check if a given username is confirmed, returns a bool
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("IsConfirmed", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Check if a given username is logged in, returns a bool
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("IsLoggedIn", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Check if the current user has "admin rights", returns a bool
	// Takes no arguments.
	L.SetGlobal("AdminRights", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		return 1 // number of results
	// Check if a given username is an admin, returns a bool
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("IsAdmin", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Get the username stored in a cookie, or an empty string
	// Takes no arguments
	L.SetGlobal("UsernameCookie", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username, err := userstate.UsernameCookie(req)
		var result lua.LString
		if err != nil {
			result = lua.LString("")
		} else {
			result = lua.LString(username)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Store the username in a cookie, returns true if successful
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("SetUsernameCookie", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		L.Push(lua.LBool(nil == userstate.SetUsernameCookie(w, username)))
		return 1 // number of results
	// Clear the user cookie. The result depends on the browser.
	L.SetGlobal("ClearCookie", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		return 0 // number of results
	// Get the username stored in a cookie, or an empty string
	// Takes no arguments
	L.SetGlobal("AllUsernames", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		usernames, err := userstate.AllUsernames()
		var table *lua.LTable
		if err != nil {
			table = L.NewTable()
		} else {
			table = strings2table(L, usernames)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Get the email for a given username, or an empty string
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("Email", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		email, err := userstate.Email(username)
		var result lua.LString
		if err != nil {
			result = lua.LString("")
		} else {
			result = lua.LString(email)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Get the password hash for a given username, or an empty string
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("PasswordHash", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		pw, err := userstate.PasswordHash(username)
		var result lua.LString
		if err != nil {
			result = lua.LString("")
		} else {
			result = lua.LString(pw)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Get all unconfirmed usernames
	// Takes no arguments
	L.SetGlobal("AllUnconfirmedUsernames", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		usernames, err := userstate.AllUnconfirmedUsernames()
		var table *lua.LTable
		if err != nil {
			table = L.NewTable()
		} else {
			table = strings2table(L, usernames)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Get a confirmation code that can be given to a user, or an empty string
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("ConfirmationCode", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		pw, err := userstate.ConfirmationCode(username)
		var result lua.LString
		if err != nil {
			result = lua.LString("")
		} else {
			result = lua.LString(pw)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Add a user to the list of unconfirmed users, returns nothing
	// Takes a username and a confirmation code
	L.SetGlobal("AddUnconfirmed", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		confirmationCode := L.ToString(2)
		userstate.AddUnconfirmed(username, confirmationCode)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Remove a user from the list of unconfirmed users, returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("RemoveUnconfirmed", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Mark a user as confirmed, returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("MarkConfirmed", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Removes a user, returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("RemoveUser", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Make a user an admin, returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("SetAdminStatus", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Make an admin user a regular user, returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("RemoveAdminStatus", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Add a user, returns nothing
	// Takes a username, password and email
	L.SetGlobal("AddUser", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		password := L.ToString(2)
		email := L.ToString(3)
		userstate.AddUser(username, password, email)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Set a user as logged in on the server (not cookie), returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("SetLoggedIn", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Set a user as logged out on the server (not cookie), returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("SetLoggedOut", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Log in a user, both on the server and with a cookie.
	// Returns true of successful.
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("Login", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		L.Push(lua.LBool(nil == userstate.Login(w, username)))
		return 1 // number of results
	// Logs out a user, on the server (which is enough). Returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("Logout", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Get the current username, from the cookie
	// Takes nothing
	L.SetGlobal("Username", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := userstate.Username(req)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Get the current cookie timeout
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("CookieTimeout", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Set the current cookie timeout
	// Takes a timeout number, measured in seconds
	L.SetGlobal("SetCookieTimeout", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		timeout := int64(L.ToNumber(1))
		return 0 // number of results
	// Get the current password hashing algorithm (bcrypt, bcrypt+ or sha256)
	// Takes nothing
	L.SetGlobal("PasswordAlgo", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		algorithm := userstate.PasswordAlgo()
		return 1 // number of results
	// Set the current password hashing algorithm (bcrypt, bcrypt+ or sha256)
	// Takes a string
	L.SetGlobal("SetPasswordAlgo", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		algorithm := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Hash the password, returns a string
	// Takes a username and password (username can be used for salting)
	L.SetGlobal("HashPassword", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		password := L.ToString(2)
		L.Push(lua.LString(userstate.HashPassword(username, password)))
		return 1 // number of results
	// Check if a given username and password is correct, returns a bool
	// Takes a username and password
	L.SetGlobal("CorrectPassword", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		password := L.ToString(2)
		L.Push(lua.LBool(userstate.CorrectPassword(username, password)))
		return 1 // number of results
	// Checks if a confirmation code is already in use, returns a bool
	// Takes a confirmation code
	L.SetGlobal("AlreadyHasConfirmationCode", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		confirmationCode := L.ToString(1)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Find a username based on a given confirmation code, or returns an empty string
	// Takes a confirmation code
	L.SetGlobal("FindUserByConfirmationCode", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		confirmationCode := L.ToString(1)
		username, err := userstate.FindUserByConfirmationCode(confirmationCode)
		var result lua.LString
		if err != nil {
			result = lua.LString("")
		} else {
			result = lua.LString(username)
		return 1 // number of results
	// Mark a user as confirmed, returns nothing
	// Takes a username
	L.SetGlobal("Confirm", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		username := L.ToString(1)
		return 0 // number of results
	// Mark a user as confirmed, returns true if successful.
	// Takes a confirmation code.
	L.SetGlobal("ConfirmUserByConfirmationCode", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		confirmationCode := L.ToString(1)
		L.Push(lua.LBool(nil == userstate.ConfirmUserByConfirmationCode(confirmationCode)))
		return 1 // number of results
	// Set the minimum confirmation code length
	// Takes the minimum number of characters
	L.SetGlobal("SetMinimumConfirmationCodeLength", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		length := int(L.ToNumber(1))
		return 0 // number of results
	// Generates and returns a unique confirmation code, or an empty string
	// Takes no parameters
	L.SetGlobal("GenerateUniqueConfirmationCode", L.NewFunction(func(L *lua.LState) int {
		confirmationCode, err := userstate.GenerateUniqueConfirmationCode()
		var result lua.LString
		if err != nil {
			result = lua.LString("")
		} else {
			result = lua.LString(confirmationCode)
		return 1 // number of results