Exemple #1
func generatePKWhere(buf *sqlparser.TrackedBuffer, pkIndex *schema.Index) {
	for i := 0; i < len(pkIndex.Columns); i++ {
		if i != 0 {
			buf.WriteString(" and ")
		buf.Myprintf("%s = %a", pkIndex.Columns[i], strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10))
Exemple #2
// FormatImpossible is a callback function used by TrackedBuffer
// to generate a modified version of the query where all selects
// have impossible where clauses. It overrides a few node types
// and passes the rest down to the default FormatNode.
func FormatImpossible(buf *sqlparser.TrackedBuffer, node sqlparser.SQLNode) {
	switch node := node.(type) {
	case *sqlparser.Select:
		buf.Myprintf("select %v from %v where 1 != 1", node.SelectExprs, node.From)
	case *sqlparser.JoinTableExpr:
		if node.Join == sqlparser.LeftJoinStr || node.Join == sqlparser.RightJoinStr {
			// ON clause is requried
			buf.Myprintf("%v %s %v on 1 != 1", node.LeftExpr, node.Join, node.RightExpr)
		} else {
			buf.Myprintf("%v %s %v", node.LeftExpr, node.Join, node.RightExpr)