Exemple #1
func (this *Messenger) doStop() (status error) {
	for address, listener := range this.listenerMap {
		if err := listener.Close(); err != nil {
			this.Errorf("could not close listener %s: %v", address, err)
			status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	this.listenerMap = make(map[string]net.Listener)

	for _, entryCh := range this.requestMap {
	this.requestMap = make(map[int64]chan *Entry)

	for _, peer := range this.peerMap {
		for tport := range peer.transportMap {
			if err := tport.connection.Close(); err != nil {
				this.Errorf("could not close transport %s to peer %s: %v", tport.name,
					peer.peerID, err)
				status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
			tport.connection = nil
		this.Infof("closed %d sockets to peer %s", len(peer.transportMap),
		peer.transportMap = make(map[*Transport]struct{})
	return status
Exemple #2
// Close releases all wal resources and destroys the object.
func (this *WriteAheadLog) Close() (status error) {
	defer this.mutex.Unlock()

	if this.changeFileMap == nil {
		this.Errorf("wal is already closed")
		return errs.ErrClosed

	for fileID, file := range this.changeFileMap {
		if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
			this.Errorf("could not close change records file %d: %v", fileID, err)
			status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	this.changeFileMap = nil

	if this.checkpointFile != nil {
		if err := this.checkpointFile.Close(); err != nil {
			this.Errorf("could not close checkpoints file %d: %v",
				this.beginCheckpointOffset, err)
			status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
		this.checkpointFile = nil
	return status
Exemple #3
// Validate checks user configuration options for invalid settings.
func (this *Options) Validate() (status error) {
	if this.MaxElectionHistory < 0 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("election round history size cannot be -ve")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if err := this.PaxosOptions.Validate(); err != nil {
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #4
// ClosePeer closes all open transports to a remote messenger instance and
// releases its resources.
// peerID: Globally unique id for the remote peer instance.
// Returns nil on success.
func (this *Messenger) ClosePeer(peerID string) (status error) {
	lock, errLock := this.ctlr.Lock("this.peerMap", peerID)
	if errLock != nil {
		return errLock
	defer lock.Unlock()

	peer, found := this.peerMap[peerID]
	if !found {
		return nil

	delete(this.peerMap, peerID)


	for tport := range peer.transportMap {
		if tport.connection != nil {
			if err := tport.connection.Close(); err != nil {
				this.Errorf("could not close transport connection for %s: %v",
					tport.name, err)
				status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
		tport.connection = nil
	peer.transportMap = make(map[*Transport]struct{})
	return status
Exemple #5
// Initialize initializes an election object.
func (this *Election) Initialize(opts *Options, namespace, uid string,
	msn msg.Messenger, wal wal.WriteAheadLog) (status error) {

	re := regexp.MustCompile(uid)
	if err := wal.ConfigureRecoverer(re, this); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not configure wal recoverer: %v", err)
		return err
	defer func() {
		if status != nil {
			if err := wal.ConfigureRecoverer(re, nil); err != nil {
				this.Errorf("could not unconfigure wal recoverer: %v", err)
				status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)

	this.uid = uid
	this.namespace = namespace
	this.opts = *opts
	this.msn = msn
	this.wal = wal
	this.majoritySize = -1
	this.currentRound = -1
	this.classicPaxosMap = make(map[int64]*classic.Paxos)
	this.electionHistoryMap = make(map[int64]string)

	this.Logger = this.NewLogger("election-%s-%s", this.msn.UID(), this.uid)
	return nil
Exemple #6
// Close releases all resources and destroys the object.
func (this *Paxos) Close() (status error) {
	if err := this.ctlr.Close(); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := this.alarm.Close(); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not close alarm handler: %v", err)
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)

	re := regexp.MustCompile(this.uid)
	if err := this.wal.ConfigureRecoverer(re, nil); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not unconfigure wal recoverer: %v", err)
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #7
// abortCheckpoint cancels currently active checkpoint.
// Returns nil on success. Since partial abort may not always be undone, abort
// should be considered successful even after a failure.
func (this *WriteAheadLog) abortCheckpoint() (status error) {
	if this.checkpointFile == nil {
		return nil

	if err := this.checkpointFile.Close(); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not close checkpoint file: %v", err)
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	this.checkpointFile = nil

	filePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.checkpoint.temp", this.dir, this.name)
	if err := os.Remove(filePath); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not remove temporary checkpoint file %s: %v", filePath,
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #8
// Validate verifies user options for correctness.
func (this *Options) Validate() (status error) {
	if this.MaxReadSize < 8 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("minimum read size must be at least 8 bytes")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.MaxWriteSize < 8 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("minimum write size must be at least 8 bytes")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.MaxFileSize < 8 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("minimum file size must be at least 8 bytes")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.MaxReadDirNames < 1 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("readier must read at least one name per call")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #9
// Close releases all resources and destroys the object.
func (this *Election) Close() (status error) {
	if err := this.ctlr.Close(); err != nil {
		return err

	re := regexp.MustCompile(this.uid)
	if err := this.wal.ConfigureRecoverer(re, nil); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not unconfigure wal recoverer: %v", err)
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)

	for round, paxos := range this.classicPaxosMap {
		if err := paxos.Close(); err != nil {
			this.Errorf("could not close paxos instance for round %d: %v", round,
			status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #10
// Validate checks if user configuration items are all valid.
func (this *Options) Validate() (status error) {
	if this.ProposeRetryInterval < time.Millisecond {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("propose retry should wait for at least a " +
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.NumExtraPhase1Acceptors < 0 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("number of extra phase1 acceptors cannot be -ve")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.LearnTimeout < time.Millisecond {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("learn timeout must be at least a millisecond")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.LearnRetryInterval < time.Millisecond {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("learn notfication retry interval is too small")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #11
func (this *Messenger) stopListener(address string) (status error) {
	listener, found := this.listenerMap[address]
	if !found {
		this.Errorf("could not find listener for address %s", address)
		return errs.ErrNotExist
	delete(this.listenerMap, address)
	if err := listener.Close(); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not close the listener %s: %v", address, err)
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #12
// Validate checks for invalid user configuration settings.
func (this *Options) Validate() (status error) {
	if this.ResponseQueueSize < 1 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("response queue size should be at least one")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.SendQueueSize < 1 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("outbox queue size should at least one")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.NegotiationTimeout < time.Millisecond {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("connection negotiation timeout is too small")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.SendRetryTimeout < 10*time.Millisecond {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("send retry timeout is too small")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	if this.MaxDispatchRequests < 1 {
		err := errs.NewErrInvalid("at least one request should be dispatched")
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #13
// Close releases all messenger resources and destroys it.
func (this *Messenger) Close() (status error) {
	if err := this.ctlr.Close(); err != nil {
		return err

	if this.started {
		if err := this.doStop(); err != nil {
			this.Errorf("could not stop messenger service (ignored): %v", err)
			status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)

	return status
Exemple #14
// SendAll sends a message to multiple nodes.
// msn: The Messenger.
// targetList: List of targets to send the message.
// header: The message header.
// data: User data for the message.
// Returns the number of targets where message is sent successfully.
func SendAll(msn Messenger, targetList []string, header *msgpb.Header,
	data []byte) (int, error) {

	count := 0
	var errSend error
	for _, target := range targetList {
		if err := msn.Send(target, header, data); err != nil {
			msn.Warningf("could not send %s to %s: %v", header, target, err)
			errSend = errs.MergeErrors(errSend, err)
	return count, errSend
Exemple #15
func (this *Election) doGetPaxosInstance(uid string) (
	instance *classic.Paxos, status error) {

	round := this.ElectionRoundFromPaxosUID(uid)
	if round < 0 {
		this.Errorf("could not parse election round from paxos uid %s", uid)
		return nil, errs.ErrCorrupt

	if instance, ok := this.classicPaxosMap[round]; ok {
		return instance, nil

	paxos := &classic.Paxos{Logger: this}
	errInit := paxos.Initialize(&this.opts.PaxosOptions, this.namespace, uid,
		this.msn, this.wal)
	if errInit != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not initialize paxos instance %s: %v", uid, errInit)
		return nil, errInit

	errConfig := paxos.Configure(this.committee, this.committee, this.committee)
	if errConfig != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not configure paxos instance %s: %v", uid, errConfig)
		return nil, errConfig

	defer func() {
		if status != nil {
			if err := paxos.Close(); err != nil {
				this.Errorf("could not close paxos instance %s: %v", uid, err)
				status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)

	if err := paxos.SetLearnerWatch(this); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not configure watch on the paxos instance %s: %v", uid,
		return nil, err

	this.classicPaxosMap[round] = paxos
	return paxos, nil
Exemple #16
func (this *Messenger) doStart() (status error) {
	// Open a listener on all listen addresses.
	for _, address := range this.state.ListenerAddressList {
		if err := this.startListener(address); err != nil {
			this.Errorf("could not start listener at %s: %v", address, err)
			return err
		defer func() {
			if status != nil {
				if err := this.stopListener(address); err != nil {
					this.Errorf("could not stop listener at %s: %v", address, err)
					status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	return status
Exemple #17
// Initialize initializes a classic paxos instance.
func (this *Paxos) Initialize(opts *Options, namespace, uid string,
	msn msg.Messenger, wal wal.WriteAheadLog) (status error) {

	if err := opts.Validate(); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("invalid user options: %v", err)
		return err

	re := regexp.MustCompile(uid)
	if err := wal.ConfigureRecoverer(re, this); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not configure wal recoverer: %v", err)
		return err
	defer func() {
		if status != nil {
			if err := wal.ConfigureRecoverer(re, nil); err != nil {
				this.Errorf("could not unconfigure wal recoverer: %v", err)
				status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)

	this.wal = wal
	this.opts = *opts
	this.msn = msn
	this.uid = uid
	this.namespace = namespace
	this.proposerIndex = -1
	this.promisedBallot = -1
	this.votedBallot = -1
	this.majoritySize = -1
	this.proposalBallot = -1
	this.doneLearnerSet = make(map[string]struct{})
	this.votedValueMap = make(map[int64][]byte)
	this.ballotValueMap = make(map[int64][]byte)
	this.ballotAcceptorsMap = make(map[int64]map[string]struct{})
	this.learnerAckMap = make(map[int64]map[string]struct{})

	this.Logger = this.NewLogger("classic-paxos:%s-%s", this.msn.UID(), uid)
	return nil
Exemple #18
// CloseTransport removes a transport to a remote messenger instance.
// peer: The remote messenger instance.
// tport: Transport to remove.
// Returns nil on success.
func (this *Messenger) CloseTransport(peer *Peer, tport *Transport) (
	status error) {

	lock, errLock := this.ctlr.Lock(peer.peerID)
	if errLock != nil {
		return errLock
	delete(peer.transportMap, tport)

	if tport.connection == nil {
		return nil

	if err := tport.connection.Close(); err != nil {
		this.Errorf("could not close transport connection: %v", err)
		status = errs.MergeErrors(status, err)
	tport.connection = nil
	return status