Exemple #1
func mergeUploadCSVFiles(runID string, gs *util.GsUtil) error {
	localOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runID)
	skutil.MkdirAll(localOutputDir, 0700)
	// Copy outputs from all slaves locally.
	for i := 0; i < util.NUM_WORKERS; i++ {
		workerNum := i + 1
		workerLocalOutputPath := filepath.Join(localOutputDir, fmt.Sprintf("slave%d", workerNum)+".csv")
		workerRemoteOutputPath := filepath.Join(util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runID, fmt.Sprintf("slave%d", workerNum), "outputs", runID+".output")
		respBody, err := gs.GetRemoteFileContents(workerRemoteOutputPath)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not fetch %s: %s", workerRemoteOutputPath, err)
			// TODO(rmistry): Should we instead return here? We can only return
			// here if all 100 slaves reliably run without any failures which they
			// really should.
		defer skutil.Close(respBody)
		out, err := os.Create(workerLocalOutputPath)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to create file %s: %s", workerLocalOutputPath, err)
		defer skutil.Close(out)
		defer skutil.Remove(workerLocalOutputPath)
		if _, err = io.Copy(out, respBody); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to copy to file %s: %s", workerLocalOutputPath, err)
	// Call csv_merger.py to merge all results into a single results CSV.
	_, currentFile, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
	pathToPyFiles := filepath.Join(
	pathToCsvMerger := filepath.Join(pathToPyFiles, "csv_merger.py")
	outputFileName := runID + ".output"
	args := []string{
		"--csv_dir=" + localOutputDir,
		"--output_csv_name=" + filepath.Join(localOutputDir, outputFileName),
	if err := util.ExecuteCmd("python", args, []string{}, 1*time.Hour, nil, nil); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error running csv_merger.py: %s", err)
	// Copy the output file to Google Storage.
	remoteOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runID, "consolidated_outputs")
	if err := gs.UploadFile(outputFileName, localOutputDir, remoteOutputDir); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to upload %s to %s: %s", outputFileName, remoteOutputDir, err)
	return nil
Exemple #2
func mergeUploadCSVFiles(runID string, gs *util.GsUtil) ([]string, error) {
	localOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runID)
	skutil.MkdirAll(localOutputDir, 0700)
	noOutputSlaves := []string{}
	// Copy outputs from all slaves locally.
	for i := 0; i < util.NumWorkers(); i++ {
		workerNum := i + 1
		workerLocalOutputPath := filepath.Join(localOutputDir, fmt.Sprintf("slave%d", workerNum)+".csv")
		workerRemoteOutputPath := filepath.Join(util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runID, fmt.Sprintf("slave%d", workerNum), "outputs", runID+".output")
		respBody, err := gs.GetRemoteFileContents(workerRemoteOutputPath)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Could not fetch %s: %s", workerRemoteOutputPath, err)
			noOutputSlaves = append(noOutputSlaves, fmt.Sprintf(util.WORKER_NAME_TEMPLATE, workerNum))
		defer skutil.Close(respBody)
		out, err := os.Create(workerLocalOutputPath)
		if err != nil {
			return noOutputSlaves, fmt.Errorf("Unable to create file %s: %s", workerLocalOutputPath, err)
		defer skutil.Close(out)
		defer skutil.Remove(workerLocalOutputPath)
		if _, err = io.Copy(out, respBody); err != nil {
			return noOutputSlaves, fmt.Errorf("Unable to copy to file %s: %s", workerLocalOutputPath, err)
	// Call csv_merger.py to merge all results into a single results CSV.
	_, currentFile, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
	pathToPyFiles := filepath.Join(
	pathToCsvMerger := filepath.Join(pathToPyFiles, "csv_merger.py")
	outputFileName := runID + ".output"
	args := []string{
		"--csv_dir=" + localOutputDir,
		"--output_csv_name=" + filepath.Join(localOutputDir, outputFileName),
	err := util.ExecuteCmd("python", args, []string{}, util.CSV_MERGER_TIMEOUT, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return noOutputSlaves, fmt.Errorf("Error running csv_merger.py: %s", err)
	// Copy the output file to Google Storage.
	remoteOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.BenchmarkRunsDir, runID, "consolidated_outputs")
	if err := gs.UploadFile(outputFileName, localOutputDir, remoteOutputDir); err != nil {
		return noOutputSlaves, fmt.Errorf("Unable to upload %s to %s: %s", outputFileName, remoteOutputDir, err)
	return noOutputSlaves, nil