Exemple #1
func ListFeeds(c mpg.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	cu := user.Current(c)
	gn := goon.FromContext(c)
	u := &User{Id: cu.ID}
	ud := &UserData{Id: "data", Parent: gn.Key(u)}
	if err := gn.GetMulti([]interface{}{u, ud}); err != nil && !goon.NotFound(err, 1) {
		serveError(w, err)
	l := &Log{
		Parent: ud.Parent,
		Id:     time.Now().UnixNano(),
		Text:   "list feeds",
	l.Text += fmt.Sprintf(", len opml %v", len(ud.Opml))
	putU := false
	putUD := false
	fixRead := false
	if time.Since(u.Read) > oldDuration {
		u.Read = time.Now().Add(-oldDuration)
		putU = true
		fixRead = true
		l.Text += ", u.Read"
	trialRemaining := 0
	if STRIPE_KEY != "" && ud.Opml != nil {
		if u.Created.IsZero() {
			u.Created = time.Now()
			putU = true
		} else if time.Since(u.Created) > accountFreeDuration {
			b, _ := json.Marshal(struct {
				ErrorSubscription bool
		trialRemaining = int((accountFreeDuration-time.Since(u.Created))/time.Hour/24) + 1
	read := make(Read)
	var uf Opml
	c.Step("unmarshal user data", func(c mpg.Context) {
		json.Unmarshal(ud.Opml, &uf)
	var feeds []*Feed
	opmlMap := make(map[string]*OpmlOutline)
	var merr error
	c.Step("fetch feeds", func(c mpg.Context) {
		gn := goon.FromContext(appengine.Timeout(c, time.Minute))
		for _, outline := range uf.Outline {
			if outline.XmlUrl == "" {
				for _, so := range outline.Outline {
					feeds = append(feeds, &Feed{Url: so.XmlUrl})
					opmlMap[so.XmlUrl] = so
			} else {
				feeds = append(feeds, &Feed{Url: outline.XmlUrl})
				opmlMap[outline.XmlUrl] = outline
		merr = gn.GetMulti(feeds)
	lock := sync.Mutex{}
	fl := make(map[string][]*Story)
	q := datastore.NewQuery(gn.Key(&Story{}).Kind()).
		Filter(IDX_COL+" >=", u.Read).
		Order("-" + IDX_COL).
	updatedLinks := false
	now := time.Now()
	numStories := 0

	c.Step(fmt.Sprintf("feed unreads: %v", u.Read), func(c mpg.Context) {
		queue := make(chan *Feed)
		tc := make(chan *taskqueue.Task)
		done := make(chan bool)
		wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
		feedProc := func() {
			for f := range queue {
				c.Step(f.Title, func(c mpg.Context) {
					defer wg.Done()
					var stories []*Story
					gn := goon.FromContext(appengine.Timeout(c, time.Minute))

					if !f.Date.Before(u.Read) {
						fk := gn.Key(f)
						sq := q.Ancestor(fk)
						keys, _ := gn.GetAll(sq, nil)
						stories = make([]*Story, len(keys))
						for j, key := range keys {
							stories[j] = &Story{
								Id:     key.StringID(),
								Parent: fk,
					if f.Link != opmlMap[f.Url].HtmlUrl {
						l.Text += fmt.Sprintf(", link: %v -> %v", opmlMap[f.Url].HtmlUrl, f.Link)
						updatedLinks = true
						opmlMap[f.Url].HtmlUrl = f.Link
					manualDone := false
					if time.Since(f.LastViewed) > time.Hour*24*2 {
						if f.NextUpdate.Equal(timeMax) {
							tc <- taskqueue.NewPOSTTask(routeUrl("update-feed-manual"), url.Values{
								"feed": {f.Url},
								"last": {"1"},
							manualDone = true
						} else {
							tc <- taskqueue.NewPOSTTask(routeUrl("update-feed-last"), url.Values{
								"feed": {f.Url},
					if !manualDone && now.Sub(f.NextUpdate) >= 0 {
						tc <- taskqueue.NewPOSTTask(routeUrl("update-feed-manual"), url.Values{
							"feed": {f.Url},
					fl[f.Url] = stories
					numStories += len(stories)
		go taskSender(c, "update-manual", tc, done)
		for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
			go feedProc()
		for i, f := range feeds {
			if goon.NotFound(merr, i) {
			queue <- f
		// wait for feeds to complete so there are no more tasks to queue
		// then finish enqueuing tasks
	if numStories > 0 {
		c.Step("numStories", func(c mpg.Context) {
			stories := make([]*Story, 0, numStories)
			for _, v := range fl {
				stories = append(stories, v...)
			if len(stories) > numStoriesLimit {
				stories = stories[:numStoriesLimit]
				fl = make(map[string][]*Story)
				for _, s := range stories {
					fk := s.Parent.StringID()
					p := fl[fk]
					fl[fk] = append(p, s)
			last := stories[len(stories)-1].Created
			if u.Read.Before(last) {
				u.Read = last
				putU = true
				fixRead = true
	if fixRead {
		c.Step("fix read", func(c mpg.Context) {
			nread := make(Read)
			for k, v := range fl {
				for _, s := range v {
					rs := readStory{Feed: k, Story: s.Id}
					if read[rs] {
						nread[rs] = true
			if len(nread) != len(read) {
				read = nread
				var b bytes.Buffer
				ud.Read = b.Bytes()
				putUD = true
				l.Text += ", fix read"
	numStories = 0
	for k, v := range fl {
		newStories := make([]*Story, 0, len(v))
		for _, s := range v {
			if !read[readStory{Feed: k, Story: s.Id}] {
				newStories = append(newStories, s)
		numStories += len(newStories)
		fl[k] = newStories
	if numStories == 0 {
		l.Text += ", clear read"
		fixRead = false
		if ud.Read != nil {
			putUD = true
			ud.Read = nil
		last := u.Read
		for _, v := range feeds {
			if last.Before(v.Date) {
				last = v.Date
		c.Infof("nothing here, move up: %v -> %v", u.Read, last)
		if u.Read.Before(last) {
			putU = true
			u.Read = last
	if updatedLinks {
		if o, err := json.Marshal(&uf); err == nil {
			ud.Opml = o
			putUD = true
			l.Text += ", update links"
		} else {
			c.Errorf("json UL err: %v, %v", err, uf)
	if putU {
		l.Text += ", putU"
	if putUD {
		l.Text += ", putUD"
	l.Text += fmt.Sprintf(", len opml %v", len(ud.Opml))
	c.Step("json marshal", func(c mpg.Context) {
		gn := goon.FromContext(c)
		o := struct {
			Opml           []*OpmlOutline
			Stories        map[string][]*Story
			Options        string
			TrialRemaining int
			Feeds          []*Feed
			Opml:           uf.Outline,
			Stories:        fl,
			Options:        u.Options,
			TrialRemaining: trialRemaining,
			Feeds:          feeds,
		b, err := json.Marshal(o)
		if err != nil {
			for _, v := range fl {
				for _, s := range v {
					n := sanitizer.CleanNonUTF8(s.Summary)
					if n != s.Summary {
						s.Summary = n
						c.Errorf("cleaned %v", s.Id)
			b, _ = json.Marshal(o)
Exemple #2
func ListFeeds(c mpg.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	cu := user.Current(c)
	gn := goon.FromContext(c)
	u := &User{Id: cu.ID}
	ud := &UserData{Id: "data", Parent: gn.Key(u)}
	gn.GetMulti([]interface{}{u, ud})
	putU := false
	putUD := false
	fixRead := false
	if time.Since(u.Read) > oldDuration {
		u.Read = time.Now().Add(-oldDuration)
		putU = true
		fixRead = true

	read := make(Read)
	var uf Opml
	c.Step("unmarshal user data", func() {
		json.Unmarshal(ud.Opml, &uf)
	var feeds []*Feed
	opmlMap := make(map[string]*OpmlOutline)
	var merr error
	c.Step("fetch feeds", func() {
		for _, outline := range uf.Outline {
			if outline.XmlUrl == "" {
				for _, so := range outline.Outline {
					feeds = append(feeds, &Feed{Url: so.XmlUrl})
					opmlMap[so.XmlUrl] = so
			} else {
				feeds = append(feeds, &Feed{Url: outline.XmlUrl})
				opmlMap[outline.XmlUrl] = outline
		merr = gn.GetMulti(feeds)
	lock := sync.Mutex{}
	fl := make(map[string][]*Story)
	q := datastore.NewQuery(gn.Key(&Story{}).Kind())
	hasStories := false
	updatedLinks := false
	icons := make(map[string]string)
	noads := make(map[string]bool)
	now := time.Now()
	numStories := 0

	c.Step("feed fetch + wait", func() {
		queue := make(chan *Feed)
		tc := make(chan *taskqueue.Task)
		wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
		feedProc := func() {
			for f := range queue {
				defer wg.Done()
				var stories []*Story

				if u.Read.Before(f.Date) {
					fk := gn.Key(f)
					sq := q.Ancestor(fk).Filter(IDX_COL+" >", u.Read).KeysOnly().Order("-" + IDX_COL)
					keys, _ := gn.GetAll(sq, nil)
					stories = make([]*Story, len(keys))
					for j, key := range keys {
						stories[j] = &Story{
							Id:     key.StringID(),
							Parent: fk,
				if f.Link != opmlMap[f.Url].HtmlUrl {
					updatedLinks = true
					opmlMap[f.Url].HtmlUrl = f.Link
				manualDone := false
				if time.Since(f.LastViewed) > time.Hour*24*2 {
					if f.NextUpdate.Equal(timeMax) {
						tc <- taskqueue.NewPOSTTask(routeUrl("update-feed-manual"), url.Values{
							"feed": {f.Url},
							"last": {"1"},
						manualDone = true
					} else {
						tc <- taskqueue.NewPOSTTask(routeUrl("update-feed-last"), url.Values{
							"feed": {f.Url},
				if !manualDone && now.Sub(f.NextUpdate) >= 0 {
					tc <- taskqueue.NewPOSTTask(routeUrl("update-feed-manual"), url.Values{
						"feed": {f.Url},
				fl[f.Url] = stories
				numStories += len(stories)
				if len(stories) > 0 {
					hasStories = true
				if f.Image != "" {
					icons[f.Url] = f.Image
				if f.NoAds {
					noads[f.Url] = true
		go func() {
			var tasks []*taskqueue.Task
			for t := range tc {
				tasks = append(tasks, t)
				if len(tasks) == 100 {
					taskqueue.AddMulti(c, tasks, "update-manual")
					c.Infof("added %v tasks", len(tasks))
					tasks = tasks[0:0]
			if len(tasks) > 0 {
				taskqueue.AddMulti(c, tasks, "update-manual")
				c.Infof("added %v tasks", len(tasks))
		for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
			go feedProc()
		for i, f := range feeds {
			if goon.NotFound(merr, i) {
			queue <- f
		// wait for feeds to complete so there are no more tasks to queue
		// then finish enqueuing tasks
	if numStories > numStoriesLimit {
		c.Step("numStories", func() {
			c.Infof("too many stories: %v", numStories)
			stories := make([]*Story, 0, numStories)
			for _, v := range fl {
				stories = append(stories, v...)
			last := stories[numStoriesLimit].Created
			stories = stories[:numStoriesLimit]
			u.Read = last
			putU = true
			fixRead = true
			fl = make(map[string][]*Story)
			for _, s := range stories {
				fk := s.Parent.StringID()
				p := fl[fk]
				fl[fk] = append(p, s)
			c.Infof("filtered: %v, %v", len(stories), last)
	if fixRead {
		c.Step("fix read", func() {
			nread := make(Read)
			for k, v := range fl {
				for _, s := range v {
					rs := readStory{Feed: k, Story: s.Id}
					if read[rs] {
						nread[rs] = true
			read = nread
			var b bytes.Buffer
			ud.Read = b.Bytes()
			putUD = true
	for k, v := range fl {
		newStories := make([]*Story, 0, len(v))
		for _, s := range v {
			if !read[readStory{Feed: k, Story: s.Id}] {
				newStories = append(newStories, s)
		fl[k] = newStories
	if !hasStories {
		var last time.Time
		for _, f := range feeds {
			if last.Before(f.Date) {
				last = f.Date
		if u.Read.Before(last) {
			c.Debugf("setting %v read to %v", cu.ID, last)
			putU = true
			putUD = true
			u.Read = last
			ud.Read = nil
	if updatedLinks {
		if o, err := json.Marshal(&uf); err == nil {
			ud.Opml = o
			putUD = true
		} else {
			saveError(c, fmt.Sprintf("%v", uf), err)
			c.Errorf("json UL err: %v, %v", err, uf)
	if putU {
	if putUD {
	c.Step("json marshal", func() {
		o := struct {
			Opml    []*OpmlOutline
			Stories map[string][]*Story
			Icons   map[string]string
			NoAds   map[string]bool
			Options string
			Opml:    uf.Outline,
			Stories: fl,
			Icons:   icons,
			NoAds:   noads,
			Options: u.Options,
		b, err := json.Marshal(o)
		if err != nil {
			for _, v := range fl {
				for _, s := range v {
					n := sanitizer.CleanNonUTF8(s.Summary)
					if n != s.Summary {
						s.Summary = n
						c.Errorf("cleaned %v", s.Id)
			b, _ = json.Marshal(o)