Exemple #1
func makeStone(name string, circleMask *image.Alpha) (*image.RGBA, *image.Alpha) {
	stone := get(name, stoneSize0)
	dst := image.NewRGBA(stone.Bounds())
	// Make the whole area black, for the shadow.
	draw.Draw(dst, dst.Bounds(), image.Black, ZP, draw.Src)
	// Lay in the stone within the circle so it shows up inside the shadow.
	draw.DrawMask(dst, dst.Bounds(), stone, ZP, circleMask, ZP, draw.Over)
	return dst, makeShadowMask(stone)
Exemple #2
func (ig *ImageGraphics) Text(x, y int, t string, align string, rot int, f chart.Font) {
	if len(align) == 1 {
		align = "c" + align

	var col color.Color
	if f.Color != nil {
		col = f.Color
	} else {
		col = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0xff}

	textImage := ig.textBox(t, f, col)
	bounds := textImage.Bounds()
	w, h := bounds.Dx(), bounds.Dy()
	var centerX, centerY int

	if rot != 0 {
		alpha := float64(rot) / 180 * math.Pi
		cos := math.Cos(alpha)
		sin := math.Sin(alpha)

		ax, ay := float64(w), float64(h) // anchor point
		switch align[0] {
		case 'b':
		case 'c':
			ay /= 2
		case 't':
			ay = 0
		switch align[1] {
		case 'l':
			ax = 0
		case 'c':
			ax /= 2
		case 'r':
		dx := float64(ax)*cos + float64(ay)*sin
		dy := -float64(ax)*sin + float64(ay)*cos
		trans := f64.Aff3{
			+cos, +sin, float64(x+ig.x0) - dx,
			-sin, +cos, float64(y+ig.y0) - dy,
		draw.BiLinear.Transform(ig.Image, trans,
			textImage, textImage.Bounds(), draw.Over, nil)
	} else {
		centerX, centerY = w/2, h/2
		switch align[0] {
		case 'b':
			centerY = h
		case 't':
			centerY = 0
		switch align[1] {
		case 'l':
			centerX = 0
		case 'r':
			centerX = w

	bounds = textImage.Bounds()
	w, h = bounds.Dx(), bounds.Dy()
	x -= centerX
	y -= centerY
	x += ig.x0
	y += ig.y0

	tcol := image.NewUniform(col)
	draw.DrawMask(ig.Image, image.Rect(x, y, x+w, y+h), tcol, image.ZP,
		textImage, textImage.Bounds().Min, draw.Over)
Exemple #3
func (b *Board) drawPiece(m *image.RGBA, ij IJ, piece *Piece) {
	xy := ij.XYStone(&b.Dims)
	xy = xy.Add(piece.delta)
	draw.DrawMask(m, xy, piece.stone.image, ZP, piece.stone.mask, ZP, draw.Over)