Exemple #1
func (bs *blockstore) Get(k *cid.Cid) (blocks.Block, error) {
	if k == nil {
		log.Error("nil cid in blockstore")
		return nil, ErrNotFound

	maybeData, err := bs.datastore.Get(dshelp.CidToDsKey(k))
	if err == ds.ErrNotFound {
		return nil, ErrNotFound
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	bdata, ok := maybeData.([]byte)
	if !ok {
		return nil, ValueTypeMismatch

	if bs.rehash {
		rbcid, err := k.Prefix().Sum(bdata)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if !rbcid.Equals(k) {
			return nil, ErrHashMismatch

		return blocks.NewBlockWithCid(bdata, rbcid)
	} else {
		return blocks.NewBlockWithCid(bdata, k)
func (rs *s) Providers(c *cid.Cid) []pstore.PeerInfo {
	rs.delayConf.Query.Wait() // before locking

	defer rs.lock.RUnlock()
	k := c.KeyString()

	var ret []pstore.PeerInfo
	records, ok := rs.providers[k]
	if !ok {
		return ret
	for _, r := range records {
		if time.Now().Sub(r.Created) > rs.delayConf.ValueVisibility.Get() {
			ret = append(ret, r.Peer)

	for i := range ret {
		j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
		ret[i], ret[j] = ret[j], ret[i]

	return ret
Exemple #3
func wantlistContains(wantlist *pb.Message_Wantlist, c *cid.Cid) bool {
	for _, e := range wantlist.GetEntries() {
		if e.GetBlock() == c.KeyString() {
			return true
	return false
Exemple #4
func hash(seed uint32, c *cid.Cid) uint32 {
	var buf [4]byte
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:], seed)
	h := fnv.New32a()
	_, _ = h.Write(buf[:])
	_, _ = h.Write(c.Bytes())
	return h.Sum32()
Exemple #5
// FindLinks searches this nodes links for the given key,
// returns the indexes of any links pointing to it
func FindLinks(links []*cid.Cid, c *cid.Cid, start int) []int {
	var out []int
	for i, lnk_c := range links[start:] {
		if c.Equals(lnk_c) {
			out = append(out, i+start)
	return out
Exemple #6
func (n *dagService) GetLinks(ctx context.Context, c *cid.Cid) ([]*node.Link, error) {
	if c.Type() == cid.Raw {
		return nil, nil
	node, err := n.Get(ctx, c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return node.Links(), nil
Exemple #7
// NewBlockWithHash creates a new block when the hash of the data
// is already known, this is used to save time in situations where
// we are able to be confident that the data is correct
func NewBlockWithCid(data []byte, c *cid.Cid) (*BasicBlock, error) {
	if u.Debug {
		chkc, err := c.Prefix().Sum(data)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if !chkc.Equals(c) {
			return nil, ErrWrongHash
	return &BasicBlock{data: data, cid: c}, nil
Exemple #8
// if ok == false has is inconclusive
// if ok == true then has respons to question: is it contained
func (b *arccache) hasCached(k *cid.Cid) (has bool, ok bool) {
	if k == nil {
		log.Error("nil cid in arccache")
		// Return cache invalid so the call to blockstore happens
		// in case of invalid key and correct error is created.
		return false, false

	h, ok := b.arc.Get(k.KeyString())
	if ok {
		return h.(bool), true
	return false, false
func (rs *s) Announce(p pstore.PeerInfo, c *cid.Cid) error {
	defer rs.lock.Unlock()

	k := c.KeyString()

	_, ok := rs.providers[k]
	if !ok {
		rs.providers[k] = make(map[peer.ID]providerRecord)
	rs.providers[k][p.ID] = providerRecord{
		Created: time.Now(),
		Peer:    p,
	return nil
Exemple #10
func (m *impl) addEntry(c *cid.Cid, priority int, cancel bool) {
	k := c.KeyString()
	e, exists := m.wantlist[k]
	if exists {
		e.Priority = priority
		e.Cancel = cancel
	} else {
		m.wantlist[k] = Entry{
			Entry: &wantlist.Entry{
				Cid:      c,
				Priority: priority,
			Cancel: cancel,
Exemple #11
// Write one edge
func (rw *RefWriter) WriteEdge(from, to *cid.Cid, linkname string) error {
	if rw.Ctx != nil {
		select {
		case <-rw.Ctx.Done(): // just in case.
			return rw.Ctx.Err()

	var s string
	switch {
	case rw.PrintFmt != "":
		s = rw.PrintFmt
		s = strings.Replace(s, "<src>", from.String(), -1)
		s = strings.Replace(s, "<dst>", to.String(), -1)
		s = strings.Replace(s, "<linkname>", linkname, -1)
		s += to.String()

	rw.out <- &RefWrapper{Ref: s}
	return nil
Exemple #12
func (b *arccache) addCache(c *cid.Cid, has bool) {
	b.arc.Add(c.KeyString(), has)
Exemple #13
func CidToDsKey(k *cid.Cid) ds.Key {
	return NewKeyFromBinary(k.KeyString())
// taskKey returns a key that uniquely identifies a task.
func taskKey(p peer.ID, k *cid.Cid) string {
	return string(p) + k.KeyString()
Exemple #15
func CidToDsKey(k *cid.Cid) ds.Key {
	return NewKeyFromBinary(k.Bytes())
Exemple #16
func (m *impl) Cancel(k *cid.Cid) {
	delete(m.wantlist, k.KeyString())
	m.addEntry(k, 0, true)
func (i *gatewayHandler) putHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// TODO(cryptix): move me to ServeHTTP and pass into all handlers
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(i.node.Context())
	defer cancel()

	rootPath, err := path.ParsePath(r.URL.Path)
	if err != nil {
		webError(w, "putHandler: IPFS path not valid", err, http.StatusBadRequest)

	rsegs := rootPath.Segments()
	if rsegs[0] == ipnsPathPrefix {
		webError(w, "putHandler: updating named entries not supported", errors.New("WritableGateway: ipns put not supported"), http.StatusBadRequest)

	var newnode node.Node
	if rsegs[len(rsegs)-1] == "QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn" {
		newnode = ft.EmptyDirNode()
	} else {
		putNode, err := i.newDagFromReader(r.Body)
		if err != nil {
			webError(w, "putHandler: Could not create DAG from request", err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
		newnode = putNode

	var newPath string
	if len(rsegs) > 1 {
		newPath = path.Join(rsegs[2:])

	var newcid *cid.Cid
	rnode, err := core.Resolve(ctx, i.node.Namesys, i.node.Resolver, rootPath)
	switch ev := err.(type) {
	case path.ErrNoLink:
		// ev.Node < node where resolve failed
		// ev.Name < new link
		// but we need to patch from the root
		c, err := cid.Decode(rsegs[1])
		if err != nil {
			webError(w, "putHandler: bad input path", err, http.StatusBadRequest)

		rnode, err := i.node.DAG.Get(ctx, c)
		if err != nil {
			webError(w, "putHandler: Could not create DAG from request", err, http.StatusInternalServerError)

		pbnd, ok := rnode.(*dag.ProtoNode)
		if !ok {
			webError(w, "Cannot read non protobuf nodes through gateway", dag.ErrNotProtobuf, http.StatusBadRequest)

		e := dagutils.NewDagEditor(pbnd, i.node.DAG)
		err = e.InsertNodeAtPath(ctx, newPath, newnode, ft.EmptyDirNode)
		if err != nil {
			webError(w, "putHandler: InsertNodeAtPath failed", err, http.StatusInternalServerError)

		nnode, err := e.Finalize(i.node.DAG)
		if err != nil {
			webError(w, "putHandler: could not get node", err, http.StatusInternalServerError)

		newcid = nnode.Cid()

	case nil:
		pbnd, ok := rnode.(*dag.ProtoNode)
		if !ok {
			webError(w, "Cannot read non protobuf nodes through gateway", dag.ErrNotProtobuf, http.StatusBadRequest)

		pbnewnode, ok := newnode.(*dag.ProtoNode)
		if !ok {
			webError(w, "Cannot read non protobuf nodes through gateway", dag.ErrNotProtobuf, http.StatusBadRequest)

		// object set-data case

		newcid, err = i.node.DAG.Add(pbnd)
		if err != nil {
			nnk := newnode.Cid()
			rk := pbnd.Cid()
			webError(w, fmt.Sprintf("putHandler: Could not add newnode(%q) to root(%q)", nnk.String(), rk.String()), err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
		log.Warningf("putHandler: unhandled resolve error %T", ev)
		webError(w, "could not resolve root DAG", ev, http.StatusInternalServerError)

	i.addUserHeaders(w) // ok, _now_ write user's headers.
	w.Header().Set("IPFS-Hash", newcid.String())
	http.Redirect(w, r, gopath.Join(ipfsPathPrefix, newcid.String(), newPath), http.StatusCreated)