// Given a card object, populates it with its image func PopulateCardImage(c *card.Card, u *uistate.UIState) { var texKey string switch c.GetSuit() { case card.Club: texKey = "Clubs-" case card.Diamond: texKey = "Diamonds-" case card.Spade: texKey = "Spades-" case card.Heart: texKey = "Hearts-" } switch c.GetFace() { case card.Jack: texKey += "Jack" case card.Queen: texKey += "Queen" case card.King: texKey += "King" case card.Ace: texKey += "Ace" default: texKey += strconv.Itoa(int(c.GetFace())) } texKey += ".png" n := MakeNode(u) u.Eng.SetSubTex(n, u.Texs[texKey]) c.SetNode(n) c.SetImage(u.Texs[texKey]) c.SetBack(u.Texs["BakuSquare.png"]) }
// Given a card object, populates it with its positioning values and sets its position on-screen for the player hand view func SetCardPositionHand(c *card.Card, indexInSuit int, suitCounts []int, u *uistate.UIState) { suitCount := float32(suitCounts[c.GetSuit()]) heightScaler := float32(4 - c.GetSuit()) diff := suitCount*(u.Padding+u.CardDim.X) - (u.WindowSize.X - u.Padding) x := u.Padding + float32(indexInSuit)*(u.Padding+u.CardDim.X) if diff > 0 && indexInSuit > 0 { x -= diff * float32(indexInSuit) / (suitCount - 1) } y := u.WindowSize.Y - heightScaler*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) - u.BottomPadding pos := coords.MakeVec(x, y) c.SetInitial(pos) c.Move(pos, u.CardDim, u.Eng) }
// checks one specific drop target to see if a card was dropped there func dropCardHere(c *card.Card, d *staticimg.StaticImg, t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) bool { if !touchingStaticImg(t, d, u) { return false } lastDroppedCard := d.GetCardHere() if lastDroppedCard != nil { reposition.ResetCardPosition(lastDroppedCard, u.Eng) reposition.RealignSuit(lastDroppedCard.GetSuit(), lastDroppedCard.GetInitial().Y, u) } oldY := c.GetInitial().Y suit := c.GetSuit() u.CurCard.Move(d.GetCurrent(), c.GetDimensions(), u.Eng) d.SetCardHere(u.CurCard) // realign suit the card just left reposition.RealignSuit(suit, oldY, u) return true }
// checks all drop targets to see if a card was dropped there func dropCardOnTarget(c *card.Card, t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) bool { for _, d := range u.DropTargets { // checking to see if card was dropped onto a drop target if touchingStaticImg(t, d, u) { lastDroppedCard := d.GetCardHere() if lastDroppedCard != nil { reposition.ResetCardPosition(lastDroppedCard, u.Eng) reposition.RealignSuit(lastDroppedCard.GetSuit(), lastDroppedCard.GetInitial().Y, u) } oldY := c.GetInitial().Y suit := c.GetSuit() c.Move(d.GetCurrent(), c.GetDimensions(), u.Eng) d.SetCardHere(c) // realign suit the card just left reposition.RealignSuit(suit, oldY, u) return true } } return false }
// Formats play command and sends to Syncbase func LogPlay(u *uistate.UIState, c *card.Card) bool { key := getKey(u.CurPlayerIndex, u) value := Play + Bar + strconv.Itoa(u.CurPlayerIndex) + Colon value += cardType + Space + c.GetSuit().String() + c.GetFace().String() + Colon + End return logKeyValue(u.Service, u.Ctx, key, value) }