Exemple #1
func animationLoop(brightnessValues chan float64) {
	// loops forever, if there are no new brightness values coming in and no animations to do then it
	// blocks on brightnessValues waiting for data.
	var targetBrightness float64
	for ; ; targetBrightness = <-brightnessValues { // outer loop blocks
		for ; ; time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond) { // inner loop does not block
			select {
			case targetBrightness = <-brightnessValues:

			log.Printf("glux: targetBrightness: %v\n", targetBrightness)

			hueBridge := hueControl.GetHueBridge()
			lightsState, _ := hueControl.AreLightsOn(hueBridge)
			lightsBrightness, _ := hueControl.GetLightsBrightness(hueBridge)
			log.Printf("glux: actualbrightnes: %v\n", lightsBrightness)

			if lightsState == true && closeTo(lightsBrightness, targetBrightness) == false {

				change := BrightnessTick
				if targetBrightness < lightsBrightness {
					change = change - change - change // inverts positive to negative

				hueControl.SetBrightness(hueBridge, lightsBrightness+change)
			} else {
				// either lights are off or we reached our target, either way stop doing things
				// and bubble out to the blocking loop

Exemple #2
func mainLoopFunc() {
	brightnessMessages := make(chan float64)
	go animationLoop(brightnessMessages)
	for ; ; time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) {
		hueBridge := hueControl.GetHueBridge()
		lightsState, _ := hueControl.AreLightsOn(hueBridge)

		secondsUntilSunsetEvent := sunsetControl.SecondsUntilSunsetEvent(time.Now())
		secondsUntilSunriseEvent := sunsetControl.SecondsUntilSunriseEvent(time.Now())
		plexState := plexControl.GetPlexState()
		ps4State := ps4control.GetPs4State()

		fmt.Printf("Lights state is %v\n", lightsState)
		fmt.Printf("seconds until sunset event: %v\n", secondsUntilSunsetEvent)
		fmt.Printf("seconds until sunrise event: %v\n", secondsUntilSunriseEvent)
		fmt.Printf("plex state: %v\n", plexState)
		fmt.Printf("ps4 state: %v\n", ps4State)

		// start of actual logic for lights
		// if lights are off, do nothing. single exception is if it is close to sunset event

		if secondsUntilSunsetEvent < 120 && secondsUntilSunsetEvent >= 0 && lightsState == false {
			log.Printf("only %v seconds until sunset event, turning lights on", secondsUntilSunsetEvent)
			lightsState, _ = hueControl.AreLightsOn(hueBridge)

		// if the lights are on, we probably want to turn them off at sunrise, we don't do this in a clever way, they just turn off instantly
		if secondsUntilSunriseEvent < 120 && secondsUntilSunriseEvent >= 0 {
			log.Printf("only %v seconds until sunrise event, turning lights off")
			lightsState, _ = hueControl.AreLightsOn(hueBridge)

		if lightsState == false {

		// if we get here then the lights are on and we should start doing clever things

		timeOfDayBrightness := sunsetControl.TimeOfDayBrightnessCalc(time.Now())
		var plexBrightness float64
		switch plexControl.GetPlexState() {
		case plexControl.StatePlaying:
			plexBrightness = 0.2
		case plexControl.StatePaused:
			plexBrightness = 0.5
		case plexControl.StateStopped:
			plexBrightness = 1.0

		var ps4Brightness float64
		switch ps4control.GetPs4State() {
		case ps4control.StatePlaying:
			ps4Brightness = 0.2
		case ps4control.StatePaused:
			ps4Brightness = 0.5
		case ps4control.StateStopped:
			ps4Brightness = 1.0

		log.Printf("timeOfDayBrightness: %v\n", timeOfDayBrightness)
		log.Printf("plexBrightness: %v\n", plexBrightness)
		log.Printf("ps4Brightness: %v\n", ps4Brightness)

		var combBrightness = math.Min(plexBrightness, ps4Brightness)

		totalBrightness := timeOfDayBrightness * combBrightness
		brightnessMessages <- totalBrightness * BrightnessFull