Exemple #1
func (a *app) mount(ctl *ui.Controller) {
	cc := clickCounter{}
	tf := widget.TextField{Text: "Hmm", Caret: [2]int{1, 3}}
	ctl.Mount(&cc, &tf)
		x, y := 10, 10
		cc.SetBounds(image.Rect(x, y, x+150, y+blendish.WidgetHeight))
		y += blendish.WidgetHeight + 4
		tf.SetBounds(image.Rect(x, y, x+150, y+blendish.WidgetHeight))
	a.drawc = make(chan bool, 1)
	a.donec = make(chan bool)
	go render(a.wnd, a)
Exemple #2
func (c *clickCounter) mount(ctl *ui.Controller) {
	// FIXME: callbacks for UI 'actions' break the future potential for
	// parallel execution of siblings, since siblings would be able to
	// call methods acting on the same state (eg. the parent's state).
	// The controller should schedule these callbacks... Might look like
	// ui.ActionFunc(c.increment), etc.. Must not be callable by user.
	c.button = widget.Button{Text: "Button", OnClick: c.increment}
	c.label = widget.Label{Text: "0 click(s)"}
	ctl.Mount(&c.button, &c.label)
		x, y := 10, 10
		c.button.SetBounds(image.Rect(x, y, x+80, y+blendish.WidgetHeight))
		x += 80
		c.label.SetBounds(image.Rect(x, y, x+80, y+blendish.WidgetHeight))