Exemple #1
// checkAndUpdatePod updates existing, and:
//   * if ref makes a meaningful change, returns needUpdate=true
//   * if ref makes no meaningful change, but changes the pod status, returns needReconcile=true
//   * else return both false
//   Now, needUpdate and needReconcile should never be both true
func checkAndUpdatePod(existing, ref *api.Pod) (needUpdate, needReconcile bool) {
	// TODO: it would be better to update the whole object and only preserve certain things
	//       like the source annotation or the UID (to ensure safety)
	if !podsDifferSemantically(existing, ref) {
		// this is not an update
		// Only check reconcile when it is not an update, because if the pod is going to
		// be updated, an extra reconcile is unnecessary
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(existing.Status, ref.Status) {
			// Pod with changed pod status needs reconcile, because kubelet should
			// be the source of truth of pod status.
			existing.Status = ref.Status
			needReconcile = true
	// this is an update

	// Overwrite the first-seen time with the existing one. This is our own
	// internal annotation, there is no need to update.
	ref.Annotations[kubetypes.ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey] = existing.Annotations[kubetypes.ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey]

	existing.Spec = ref.Spec
	existing.Labels = ref.Labels
	existing.DeletionTimestamp = ref.DeletionTimestamp
	existing.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = ref.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds
	existing.Status = ref.Status
	updateAnnotations(existing, ref)
	needUpdate = true
Exemple #2
// checkAndUpdatePod updates existing if ref makes a meaningful change and returns true, or
// returns false if there was no update.
func checkAndUpdatePod(existing, ref *api.Pod) bool {
	// TODO: it would be better to update the whole object and only preserve certain things
	//       like the source annotation or the UID (to ensure safety)
	if reflect.DeepEqual(existing.Spec, ref.Spec) &&
		reflect.DeepEqual(existing.DeletionTimestamp, ref.DeletionTimestamp) &&
		reflect.DeepEqual(existing.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, ref.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds) {
		return false
	// this is an update
	existing.Spec = ref.Spec
	existing.DeletionTimestamp = ref.DeletionTimestamp
	existing.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = ref.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds
	return true
Exemple #3
// checkAndUpdatePod updates existing if ref makes a meaningful change and returns true, or
// returns false if there was no update.
func checkAndUpdatePod(existing, ref *api.Pod) bool {
	// TODO: it would be better to update the whole object and only preserve certain things
	//       like the source annotation or the UID (to ensure safety)
	if !podsDifferSemantically(existing, ref) {
		return false
	// this is an update

	// Overwrite the first-seen time with the existing one. This is our own
	// internal annotation, there is no need to update.
	ref.Annotations[kubelet.ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey] = existing.Annotations[kubelet.ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey]

	existing.Spec = ref.Spec
	existing.DeletionTimestamp = ref.DeletionTimestamp
	existing.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = ref.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds
	updateAnnotations(existing, ref)
	return true
func TestSyncBatchNoDeadlock(t *testing.T) {
	client := &testclient.Fake{}
	m := newTestManager(client)

	// Setup fake client.
	var ret api.Pod
	var err error
	client.AddReactor("*", "pods", func(action testclient.Action) (bool, runtime.Object, error) {
		switch action := action.(type) {
		case testclient.GetAction:
			assert.Equal(t, testPod.Name, action.GetName(), "Unexpeted GetAction: %+v", action)
		case testclient.UpdateAction:
			assert.Equal(t, testPod.Name, action.GetObject().(*api.Pod).Name, "Unexpeted UpdateAction: %+v", action)
			assert.Fail(t, "Unexpected Action: %+v", action)
		return true, &ret, err

	pod := new(api.Pod)
	*pod = *testPod
	pod.Status.ContainerStatuses = []api.ContainerStatus{{State: api.ContainerState{Running: &api.ContainerStateRunning{}}}}

	getAction := testclient.GetActionImpl{ActionImpl: testclient.ActionImpl{Verb: "get", Resource: "pods"}}
	updateAction := testclient.UpdateActionImpl{ActionImpl: testclient.ActionImpl{Verb: "update", Resource: "pods", Subresource: "status"}}

	// Pod not found.
	ret = *pod
	err = errors.NewNotFound(api.Resource("pods"), pod.Name)
	m.SetPodStatus(pod, getRandomPodStatus())
	verifyActions(t, client, []testclient.Action{getAction})

	// Pod was recreated.
	ret.UID = "other_pod"
	err = nil
	m.SetPodStatus(pod, getRandomPodStatus())
	verifyActions(t, client, []testclient.Action{getAction})

	// Pod not deleted (success case).
	ret = *pod
	m.SetPodStatus(pod, getRandomPodStatus())
	verifyActions(t, client, []testclient.Action{getAction, updateAction})

	// Pod is terminated, but still running.
	pod.DeletionTimestamp = new(unversioned.Time)
	m.SetPodStatus(pod, getRandomPodStatus())
	verifyActions(t, client, []testclient.Action{getAction, updateAction})

	// Pod is terminated successfully.
	pod.Status.ContainerStatuses[0].State.Running = nil
	pod.Status.ContainerStatuses[0].State.Terminated = &api.ContainerStateTerminated{}
	m.SetPodStatus(pod, getRandomPodStatus())
	verifyActions(t, client, []testclient.Action{getAction, updateAction})

	// Error case.
	err = fmt.Errorf("intentional test error")
	m.SetPodStatus(pod, getRandomPodStatus())
	verifyActions(t, client, []testclient.Action{getAction})