Exemple #1
// makeSandboxDockerConfig returns dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig based on runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig.
func (ds *dockerService) makeSandboxDockerConfig(c *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig, image string) (*dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig, error) {
	// Merge annotations and labels because docker supports only labels.
	labels := makeLabels(c.GetLabels(), c.GetAnnotations())
	// Apply a label to distinguish sandboxes from regular containers.
	labels[containerTypeLabelKey] = containerTypeLabelSandbox
	// Apply a container name label for infra container. This is used in summary v1.
	// TODO(random-liu): Deprecate this label once container metrics is directly got from CRI.
	labels[types.KubernetesContainerNameLabel] = sandboxContainerName

	hc := &dockercontainer.HostConfig{}
	createConfig := &dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig{
		Name: makeSandboxName(c),
		Config: &dockercontainer.Config{
			Hostname: c.GetHostname(),
			// TODO: Handle environment variables.
			Image:  image,
			Labels: labels,
		HostConfig: hc,

	// Set sysctls if requested
	sysctls, err := getSysctlsFromAnnotations(c.Annotations)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get sysctls from annotations %v for sandbox %q: %v", c.Annotations, c.Metadata.GetName(), err)
	hc.Sysctls = sysctls

	// Apply linux-specific options.
	if lc := c.GetLinux(); lc != nil {
		if err := ds.applySandboxLinuxOptions(hc, lc, createConfig, image); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Set port mappings.
	exposedPorts, portBindings := makePortsAndBindings(c.GetPortMappings())
	createConfig.Config.ExposedPorts = exposedPorts
	hc.PortBindings = portBindings

	// Set DNS options.
	if dnsConfig := c.GetDnsConfig(); dnsConfig != nil {
		hc.DNS = dnsConfig.GetServers()
		hc.DNSSearch = dnsConfig.GetSearches()
		hc.DNSOptions = dnsConfig.GetOptions()

	// Apply resource options.

	// Set security options.
	securityOpts, err := getSandboxSecurityOpts(c, ds.seccompProfileRoot)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate sandbox security options for sandbox %q: %v", c.Metadata.GetName(), err)
	hc.SecurityOpt = append(hc.SecurityOpt, securityOpts...)
	return createConfig, nil
Exemple #2
func makeSandboxDockerConfig(c *runtimeApi.PodSandboxConfig, image string) *dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig {
	// Merge annotations and labels because docker supports only labels.
	labels := makeLabels(c.GetLabels(), c.GetAnnotations())
	// Apply a label to distinguish sandboxes from regular containers.
	labels[containerTypeLabelKey] = containerTypeLabelSandbox

	hc := &dockercontainer.HostConfig{}
	createConfig := &dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig{
		Name: c.GetName(),
		Config: &dockercontainer.Config{
			Hostname: c.GetHostname(),
			// TODO: Handle environment variables.
			Image:  image,
			Labels: labels,
		HostConfig: hc,

	// Apply linux-specific options.
	if lc := c.GetLinux(); lc != nil {
		// Apply Cgroup options.
		// TODO: Check if this works with per-pod cgroups.
		hc.CgroupParent = lc.GetCgroupParent()

		// Apply namespace options.
		hc.NetworkMode, hc.UTSMode, hc.PidMode = "", "", ""
		nsOpts := lc.GetNamespaceOptions()
		if nsOpts != nil {
			if nsOpts.GetHostNetwork() {
				hc.NetworkMode = namespaceModeHost
			} else {
				// Assume kubelet uses either the cni or the kubenet plugin.
				// TODO: support docker networking.
				hc.NetworkMode = "none"
			if nsOpts.GetHostIpc() {
				hc.IpcMode = namespaceModeHost
			if nsOpts.GetHostPid() {
				hc.PidMode = namespaceModeHost
	// Set port mappings.
	exposedPorts, portBindings := makePortsAndBindings(c.GetPortMappings())
	createConfig.Config.ExposedPorts = exposedPorts
	hc.PortBindings = portBindings

	// Set DNS options.
	if dnsOpts := c.GetDnsOptions(); dnsOpts != nil {
		hc.DNS = dnsOpts.GetServers()
		hc.DNSSearch = dnsOpts.GetSearches()

	// Apply resource options.
	setSandboxResources(c.GetResources(), hc)

	// Set security options.
	hc.SecurityOpt = []string{getSeccompOpts()}

	return createConfig
Exemple #3
// CreateContainer creates a new container in the given PodSandbox
// Note: docker doesn't use LogPath yet.
// TODO: check if the default values returned by the runtime API are ok.
func (ds *dockerService) CreateContainer(podSandboxID string, config *runtimeApi.ContainerConfig, sandboxConfig *runtimeApi.PodSandboxConfig) (string, error) {
	if config == nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("container config is nil")
	if sandboxConfig == nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("sandbox config is nil for container %q", config.GetName())

	// Merge annotations and labels because docker supports only labels.
	// TODO: add a prefix to annotations so that we can distinguish labels and
	// annotations when reading back them from the docker container.
	labels := makeLabels(config.GetLabels(), config.GetAnnotations())
	// Apply a the container type label.
	labels[containerTypeLabelKey] = containerTypeLabelContainer

	image := ""
	if iSpec := config.GetImage(); iSpec != nil {
		image = iSpec.GetImage()
	createConfig := dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig{
		Name: config.GetName(),
		Config: &dockercontainer.Config{
			// TODO: set User.
			Hostname:   sandboxConfig.GetHostname(),
			Entrypoint: dockerstrslice.StrSlice(config.GetCommand()),
			Cmd:        dockerstrslice.StrSlice(config.GetArgs()),
			Env:        generateEnvList(config.GetEnvs()),
			Image:      image,
			WorkingDir: config.GetWorkingDir(),
			Labels:     labels,
			// Interactive containers:
			OpenStdin: config.GetStdin(),
			StdinOnce: config.GetStdinOnce(),
			Tty:       config.GetTty(),

	// Fill the HostConfig.
	hc := &dockercontainer.HostConfig{
		Binds:          generateMountBindings(config.GetMounts()),
		ReadonlyRootfs: config.GetReadonlyRootfs(),
		Privileged:     config.GetPrivileged(),

	// Apply options derived from the sandbox config.
	if lc := sandboxConfig.GetLinux(); lc != nil {
		// Apply Cgroup options.
		// TODO: Check if this works with per-pod cgroups.
		hc.CgroupParent = lc.GetCgroupParent()

		// Apply namespace options.
		sandboxNSMode := fmt.Sprintf("container:%v", podSandboxID)
		hc.NetworkMode = dockercontainer.NetworkMode(sandboxNSMode)
		hc.IpcMode = dockercontainer.IpcMode(sandboxNSMode)
		hc.UTSMode = ""
		hc.PidMode = ""

		nsOpts := lc.GetNamespaceOptions()
		if nsOpts != nil {
			if nsOpts.GetHostNetwork() {
				hc.UTSMode = namespaceModeHost
			if nsOpts.GetHostPid() {
				hc.PidMode = namespaceModeHost

	// Apply Linux-specific options if applicable.
	if lc := config.GetLinux(); lc != nil {
		// Apply resource options.
		// TODO: Check if the units are correct.
		// TODO: Can we assume the defaults are sane?
		rOpts := lc.GetResources()
		if rOpts != nil {
			hc.Resources = dockercontainer.Resources{
				Memory:     rOpts.GetMemoryLimitInBytes(),
				MemorySwap: -1, // Always disable memory swap.
				CPUShares:  rOpts.GetCpuShares(),
				CPUQuota:   rOpts.GetCpuQuota(),
				CPUPeriod:  rOpts.GetCpuPeriod(),
				// TODO: Need to set devices.
			hc.OomScoreAdj = int(rOpts.GetOomScoreAdj())
		// Note: ShmSize is handled in kube_docker_client.go

	hc.SecurityOpt = []string{getSeccompOpts()}
	// TODO: Add or drop capabilities.

	createConfig.HostConfig = hc
	createResp, err := ds.client.CreateContainer(createConfig)
	if createResp != nil {
		return createResp.ID, err
	return "", err
Exemple #4
func (ds *dockerService) makeSandboxDockerConfig(c *runtimeApi.PodSandboxConfig, image string) (*dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig, error) {
	// Merge annotations and labels because docker supports only labels.
	labels := makeLabels(c.GetLabels(), c.GetAnnotations())
	// Apply a label to distinguish sandboxes from regular containers.
	labels[containerTypeLabelKey] = containerTypeLabelSandbox
	// Apply a container name label for infra container. This is used in summary api.
	// TODO(random-liu): Deprecate this label once container metrics is directly got from CRI.
	labels[types.KubernetesContainerNameLabel] = sandboxContainerName

	hc := &dockercontainer.HostConfig{}
	createConfig := &dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig{
		Name: makeSandboxName(c),
		Config: &dockercontainer.Config{
			Hostname: c.GetHostname(),
			// TODO: Handle environment variables.
			Image:  image,
			Labels: labels,
		HostConfig: hc,

	// Apply linux-specific options.
	if lc := c.GetLinux(); lc != nil {
		// Apply Cgroup options.
		// TODO: Check if this works with per-pod cgroups.
		hc.CgroupParent = lc.GetCgroupParent()

		// Apply namespace options.
		hc.NetworkMode, hc.UTSMode, hc.PidMode = "", "", ""
		nsOpts := lc.GetNamespaceOptions()
		if nsOpts != nil {
			if nsOpts.GetHostNetwork() {
				hc.NetworkMode = namespaceModeHost
			} else {
				// Assume kubelet uses either the cni or the kubenet plugin.
				// TODO: support docker networking.
				hc.NetworkMode = "none"
			if nsOpts.GetHostIpc() {
				hc.IpcMode = namespaceModeHost
			if nsOpts.GetHostPid() {
				hc.PidMode = namespaceModeHost
	// Set port mappings.
	exposedPorts, portBindings := makePortsAndBindings(c.GetPortMappings())
	createConfig.Config.ExposedPorts = exposedPorts
	hc.PortBindings = portBindings

	// Set DNS options.
	if dnsConfig := c.GetDnsConfig(); dnsConfig != nil {
		hc.DNS = dnsConfig.GetServers()
		hc.DNSSearch = dnsConfig.GetSearches()
		hc.DNSOptions = dnsConfig.GetOptions()

	// Apply resource options.

	// Set security options.
	var err error
	hc.SecurityOpt, err = getSandboxSecurityOpts(c, ds.seccompProfileRoot)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate sandbox security options for sandbox %q: %v", c.Metadata.GetName(), err)
	return createConfig, nil