Exemple #1
// Expand takes aliases and expands them into owner lists.
func (a *Aliases) Expand(toExpand sets.String) sets.String {
	expanded := sets.String{}
	for _, owner := range toExpand.List() {
	return expanded
func getPriorityFunctionConfigs(names sets.String, args PluginFactoryArgs) ([]algorithm.PriorityConfig, error) {
	defer schedulerFactoryMutex.Unlock()

	configs := []algorithm.PriorityConfig{}
	for _, name := range names.List() {
		factory, ok := priorityFunctionMap[name]
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid priority name %s specified - no corresponding function found", name)
		if factory.Function != nil {
			configs = append(configs, algorithm.PriorityConfig{
				Function: factory.Function(args),
				Weight:   factory.Weight,
		} else {
			mapFunction, reduceFunction := factory.MapReduceFunction(args)
			configs = append(configs, algorithm.PriorityConfig{
				Map:    mapFunction,
				Reduce: reduceFunction,
				Weight: factory.Weight,
	return configs, nil
Exemple #3
// edgeHop checks the links of the given backend by executing an edge hop.
// It fixes broken links.
func (b *Backends) edgeHop(be *compute.BackendService, igs []*compute.InstanceGroup) error {
	beIGs := sets.String{}
	for _, beToIG := range be.Backends {
	igLinks := sets.String{}
	for _, igToBE := range igs {
	if beIGs.IsSuperset(igLinks) {
		return nil
	glog.Infof("Backend %v has a broken edge, expected igs %+v, current igs %+v",
		be.Name, igLinks.List(), beIGs.List())

	newBackends := []*compute.Backend{}
	for _, b := range getBackendsForIGs(igs) {
		if !beIGs.Has(b.Group) {
			newBackends = append(newBackends, b)
	be.Backends = append(be.Backends, newBackends...)
	if err := b.cloud.UpdateBackendService(be); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Exemple #4
func (config *GithubConfig) UsersWithCommit() ([]string, error) {
	userSet := sets.String{}

	teams, err := config.fetchAllTeams()
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("%v", err)
		return nil, err

	teamIDs := []int{}
	for _, team := range teams {
		repo, _, err := config.client.Organizations.IsTeamRepo(*team.ID, config.Org, config.Project)
		if repo == nil || err != nil {
		perms := *repo.Permissions
		if perms["push"] {
			teamIDs = append(teamIDs, *team.ID)

	for _, team := range teamIDs {
		users, err := config.fetchAllUsers(team)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("%v", err)
		for _, user := range users {

	return userSet.List(), nil
func (p *Parser) parseRequirement() (*Requirement, error) {
	key, operator, err := p.parseKeyAndInferOperator()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if operator == selection.Exists || operator == selection.DoesNotExist { // operator found lookahead set checked
		return NewRequirement(key, operator, []string{})
	operator, err = p.parseOperator()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var values sets.String
	switch operator {
	case selection.In, selection.NotIn:
		values, err = p.parseValues()
	case selection.Equals, selection.DoubleEquals, selection.NotEquals, selection.GreaterThan, selection.LessThan:
		values, err = p.parseExactValue()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return NewRequirement(key, operator, values.List())

Exemple #6
// Test public interface
func doTestIndex(t *testing.T, indexer Indexer) {
	mkObj := func(id string, val string) testStoreObject {
		return testStoreObject{id: id, val: val}

	// Test Index
	expected := map[string]sets.String{}
	expected["b"] = sets.NewString("a", "c")
	expected["f"] = sets.NewString("e")
	expected["h"] = sets.NewString("g")
	indexer.Add(mkObj("a", "b"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("c", "b"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("e", "f"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("g", "h"))
		for k, v := range expected {
			found := sets.String{}
			indexResults, err := indexer.Index("by_val", mkObj("", k))
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
			for _, item := range indexResults {
			items := v.List()
			if !found.HasAll(items...) {
				t.Errorf("missing items, index %s, expected %v but found %v", k, items, found.List())
Exemple #7
func getRequirement(key string, op selection.Operator, vals sets.String, t *testing.T) Requirement {
	req, err := NewRequirement(key, op, vals.List())
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("NewRequirement(%v, %v, %v) resulted in error:%v", key, op, vals, err)
		return Requirement{}
	return *req
Exemple #8
func replace(set sets.String, replaceWhat, replaceWith string) sets.String {
	result := sets.NewString(set.List()...)
	if result.Has(replaceWhat) {
	return result
Exemple #9
func runResourceTrackingTest(f *framework.Framework, podsPerNode int, nodeNames sets.String, rm *framework.ResourceMonitor,
	expectedCPU map[string]map[float64]float64, expectedMemory framework.ResourceUsagePerContainer) {
	numNodes := nodeNames.Len()
	totalPods := podsPerNode * numNodes
	By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating a RC of %d pods and wait until all pods of this RC are running", totalPods))
	rcName := fmt.Sprintf("resource%d-%s", totalPods, string(uuid.NewUUID()))

	// TODO: Use a more realistic workload
		Client:         f.ClientSet,
		InternalClient: f.InternalClientset,
		Name:           rcName,
		Namespace:      f.Namespace.Name,
		Image:          framework.GetPauseImageName(f.ClientSet),
		Replicas:       totalPods,

	// Log once and flush the stats.

	By("Start monitoring resource usage")
	// Periodically dump the cpu summary until the deadline is met.
	// Note that without calling framework.ResourceMonitor.Reset(), the stats
	// would occupy increasingly more memory. This should be fine
	// for the current test duration, but we should reclaim the
	// entries if we plan to monitor longer (e.g., 8 hours).
	deadline := time.Now().Add(monitoringTime)
	for time.Now().Before(deadline) {
		timeLeft := deadline.Sub(time.Now())
		framework.Logf("Still running...%v left", timeLeft)
		if timeLeft < reportingPeriod {
		} else {
		logPodsOnNodes(f.ClientSet, nodeNames.List())

	By("Reporting overall resource usage")
	logPodsOnNodes(f.ClientSet, nodeNames.List())
	usageSummary, err := rm.GetLatest()
	// TODO(random-liu): Remove the original log when we migrate to new perfdash
	framework.Logf("%s", rm.FormatResourceUsage(usageSummary))
	// Log perf result
	verifyMemoryLimits(f.ClientSet, expectedMemory, usageSummary)

	cpuSummary := rm.GetCPUSummary()
	framework.Logf("%s", rm.FormatCPUSummary(cpuSummary))
	// Log perf result
	verifyCPULimits(expectedCPU, cpuSummary)

	By("Deleting the RC")
	framework.DeleteRCAndPods(f.ClientSet, f.InternalClientset, f.Namespace.Name, rcName)
Exemple #10
func (m *mockPruneRecorder) Verify(t *testing.T, expected sets.String) {
	if len(m.set) != len(expected) || !m.set.HasAll(expected.List()...) {
		expectedValues := expected.List()
		actualValues := m.set.List()
		t.Errorf("expected \n\t%v\n, actual \n\t%v\n", expectedValues, actualValues)
Exemple #11
func printDeploymentConfig(dc *deployapi.DeploymentConfig, w io.Writer, opts kctl.PrintOptions) error {
	var scale string
	if dc.Spec.Test {
		scale = fmt.Sprintf("%d (during test)", dc.Spec.Replicas)
	} else {
		scale = fmt.Sprintf("%d", dc.Spec.Replicas)

	containers := sets.NewString()
	if dc.Spec.Template != nil {
		for _, c := range dc.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers {
	//names := containers.List()
	referencedContainers := sets.NewString()

	triggers := sets.String{}
	for _, trigger := range dc.Spec.Triggers {
		switch t := trigger.Type; t {
		case deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnConfigChange:
		case deployapi.DeploymentTriggerOnImageChange:
			if p := trigger.ImageChangeParams; p != nil && p.Automatic {
				var prefix string
				if len(containers) != 1 && !containers.HasAll(p.ContainerNames...) {
					prefix = strings.Join(p.ContainerNames, ",") + ":"
				switch p.From.Kind {
				case "ImageStreamTag":
					triggers.Insert(fmt.Sprintf("image(%s%s)", prefix, p.From.Name))
					triggers.Insert(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s%s)", p.From.Kind, prefix, p.From.Name))
	trigger := strings.Join(triggers.List(), ",")

	if opts.WithNamespace {
		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", dc.Namespace); err != nil {
			return err
	if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%v\t%s\t%s", dc.Name, dc.Status.LatestVersion, scale, trigger); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := appendItemLabels(dc.Labels, w, opts.ColumnLabels, opts.ShowLabels); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
func runResourceTrackingTest(framework *Framework, podsPerNode int, nodeNames sets.String, rm *resourceMonitor, expected map[string]map[float64]float64) {
	numNodes := nodeNames.Len()
	totalPods := podsPerNode * numNodes
	By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating a RC of %d pods and wait until all pods of this RC are running", totalPods))
	rcName := fmt.Sprintf("resource%d-%s", totalPods, string(util.NewUUID()))

	// TODO: Use a more realistic workload
		Client:    framework.Client,
		Name:      rcName,
		Namespace: framework.Namespace.Name,
		Image:     "gcr.io/google_containers/pause:2.0",
		Replicas:  totalPods,

	// Log once and flush the stats.

	By("Start monitoring resource usage")
	// Periodically dump the cpu summary until the deadline is met.
	// Note that without calling resourceMonitor.Reset(), the stats
	// would occupy increasingly more memory. This should be fine
	// for the current test duration, but we should reclaim the
	// entries if we plan to monitor longer (e.g., 8 hours).
	deadline := time.Now().Add(monitoringTime)
	for time.Now().Before(deadline) {
		timeLeft := deadline.Sub(time.Now())
		Logf("Still running...%v left", timeLeft)
		if timeLeft < reportingPeriod {
		} else {
		logPodsOnNodes(framework.Client, nodeNames.List())

	By("Reporting overall resource usage")
	logPodsOnNodes(framework.Client, nodeNames.List())
	usageSummary, err := rm.GetLatest()
	Logf("%s", rm.FormatResourceUsage(usageSummary))
	// TODO(yujuhong): Set realistic values after gathering enough data.
		"/kubelet":       &containerResourceUsage{MemoryRSSInBytes: 500 * 1024 * 1024},
		"/docker-daemon": &containerResourceUsage{MemoryRSSInBytes: 500 * 1024 * 1024},
	}, usageSummary)

	cpuSummary := rm.GetCPUSummary()
	Logf("%s", rm.FormatCPUSummary(cpuSummary))
	verifyCPULimits(expected, cpuSummary)

	By("Deleting the RC")
	DeleteRC(framework.Client, framework.Namespace.Name, rcName)
Exemple #13
func ExampleInformer() {
	// source simulates an apiserver object endpoint.
	source := framework.NewFakeControllerSource()

	// Let's do threadsafe output to get predictable test results.
	deletionCounter := make(chan string, 1000)

	// Make a controller that immediately deletes anything added to it, and
	// logs anything deleted.
	_, controller := framework.NewInformer(
			AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
				key, err := framework.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc(obj)
				if err != nil {
					key = "oops something went wrong with the key"

				// Report this deletion.
				deletionCounter <- key

	// Run the controller and run it until we close stop.
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stop)
	go controller.Run(stop)

	// Let's add a few objects to the source.
	testIDs := []string{"a-hello", "b-controller", "c-framework"}
	for _, name := range testIDs {
		// Note that these pods are not valid-- the fake source doesn't
		// call validation or anything.
		source.Add(&api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: name}})

	// Let's wait for the controller to process the things we just added.
	outputSet := sets.String{}
	for i := 0; i < len(testIDs); i++ {

	for _, key := range outputSet.List() {
	// Output:
	// a-hello
	// b-controller
	// c-framework
Exemple #14
func StringSetToFSType(set sets.String) []FSType {
	if set == nil {
		return nil
	volumes := []FSType{}
	for _, v := range set.List() {
		volumes = append(volumes, FSType(v))
	return volumes
// removeUserVisiblePaths removes the set of paths from the user-visible
// portion of the writer's target directory.
func (w *AtomicWriter) removeUserVisiblePaths(paths sets.String) error {
	orderedPaths := paths.List()
	for ii := len(orderedPaths) - 1; ii >= 0; ii-- {
		if err := os.Remove(path.Join(w.targetDir, orderedPaths[ii])); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("%s: error pruning old user-visible path %s: %v", w.logContext, orderedPaths[ii], err)
			return err

	return nil
Exemple #16
// ListZones returns a list of zones this Kubernetes cluster spans.
func (t *GCETranslator) ListZones() ([]string, error) {
	zones := sets.String{}
	readyNodes, err := t.nodeLister.NodeCondition(getNodeReadyPredicate()).List()
	if err != nil {
		return zones.List(), err
	for _, n := range readyNodes {
	return zones.List(), nil
Exemple #17
func TestOrphanBuildResolver(t *testing.T) {
	activeBuildConfig := mockBuildConfig("a", "active-build-config")
	inactiveBuildConfig := mockBuildConfig("a", "inactive-build-config")

	buildConfigs := []*buildapi.BuildConfig{activeBuildConfig}
	builds := []*buildapi.Build{}

	expectedNames := sets.String{}
	BuildPhaseOptions := []buildapi.BuildPhase{
	BuildPhaseFilter := []buildapi.BuildPhase{
	BuildPhaseFilterSet := sets.String{}
	for _, BuildPhase := range BuildPhaseFilter {

	for _, BuildPhaseOption := range BuildPhaseOptions {
		builds = append(builds, withStatus(mockBuild("a", string(BuildPhaseOption)+"-active", activeBuildConfig), BuildPhaseOption))
		builds = append(builds, withStatus(mockBuild("a", string(BuildPhaseOption)+"-inactive", inactiveBuildConfig), BuildPhaseOption))
		builds = append(builds, withStatus(mockBuild("a", string(BuildPhaseOption)+"-orphan", nil), BuildPhaseOption))
		if BuildPhaseFilterSet.Has(string(BuildPhaseOption)) {
			expectedNames.Insert(string(BuildPhaseOption) + "-inactive")
			expectedNames.Insert(string(BuildPhaseOption) + "-orphan")

	dataSet := NewDataSet(buildConfigs, builds)
	resolver := NewOrphanBuildResolver(dataSet, BuildPhaseFilter)
	results, err := resolver.Resolve()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
	foundNames := sets.String{}
	for _, result := range results {
	if len(foundNames) != len(expectedNames) || !expectedNames.HasAll(foundNames.List()...) {
		t.Errorf("expected %v, actual %v", expectedNames, foundNames)
Exemple #18
func (ca *CA) MakeServerCert(hostnames sets.String) (*TLSCertificateConfig, error) {
	serverPublicKey, serverPrivateKey, _ := NewKeyPair()
	serverTemplate, _ := newServerCertificateTemplate(pkix.Name{CommonName: hostnames.List()[0]}, hostnames.List())
	serverCrt, err := ca.signCertificate(serverTemplate, serverPublicKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	server := &TLSCertificateConfig{
		Certs: append([]*x509.Certificate{serverCrt}, ca.Config.Certs...),
		Key:   serverPrivateKey,
	return server, nil
Exemple #19
func validateList(t *testing.T, lister Lister, user user.Info, expectedSet sets.String) {
	namespaceList, err := lister.List(user)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
	results := sets.String{}
	for _, namespace := range namespaceList.Items {
	if results.Len() != expectedSet.Len() || !results.HasAll(expectedSet.List()...) {
		t.Errorf("User %v, Expected: %v, Actual: %v", user.GetName(), expectedSet, results)
Exemple #20
// RESTMapper returns a union RESTMapper of all known types with priorities chosen in the following order:
//  1. if KUBE_API_VERSIONS is specified, then KUBE_API_VERSIONS in order, OR
//  1. legacy kube group preferred version, extensions preferred version, metrics perferred version, legacy
//     kube any version, extensions any version, metrics any version, all other groups alphabetical preferred version,
//     all other groups alphabetical.
func RESTMapper(versionPatterns ...unversioned.GroupVersion) meta.RESTMapper {
	unionMapper := meta.MultiRESTMapper{}
	unionedGroups := sets.NewString()
	for enabledVersion := range enabledVersions {
		if !unionedGroups.Has(enabledVersion.Group) {
			groupMeta := groupMetaMap[enabledVersion.Group]
			unionMapper = append(unionMapper, groupMeta.RESTMapper)

	if len(versionPatterns) != 0 {
		resourcePriority := []unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}
		kindPriority := []unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}
		for _, versionPriority := range versionPatterns {
			resourcePriority = append(resourcePriority, versionPriority.WithResource(meta.AnyResource))
			kindPriority = append(kindPriority, versionPriority.WithKind(meta.AnyKind))

		return meta.PriorityRESTMapper{Delegate: unionMapper, ResourcePriority: resourcePriority, KindPriority: kindPriority}

	if len(envRequestedVersions) != 0 {
		resourcePriority := []unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}
		kindPriority := []unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}

		for _, versionPriority := range envRequestedVersions {
			resourcePriority = append(resourcePriority, versionPriority.WithResource(meta.AnyResource))
			kindPriority = append(kindPriority, versionPriority.WithKind(meta.AnyKind))

		return meta.PriorityRESTMapper{Delegate: unionMapper, ResourcePriority: resourcePriority, KindPriority: kindPriority}

	prioritizedGroups := []string{"", "extensions", "metrics"}
	resourcePriority, kindPriority := prioritiesForGroups(prioritizedGroups...)

	prioritizedGroupsSet := sets.NewString(prioritizedGroups...)
	remainingGroups := sets.String{}
	for enabledVersion := range enabledVersions {
		if !prioritizedGroupsSet.Has(enabledVersion.Group) {

	remainingResourcePriority, remainingKindPriority := prioritiesForGroups(remainingGroups.List()...)
	resourcePriority = append(resourcePriority, remainingResourcePriority...)
	kindPriority = append(kindPriority, remainingKindPriority...)

	return meta.PriorityRESTMapper{Delegate: unionMapper, ResourcePriority: resourcePriority, KindPriority: kindPriority}
Exemple #21
func getFitPredicateFunctions(names sets.String, args PluginFactoryArgs) (map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate, error) {
	defer schedulerFactoryMutex.Unlock()

	predicates := map[string]algorithm.FitPredicate{}
	for _, name := range names.List() {
		factory, ok := fitPredicateMap[name]
		if !ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid predicate name %q specified - no corresponding function found", name)
		predicates[name] = factory(args)
	return predicates, nil
Exemple #22
// ChooseZone implements our heuristics for choosing a zone for volume creation based on the volume name
// Volumes are generally round-robin-ed across all active zones, using the hash of the PVC Name.
// However, if the PVCName ends with `-<integer>`, we will hash the prefix, and then add the integer to the hash.
// This means that a StatefulSet's volumes (`claimname-statefulsetname-id`) will spread across available zones,
// assuming the id values are consecutive.
func ChooseZoneForVolume(zones sets.String, pvcName string) string {
	// We create the volume in a zone determined by the name
	// Eventually the scheduler will coordinate placement into an available zone
	var hash uint32
	var index uint32

	if pvcName == "" {
		// We should always be called with a name; this shouldn't happen
		glog.Warningf("No name defined during volume create; choosing random zone")

		hash = rand.Uint32()
	} else {
		hashString := pvcName

		// Heuristic to make sure that volumes in a StatefulSet are spread across zones
		// StatefulSet PVCs are (currently) named ClaimName-StatefulSetName-Id,
		// where Id is an integer index
		lastDash := strings.LastIndexByte(pvcName, '-')
		if lastDash != -1 {
			petIDString := pvcName[lastDash+1:]
			petID, err := strconv.ParseUint(petIDString, 10, 32)
			if err == nil {
				// Offset by the pet id, so we round-robin across zones
				index = uint32(petID)
				// We still hash the volume name, but only the base
				hashString = pvcName[:lastDash]
				glog.V(2).Infof("Detected StatefulSet-style volume name %q; index=%d", pvcName, index)

		// We hash the (base) volume name, so we don't bias towards the first N zones
		h := fnv.New32()
		hash = h.Sum32()

	// Zones.List returns zones in a consistent order (sorted)
	// We do have a potential failure case where volumes will not be properly spread,
	// if the set of zones changes during StatefulSet volume creation.  However, this is
	// probably relatively unlikely because we expect the set of zones to be essentially
	// static for clusters.
	// Hopefully we can address this problem if/when we do full scheduler integration of
	// PVC placement (which could also e.g. avoid putting volumes in overloaded or
	// unhealthy zones)
	zoneSlice := zones.List()
	zone := zoneSlice[(hash+index)%uint32(len(zoneSlice))]

	glog.V(2).Infof("Creating volume for PVC %q; chose zone=%q from zones=%q", pvcName, zone, zoneSlice)
	return zone
Exemple #23
func TestOrphanDeploymentResolver(t *testing.T) {
	activeDeploymentConfig := mockDeploymentConfig("a", "active-deployment-config")
	inactiveDeploymentConfig := mockDeploymentConfig("a", "inactive-deployment-config")

	deploymentConfigs := []*deployapi.DeploymentConfig{activeDeploymentConfig}
	deployments := []*kapi.ReplicationController{}

	expectedNames := sets.String{}
	deploymentStatusOptions := []deployapi.DeploymentStatus{

	deploymentStatusFilter := []deployapi.DeploymentStatus{
	deploymentStatusFilterSet := sets.String{}
	for _, deploymentStatus := range deploymentStatusFilter {

	for _, deploymentStatusOption := range deploymentStatusOptions {
		deployments = append(deployments, withStatus(mockDeployment("a", string(deploymentStatusOption)+"-active", activeDeploymentConfig), deploymentStatusOption))
		deployments = append(deployments, withStatus(mockDeployment("a", string(deploymentStatusOption)+"-inactive", inactiveDeploymentConfig), deploymentStatusOption))
		deployments = append(deployments, withStatus(mockDeployment("a", string(deploymentStatusOption)+"-orphan", nil), deploymentStatusOption))
		if deploymentStatusFilterSet.Has(string(deploymentStatusOption)) {
			expectedNames.Insert(string(deploymentStatusOption) + "-inactive")
			expectedNames.Insert(string(deploymentStatusOption) + "-orphan")

	dataSet := NewDataSet(deploymentConfigs, deployments)
	resolver := NewOrphanDeploymentResolver(dataSet, deploymentStatusFilter)
	results, err := resolver.Resolve()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
	foundNames := sets.String{}
	for _, result := range results {
	if len(foundNames) != len(expectedNames) || !expectedNames.HasAll(foundNames.List()...) {
		t.Errorf("expected %v, actual %v", expectedNames, foundNames)
Exemple #24
func (ca *CA) MakeServerCert(certFile, keyFile string, hostnames sets.String) (*TLSCertificateConfig, error) {
	glog.V(4).Infof("Generating server certificate in %s, key in %s", certFile, keyFile)

	serverPublicKey, serverPrivateKey, _ := NewKeyPair()
	serverTemplate, _ := newServerCertificateTemplate(pkix.Name{CommonName: hostnames.List()[0]}, hostnames.List())
	serverCrt, _ := ca.signCertificate(serverTemplate, serverPublicKey)
	server := &TLSCertificateConfig{
		Certs: append([]*x509.Certificate{serverCrt}, ca.Config.Certs...),
		Key:   serverPrivateKey,
	if err := server.writeCertConfig(certFile, keyFile); err != nil {
		return server, err
	return server, nil
Exemple #25
func printDeploymentConfig(dc *deployapi.DeploymentConfig, w io.Writer, withNamespace, wide, showAll bool, columnLabels []string) error {
	triggers := sets.String{}
	for _, trigger := range dc.Triggers {
	tStr := strings.Join(triggers.List(), ", ")

	if withNamespace {
		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", dc.Namespace); err != nil {
			return err
	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%v\n", dc.Name, tStr, dc.LatestVersion)
	return err
Exemple #26
func printPolicyBinding(policyBinding *authorizationapi.PolicyBinding, w io.Writer, withNamespace, wide, showAll bool, columnLabels []string) error {
	roleBindingNames := sets.String{}
	for key := range policyBinding.RoleBindings {
	roleBindingsString := strings.Join(roleBindingNames.List(), ", ")

	if withNamespace {
		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", policyBinding.Namespace); err != nil {
			return err
	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%v\n", policyBinding.Name, roleBindingsString, policyBinding.LastModified)
	return err
Exemple #27
func printDeploymentConfig(dc *deployapi.DeploymentConfig, w io.Writer, opts kctl.PrintOptions) error {
	triggers := sets.String{}
	for _, trigger := range dc.Spec.Triggers {
	tStr := strings.Join(triggers.List(), ", ")

	if opts.WithNamespace {
		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", dc.Namespace); err != nil {
			return err
	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%v\n", dc.Name, tStr, dc.Status.LatestVersion)
	return err
Exemple #28
func printPolicyBinding(policyBinding *authorizationapi.PolicyBinding, w io.Writer, opts kctl.PrintOptions) error {
	roleBindingNames := sets.String{}
	for key := range policyBinding.RoleBindings {
	roleBindingsString := strings.Join(roleBindingNames.List(), ", ")

	if opts.WithNamespace {
		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t", policyBinding.Namespace); err != nil {
			return err
	_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%v\n", policyBinding.Name, roleBindingsString, policyBinding.LastModified)
	return err
// getInstanceList returns an instance list based on the given names.
// The names cannot contain a '.', the real gce api validates against this.
func getInstanceList(nodeNames sets.String) *compute.InstanceGroupsListInstances {
	instanceNames := nodeNames.List()
	computeInstances := []*compute.InstanceWithNamedPorts{}
	for _, name := range instanceNames {
		instanceLink := fmt.Sprintf(
			"project", "zone", name)
		computeInstances = append(
			computeInstances, &compute.InstanceWithNamedPorts{
				Instance: instanceLink})
	return &compute.InstanceGroupsListInstances{
		Items: computeInstances,
Exemple #30
func runResourceTrackingTest(framework *Framework, podsPerNode int, nodeNames sets.String, resourceMonitor *resourceMonitor) {
	numNodes := nodeNames.Len()
	totalPods := podsPerNode * numNodes
	By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating a RC of %d pods and wait until all pods of this RC are running", totalPods))
	rcName := fmt.Sprintf("resource%d-%s", totalPods, string(util.NewUUID()))

	// TODO: Use a more realistic workload
		Client:    framework.Client,
		Name:      rcName,
		Namespace: framework.Namespace.Name,
		Image:     "gcr.io/google_containers/pause:go",
		Replicas:  totalPods,

	// Log once and flush the stats.

	By("Start monitoring resource usage")
	// Periodically dump the cpu summary until the deadline is met.
	// Note that without calling resourceMonitor.Reset(), the stats
	// would occupy increasingly more memory. This should be fine
	// for the current test duration, but we should reclaim the
	// entries if we plan to monitor longer (e.g., 8 hours).
	deadline := time.Now().Add(monitoringTime)
	for time.Now().Before(deadline) {
		Logf("Still running...%v left", deadline.Sub(time.Now()))
		timeLeft := deadline.Sub(time.Now())
		Logf("Still running...%v left", timeLeft)
		if timeLeft < reportingPeriod {
		} else {
		logPodsOnNodes(framework.Client, nodeNames.List())

	By("Reporting overall resource usage")
	logPodsOnNodes(framework.Client, nodeNames.List())

	By("Deleting the RC")
	DeleteRC(framework.Client, framework.Namespace.Name, rcName)