Exemple #1
// UpdateCommand updates this binary if there's an update available.
func UpdateCommand(c *cli.Context, log logging.Logger, _ string) int {
	if len(c.Args()) != 0 {
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "update")
		return 1

	var (
		forceUpdate    = c.Bool("force")
		klientVersion  = c.Int("klient-version")
		klientChannel  = c.String("klient-channel")
		kdVersion      = c.Int("kd-version")
		kdChannel      = c.String("kd-channel")
		continueUpdate = c.Bool("continue")

	if kdChannel == "" {
		kdChannel = config.Environment

	if klientChannel == "" {
		klientChannel = config.Environment

	// Create and open the log file, to be safe in case it's missing.
	f, err := createLogFile(LogFilePath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println(`Error: Unable to open log files.`)
	} else {
		log.Info("Update created log file at %q", LogFilePath)

	if !shouldTryUpdate(kdVersion, klientVersion, forceUpdate) {
		yesUpdate, err := checkUpdate()
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Error checking if update is available. err:%s", err)
			return 1

		if !yesUpdate {
			fmt.Println("No update available.")
			return 0
		} else {
			fmt.Println("An update is available.")

	if kdVersion == 0 {
		var err error

		kdVersion, err = latestVersion(config.Konfig.Endpoints.KDLatest.Public.String())
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Error fetching klientctl update version. err: %s", err)
			return 1

	if klientVersion == 0 {
		var err error

		klientVersion, err = latestVersion(config.Konfig.Endpoints.KlientLatest.Public.String())
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Error fetching klient update version. err: %s", err)
			return 1

	klientPath := filepath.Join(KlientDirectory, "klient")
	klientctlPath := filepath.Join(KlientctlDirectory, "kd")
	klientUrl := config.S3Klient(klientVersion, klientChannel)
	klientctlUrl := config.S3Klientctl(kdVersion, kdChannel)

	// If --continue is not passed, download kd and then call the new kd binary with
	// `kd update --continue`, so that the new code handles updates to klient.sh,
	// service, and any migration code needed.
	if !continueUpdate {
		// Only show this message once.

		if err := downloadRemoteToLocal(klientctlUrl, klientctlPath); err != nil {
			log.Error("Error downloading klientctl. err:%s", err)
			return 1

		flags := flagsFromContext(c)
		// Very important to pass --continue for the subprocess.
		// --force also helps ensure it updates, since the subprocess is technically
		// the latest KD version.
		flags = append([]string{"update", "--continue=true", "--force=true"}, flags...)
		log.Info("%s", flags)
		cmd := exec.Command(klientctlPath, flags...)
		cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
		if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
			log.Error("error during --continue update. err: %s", err)
			return 1

		return 0

	klientSh := klientSh{
		User:          konfig.CurrentUser.Username,
		KlientBinPath: filepath.Join(KlientDirectory, "klient"),

	// ensure the klient home dir is writeable by user
	if klientSh.User != "" {
		ensureWriteable(KlientctlDirectory, klientSh.User)

	opts := &ServiceOptions{
		Username: klientSh.User,

	s, err := newService(opts)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error creating Service. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	fmt.Printf("Stopping %s...\n", config.KlientName)

	// stop klient before we update it
	if err := s.Stop(); err != nil {
		log.Error("Error stopping Service. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	if err := downloadRemoteToLocal(klientUrl, klientPath); err != nil {
		log.Error("Error downloading klient. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	klientScript := filepath.Join(KlientDirectory, "klient.sh")

	if err := klientSh.Create(klientScript); err != nil {
		log.Error("Error writing klient.sh file. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	// try to migrate from old managed klient to new kd-installed klient
	switch runtime.GOOS {
	case "darwin":
		oldS, err := service.New(&serviceProgram{}, &service.Config{
			Name:       "com.koding.klient",
			Executable: klientScript,

		if err != nil {


	// try to uninstall first, otherwise Install may fail if
	// klient.plist or klient init script already exist

	// Install the klient binary as a OS service
	if err = s.Install(); err != nil {
		log.Error("Error installing Service. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	// start klient now that it's done updating
	if err := s.Start(); err != nil {
		log.Error("Error starting Service. err:%s", err)
		return 1

	// Best-effort attempts at fixinig permissions and ownership, ignore any errors.
	_ = uploader.FixPerms()
	_ = configstore.FixOwner()

	fmt.Printf("Successfully updated to latest version of %s.\n", config.Name)
	return 0
Exemple #2
// The implementation of InstallCommandFactory, with an error return. This
// allows us to track the error metrics.
func InstallCommandFactory(c *cli.Context, log logging.Logger, _ string) (exit int, err error) {
	if len(c.Args()) != 1 {
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "install")
		return 1, errors.New("incorrect cli usage: no args")

	// Now that we created the logfile, set our logger handler to use that newly created
	// file, so that we can log errors during installation.
	f, err := createLogFile(LogFilePath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println(`Error: Unable to open log files.`)
	} else {
		log.Info("Installation created log file at %q", LogFilePath)

	// Track all failed installations.
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			metrics.TrackInstallFailed(err.Error(), config.VersionNum())

	authToken := c.Args().Get(0)

	// We need to check if the authToken is somehow empty, because klient
	// will default to user/pass if there is no auth token (despite setting
	// the token flag)
	if strings.TrimSpace(authToken) == "" {
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "install")
		return 1, errors.New("incorrect cli usage: missing token")

	// Create the installation dir, if needed.
	if err := os.MkdirAll(KlientDirectory, 0755); err != nil {
			"Error creating klient binary directory(s). path:%s, err:%s",
			KlientDirectory, err,
		return 1, fmt.Errorf("failed creating klient binary: %s", err)

	klientBinPath := filepath.Join(KlientDirectory, "klient")

	// TODO: Accept `kd install --user foo` flag to replace the
	// environ checking.
	klientSh := klientSh{
		User:          konfig.CurrentUser.Username,
		KlientBinPath: klientBinPath,

	if err := klientSh.Create(filepath.Join(KlientDirectory, "klient.sh")); err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("error writing klient.sh file: %s", err)
		return 1, err


	version, err := latestVersion(config.Konfig.Endpoints.KlientLatest.Public.String())
	if err != nil {
		return 1, fmt.Errorf("error getting latest klient version: %s", err)

	if err := downloadRemoteToLocal(config.S3Klient(version, config.Environment), klientBinPath); err != nil {
		return 1, fmt.Errorf("error downloading klient binary: %s", err)

	fmt.Printf("Created %s\n", klientBinPath)
	fmt.Printf(`Authenticating you to the %s

`, config.KlientName)

	cmd := exec.Command(klientBinPath, "-register",
		"-token", authToken,
		"--kontrol-url", strings.TrimSpace(c.String("kontrol")),

	var errBuf bytes.Buffer

	// Note that we are *only* printing to Stdout. This is done because
	// Klient logs error messages to Stderr, and we want to control the UX for
	// that interaction.
	// TODO: Logg Klient's Stderr message on error, if any.
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
	cmd.Stderr = &errBuf

	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("error registering klient: %s, klient stderr: %s", err, errBuf.String())
		return 1, err

	// Best-effort attempts at fixinig permissions and ownership, ignore any errors.
	_ = configstore.FixOwner()

	opts := &ServiceOptions{
		Username: klientSh.User,

	// Create our interface to the OS specific service
	s, err := newService(opts)
	if err != nil {
		return 1, fmt.Errorf("error creating Service: %s", err)

	// try to uninstall first, otherwise Install may fail if
	// klient.plist or klient init script already exist

	// Install the klient binary as a OS service
	if err := s.Install(); err != nil {
		return 1, fmt.Errorf("error installing Service: %s", err)

	// Tell the service to start. Normally it starts automatically, but
	// if the user told the service to stop (previously), it may not
	// start automatically.
	// Note that the service may error if it is already running, so
	// we're ignoring any starting errors here. We will verify the
	// connection below, anyway.
	if err := s.Start(); err != nil {
		return 1, fmt.Errorf("error starting klient service: %s", err)

	fmt.Println("Verifying installation...")
	err = WaitUntilStarted(config.Konfig.Endpoints.Klient.Private.String(), CommandAttempts, CommandWaitTime)

	// After X times, if err != nil we failed to connect to klient.
	// Inform the user.
	if err != nil {
		return 1, fmt.Errorf("error verifying the installation of klient: %s", err)

	// Best-effort attempts at fixinig permissions and ownership, ignore any errors.
	_ = uploader.FixPerms()

	// track metrics

	fmt.Printf("\n\nSuccessfully installed and started the %s!\n", config.KlientName)

	return 0, nil