Exemple #1
// run_rootsol_test runs root solution test
//  Note: xguess is the trial solution for Newton's method (not Brent's)
func run_rootsol_test(tst *testing.T, xa, xb, xguess, tolcmp float64, ffcnA Cb_yxe, ffcnB Cb_f, JfcnB Cb_Jd, fname string, save, show bool) (xbrent float64) {

	// Brent
	io.Pfcyan("\n       - - - - - - - using Brent's method - - -- - - - \n")
	var o Brent
	var err error
	xbrent, err = o.Solve(xa, xb, false)
	if err != nil {
		chk.Panic("%v", err)
	var ybrent float64
	ybrent, err = ffcnA(xbrent)
	if err != nil {
		chk.Panic("%v", err)
	io.Pforan("x      = %v\n", xbrent)
	io.Pforan("f(x)   = %v\n", ybrent)
	io.Pforan("nfeval = %v\n", o.NFeval)
	io.Pforan("nit    = %v\n", o.It)
	if math.Abs(ybrent) > 1e-10 {
		chk.Panic("Brent failed: f(x) = %g > 1e-10\n", ybrent)

	// Newton
	io.Pfcyan("\n       - - - - - - - using Newton's method - - -- - - - \n")
	var p NlSolver
	p.Init(1, ffcnB, nil, JfcnB, true, false, nil)
	xnewt := []float64{xguess}
	var cnd float64
	cnd, err = p.CheckJ(xnewt, 1e-6, true, !chk.Verbose)
	io.Pforan("cond(J) = %v\n", cnd)
	if err != nil {
		chk.Panic("%v", err.Error())
	err = p.Solve(xnewt, false)
	if err != nil {
		chk.Panic("%v", err.Error())
	var ynewt float64
	ynewt, err = ffcnA(xnewt[0])
	if err != nil {
		chk.Panic("%v", err)
	io.Pforan("x      = %v\n", xnewt[0])
	io.Pforan("f(x)   = %v\n", ynewt)
	io.Pforan("nfeval = %v\n", p.NFeval)
	io.Pforan("nJeval = %v\n", p.NJeval)
	io.Pforan("nit    = %v\n", p.It)
	if math.Abs(ynewt) > 1e-9 {
		chk.Panic("Newton failed: f(x) = %g > 1e-10\n", ynewt)

	// compare Brent's and Newton's solutions
	PlotYxe(ffcnA, "results", fname, xbrent, xa, xb, 101, "Brent", "'b-'", save, show, func() {
		plt.PlotOne(xnewt[0], ynewt, "'g+', ms=15, label='Newton'")
	chk.Scalar(tst, "xbrent - xnewt", tolcmp, xbrent, xnewt[0])
func (sp *SmoothFollow) LateUpdate() {
	camera := engine.CurrentCamera()
	if camera != nil {
		myPos := sp.Target.Transform().Position()
		camPos := camera.Transform().Position()

		if sp.Speed > 0 {
			camPos = engine.Lerp(camPos, myPos, float32(engine.DeltaTime())*sp.Speed)
			disX := camPos.X - myPos.X
			disY := camPos.Y - myPos.Y
			if float32(math.Abs(float64(disX))) > sp.MaxDis {
				if disX < 0 {
					camPos.X = myPos.X - sp.MaxDis
				} else {
					camPos.X = myPos.X + sp.MaxDis
			if float32(math.Abs(float64(disY))) > sp.MaxDis {
				if disY < 0 {
					camPos.Y = myPos.Y - sp.MaxDis
				} else {
					camPos.Y = myPos.Y + sp.MaxDis
		} else {
			camPos = myPos
func nearEqual(a, b, closeEnough, maxError float64) bool {
	absDiff := math.Abs(a - b)
	if absDiff < closeEnough { // Necessary when one value is zero and one value is close to zero.
		return true
	return absDiff/max(math.Abs(a), math.Abs(b)) < maxError
Exemple #4
func bestScaleAndPrefix(unit *pb.TelemetryDatumSchema_Unit,
	values ...float64) (scale float64, prefix string) {
	// Heuristic (can be improved):
	// Use the smallest value.

	m := math.Abs(values[0])
	for _, v := range values {
		v = math.Abs(v)
		if v > m {
			m = v

	prefixes := []struct {
		{"T", 1e12},
		{"G", 1e9},
		{"M", 1e6},
		{"k", 1e3},
		{"", 1e0},
		{"m", 1e-3},
		{"μ", 1e-6},
		{"n", 1e-9},
		{"p", 1e-12}}

	for _, s := range prefixes {
		if m >= s.float64 {
			return s.float64, s.string
	return 1.0, ""
Exemple #5
// PlotRamp plots the ramp function (contour)
func (o *Plotter) DrawRamp(xmi, xma, ymi, yma float64) {
	if o.Rmpf == nil {
	if o.NptsRmp < 2 {
		o.NptsRmp = 101
	if math.Abs(xma-xmi) < 1e-5 {
		xmi, xma = -0.1, 0.1
	if math.Abs(yma-ymi) < 1e-5 {
		ymi, yma = -0.1, 0.1
	xx := la.MatAlloc(o.NptsRmp, o.NptsRmp)
	yy := la.MatAlloc(o.NptsRmp, o.NptsRmp)
	zz := la.MatAlloc(o.NptsRmp, o.NptsRmp)
	dx := (xma - xmi) / float64(o.NptsRmp-1)
	dy := (yma - ymi) / float64(o.NptsRmp-1)
	for i := 0; i < o.NptsRmp; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < o.NptsRmp; j++ {
			xx[i][j] = xmi + float64(i)*dx
			yy[i][j] = ymi + float64(j)*dy
			zz[i][j] = xx[i][j] - o.Rmpf(xx[i][j]+yy[i][j])
	plt.ContourSimple(xx, yy, zz, "colors=['blue'], linewidths=[2], levels=[0]")
Exemple #6
// Determine the symbol that exists at each sample of the signal.
func (p Parser) Quantize() {
	// 0 0011, 3 1100
	// 1 0101, 4 1010
	// 2 0110, 5 1001

	for idx, vec := range p.filtered {
		argmax := byte(0)
		max := math.Abs(vec[0])

		// If v1 is larger than v0, update max and argmax.
		if v1 := math.Abs(vec[1]); v1 > max {
			max = v1
			argmax = 1

		// If v2 is larger than the greater of v1 or v0, update max and argmax.
		if v2 := math.Abs(vec[2]); v2 > max {
			max = v2
			argmax = 2

		// Set the output symbol index.
		p.quantized[idx] = argmax

		// If the sign is negative, jump to the index of the inverted symbol.
		if vec[argmax] > 0 {
			p.quantized[idx] += 3
Exemple #7
func debug_print_up_results(d *Domain) {
	io.Pf("\ntime = %23.10f\n", d.Sol.T)
	for _, v := range d.Msh.Verts {
		n := d.Vid2node[v.Id]
		eqpl := n.GetEq("pl")
		equx := n.GetEq("ux")
		equy := n.GetEq("uy")
		var pl, ux, uy float64
		if eqpl >= 0 {
			pl = d.Sol.Y[eqpl]
		if equx >= 0 {
			ux = d.Sol.Y[equx]
		if equy >= 0 {
			uy = d.Sol.Y[equy]
		if math.Abs(pl) < 1e-13 {
			pl = 0
		if math.Abs(ux) < 1e-13 {
			ux = 0
		if math.Abs(uy) < 1e-13 {
			uy = 0
		io.Pf("%3d : pl=%23.10v ux=%23.10f uy=%23.10f\n", v.Id, pl, ux, uy)
Exemple #8
// Horizontal computes data for a horizontal sundial.
// Argument φ is geographic latitude at which the sundial will be located,
// a is the length of a straight stylus perpendicular to the plane of the
// sundial.
// Results consist of a set of lines, a center point, and u, the length of a
// polar stylus.  They are in units of a, the stylus length.
func Horizontal(φ, a float64) (lines []Line, center Point, u float64) {
	sφ, cφ := math.Sincos(φ)
	tφ := sφ / cφ
	for i := 0; i < 24; i++ {
		l := Line{Hour: i}
		H := float64(i-12) * 15 * math.Pi / 180
		aH := math.Abs(H)
		sH, cH := math.Sincos(H)
		for _, d := range m {
			tδ := math.Tan(d * math.Pi / 180)
			H0 := math.Acos(-tφ * tδ)
			if aH > H0 {
				continue // sun below horizon
			Q := cφ*cH + sφ*tδ
			x := a * sH / Q
			y := a * (sφ*cH - cφ*tδ) / Q
			l.Points = append(l.Points, Point{x, y})
		if len(l.Points) > 0 {
			lines = append(lines, l)
	center.Y = -a / tφ
	u = a / math.Abs(sφ)
Exemple #9
// Vertical computes data for a vertical sundial.
// Argument φ is geographic latitude at which the sundial will be located.
// D is gnomonic declination, the azimuth of the perpendicular to the plane
// of the sundial, measured from the southern meridian towards the west.
// Argument a is the length of a straight stylus perpendicular to the plane
// of the sundial.
// Results consist of a set of lines, a center point, and u, the length of a
// polar stylus.  They are in units of a, the stylus length.
func Vertical(φ, D, a float64) (lines []Line, center Point, u float64) {
	sφ, cφ := math.Sincos(φ)
	tφ := sφ / cφ
	sD, cD := math.Sincos(D)
	for i := 0; i < 24; i++ {
		l := Line{Hour: i}
		H := float64(i-12) * 15 * math.Pi / 180
		aH := math.Abs(H)
		sH, cH := math.Sincos(H)
		for _, d := range m {
			tδ := math.Tan(d * math.Pi / 180)
			H0 := math.Acos(-tφ * tδ)
			if aH > H0 {
				continue // sun below horizon
			Q := sD*sH + sφ*cD*cH - cφ*cD*tδ
			if Q < 0 {
				continue // sun below plane of sundial
			x := a * (cD*sH - sφ*sD*cH + cφ*sD*tδ) / Q
			y := -a * (cφ*cH + sφ*tδ) / Q
			l.Points = append(l.Points, Point{x, y})
		if len(l.Points) > 0 {
			lines = append(lines, l)
	center.X = -a * sD / cD
	center.Y = a * tφ / cD
	u = a / math.Abs(cφ*cD)
func (hm HMACMiddleware) checkClockSkew(dateHeaderValue string) bool {
	// Reference layout for parsing time: "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006"

	refDate := "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"

	tim, err := time.Parse(refDate, dateHeaderValue)

	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Date parsing failed")
		return false

	inSec := tim.UnixNano()
	now := time.Now().UnixNano()

	diff := now - inSec

	in_ms := diff / 1000000
	if math.Abs(float64(in_ms)) > HMACClockSkewLimitInMs {
		log.Debug("Difference is: ", math.Abs(float64(in_ms)))
		return false

	return true
Exemple #11
func TestGauss(t *testing.T) {
	src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())
	gen := rand.New(src)

	// gaussian
	gaussian := NewDist(128)
	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		v := gen.Intn(200)

	fmt.Println("N-samples:", gaussian.N, ", σ:", gaussian.Sigma)

	// testing
	fmt.Println("range [0,200]")
	sigma := gaussian.Sigma
	mean := gaussian.Mean
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		v := gen.Intn(200)
		fmt.Printf("X:%4d: P(v)=%0.4f, deriv:%.2fσ\n", v, gaussian.P(v), math.Abs(float64(v)-mean)/sigma)

	fmt.Println("range [0,400]")
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		v := gen.Intn(400)
		fmt.Printf("X:%4d: P(v)=%0.4f, deriv:%.2fσ\n", v, gaussian.P(v), math.Abs(float64(v)-mean)/sigma)
Exemple #12
func assertLatLon(t *testing.T, pos Position, doc SampleDoc) {
	slat, haslat := doc.Result["latitude"].(float64)
	slon, haslon := doc.Result["longitude"].(float64)
	if !(haslat && haslon) {
	if math.Abs(pos.Lat-slat) > 0.001 || math.Abs(pos.Lon-slon) > 0.001 {
		t.Fatalf("Error parsing lat/lon from %v, got %v; expected %v,%v",
			doc.Src, pos, slat, slon)
	tbl := doc.Result["symboltable"].(string)[0]
	if pos.Symbol.Table != tbl {
		t.Fatalf("Expected symbol table %v, got %v for %v",
			tbl, pos.Symbol.Table, doc.Src)
	symbol := doc.Result["symbolcode"].(string)[0]
	if pos.Symbol.Symbol != symbol {
		t.Fatalf("Expected symbol %v, got %v for %v",
			symbol, pos.Symbol.Symbol, doc.Src)
	course, _ := doc.Result["course"].(float64)
	assertEpsilon(t, "course of "+doc.Src, course, pos.Velocity.Course)
	speed, _ := doc.Result["speed"].(float64)
	assertEpsilon(t, "speed of "+doc.Src, speed, pos.Velocity.Speed)
Exemple #13
// Norm returns the L norm of the slice S, defined as
// (sum_{i=1}^N s[i]^L)^{1/L}
// Special cases:
// L = math.Inf(1) gives the maximum absolute value.
// Does not correctly compute the zero norm (use Count).
func Norm(s []float64, L float64) float64 {
	// Should this complain if L is not positive?
	// Should this be done in log space for better numerical stability?
	//	would be more cost
	//	maybe only if L is high?
	if len(s) == 0 {
		return 0
	if L == 2 {
		twoNorm := math.Abs(s[0])
		for i := 1; i < len(s); i++ {
			twoNorm = math.Hypot(twoNorm, s[i])
		return twoNorm
	var norm float64
	if L == 1 {
		for _, val := range s {
			norm += math.Abs(val)
		return norm
	if math.IsInf(L, 1) {
		for _, val := range s {
			norm = math.Max(norm, math.Abs(val))
		return norm
	for _, val := range s {
		norm += math.Pow(math.Abs(val), L)
	return math.Pow(norm, 1/L)
Exemple #14
// Distance computes the L-norm of s - t. See Norm for special cases.
// A panic will occur if the lengths of s and t do not match.
func Distance(s, t []float64, L float64) float64 {
	if len(s) != len(t) {
		panic("floats: slice lengths do not match")
	if len(s) == 0 {
		return 0
	var norm float64
	if L == 2 {
		for i, v := range s {
			diff := t[i] - v
			norm = math.Hypot(norm, diff)
		return norm
	if L == 1 {
		for i, v := range s {
			norm += math.Abs(t[i] - v)
		return norm
	if math.IsInf(L, 1) {
		for i, v := range s {
			absDiff := math.Abs(t[i] - v)
			if absDiff > norm {
				norm = absDiff
		return norm
	for i, v := range s {
		norm += math.Pow(math.Abs(t[i]-v), L)
	return math.Pow(norm, 1/L)
Exemple #15
func TestIntensityMeasuredV1(t *testing.T) {
	defer teardown()

	b, err := wt.Request{Accept: V1GeoJSON, URL: "/intensity?type=measured"}.Do(ts.URL)
	if err != nil {

	var i intensityMeasuredV1Features

	err = json.Unmarshal(b, &i)
	if err != nil {

	if len(i.Features) != 1 {
		t.Error("found wrong number of intensities.")
	if math.Abs(i.Features[0].Geometry.Longitude()-175.49) > tolerance {
		t.Error("incorrect Longitude")
	if math.Abs(i.Features[0].Geometry.Latitude()+40.2) > tolerance {
		t.Error("incorrect Latitude")
	if i.Features[0].Properties.MMI != 4 {
		t.Error("incorrect MMI")
Exemple #16
// Ten2Man returns the Mandel representation of a 3x3 2nd order tensor
func Ten2Man(mandel []float64, tensor [][]float64) {
	// check symmetry
	if math.Abs(tensor[0][1]-tensor[1][0]) > EPS {
		chk.Panic(_tensor_m1, len(mandel))
	if math.Abs(tensor[1][2]-tensor[2][1]) > EPS {
		chk.Panic(_tensor_m1, len(mandel))
	if math.Abs(tensor[2][0]-tensor[0][2]) > EPS {
		chk.Panic(_tensor_m1, len(mandel))
	// convert
	switch len(mandel) {
	case 4:
		if math.Abs(tensor[0][2]) > EPS {
			chk.Panic(_tensor_m2, tensor[0][2], tensor[1][2])
		if math.Abs(tensor[1][2]) > EPS {
			chk.Panic(_tensor_m2, tensor[0][2], tensor[1][2])
		mandel[0] = tensor[0][0]
		mandel[1] = tensor[1][1]
		mandel[2] = tensor[2][2]
		mandel[3] = tensor[0][1] * SQ2
	case 6:
		mandel[0] = tensor[0][0]
		mandel[1] = tensor[1][1]
		mandel[2] = tensor[2][2]
		mandel[3] = tensor[0][1] * SQ2
		mandel[4] = tensor[1][2] * SQ2
		mandel[5] = tensor[2][0] * SQ2
		chk.Panic(_tensor_oor, "tensor.go: Ten2Man", len(mandel))
Exemple #17
// Dasum computes the sum of the absolute values of the elements of x.
//  \sum_i |x[i]|
// Dasum returns 0 if incX is negative.
func (Implementation) Dasum(n int, x []float64, incX int) float64 {
	var sum float64
	if n < 0 {
	if incX < 1 {
		if incX == 0 {
		return 0
	if incX > 0 && (n-1)*incX >= len(x) {
	if incX == 1 {
		x = x[:n]
		for _, v := range x {
			sum += math.Abs(v)
		return sum
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		sum += math.Abs(x[i*incX])
	return sum
Exemple #18
func TestCounter(t *testing.T) {
	db := newDB(t)
	defer closeDB(db)

	const key = ""

	now := time.Now()
	n, err := db.incrementCounterInternal(key, 1, now)
	if err != nil {
	if math.Abs(n-1.0) > epsilon {
		t.Errorf("1: got n=%g, want 1", n)
	n, err = db.incrementCounterInternal(key, 1, now)
	if err != nil {
	if math.Abs(n-2.0)/2.0 > epsilon {
		t.Errorf("2: got n=%g, want 2", n)
	now = now.Add(counterHalflife)
	n, err = db.incrementCounterInternal(key, 1, now)
	if err != nil {
	if math.Abs(n-2.0)/2.0 > epsilon {
		t.Errorf("3: got n=%g, want 2", n)
Exemple #19
// FmtFloat yields a string representation of f. E.g. 12345.67 --> "12.3 k";  0.09876 --> "99 m"
func FmtFloat(f float64) string {
	af := math.Abs(f)
	if f == 0 {
		return "0"
	} else if 1 <= af && af < 10 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", f)
	} else if 10 <= af && af <= 1000 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", f)

	if af < 1 {
		var p = 8
		for math.Abs(f) < 1 && p >= 0 {
			f *= 1000
		return FmtFloat(f) + Units[p]
	} else {
		var p = 7
		for math.Abs(f) > 1000 && p < 16 {
			f /= 1000
		return FmtFloat(f) + Units[p]

	return "xxx"
Exemple #20
 * Compute Givens rotation such that
 *   G(s,c)*v = (r)   ==  (  c s ).T ( a ) = ( r )
 *              (0)       ( -s c )   ( b )   ( 0 )
 * and
 *   v*G(s,c) = (r 0 ) == (a b ) (  c  s ) = ( r 0 )
 *                               ( -s  c )
func ComputeGivens(a, b float64) (c float64, s float64, r float64) {

	if b == 0.0 {
		c = 1.0
		s = 0.0
		r = a
	} else if a == 0.0 {
		c = 0.0
		s = 1.0
		r = b
	} else if math.Abs(b) > math.Abs(a) {
		t := a / b
		u := math.Sqrt(1.0 + t*t)
		if math.Signbit(b) {
			u = -u
		s = 1.0 / u
		c = s * t
		r = b * u
	} else {
		t := b / a
		u := math.Sqrt(1.0 + t*t)
		r = a * u
		c = 1.0 / u
		s = c * t
Exemple #21
func vertLerp(iso float32, idx0 uint32, v0 float32, idx1 uint32, v1 float32) (result [3]float32, lerp float32) {
	edge0 := cube[idx0]
	edge1 := cube[idx1]
	switch {
	case math.Abs(float64(iso-v1)) < 0.00001:
		result[0] = edge1[0]
		result[1] = edge1[1]
		result[2] = edge1[2]
		lerp = 1.0
	case math.Abs(float64(iso-v0)) < 0.00001,
		math.Abs(float64(v0-v1)) < 0.00001:
		result[0] = edge0[0]
		result[1] = edge0[1]
		result[2] = edge0[2]
		lerp = 0.0
		lerp = (iso - v0) / (v1 - v0)
		result[0] = edge0[0] + lerp*(edge1[0]-edge0[0])
		result[1] = edge0[1] + lerp*(edge1[1]-edge0[1])
		result[2] = edge0[2] + lerp*(edge1[2]-edge0[2])
Exemple #22
func TestStatsTimer(t *testing.T) {
	s := NewStatsTimer(time.Millisecond, 100) // keep 100 samples
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		x := i + 1
		go func() {
			defer wg.Done()
			stopWatch := s.Start()
			time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(x) * 10)

	// block till all goroutines finish

	pctile, err := s.Percentile(100)
	if math.Abs(pctile-1000) > 5 || err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Percentile expected: 1000 got: %v", pctile)

	pctile, err = s.Percentile(75)
	if math.Abs(pctile-760) > 5 || err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Percentile expected: 750 got: %v", pctile)
Exemple #23
func CanberraDistance(firstVector, secondVector []float64) (float64, error) {
	distance := 0.
	for ii := range firstVector {
		distance += (math.Abs(firstVector[ii]-secondVector[ii]) / (math.Abs(firstVector[ii]) + math.Abs(secondVector[ii])))
	return distance, nil
Exemple #24
func rectApproxEqual(a, b Rect) bool {
	const epsilon = 1e-15
	return math.Abs(a.Lat.Lo-b.Lat.Lo) < epsilon &&
		math.Abs(a.Lat.Hi-b.Lat.Hi) < epsilon &&
		math.Abs(a.Lng.Lo-b.Lng.Lo) < epsilon &&
		math.Abs(a.Lng.Hi-b.Lng.Hi) < epsilon
Exemple #25
func (h *helper) checkConvergence(r *Result, p *Params) Status {
	if math.Abs(h.gradNorm) < p.FunTolAbs {
		return GradAbsConv
	if math.Abs((h.gradNorm)/h.initialGradNorm) < p.FunTolRel {
		return GradRelConv
	if math.Abs(r.ObjX-h.oldObjX) < p.FunTolAbs {
		return ObjAbsConv
	if math.Abs((r.ObjX-h.oldObjX)/r.ObjX) < p.FunTolRel {
		return ObjRelConv

	h.temp.Sub(r.X, h.oldX)
	if h.temp.Nrm2() < p.XTolAbs {
		return XAbsConv

	if r.Iter > p.IterMax {
		return IterLimit
	if r.Time > p.TimeMax {
		return TimeLimit
	if r.FunEvals > p.FunEvalMax {
		return FunEvalLimit
	return NotTerminated
Exemple #26
func (hb *Rectangle) intersects(center *terrain.Position, other Hitbox, otherCenter *terrain.Position) (intersects bool, err error) {
	switch o := other.(type) {
	case *Rectangle:
		b1 := hb.bounds(center)
		b2 := o.bounds(otherCenter)
		intersects = (b1[0].X <= b2[1].X && b1[1].X >= b2[0].X &&
			b1[0].Y <= b2[1].Y && b1[1].Y >= b2[0].Y)
	case *Circle:
		// See http://stackoverflow.com/a/402010
		bounds := hb.bounds(center)

		dx := math.Abs(otherCenter.X - bounds[0].X)
		dy := math.Abs(otherCenter.Y - bounds[0].Y)

		if dx > hb.width/2+o.radius || dy > hb.height/2+o.radius {
			intersects = false
		} else if dx <= hb.width/2 || dy <= hb.height/2 {
			intersects = true
		} else {
			dc := math.Pow(dx-hb.width/2, 2) + math.Pow(dy-hb.height/2, 2)
			intersects = (dc <= math.Pow(o.radius, 2))
		err = errUnsupportedHitbox
Exemple #27
KullbackLeiblerDivergence comput and return the divergence of two string based
on their character probabability.
func KullbackLeiblerDivergence(a, b string) (divergence float64) {
	aCharsd, aValuesd := tekstus.CountAlnumDistribution(a)
	bCharsd, bValuesd := tekstus.CountAlnumDistribution(b)

	sumValuesA := numerus.IntsSum(aValuesd)
	sumValuesB := numerus.IntsSum(bValuesd)

	charsDiff := tekstus.RunesDiff(aCharsd, bCharsd)

	aMin, _, _ := numerus.IntsFindMin(aValuesd)
	bMin, _, _ := numerus.IntsFindMin(bValuesd)

	min := aMin
	if bMin < aMin {
		min = bMin

	epsilon := float64(min) * 0.001
	gamma := 1.0 - (float64(len(charsDiff)) * epsilon)

	// Check if sum of a up to 1.
	var sum float64

	for _, v := range aValuesd {
		sum += float64(v) / float64(sumValuesA)

	sumDiff := 1 - math.Abs(sum)

	if sumDiff > 0.000009 {
		return 0

	sum = 0
	for _, v := range bValuesd {
		sum += float64(v) / float64(sumValuesB)

	sumDiff = 1 - math.Abs(sum)

	if sumDiff > 0.000009 {
		return 0

	for x, v := range aCharsd {
		probA := float64(aValuesd[x]) / float64(sumValuesA)
		probB := epsilon

		contain, atIdx := tekstus.RunesContain(bCharsd, v)

		if contain {
			probB = gamma * (float64(bValuesd[atIdx]) /

		divergence += (probA - probB) * math.Log(probA/probB)

	return divergence
Exemple #28
// test that brest lat long has close proximity to nearest village
func TestBrestVillageProximity(t *testing.T) {

	var fra Country
	fra.Name = "fra"
	fra.NbBodies = 34413
	fra.Step = 0


	//	48° 23′ 27″ Nord 4° 29′ 08″ Ouest
	lat := 48.0 + 23.0*1.0/60.0
	lng := -4.0 - 29.0*1.0/60.0

	// fra.LatLng2XY( lat, lng)

	x, y, distance, latClosest, lngClosest := fra.VillageCoordinates(lat, lng)

	deltaLat := math.Abs(latClosest - lat)
	if deltaLat > 0.1 { // we tolerate one 10th of a degree
		t.Errorf("Latitude of closest village too far, origin lat %f, village lat %f, delta lat %f, x %d, y %d, distance %f", lat, latClosest, deltaLat, x, y, distance)

	deltaLng := math.Abs(lngClosest - lng)
	if deltaLng > 0.1 { // we tolerate one 10th of a degree
		t.Errorf("Longitude of closest village too far, origin lng %f, village lng %f, delta lng %f, x %d, y %d, distance %f", lng, lngClosest, deltaLng, x, y, distance)
Exemple #29
func EqualFloat(x, y, limit float64) bool {
	if limit <= 0.0 {
		limit = math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64
	return math.Abs(x-y) <=
		(limit * math.Min(math.Abs(x), math.Abs(y)))
Exemple #30
func TestQueueSubscriber(t *testing.T) {
	nc := newConnection(t)
	defer nc.Close()
	s1, _ := nc.QueueSubscribeSync("foo", "bar")
	s2, _ := nc.QueueSubscribeSync("foo", "bar")
	omsg := []byte("Hello World")
	nc.Publish("foo", omsg)
	r1, r2 := len(s1.mch), len(s2.mch)
	if (r1 + r2) != 1 {
		t.Fatal("Received too many messages for multiple queue subscribers")
	// Drain messages

	total := 1000
	for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
		nc.Publish("foo", omsg)
	v := uint(float32(total) * 0.15)
	r1, r2 = len(s1.mch), len(s2.mch)
	if r1+r2 != total {
		t.Fatalf("Incorrect number of messages: %d vs %d", (r1 + r2), total)
	expected := total / 2
	d1 := uint(math.Abs(float64(expected - r1)))
	d2 := uint(math.Abs(float64(expected - r2)))
	if d1 > v || d2 > v {
		t.Fatalf("Too much variance in totals: %d, %d > %d", d1, d2, v)