Exemple #1
func (pdf *PdfBergstrom) ScaledValue(x, alpha, beta float64) (float64, error) {

	var err error
	zeta := beta * math.Tan(0.5*math.Pi*alpha)
	eps := pdf.eps / x * math.Pi
	done := false
	n := 1
	sum := 0.0
	for !done {
		a := 1.0
		if n%2 == 0 {
			a = -1.0
		a *= math.Gamma(float64(n)*alpha+1) / math.Gamma(float64(n)+1)
		a *= math.Pow(1+zeta*zeta, 0.5*float64(n))
		a *= math.Sin(float64(n) * (0.5*math.Pi*alpha + math.Atan(zeta)))

		delta := a * math.Pow(x, -alpha*float64(n))
		sum += delta

		if math.Abs(delta) < eps {
			done = true
		if n >= pdf.limit {
			done = true
			err = fmt.Errorf("Iteration limit in tail approximation exceeded (%d)", pdf.limit)
	sum /= x * math.Pi
	return sum, err
Exemple #2
func (b *Beta) CalcPDF(x float64) (float64, error) {
	if x <= 0.0 || x >= 1.0 {
		return 0, &RangeError{
			Offender: x,
			Min:      0.0,
			Max:      1.0,
	if b.A <= 0.0 {
		return 0.0, &RangeError{
			ValueName: "Alpha",
			Offender:  b.A,
			Min:       0,
			Max:       math.MaxFloat64,
	if b.B <= 0.0 {
		return 0.0, &RangeError{
			ValueName: "Beta",
			Offender:  b.B,
			Min:       0.0,
			Max:       math.MaxFloat64,
	p1 := math.Gamma(b.A+b.B) / (math.Gamma(b.A) + math.Gamma(b.B))
	p2 := math.Pow(x, b.A-1.0) * math.Pow(1.0-x, b.B-1.0)
	return p1 * p2, nil
Exemple #3
func Test_2dinteg02(tst *testing.T) {

	chk.PrintTitle("2dinteg02. bidimensional integral")

	// Γ(1/4, 1)
	gamma_1div4_1 := 0.2462555291934987088744974330686081384629028737277219

	x := utl.LinSpace(0, 1, 11)
	y := utl.LinSpace(0, 1, 11)
	m, n := len(x), len(y)
	f := la.MatAlloc(m, n)
	for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
			f[i][j] = 8.0 * math.Exp(-math.Pow(x[i], 2)-math.Pow(y[j], 4))
	dx, dy := x[1]-x[0], y[1]-y[0]
	Vt := Trapz2D(dx, dy, f)
	Vs := Simps2D(dx, dy, f)
	Vc := math.Sqrt(math.Pi) * math.Erf(1) * (math.Gamma(1.0/4.0) - gamma_1div4_1)
	io.Pforan("Vt = %v\n", Vt)
	io.Pforan("Vs = %v\n", Vs)
	io.Pfgreen("Vc = %v\n", Vc)
	chk.Scalar(tst, "Vt", 0.0114830435645548, Vt, Vc)
	chk.Scalar(tst, "Vs", 1e-4, Vs, Vc)

Exemple #4
// Upper incomplete gamma.
func ugamma(x, s float64, regularized bool) float64 {
	if x <= 1.1 || x <= s {
		if regularized {
			return 1 - lgamma(x, s, regularized)
		return math.Gamma(s) - lgamma(x, s, regularized)

	f := 1.0 + x - s
	C := f
	D := 0.0
	var a, b, chg float64

	for i := 1; i < 10000; i++ {
		a = float64(i) * (s - float64(i))
		b = float64(i<<1) + 1.0 + x - s
		D = b + a*D
		C = b + a/C
		D = 1.0 / D
		chg = C * D
		f *= chg
		if math.Abs(chg-1) < eps {
	if regularized {
		logg, _ := math.Lgamma(s)
		return math.Exp(s*math.Log(x) - x - logg - math.Log(f))
	return math.Exp(s*math.Log(x) - x - math.Log(f))
Exemple #5
// Chisquare returns the p-value of Pr(X^2 > cv).
// Compare this value to the significance level assumed. If chisquare < sigval, then we cannot
// accept the null hypothesis and thus the two variables are dependent.
// Thanks to Jacob F. W. for a tutorial on chi-square distributions.
// Source: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/432194/How-to-Calculate-the-Chi-Squared-P-Value
func Chisquare(df int, cv float64) float64 {
	//fmt.Println("Running chi-square...")
	if cv < 0 || df < 1 {
		return 0.0

	k := float64(df) / 2.0
	x := cv / 2.0

	//if df == 1 {
	//return math.Exp(-x/2.0) / (math.Sqrt2 * math.SqrtPi * math.Sqrt(x))
	//return (math.Pow(x, (k/2.0)-1.0) * math.Exp(-x/2.0)) / (math.Pow(2, k/2.0) * math.Gamma(k/2.0))
	//return lgamma(k/2.0, x/2.0, false) / math.Gamma(k/2.0)

	//} else if df == 2 {
	if df == 2 {
		return math.Exp(-x)

	//fmt.Println("Computing incomplete lower gamma function...")
	pval := lgamma(x, k, false)

	if math.IsNaN(pval) || math.IsInf(pval, 0) || pval <= 1e-8 {
		return 1e-14

	//fmt.Println("Computing gamma function...")
	pval /= math.Gamma(k)

	//fmt.Println("Returning chi-square value...")
	return 1.0 - pval
Exemple #6
// Lower incomplete gamma.
func lgamma(x, s float64, regularized bool) float64 {
	if x == 0 {
		return 0
	if x < 0 || s <= 0 {
		return math.NaN()

	if x > 1.1 && x > s {
		if regularized {
			return 1.0 - ugamma(x, s, regularized)
		return math.Gamma(s) - ugamma(x, s, regularized)

	var ft float64
	r := s
	c := 1.0
	pws := 1.0

	if regularized {
		logg, _ := math.Lgamma(s)
		ft = s*math.Log(x) - x - logg
	} else {
		ft = s*math.Log(x) - x
	ft = math.Exp(ft)
	for c/pws > eps {
		c *= x / r
		pws += c
	return pws * ft / s
Exemple #7
// check that the integration function works
func TestIntegrateMid(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		fn     smoothFn
		x1, x2 float64
		Tot    float64
		// linear
		{func(x float64) float64 { return 0.5 * x }, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25},
		// normal distribution
		{func(x float64) float64 { return 1 / math.Sqrt(2*math.Pi) * math.Exp(-(x*x)/2) }, -100, 100, 1.0},
		// normal distribution half
		{func(x float64) float64 { return 1 / math.Sqrt(2*math.Pi) * math.Exp(-(x*x)/2) }, -100, 0, 0.5},
		// normal distribution segment
		{func(x float64) float64 { return 1 / math.Sqrt(2*math.Pi) * math.Exp(-(x*x)/2) }, -2, -1, .1359051219835},
		// scaled gamma distribution (similar to my dissertation experiment 3)
		{func(x float64) float64 {
			k, theta, a := 1.5, 2.0, 1.0/600
			return a / (math.Gamma(k) * math.Pow(theta, k)) * math.Sqrt(x*a) * math.Exp(-x*a/2)
		}, 0, 2400, 0.73853606463},

	for i, test := range tests {
		got := integrateMid(test.fn, test.x1, test.x2, 10000)
		if diff := math.Abs(got - test.Tot); diff > 1e-10 {
			t.Errorf("case %v (integral from %v to %v): got %v, want %v", i+1, test.x1, test.x2, got, test.Tot)
Exemple #8
func main() {
	for true {
		r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
		s, err := r.ReadString('\n')
		if err == os.EOF {
		s = strings.TrimRight(s, "\n")
		a := strings.Split(s, " ")
		f := a[0]
		x, err := strconv.Atof64(a[1])
		switch f {
		case "erf":
		case "expm1":
		case "phi":
		case "NormalCDFInverse":
		case "Gamma":
		case "LogGamma":
			r, _ := math.Lgamma(x)
		case "LogFactorial":
			fmt.Println("Unknown function: " + f)
Exemple #9
func lgammafn(x float64) float64 {

	/* For IEEE double precision DBL_EPSILON = 2^-52 = 2.220446049250313e-16 :
	   xmax  = DBL_MAX / log(DBL_MAX) = 2^1024 / (1024 * log(2)) = 2^1014 / log(2)
	   dxrel = sqrt(DBL_EPSILON) = 2^-26 = 5^26 * 1e-26 (is *exact* below !)
	const (
		xmax  = 2.5327372760800758e+305
		dxrel = 1.490116119384765696e-8

	if isNaN(x) {
		return x
	if x <= 0 && x == trunc(x) { /* Negative integer argument */
		return posInf /* +Inf, since lgamma(x) = log|gamma(x)| */

	y := abs(x)

	if y < 1e-306 { // denormalized range
		return -log(x)
	if y <= 10 {
		return log(abs(math.Gamma(x)))

	//   ELSE  y = |x| > 10

	if y > xmax {
		return posInf

	if x > 0 { /* i.e. y = x > 10 */
		if x > 1e17 {
			return (x * (log(x) - 1))
		} else if x > 4934720. {
			return (lnSqrt2π + (x-0.5)*log(x) - x)
		} else {
			return lnSqrt2π + (x-0.5)*log(x) - x + lgammacor(x)
	/* else: x < -10; y = -x */
	sinpiy := abs(sin(π * y))

	if sinpiy == 0 { // Negative integer argument
		//	  Now UNNECESSARY: caught above, should NEVER happen!
		return nan

	ans := lnSqrtπd2 + (x-0.5)*log(y) - x - log(sinpiy) - lgammacor(y)

	if abs((x-trunc(x-0.5))*ans/x) < dxrel {


	return ans
Exemple #10
func main() {
	start := time.Now()

	A2 = make([]float64, 2)
	A3 = make([]float64, 3)

	A1 = 1
	A2[0] = 1.0 / (3.0 * LaguerreD(2, z2[0]) * Laguerre(3, z2[0]))
	A2[1] = 1.0 / (3.0 * LaguerreD(2, z2[1]) * Laguerre(3, z2[1]))

	A3[0] = 1.0 / (4.0 * LaguerreD(3, z3[0]) * Laguerre(4, z3[0]))
	A3[1] = 1.0 / (4.0 * LaguerreD(3, z3[1]) * Laguerre(4, z3[1]))
	A3[2] = 1.0 / (4.0 * LaguerreD(3, z3[2]) * Laguerre(4, z3[2]))

	pt = make(plotter.XYs, nPlot)
	x = make([]float64, nPlot)

	dx := (xmax - xmin) / float64(nPlot-1)
	for i := range x {
		x[i] = dx*float64(i) + xmin
		pt[i].X = x[i]
		pt[i].Y = (math.Gamma(x[i]))

	var p1, p2, p3 plotter.XYs

	p1 = make(plotter.XYs, nPlot)
	p2 = make(plotter.XYs, nPlot)
	p3 = make(plotter.XYs, nPlot)

	for i := range x {
		p1[i].X = x[i]
		p2[i].X = x[i]
		p3[i].X = x[i]
		p1[i].Y = (A1 * math.Pow(z1, x[i]-1))
		p2[i].Y = (A2[0]*math.Pow(z2[0], x[i]-1) + A2[1]*math.Pow(z2[1], x[i]-1))
		p3[i].Y = (A3[0]*math.Pow(z3[0], x[i]-1) + A3[1]*math.Pow(z3[1], x[i]-1) + A3[2]*math.Pow(z3[2], x[i]-1))

	p, err := plot.New()
	if err != nil {

	p.Title.Text = fmt.Sprintf("Gamma Function Approximations")
	p.Y.Label.Text = "Log(y)"
	p.X.Label.Text = "x"

	plotutil.AddLinePoints(p, "Log(Gamma)", pt, "m=0", p1, "m=1", p2, "m=2", p3)

	// Save the plot to a PNG file.
	if err := p.Save(6, 4, "gammaLow.png"); err != nil {

	fmt.Println("...program terminated successfully!")
Exemple #11
func chiSquaredPdf(k float64, x float64) float64 {
	if x < 0 {
		return 0
	top := math.Pow(x, (k/2)-1) * math.Exp(-x/2)
	bottom := math.Pow(2, k/2) * math.Gamma(k/2)
	return top / bottom
Exemple #12
// Probability density function
func Gamma_PDF(k float64, θ float64) func(x float64) float64 {
	return func(x float64) float64 {
		if x < 0 {
			return 0
		return math.Pow(x, k-1) * math.Exp(-x/θ) / (math.Gamma(k) * math.Pow(θ, k))
Exemple #13
// LnBeta returns the value of the log beta function. Translation of the Fortran code by W. Fullerton of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
func LnBeta(a, b float64) float64 {
	var corr float64

	if isNaN(a) || isNaN(b) {
		return a + b
	q := a
	p := q
	if b < p {
		p = b
	if b > q {
		q = b

	/* both arguments must be >= 0 */
	if p < 0 {
		return nan
	} else if p == 0 {
		return posInf
	} else if isInf(q, 0) { /* q == +Inf */
		return negInf

	if p >= 10 {
		/* p and q are big. */
		corr = lgammacor(p) + lgammacor(q) - lgammacor(p+q)
		return log(q)*-0.5 + lnSqrt2π + corr + (p-0.5)*log(p/(p+q)) + q*log1p(-p/(p+q))
	} else if q >= 10 {
		/* p is small, but q is big. */
		corr = lgammacor(q) - lgammacor(p+q)
		return lgammafn(p) + corr + p - p*log(p+q) + (q-0.5)*log1p(-p/(p+q))
	/* p and q are small: p <= q < 10. */
	if p < 1e-306 {
		return LnΓ(p) + (LnΓ(q) - LnΓ(p+q))
	return log(math.Gamma(p) * (math.Gamma(q) / math.Gamma(p+q)))
func gammaIncQ(a, x float64) float64 {
	aa1 := a - 1
	var f ifctn = func(t float64) float64 {
		return math.Pow(t, aa1) * math.Exp(-t)
	y := aa1
	h := 1.5e-2
	for f(y)*(x-y) > 2e-8 && y < x {
		y += .4
	if y > x {
		y = x
	return 1 - simpson38(f, 0, y, int(y/h/math.Gamma(a)))
Exemple #15
// this was used in my dissertation to generate equi-probable sample points
// for my disruption probability distribution.
func testSamplePoints(t *testing.T) {
	fn := func(x float64) float64 {
		k, theta, a := 1.5, 2.0, 1.0/600
		return a / (math.Gamma(k) * math.Pow(theta, k)) * math.Sqrt(x*a) * math.Exp(-x*a/2)

	x1, x2 := 0.0, 2400.0
	xs := sampleUniformProb(fn, x1, x2, 10, 10000)

	fmt.Printf("x1-x0 = %v\n", xs[0])
	for i, x := range xs[:len(xs)-1] {
		fmt.Printf("x%v-x%v = %v\n", i+2, i+1, xs[i+1]-x)
Exemple #16
func (self *JSDivFingerprint) calcSignificance(other *JSDivFingerprint) float64 {
	p := self.histogram
	q := self.histogram
	n := len(p)
	m := make([]float64, n)
	for i := range p {
		m[i] = 0.5 * (p[i] + q[i])

	v := 0.5 * float64(n-1)

	D := calcS(m) - (0.5*calcS(p) + 0.5*calcS(q))

	inc := apporxIncompleteGamma(v, float64(n)*ln2*D)
	gamma := math.Gamma(v)

	return inc / gamma
Exemple #17
func LowerGamma(a, x float64) (z float64) {
	// x**a Γ(a) e**-x Σ{k=0..∞}x**k/Γ(a+k+1)
	const ε = 1e-20
	if x == 0 {
		return 0 // γ(a, x) is an integral from 0 to x
	d := math.Gamma(a)
	m := math.Pow(x, a) * d * math.Exp(-x)
	if m == 0 {
		// overflow
		return d // lim{x→∞}γ(a, x) = Γ(a)
	s := 1 / (d * a) // x**0 / Γ(a+0+1)
	z = s
	for k := a + 1.0; s > ε; k += 1.0 {
		s *= x / k
		z += s
	return m * z
Exemple #18
// Survival Parity applies Survival to the parity of the random values.
func SurvivalParity(r rand.Source) float64 {
	consec := 0
	var parity int64 = -1 // prevent the first iteration from matching
	counts := map[int]int{0: -1}
	for i := 0; i < survivalParityN; i++ {
		// software parity because I do not enjoy setting up asm to be used
		// http://www-graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ParityMultiply
		x := r.Int63()
		x ^= x >> 1
		x ^= x >> 2
		x = (x & 0x1111111111111111) * 0x1111111111111111
		x = x >> 60 & 1 // parity complete
		if x == parity {
		} else {
			parity = x
			counts[consec] = counts[consec] + 1
			consec = 0
	// copypasta
	var maximum int
	for i := range counts {
		if i > maximum {
			maximum = i
	// If the source is truly random, then there should be half as many hits
	// for counts[n] as there were for counts[n-1], with counts[0] being the
	// maximum.
	//TODO: E should be calculated from the median. This is causing crc64-ecma to NaN.
	E := float64(counts[0])
	var chi2 float64
	for i := 1; i < maximum; i++ {
		E /= 2
		d := float64(counts[i]) - E
		chi2 += d * d / E
	k_2 := float64(maximum-2) / 2
	return 1 - LowerGamma(k_2, chi2/2)/math.Gamma(k_2)
// The lagged survival test applies the survival test to an RNG, skipping N
// iterates between each sample.
func LaggedSurvival(r rand.Source, N int) float64 {
	// hax teh copypasta
	//TODO: prevent first iteration from matching
	consec := [63]int{}
	bits := [63]bool{}
	counts := make(map[int]int)
	for i := 0; i < laggedSurvN; i++ {
		x := r.Int63()
		for b := 0; b < 63; b++ {
			if ((x & (1 << uint(b))) != 0) == bits[b] { // bit survived
			} else { // bit changed
				bits[b] = !bits[b]
				counts[consec[b]] = counts[consec[b]] + 1
				consec[b] = 0
		for n := 0; n < N; n++ {
	maximum := len(counts)
	for i := range counts {
		if i > maximum {
			maximum = i
	// If the source is truly random, then there should be half as many hits
	// for counts[n] as there were for counts[n-1], with counts[0] being the
	// maximum.
	//TODO: E should be calculated from the median
	E := float64(counts[0])
	var chi2 float64
	for i := 1; i < maximum; i++ {
		E /= 2
		d := float64(counts[i]) - E
		chi2 += d * d / E
	k_2 := float64(maximum-2) / 2
	return 1 - LowerGamma(k_2, chi2/2)/math.Gamma(k_2)
Exemple #20
func (self *JSDivFingerprint) calcSignificance(other *JSDivFingerprint) float64 {
	p := self.histogram
	q := other.histogram
	m := make(histogram, len(p)+len(q))
	min := self.minIndex
	max := self.maxIndex
	for i := range p {
		if i < min {
			min = i
		if i > max {
			max = i
		m[i] = 0.5 * p[i]
	for i := range q {
		if i < min {
			min = i
		if i > max {
			max = i
		m[i] += 0.5 * q[i]

	k := max - min

	v := 0.5 * float64(k-1)

	D := calcS(m) - (0.5*calcS(p) + 0.5*calcS(q))

	inc := apporxIncompleteGamma(v, float64(self.count+other.count)*ln2*D)
	gamma := math.Gamma(v)

	return inc / gamma
Exemple #21
func Test_frechet_03(tst *testing.T) {


	μ := 10.0
	σ := 5.0
	δ := σ / μ
	d := 1.0 + δ*δ
	io.Pforan("μ=%v σ=%v δ=%v d=%v\n", μ, σ, δ, d)

	if chk.Verbose {
		plt.AxHline(d, "color='k'")
		FrechetPlotCoef("/tmp/gosl", "fig_frechet_coef.eps", 3.0, 5.0)

	k := 0.2441618
	α := 1.0 / k
	l := μ - math.Gamma(1.0-k)
	io.Pfpink("l=%v α=%v\n", l, α)

	l = 8.782275
	α = 4.095645

	var dist DistFrechet
	dist.Init(&VarData{L: l, A: α})
	io.Pforan("dist = %+#v\n", dist)
	io.Pforan("mean = %v\n", dist.Mean())
	io.Pforan("var  = %v\n", dist.Variance())
	io.Pforan("σ    = %v\n", math.Sqrt(dist.Variance()))

	if chk.Verbose {
		plot_frechet(l, 1, α, 8, 16)
		plt.SaveD("/tmp/gosl", "rnd_dist_frechet_03.eps")
Exemple #22
// Variance returns the variance
func (o DistFrechet) Variance() float64 {
	if o.A > 2.0 {
		return o.C * o.C * (math.Gamma(1.0-2.0/o.A) - math.Pow(math.Gamma(1.0-1.0/o.A), 2.0))
	return math.Inf(1)
Exemple #23
// float32 version of math.Gamma
func Gamma(x float32) float32 {
	return float32(math.Gamma(float64(x)))
Exemple #24
// gammIPow is a shortcut for computing the gamma function to a power.
func (w Weibull) gammaIPow(i, pow float64) float64 {
	return math.Pow(math.Gamma(1+i/w.K), pow)
Exemple #25
func (pdf *PdfZ) ScaledValue(x, alpha, beta float64) (float64, error) {

	if closeTo(alpha, 2, pdf.alpha_tol) {

		// Gaussian case, for appropriately normalised levy distribution
		return math.Exp(-0.25*x*x) / math.Sqrt(4.0*math.Pi), nil

	} else if closeTo(alpha, 1, pdf.alpha_tol) && !closeTo(beta, 0, pdf.beta_tol) {

		// This tends to suffer from small oscillations in the integrated distribution
		// Need futher integration to sort this out

		gamma := math.Exp(-0.5 * math.Pi * x / beta)
		a := -0.5 * math.Pi
		b := 0.5 * math.Pi

		p, err := pdf.integrate(
			func(theta float64) float64 {
				return componentEq1(theta, beta)*gamma - 1.0
			func(theta float64) float64 {
				return integrandEq1(theta, beta, gamma)
			a, b)

		p *= 0.5 * gamma / math.Abs(beta)
		return p, err

	} else if closeTo(alpha, 1, pdf.alpha_tol) && closeTo(beta, 0, pdf.beta_tol) {

		// Cauchy distribution
		return 1.0 / ((1.0 + x*x) * math.Pi), nil

	} else if !closeTo(alpha, 1, pdf.alpha_tol) {

		zeta := -beta * math.Tan(0.5*math.Pi*alpha)

		if x == zeta {

			eps := math.Atan(-zeta) / alpha
			p := math.Gamma(1+1/alpha) * math.Cos(eps) /
				(math.Pi * math.Pow(1+zeta*zeta, 0.5/alpha))
			return p, nil
		} else if x > zeta {

			eps := math.Atan(-zeta) / alpha
			gamma := math.Pow(x-zeta, alpha/(alpha-1.0))
			a := -eps
			b := 0.5 * math.Pi

			p, err := pdf.integrate(
				func(theta float64) float64 {
					return componentNeq1(theta, alpha, beta, eps)*gamma - 1.0
				func(theta float64) float64 {
					return integrandNeq1(theta, alpha, beta, eps, gamma)
				a, b)

			p *= alpha * math.Pow(x-zeta, 1.0/(alpha-1.0)) / (math.Pi * math.Abs(alpha-1))
			return p, err
		} else if x < zeta {
			return pdf.ScaledValue(-x, alpha, -beta)
	return 0, nil
Exemple #26
// ExKurtosis returns the excess kurtosis of the distribution.
func (w Weibull) ExKurtosis() float64 {
	return (-6*w.gammaIPow(1, 4) + 12*w.gammaIPow(1, 2)*math.Gamma(1+2/w.K) - 3*w.gammaIPow(2, 2) - 4*math.Gamma(1+1/w.K)*math.Gamma(1+3/w.K) + math.Gamma(1+4/w.K)) / math.Pow(math.Gamma(1+2/w.K)-w.gammaIPow(1, 2), 2)
Exemple #27
// Variance returns the variance of the probability distribution.
func (w Weibull) Variance() float64 {
	return math.Pow(w.Lambda, 2) * (math.Gamma(1+2/w.K) - w.gammaIPow(1, 2))
Exemple #28
// Mean returns the mean of the probability distribution.
func (w Weibull) Mean() float64 {
	return w.Lambda * math.Gamma(1+1/w.K)
func main() {
	fmt.Println("    x               math.Gamma                 Lanczos7")
	for _, x := range []float64{-.5, .1, .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 10, 140, 170} {
		fmt.Printf("%5.1f %24.16g %24.16g\n", x, math.Gamma(x), lanczos7(x))
Exemple #30
func nchoosek(n int, k int) float64 {
	return math.Gamma(float64(n+1)) / (math.Gamma(float64(k+1)) * math.Gamma(float64(n-k+1)))