func Authenticate(username string,
	passwordHash string,
	dbConn *mysql.Client) (reply *AuthenticationReply, err os.Error) {
	// Default return argument
	reply = NewAuthenticationReply(false, -1, "")

	// Escape input
	username = dbConn.Escape(username)
	password := dbConn.Escape(passwordHash)

	fmt.Printf("Authenticating user: '******'\n", username, password)

	err = dbConn.Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE nick = '" + username + "' AND password = '******' limit 1")
	if err != nil {

	result, err := dbConn.UseResult()
	defer dbConn.FreeResult()
	if err != nil {

	// Fetch the row
	row := result.FetchMap()

	// If we found it the client got the username and password right
	if row != nil {
		id := row["id"].(int64)
		nick := row["nick"].(string)

		reply = NewAuthenticationReply(true, id, nick)
	} else {
		err = os.NewError("Wrong username or password.")
