func (n *NDK) Install(args ...string) { if len(args) < 4 { fmt.Println("wrong args input") return } n.ComponentId = args[0] n.Version = args[1] n.ExecFile = args[2] n.InstallLocation = args[3] os.Chmod(n.ExecFile, 0777) _, e := exec.Command(n.ExecFile, "-y", "-o"+n.InstallLocation).Output() myutils.CheckError(e) //Add enviroment variables //1. add platform-tools,build-tools,tools to PATH ndk_path := filepath.Join(args[3], "android-ndk-r"+n.Version) //os.Mkdir(ndk_path, os.ModePerm) myutils.Set_Environment("PATH", ndk_path) //2. add ANDROID_NDK_HOME, NDKROOT,NDK_ROOT myutils.Set_Environment("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT", ndk_path) myutils.Set_Environment("NDK_ROOT", ndk_path) myutils.Set_Environment("NDKROOT", ndk_path) myutils.Set_Environment("NVPACK_NDK_VERSION", "android-ndk-r"+n.Version) //3. generate standalone toolchain if myutils.Global_OS == "linux" && runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" { genscript := filepath.Join(ndk_path, "build", "tools", "") //generate 32 bit standalone toolchain s_path := filepath.Join(ndk_path, "toolchains", "arm-linux-androideabi-4.6", "gen_standalone", "linux-x86_64") gencmd := "bash " + genscript + " --platform=android-14 --system=linux-x86_64 --arch=arm --install-dir=" + s_path _, e1 := exec.Command("bash", "-c", gencmd).Output() myutils.CheckError(e1) myutils.Set_Environment("NDK_STANDALONE_46_ANDROID9_32", s_path) //generate 64 bit standalone toolchain s_path_64 := filepath.Join(ndk_path, "toolchains", "aarch64-linux-android-4.9", "gen_standalone", "linux-x86_64") gencmd_64 := "bash " + genscript + " --platform=android-21 --system=linux-x86_64 --arch=arm64 --install-dir=" + s_path_64 + " --toolchain=aarch64-linux-android-4.9" _, e2 := exec.Command("bash", "-c", gencmd_64).Output() myutils.CheckError(e2) myutils.Set_Environment("NDK_STANDALONE_46_ANDROID9_64", s_path_64) } fmt.Println(ndk_path) }
func (ns *NsightTegra) Uninstall(args ...string) { ns.ComponentId = args[0] ns.Version = args[1] path := `Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall` //uninstall the bundle exe //uninstall_exe_string := myutils.QueryRegister("Nsight", "QuietUninstallString") uninstall_exe_string := myutils.RegQuery(path, "Nsight Tegra", "QuietUninstallString") sysroot := os.Getenv("SystemRoot") uninstall_exe_string = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(uninstall_exe_string, "\"", "", -1), "/uninstall /quiet", "", 1) //fmt.Println("uninstall_exe_string is :", strings.Replace(uninstall_exe_string, "/uninstall /quiet", "", 1)) if uninstall_exe_string != "" { _, e := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", uninstall_exe_string, "/uninstall", "/quiet").Output() myutils.CheckError(e) } //uninstall the msi if still exist //uninstall_msi_string := myutils.QueryRegister("NVIDIA*nsight*Tegra", "UninstallString") uninstall_msi_string := myutils.RegQuery(path, "Nsight Tegra", "UninstallString") if uninstall_msi_string != "" { uninstall_msi_string = strings.Replace(uninstall_msi_string, "MsiExec.exe ", "", 1) //fmt.Println(sysroot+"/System32/msiexec.exe", "/passive", uninstall_msi_string) _, e1 := exec.Command(sysroot+"/System32/msiexec.exe", "/passive", uninstall_msi_string).Output() if e1 != nil { fmt.Println(e1) } //fmt.Println("end") } }
func (ns *NsightTegra) Install(args ...string) { ns.ComponentId = args[0] ns.Version = args[1] ns.ExecFile = args[2] ns.InstallLocation = args[3] //check visual studio installed or not var node string reglist := []string{"Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\10.0\\Setup\\VS", "Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\11.0\\Setup\\VS", "Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\12.0\\Setup\\VS"} if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" { node = "HKLM\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\" } else { node = "HKLM\\Software\\" } var value string flag := false for i := 0; i < len(reglist); i++ { value = myutils.Get_val_reg(node+reglist[i], "ProductDir") if value == "" { flag = false } else { flag = true break } } if flag == false { fmt.Println("Cannot detect Visual Studio(2010|2012|2013) on your system. Please install Visual Studio first to support install Nsight Tegra") os.Exit(2) } _, e := exec.Command(ns.ExecFile, "/passive").Output() myutils.CheckError(e) fmt.Println("Nsight Tegra has integrated into Visual Studio") }
func (u *USB) Uninstall(args ...string) { u.ComponentId = args[0] u.Version = args[1] u.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(args[2], "Drivers", "Devkits") e := os.RemoveAll(u.InstallLocation) myutils.CheckError(e) os.Remove(filepath.Join(args[2], "Drivers")) fmt.Println(u.InstallLocation) }
func (q *Quadd) Install(args ...string) { q.ComponentId = args[0] q.Version = args[1] q.ExecFile = args[2] q.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(args[3], "Tegra_System_Profiler") if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(args[3], "_installer")); err != nil { os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(args[3], "_installer"), 0777) } if myutils.Global_OS == "windows" { sysroot := os.Getenv("SystemRoot") //_, e := exec.Command(sysroot+"/System32/msiexec.exe", "/i", q.ExecFile, "/q", "/l*vx", "_installer/profile.log", "INSTALLDIR="+q.InstallLocation).Output() _, e := exec.Command(sysroot+"/System32/msiexec.exe", "/i", q.ExecFile, "/q", "/l*vx", "_installer/profile.log").Output() myutils.CheckError(e) q.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramFiles"), "NVIDIA Corporation") } else if myutils.Global_OS == "linux" { myutils.Decompress(q.ExecFile, args[3]) os.RemoveAll(q.InstallLocation) oldname := filepath.Base(strings.Replace(q.ExecFile, ".tar.gz", "", 1)) oldname = filepath.Join(args[3], oldname) //os.Rename(oldname, q.InstallLocation) myutils.CopyFile(oldname, q.InstallLocation) //add to desktop entry quadd_entry := `[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Tegra System Profiler GenericName=Tegra System Profiler Icon=` + args[3] + ` Exec=env PATH=usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:` + filepath.Join(args[3], "android-sdk-linux", "platform-tool") + " " + filepath.Join(q.InstallLocation, "Host-x86_64", "TegraSystemProfiler") + ` TryExec=` + filepath.Join(q.InstallLocation, "Host-x86_64", "TegraSystemProfiler") + ` Keywords=tegra;nvidia; Terminal=No Categories=Development;` entry_folder := os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.local/share/applications" if _, se := os.Stat(entry_folder); se != nil { //fmt.Println("no folder exist") _, ce := exec.Command("mkdir", "-p", entry_folder).Output() if ce != nil { fmt.Println(ce) } } fp, fe := os.OpenFile(entry_folder+"/tegrasystemprofiler.desktop", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0600) if fe != nil { fmt.Println(fe) } fp.WriteString(quadd_entry) } else { myutils.Decompress(q.ExecFile, q.InstallLocation) } fmt.Println(q.InstallLocation) }
func (adt *ADT) Install(args ...string) { adt.ComponentId = args[0] adt.Version = args[1] adt.ExecFile = args[2] adt.InstallLocation = args[3] var elocation, nvpref string elocation = filepath.Join(args[3], "eclipse") if myutils.Global_OS == "windows" { elocation = filepath.Join(elocation, "eclipsec.exe") adt.ExecFile = "\"" + adt.ExecFile + "\"" } else { elocation = filepath.Join(elocation, "eclipse") adt.ExecFile = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(adt.ExecFile, "\\", "\\\\", -1), "\"", "\\\"", -1), "'", "\\'", -1), " ", "\\ ", -1) } if myutils.Global_OS == "macosx" { nvpref = filepath.Join(args[3], "eclipse", "", "Contents", "MacOS", "nvpref.ini") } else { nvpref = filepath.Join(args[3], "eclipse", "nvpref.ini") } //installing adt eargs := elocation + " -nosplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository jar:file:" + adt.ExecFile + "!/, -installIU,,,,," //fmt.Println(eargs) if myutils.Global_OS == "windows" { _, e := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", eargs).Output() myutils.CheckError(e) } else { _, e := exec.Command("bash", "-c", eargs).Output() myutils.CheckError(e) } //write to nvpref.ini sdk_path := filepath.Join(args[3], "android-sdk-"+myutils.Global_OS) config_str := `` + strings.Replace(sdk_path, "\\", "\\\\", -1) + ` org.eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathVariable.ANDROID_JAR=` + strings.Replace(sdk_path, "\\", "/", -1) + `/platforms/android-8/android.jar org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core/org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.SharedLibraries.auto_refresh=false org.eclipse.cdt.codan.core/org.eclipse.cdt.codan.internal.checkers.AmbiguousProblem.params={launchModes\=>;{RUN_ON_FULL_BUILD\=>;false,RUN_ON_INC_BUILD\=>;false,RUN_AS_YOU_TYPE\=>;true,RUN_ON_DEMAND\=>;true}}
func (e *Eclipse) Uninstall(args ...string) { if len(args) < 3 { fmt.Println("wrong args input") return } e.ComponentId = args[0] e.Version = args[1] e.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(args[2], "eclipse") err := os.RemoveAll(e.InstallLocation) myutils.CheckError(err) fmt.Println(e.InstallLocation) }
func (ib *IncrediBuild) Install(args ...string) { ib.ComponentId = args[0] ib.Version = args[1] ib.ExecFile = args[2] ib.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)"), "Xoreax", "IncrediBuild") _, e := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", ib.ExecFile+` /install /Components=Coordinator,Agent /tadp_bundle`).Output() myutils.CheckError(e) fmt.Println(ib.InstallLocation) }
func (u *USB) Install(args ...string) { u.ComponentId = args[0] location := filepath.Join(args[3], "Drivers", "Devkits") //if os.IsExist(os.Chdir(location)) == false { // os.Create(location) //} myutils.Decompress(args[2], location) install_location := filepath.Join(location, "Win7+Vista+XP") os.RemoveAll(install_location) //os.Rename(filepath.Join(location, "usb_driver"), install_location) myutils.CopyFile(filepath.Join(location, "usb_driver"), install_location) if myutils.OS_Win() == "win7" { //substitude the file Google.NTx86 fname := filepath.Join(install_location, "android_winusb.inf") oldstr := "[Google.NTx86]" tegra_str := ";NVIDIA Tegra\r\n" + "%SingleAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install,USB\\VID_0955&PID_7000\r\n%CompositeAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install,USB\\VID_0955&PID_7100&MI_01\r\n\r\n" note_str := ";NVIDIA Tegra\r\n%SingleAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install, USB\\VID_0955&PID_CF01\r\n%CompositeAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install, USB\\VID_0955&PID_CF00&MI_01\r\n\r\n" note8_str := ";NVIDIA Tegra\r\n%SingleAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install, USB\\VID_0955&PID_CF05\r\n%CompositeAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install, USB\\VID_0955&PID_CF05&MI_01\r\n\r\n" shield_str := ";NVIDIA Tegra\r\n%SingleAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install, USB\\VID_0955&PID_B400&MI_00\r\n%CompositeAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install, USB\\VID_0955&PID_B400&MI_01\r\n\r\n" shield1_str := ";NVIDIA Tegra\r\n%SingleAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install, USB\\VID_0955&PID_B400\r\n%CompositeAdbInterface%\t= USB_Install, USB\\VID_0955&PID_B401&MI_01\r\n\r\n" newstr := "[Google.NTx86]\r\n\r\n" + tegra_str + note_str + note8_str + shield_str + shield1_str myutils.Substitude(fname, oldstr, newstr) //os.Rename(filepath.Join(install_location, ".tmp_file"), fname) myutils.CopyFile(filepath.Join(install_location, ".tmp_file"), fname) //substitude the Google.NTamd64 oldstr = "[Google.NTamd64]" newstr = "[Google.NTamd64]\r\n\r\n" + tegra_str + note_str + note8_str + shield_str + shield1_str myutils.Substitude(fname, oldstr, newstr) //os.Rename(filepath.Join(install_location, ".tmp_file"), fname) myutils.CopyFile(filepath.Join(install_location, ".tmp_file"), fname) //installing pnpu_path := filepath.Join("C:\\Windows", "system32", "pnputil.exe") _, e := exec.Command(pnpu_path, "-a", fname).Output() //fmt.Println("meet error is", pnpu_path, "-i -a", fname, string(out), e) myutils.CheckError(e) } //win8 action myutils.Decompress(args[2], location) os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(location, "Win8")) myutils.CopyFile(filepath.Join(location, "usb_driver"), filepath.Join(location, "Win8")) fmt.Println(location) }
func (ib *IncrediBuild) Uninstall(args ...string) { //InstallUtil uninstall incredibuild 1606 [installdir] -p [exefile] ib.ComponentId = args[0] ib.Version = args[1] //ib.ExecFile = args[2] //IBSetupConsole1606.exe ib.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)"), "Xoreax", "IncrediBuild") if len(args) > 4 && args[3] == "-p" { ib.ExecFile = args[4] } _, e := exec.Command(ib.ExecFile, "/uninstall").Output() myutils.CheckError(e) fmt.Println(ib.InstallLocation) }
func (api *API) Install(args ...string) { api.ComponentId = args[0] api.Version = args[1] if api.ComponentId == "api21" || api.ComponentId == "api22" { api_list[api.ComponentId] = "android-" + api.Version } location := filepath.Join(args[3], api_list[api.ComponentId]) new_location := filepath.Join(args[3], strings.Replace(args[0], "api", "android-", 1)) myutils.Decompress(args[2], args[3]) os.RemoveAll(new_location) //err := os.Rename(location, new_location) _, err := myutils.CopyFile(location, new_location) myutils.CheckError(err) fmt.Println(new_location) }
func (pk *Perfkit) Uninstall(args ...string) { if len(args) < 3 { fmt.Println("wrong args input") return } pk.ComponentId = args[0] pk.Version = args[1] pk.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(args[2], "PerfKit") if myutils.Global_OS == "windows" { exec.Command("C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "del", "/f", "/s", "/q", pk.InstallLocation).Output() } err := os.RemoveAll(pk.InstallLocation) myutils.CheckError(err) //fmt.Println(componentId, "uninstalling ", version, "using execute file : ", execFile) }
func (q *Quadd) Uninstall(args ...string) { q.ComponentId = args[0] q.Version = args[1] q.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(args[2], "Tegra_System_Profiler") if myutils.Global_OS == "windows" { q.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramFiles"), "NVIDIA Corporation") //uninstall_string := myutils.QueryRegister("tegra*system", "UninstallString") uninstall_string := myutils.RegQuery(`Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall`, "Tegra System Profiler", "UninstallString") uninstall_string = strings.Replace(uninstall_string, "MsiExec.exe ", "", 1) sysroot := os.Getenv("SystemRoot") _, e := exec.Command(sysroot+"/System32/msiexec.exe", "/passive", uninstall_string).Output() myutils.CheckError(e) } else { if myutils.Global_OS == "linux" { os.Remove(os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.local/share/applications/tegrasystemprofiler.desktop") } os.RemoveAll(q.InstallLocation) } fmt.Println(q.InstallLocation) }
func (p *PerfHUDES) Install(args ...string) { p.ComponentId = args[0] p.Version = args[1] p.ExecFile = args[2] p.InstallLocation = args[3] var pkg_name, pkg_installer string _, exist := os.Stat(filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_tmp", "uninstall.iss")) if exist == nil { os.Chmod(filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_tmp", "uninstall.iss"), 0777) os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_tmp")) } myutils.Decompress(args[2], args[3]) if myutils.Global_OS == "linux" { //install perfhude on linux if runtime.GOARCH == "386" { pkg_name = "perfhudes_release.x86.deb.tgz" pkg_installer = "perfhudes_" + p.Version + "_i386.deb" } else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" { pkg_name = "perfhudes_release.x64.deb.tgz" pkg_installer = "perfhudes_" + p.Version + "_amd64.deb" } else { fmt.Println("unknown os arch") os.Exit(-1) } myutils.Decompress(filepath.Join(args[3], pkg_name), p.InstallLocation) os.Remove(filepath.Join(args[3], pkg_name)) _, e := exec.Command("xterm", "-e", "sudo dpkg -i "+filepath.Join(args[3], pkg_installer)+" && sudo apt-get install -f -y && echo success>>.p.txt").Output() myutils.CheckError(e) os.Remove(filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_"+p.Version+"_amd64.deb")) if _, pe := os.Stat(".p.txt"); pe != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to install perfhudes") os.Exit(2) } else { os.Remove(".p.txt") } } else if myutils.Global_OS == "windows" { setup_file := filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_tmp", "setup.iss") setup_log := filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_tmp", "setup.log") myutils.Substitude(setup_file, "szDir=c:\\perfhud_es", "szDir="+args[3]+"\\perfhud_es") os.Remove(setup_file) //re := os.Rename(filepath.Join(args[3], "perfhudes_tmp", ".tmp_file"), setup_file) _, re := myutils.CopyFile(filepath.Join(args[3], "perfhudes_tmp", ".tmp_file"), setup_file) myutils.CheckError(re) pkg_name = "NVIDIA_PerfHUD_ES_Release.exe" pkg_installer = filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_tmp", pkg_name) _, e := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", pkg_installer, "/s", "/f1"+setup_file+"\n/f2"+setup_log).Output() myutils.CheckError(e) dst := filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhud_es", "uninstall.iss") org := filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_tmp", "uninstall.iss") _, ce := myutils.CopyFile(org, dst) myutils.CheckError(ce) os.Chmod(org, 0777) os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(p.InstallLocation, "perfhudes_tmp")) } else if myutils.Global_OS == "macosx" { //not finished perfhudes_mac := "perfhudes-" + p.Version pkg_installer = "perfhudes-" + p.Version + ".dmg" _, e1 := exec.Command("hdiutil", "attach", filepath.Join(args[3], "perfhudes_tmp", pkg_installer)).Output() myutils.CheckError(e1) _, e2 := exec.Command("cp", "-rf", "/Volumes/"+perfhudes_mac+"_x86/", args[3]).Output() myutils.CheckError(e2) //detach _, e3 := exec.Command("hdiutil", "detach", "/Volumes/"+perfhudes_mac+"_x86").Output() myutils.CheckError(e3) } else { fmt.Println("error") } fmt.Println("System") }
func (b *Battle) Install(args ...string) { b.ComponentId = args[0] b.Version = args[1] b.ExecFile = args[2] b.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(args[3], "Tegra_Graphics_Debugger") var e error if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(args[3], "_installer")); err != nil { os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(args[3], "_installer"), 0777) } if myutils.Global_OS == "windows" { b.InstallLocation = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)"), "NVIDIA Corporation") sysroot := os.Getenv("SystemRoot") //_, e = exec.Command(sysroot+"/System32/msiexec.exe", "/i", b.ExecFile, "/q", "/l*vx", "_installer/battle.log", "INSTALLDIR="+b.InstallLocation).Output() _, e = exec.Command(sysroot+"/System32/msiexec.exe", "/i", b.ExecFile, "/q", "/l*vx", "_installer/battle.log").Output() } else if myutils.Global_OS == "linux" { os.Chmod(b.ExecFile, 0777) //_, e = exec.Command("xterm", "-e", b.ExecFile+" -targetpath="+b.InstallLocation+" -noprompt").Output() _, e = exec.Command(b.ExecFile, " -targetpath="+b.InstallLocation, " -noprompt", "--nox11").Output() //add to desktop entry battle_entry := `[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Tegra System Profiler GenericName=Tegra System Profiler Icon=` + args[3] + ` Exec=env PATH=usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:` + filepath.Join(args[3], "android-sdk-linux", "platform-tool") + " " + filepath.Join(b.InstallLocation, "nvidia-gfx-debugger") + ` TryExec=` + filepath.Join(b.InstallLocation, "nvidia-gfx-debugger") + ` Keywords=tegra;graphics;nvidia; Terminal=No Categories=Development;` entry_folder := os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.local/share/applications" if _, se := os.Stat(entry_folder); se != nil { //fmt.Println("no folder exist") _, ce := exec.Command("mkdir", "-p", entry_folder).Output() if ce != nil { fmt.Println(ce) } } fp, fe := os.OpenFile(entry_folder+"/tegragraphicsdebugger.desktop", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0600) if fe != nil { fmt.Println(fe) } fp.WriteString(battle_entry) } else if myutils.Global_OS == "macosx" { if _, exist := os.Stat(b.InstallLocation); exist != nil { os.Mkdir(b.InstallLocation, 0777) } _, e1 := exec.Command("hdiutil", "attach", b.ExecFile).Output() _, e2 := exec.Command("cp", "-r", "/Volumes/NVIDIA Tegra Graphics Debugger/NVIDIA Tegra Graphics", b.InstallLocation).Output() exec.Command("cp", "/Volumes/NVIDIA Tegra Graphics Debugger/EULA.txt", b.InstallLocation).Output() _, e = exec.Command("hdiutil", "detach", "/Volumes/NVIDIA Tegra Graphics Debugger").Output() myutils.CheckError(e1) myutils.CheckError(e2) } else { fmt.Println("unknow platforms, only support Windows ,Linux and Mac") os.Exit(2) } myutils.CheckError(e) fmt.Println(b.InstallLocation) }
func main() { if len(os.Args) == 3 { if os.Args[1] == "run" { //run the Poller.exe poller_dir := os.Args[2] e := exec.Command(poller_dir).Start() fmt.Println("Done", e) os.Exit(0) } else if os.Args[1] == "rusb" { var pnpu string if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" { pnpu = "C:\\windows\\system32\\pnputil.exe" } else { pnpu = "C:\\windows\\system\\pnputil.exe" } fmt.Println(pnpu) _, e := exec.Command(pnpu, "-a", os.Args[2]).Output() if e != nil { fmt.Println(e) os.Exit(2) } os.Exit(0) } } if len(os.Args) < 4 { fmt.Println("Please supply a command and component id!\nUsage: InstallUtil [Install] [compName] [version] [exefile] [install_location]") fmt.Println(" [uninstall] [compName] [version] [install_location]") fmt.Println(" [query] [compName] [location]") fmt.Println(" [deploy] [location] [version]") fmt.Println(" [preInstall] [compName] [version] [task] [target] {-c}") fmt.Println(" [reg_uninstaller] [-i|-u] [installdir]") os.Exit(-1) } else { var pkgname string if os.Args[1] == "deploy" { c := &myutils.CompileCommand{} c.Run(os.Args[1], os.Args[2], os.Args[3]) os.Exit(0) } else if os.Args[1] == "env_add" { envadd := &myutils.EnvaddCommand{} envadd.Run(os.Args[2], os.Args[3]) os.Exit(0) } else if os.Args[1] == "reg_uninstaller" { //add uninstaller to windows registery // [Key Name] // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA Tegra Android Development Pack //[Name] [Value] //DisplayIcon C:\NVPACK\_installer\TegraDeveloperKit.ico //NoModify 0 //ModifyPath C:\NVPACK\Chooser.exe //UninstallString C:\NVPACK\tadp_uninstaller.exe regName := `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA Tegra Android Development Pack` cmdExe := "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe" option := os.Args[2] if option == "-i" { path_chooser := filepath.Join(os.Args[3], "Chooser.exe") exec.Command(cmdExe, "/c", `reg add "`+regName+`" /v NoModify /d 0 /f`).Output() exec.Command(cmdExe, "/c", `reg add "`+regName+`" /v DisplayIcon /d `+path_chooser+` /f`).Output() exec.Command(cmdExe, "/c", `reg add "`+regName+`" /v Publisher /d "NVIDIA Corporation" /f`).Output() exec.Command(cmdExe, "/c", `reg add "`+regName+`" /v DisplayName /d "NVIDIA Tegra Android Development Pack" /f`).Output() exec.Command(cmdExe, "/c", `reg add "`+regName+`" /v UninstallString /d "`+path_chooser+` -u" /f`).Output() exec.Command(cmdExe, "/c", `reg add "`+regName+`" /v ModifyPath /d `+path_chooser+` /f`).Output() } else if option == "-u" { _, e := exec.Command(cmdExe, "/c", `reg delete `+regName+` /f`).Output() myutils.CheckError(e) } } if strings.Contains(os.Args[2], "api") { pkgname = "api" } else { pkgname = os.Args[2] } if comp, ok := comps[pkgname]; ok { if os.Args[1] == "install" { if len(os.Args) < 6 { fmt.Println("Wrong args input. Usage: InstallUtil install compName version exefile install_location") os.Exit(-1) return } comp.Install(os.Args[2:]...) } else if os.Args[1] == "uninstall" { if len(os.Args) < 5 { fmt.Println("Wrong args input. Usage: InstallUtil uninstall compName version install_location") os.Exit(-1) return } comps[pkgname].Uninstall(os.Args[2:]...) } else if os.Args[1] == "query" { if len(os.Args) < 4 { fmt.Println("Wrong args input. Usage: InstallUtil uninstall compName version install_location") os.Exit(-1) return } if autocomp, q := autoComps[pkgname]; q && os.Args[2] != "api" { revision := autocomp.Query(os.Args[2], os.Args[3]) fmt.Println(revision) //fmt.Println(myutils.Get_revision(os.Args[2], os.Args[3])) } else { //fmt.Println(os.Args[2]) os.Exit(-1) } } else if os.Args[1] == "preInstall" { if len(os.Args) < 6 { fmt.Println("Wrong args input. Usage: InstallUtil uninstall compName version install_location") os.Exit(-1) return } if pacomp, q := preActionComps[pkgname]; q { os.Exit(pacomp.PreInstall(os.Args[2:]...)) } } else { panic(os.Args[1] + " command is not defined!") } } else { fmt.Println(os.Args[2] + " component is not defined!") os.Exit(-1) } } }