Exemple #1
func (m *MockRender) Header() http.Header {

	r := httptest.ResponseRecorder{}

	return r.Header()
func recorderToResponse(recorder *httptest.ResponseRecorder) *http.Response {
	return &http.Response{
		StatusCode: recorder.Code,
		Body:       jsh.CreateReadCloser(recorder.Body.Bytes()),
		Header:     recorder.Header(),
Exemple #3
// checkIndex is like assertIndex but returns an error
func checkIndex(resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder) error {
	header := resp.Header().Get("X-Consul-Index")
	if header == "" || header == "0" {
		return fmt.Errorf("Bad: %v", header)
	return nil
Exemple #4
func testContentType(t *testing.T, r *http.Request, rec *httptest.ResponseRecorder, expected string) {
	ct := rec.Header().Get("content-type")
	if !strings.EqualFold(ct, expected) {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected content-type for %q: %s, expected: %s",
			r.URL.String(), ct, expected)
func TestHandleFunc(t *testing.T) {
	wfe := setupWFE(t)
	var mux *http.ServeMux
	var rw *httptest.ResponseRecorder
	var stubCalled bool
	runWrappedHandler := func(req *http.Request, allowed ...string) {
		mux = http.NewServeMux()
		rw = httptest.NewRecorder()
		stubCalled = false
		wfe.HandleFunc(mux, "/test", func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
			stubCalled = true
		}, allowed...)
		req.URL = mustParseURL("/test")
		mux.ServeHTTP(rw, req)

	// Plain requests (no CORS)
	type testCase struct {
		allowed       []string
		reqMethod     string
		shouldSucceed bool
	var lastNonce string
	for _, c := range []testCase{
		{[]string{"GET", "POST"}, "GET", true},
		{[]string{"GET", "POST"}, "POST", true},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "", false},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "POST", false},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "OPTIONS", false},     // TODO, #469
		{[]string{"GET"}, "MAKE-COFFEE", false}, // 405, or 418?
	} {
		runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: c.reqMethod}, c.allowed...)
		test.AssertEquals(t, stubCalled, c.shouldSucceed)
		if c.shouldSucceed {
			test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Code, http.StatusOK)
		} else {
			test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Code, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
			test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), strings.Join(c.allowed, ", "))
				`{"type":"urn:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Method not allowed"}`)
		nonce := rw.Header().Get("Replay-Nonce")
		test.AssertNotEquals(t, nonce, lastNonce)
		lastNonce = nonce

	// Disallowed method returns error JSON in body
	runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: "PUT"}, "GET", "POST")
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Header().Get("Content-Type"), "application/problem+json")
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Body.String(), `{"type":"urn:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Method not allowed"}`)
	test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), "GET, POST")

	// Disallowed method special case: response to HEAD has got no body
	runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: "HEAD"}, "GET", "POST")
	test.AssertEquals(t, stubCalled, false)
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Body.String(), "")
	test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), "GET, POST")
Exemple #6
func ReadHeadersFromResponse(writer *httptest.ResponseRecorder) map[string]string {
	headers := map[string]string{}
	for k, v := range writer.Header() {
		log.Println(k, v)
		headers[k] = strings.Join(v, " ")
	return headers
Exemple #7
func (s *Stack) Write(response *Response, rec *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {
	for key, values := range rec.Header() {
		for _, value := range values {
			response.header.Add(key, value)
	response.code = rec.Code
Exemple #8
// respFromRecorder builds an http response from a httptest recorder
func respFromRecorder(w *httptest.ResponseRecorder) *http.Response {
	resp := http.Response{}
	resp.StatusCode = w.Code
	resp.Header = w.Header()
	// TODO: fill in the rest of response

	b := w.Body.Bytes()
	resp.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b))
	return &resp
func assertResponseWithStatusAndMessage(t *testing.T, res *httptest.ResponseRecorder, code int, status, message string) {
	var apiMessage responses.APIMessage

	assert.Equal(t, code, res.Code)
	assert.Equal(t, "application/json; charset=UTF-8", res.Header().Get("Content-Type"))

	assert.Equal(t, status, apiMessage.Status)
	assert.Equal(t, message, apiMessage.Message)
Exemple #10
// Test that the headers and body match.
func assertHttpMatchRecorder(t *testing.T, recorder *httptest.ResponseRecorder,
	expectedStatus int, expectedHeaders http.Header, expectedBody string) {
	assert.Equal(t, expectedStatus, recorder.Code)

	// Verify that headers match. Order shouldn't matter.
	assert.Equal(t, recorder.Header(), expectedHeaders)

	// Convert the body to a string.
	assert.Equal(t, expectedBody, recorder.Body.String())
func assertJSONResponse(t *testing.T, expectedCode int, expectedResponse string, w *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {
	assert.Equal(t, expectedCode, w.Code)
	assert.Equal(t, "application/json", w.Header().Get("content-type"))

	var expected, actual interface{}
	require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal([]byte(expectedResponse), &expected))
	require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(w.Body.Bytes(), &actual))

	assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)
Exemple #12
// getIndex parses X-Consul-Index
func getIndex(t *testing.T, resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder) uint64 {
	header := resp.Header().Get("X-Consul-Index")
	if header == "" {
		t.Fatalf("Bad: %v", header)
	val, err := strconv.Atoi(header)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Bad: %v", header)
	return uint64(val)
Exemple #13
// copyResponse copies all relevant info from rec to rw.
func copyResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, rec *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {

	// copy the headers
	for k, v := range rec.Header() {
		rw.Header()[k] = v
	// copy the code
	// copy the body
Exemple #14
func ReadHeadersFromResponse(writer *httptest.ResponseRecorder) (map[string]string, []models.YaagAnnotationHeader) {
	headers := map[string]string{}
	yaagAnnotations := []models.YaagAnnotationHeader{}
	for k, v := range writer.Header() {
		if strings.HasPrefix(k, "Yaag-Annotation") {
			yaagAnnotations = append(yaagAnnotations, annotations.New(k, strings.Join(v, " ")))
		} else {
			headers[k] = strings.Join(v, " ")
	return headers, yaagAnnotations
Exemple #15
func (m mockCacher) Put(key string, r *httptest.ResponseRecorder) *CachedResponse {
	specHeaders := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range r.Header() {
		specHeaders[k] = strings.Join(v, ", ")

	m.data[key] = &CachedResponse{
		StatusCode: r.Code,
		Body:       r.Body.Bytes(),
		Headers:    specHeaders,
	return m.data[key]
func compressedRequest(w *httptest.ResponseRecorder, compression string) {
	CompressHandler(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(9*1024))
		for i := 0; i < 1024; i++ {
			io.WriteString(w, "Gorilla!\n")
	})).ServeHTTP(w, &http.Request{
		Method: "GET",
		Header: http.Header{
			"Accept-Encoding": []string{compression},

Exemple #17
func checkResponseRecorder(t *testing.T, rr *httptest.ResponseRecorder, code int, header map[string][]string, body string) {
	if !rr.Flushed {
		t.Fatal("ResponseRecorder not flushed")

	if a, e := rr.Code, code; a != e {
		t.Error(a, "!=", e)
	if a, e := map[string][]string(rr.Header()), header; !reflect.DeepEqual(a, e) {
		t.Error(a, "!=", e)
	if a, e := rr.Body.Bytes(), []byte(body); !bytes.Equal(a, e) {
		t.Error(a, "!=", e)
func checkHeaders(t *testing.T, res *httptest.ResponseRecorder, requiredHeaders map[string]string) {
	for headerKey, expectedHeaderValue := range requiredHeaders {
		actualHeaderValue := res.Header().Get(headerKey)
		if actualHeaderValue != expectedHeaderValue {
			// N.B. the http library does not distinguish between header
			// entries that have an empty "" value, and non-existing entries
			if expectedHeaderValue != "" {
				t.Errorf("Expected header %q to be %q but it was %q", headerKey, expectedHeaderValue, actualHeaderValue)
				t.Logf("Full headers: %q", res.Header())
			} else {
				t.Errorf("Expected header %q to not be present, or to be an empty string (\"\"), but it was %q", headerKey, actualHeaderValue)
Exemple #19
// AssertJSONResponse asserts that the given response recorder has
// recorded the given HTTP status, response body and content type. If
// expectBody is of type BodyAsserter it will be called with the response
// body to ensure the response is correct.
func AssertJSONResponse(c *gc.C, rec *httptest.ResponseRecorder, expectStatus int, expectBody interface{}) {
	c.Assert(rec.Code, gc.Equals, expectStatus, gc.Commentf("body: %s", rec.Body.Bytes()))

	// Ensure the response includes the expected body.
	if expectBody == nil {
		c.Assert(rec.Body.Bytes(), gc.HasLen, 0)
	c.Assert(rec.Header().Get("Content-Type"), gc.Equals, "application/json")
	if assertBody, ok := expectBody.(BodyAsserter); ok {
		var data json.RawMessage
		err := json.Unmarshal(rec.Body.Bytes(), &data)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil, gc.Commentf("body: %s", rec.Body.Bytes()))
		assertBody(c, data)
	c.Assert(rec.Body.String(), jc.JSONEquals, expectBody)
func checkStatusCode(t *testing.T, res *httptest.ResponseRecorder, statusCode int) {
	respBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Could not read response body: %v", err)
	// make sure we get at least a few bytes of a response body...
	// even http 303 should have some body, see
	// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4.4
	if len(respBody) < 20 {
		t.Error("Expected a response body (at least 20 bytes), but get less (or none).")
		t.Logf("Headers: %s", res.Header())
		t.Logf("Response received:\n%s", string(respBody))
	if res.Code != statusCode {
		t.Errorf("Expected status code %v but got %v", statusCode, res.Code)
		t.Logf("Headers: %s", res.Header())
		t.Logf("Response received:\n%s", string(respBody))
Exemple #21
func NewResponse(resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder) *Response {
	content := resp.Body.Bytes()
	contentType := resp.Header().Get("Content-Type")
	contentEncoding := resp.Header().Get("Content-Encoding")

	return &Response{
		StatusCode: resp.Code,
		Header:     NewHeader(resp.Header()),
		Body:       NewBody(content, contentType, contentEncoding),
Exemple #22
// Put stores a CachedResponse for a given key and response
func (c DiskCacher) Put(key string, resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder) *CachedResponse {
	defer c.mutex.Unlock()

	skipDisk := resp.Header().Get("_chameleon-seeded-skip-disk") != ""
	if skipDisk {
	skipDisk = skipDisk || c.memory

	specHeaders := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range resp.Header() {
		specHeaders[k] = strings.Join(v, ", ")

	if !skipDisk {
		specs := c.loadSpecs()

		newSpec := Spec{
			Key: key,
			SpecResponse: SpecResponse{
				StatusCode:  resp.Code,
				ContentFile: key,
				Headers:     specHeaders,

		specs = append(specs, newSpec)

		contentFilePath := path.Join(c.dataDir, key)
		err := c.FileSystem.WriteFile(contentFilePath, resp.Body.Bytes())
		if err != nil {

		specBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(specs, "", "    ")
		err = c.FileSystem.WriteFile(c.specPath, specBytes)
		if err != nil {

	c.cache[key] = &CachedResponse{
		StatusCode: resp.Code,
		Headers:    specHeaders,
		Body:       resp.Body.Bytes(),

	return c.cache[key]
Exemple #23
		It("404s", func() {
			req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/posts/23", nil)
			api.Handler().ServeHTTP(rec, req)
			errorJSON := []byte(`{"errors":[{"status":"404","title":"post not found"}]}`)

		It("POSTSs new objects", func() {
			reqBody := strings.NewReader(`{"data": [{"attributes":{"title": "New Post" }, "type": "posts"}]}`)
			req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/v1/posts", reqBody)
			api.Handler().ServeHTTP(rec, req)
			var result map[string]interface{}
			Expect(json.Unmarshal(rec.Body.Bytes(), &result)).To(BeNil())
				"data": map[string]interface{}{
					"id":   "4",
					"type": "posts",
					"attributes": map[string]interface{}{
						"title": "New Post",
						"value": nil,
					"relationships": map[string]interface{}{
						"author": map[string]interface{}{
							"data": nil,
							"links": map[string]interface{}{
								"self":    "/v1/posts/4/relationships/author",
			"name": "some-sender"


	Context("failure cases", func() {
		It("returns a 301 when the sender id is missing", func() {
			var err error
			request, err = http.NewRequest("GET", "/senders/", nil)

			handler.ServeHTTP(writer, request, context)
			headers := writer.Header()

		It("returns a 401 when the client id is missing", func() {
			context.Set("client_id", "")

			handler.ServeHTTP(writer, request, context)
				"errors": [
					"missing client id"
Exemple #25
	Describe("WriteJSON", func() {
		var rw *httptest.ResponseRecorder

		BeforeEach(func() {
			rw = httptest.NewRecorder()

		Context("given an empty string", func() {
			It("responds correctly", func() {
				util.WriteJSON("", rw)
				got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rw.Body)
		Context("given nil", func() {
			It("responds correctly", func() {
				util.WriteJSON(nil, rw)
				got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rw.Body)
		Context("given an empty slice", func() {
			It("responds correctly", func() {
				util.WriteJSON(make([]int, 0), rw)
Exemple #26
// assertIndex tests that X-Consul-Index is set and non-zero
func assertIndex(t *testing.T, resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder) {
	header := resp.Header().Get("X-Consul-Index")
	if header == "" || header == "0" {
		t.Fatalf("Bad: %v", header)
Exemple #27
//Check the specific header value
func checkHeader(t *testing.T, response *httptest.ResponseRecorder, header string, value string) {
	if response.Header().Get(header) != value {
		t.Fatalf("Header: %s, get:%s expected:%s", header, response.Header().Get(header), value)
Exemple #28
func TestFlashes(t *testing.T) {
	var req *http.Request
	var rsp *httptest.ResponseRecorder
	var hdr http.Header
	var err error
	var ok bool
	var cookies []string
	var session *Session
	var flashes []interface{}

	store := NewCookieStore([]byte("secret-key"))

	// Round 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------

	req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8080/", nil)
	rsp = NewRecorder()
	// Get a session.
	if session, err = store.Get(req, "session-key"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error getting session: %v", err)
	// Get a flash.
	flashes = session.Flashes()
	if len(flashes) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected empty flashes; Got %v", flashes)
	// Add some flashes.
	// Custom key.
	session.AddFlash("baz", "custom_key")
	// Save.
	if err = Save(req, rsp); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error saving session: %v", err)
	hdr = rsp.Header()
	cookies, ok = hdr["Set-Cookie"]
	if !ok || len(cookies) != 1 {
		t.Fatal("No cookies. Header:", hdr)

	if _, err = store.Get(req, "session:key"); err.Error() != "sessions: invalid character in cookie name: session:key" {
		t.Fatalf("Expected error due to invalid cookie name")

	// Round 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------

	req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8080/", nil)
	req.Header.Add("Cookie", cookies[0])
	rsp = NewRecorder()
	// Get a session.
	if session, err = store.Get(req, "session-key"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error getting session: %v", err)
	// Check all saved values.
	flashes = session.Flashes()
	if len(flashes) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected flashes; Got %v", flashes)
	if flashes[0] != "foo" || flashes[1] != "bar" {
		t.Errorf("Expected foo,bar; Got %v", flashes)
	flashes = session.Flashes()
	if len(flashes) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected dumped flashes; Got %v", flashes)
	// Custom key.
	flashes = session.Flashes("custom_key")
	if len(flashes) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected flashes; Got %v", flashes)
	} else if flashes[0] != "baz" {
		t.Errorf("Expected baz; Got %v", flashes)
	flashes = session.Flashes("custom_key")
	if len(flashes) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected dumped flashes; Got %v", flashes)

	// Round 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------
	// Custom type

	req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8080/", nil)
	rsp = NewRecorder()
	// Get a session.
	if session, err = store.Get(req, "session-key"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error getting session: %v", err)
	// Get a flash.
	flashes = session.Flashes()
	if len(flashes) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected empty flashes; Got %v", flashes)
	// Add some flashes.
	session.AddFlash(&FlashMessage{42, "foo"})
	// Save.
	if err = Save(req, rsp); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error saving session: %v", err)
	hdr = rsp.Header()
	cookies, ok = hdr["Set-Cookie"]
	if !ok || len(cookies) != 1 {
		t.Fatal("No cookies. Header:", hdr)

	// Round 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------
	// Custom type

	req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8080/", nil)
	req.Header.Add("Cookie", cookies[0])
	rsp = NewRecorder()
	// Get a session.
	if session, err = store.Get(req, "session-key"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error getting session: %v", err)
	// Check all saved values.
	flashes = session.Flashes()
	if len(flashes) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected flashes; Got %v", flashes)
	custom := flashes[0].(FlashMessage)
	if custom.Type != 42 || custom.Message != "foo" {
		t.Errorf("Expected %#v, got %#v", FlashMessage{42, "foo"}, custom)
Exemple #29
		It("404s", func() {
			req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/v1/posts/23", nil)
			api.Handler().ServeHTTP(rec, req)
			errorJSON := []byte(`{"errors":[{"status":"404","title":"post not found"}]}`)

		It("POSTSs new objects", func() {
			reqBody := strings.NewReader(`{"data": [{"attributes":{"title": "New Post" }, "type": "posts"}]}`)
			req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/v1/posts", reqBody)
			api.Handler().ServeHTTP(rec, req)
			var result map[string]interface{}
			Expect(json.Unmarshal(rec.Body.Bytes(), &result)).To(BeNil())
				"data": map[string]interface{}{
					"id":   "4",
					"type": "posts",
					"attributes": map[string]interface{}{
						"title": "New Post",
						"value": nil,
					"relationships": map[string]interface{}{
						"author": map[string]interface{}{
							"data": nil,
							"links": map[string]interface{}{
								"self":    "/v1/posts/4/relationships/author",
Exemple #30
func setCookie(rr *httptest.ResponseRecorder, r *http.Request) {
	r.Header.Set("Cookie", rr.Header().Get("Set-Cookie"))