func (this *ProblemController) SaveTestCase() {
	if !this.isLoggedIn() {
		this.Redirect("/user/login", 302)

	//Redirect if user doesnt hold editor rights
	uid := this.GetSession("id")
	user := models.User{Uid: uid.(int)}
	if !user.IsEditor() {
		this.Redirect("/", 302)

	pid := this.Ctx.Input.Param(":id")
	id, _ := strconv.Atoi(pid)

	timeout, _ := strconv.Atoi(this.GetString("timeout"))
	//remove string replace
	input := strings.Replace(this.GetString("input"), "\r", "", -1)
	output := strings.Replace(this.GetString("output"), "\r", "", -1)
	testcase := models.Testcases{
		Pid: id,
		//Input:   this.GetString("input"),
		//Output:  this.GetString("output"),
		Timeout: timeout,
	testcase.Input = input
	testcase.Output = output
	done := testcase.Create()
	if done == true {
		this.Redirect("/problem/"+pid, 302)
	this.Redirect("/problem/"+pid+"/addtest", 302)
func (this *ProblemController) AddTestCase() {
	if !this.isLoggedIn() {
		this.Redirect("/user/login", 302)

	//Redirect if user doesnt hold editor rights
	uid := this.GetSession("id")
	user := models.User{Uid: uid.(int)}
	if !user.IsEditor() {
		this.Redirect("/", 302)

	pid := this.Ctx.Input.Param(":id")
	id, _ := strconv.Atoi(pid)
	problem := models.Problem{Pid: id}
	this.Data["problem"] = problem

	testcases := models.Testcases{Pid: id}
	cases, _ := testcases.GetAllByPid()

	this.Data["title"] = "Add Test Case"
	this.Data["cases"] = cases

	this.Layout = "layout.tpl"
	this.TplNames = "problem/addtest.tpl"
	this.LayoutSections = make(map[string]string)
	this.LayoutSections["HtmlHead"] = ""
	this.LayoutSections["Sidebar"] = ""

// Save Problem
// To-do: Clean info before save - Ambigous
// To-do: Check login and user previlages - Done
func (this *ProblemController) SaveProblem() {

	if !this.isLoggedIn() {
		this.Redirect("/user/login", 302)

	//Redirect if user doesnt hold editor rights
	id := this.GetSession("id")
	user := models.User{}
	user.Uid = id.(int)
	if !user.IsEditor() {
		this.Redirect("/", 302)

	points, _ := strconv.Atoi(this.GetString("points"))
	//remove replace foe newlines
	sampleInput := strings.Replace(this.GetString("sample_input"), "\r", "", -1)
	sampleOutput := strings.Replace(this.GetString("sample_output"), "\r", "", -1)
	problem := models.Problem{
		Statement:   this.GetString("statement"),
		Description: this.GetString("description"),
		Constraints: this.GetString("constraints"),
		//Sample_input:  this.GetString("sample_input"),
		//Sample_output: this.GetString("sample_output"),
		Type:       this.GetString("type"),
		Difficulty: this.GetString("difficulty"),
		Points:     points,
		Uid:        id.(int),
	problem.Sample_output = sampleOutput
	problem.Sample_input = sampleInput
	id, noerr := problem.Create()
	pid := strconv.Itoa(id.(int))
	if noerr == true {
		this.Redirect("/problem/"+pid, 302)

	this.Data["title"] = "Create Problem "

	this.Layout = "layout.tpl"
	this.TplNames = "problem/create.tpl"
	this.LayoutSections = make(map[string]string)
	this.LayoutSections["HtmlHead"] = ""
	this.LayoutSections["Sidebar"] = ""
// Create Page
func (this *ProblemController) Create() {

	// If not logged redirect to login
	if !this.isLoggedIn() {
		this.Redirect("/user/login", 302)

	//Redirect if user doesnt hold editor rights
	id := this.GetSession("id")
	user := models.User{}
	user.Uid = id.(int)
	if !user.IsEditor() {
		this.Redirect("/", 302)

	this.Data["title"] = "Create Problem "
	this.Layout = "layout.tpl"
	this.TplNames = "problem/create.tpl"
	this.LayoutSections = make(map[string]string)
	this.LayoutSections["HtmlHead"] = ""
	this.LayoutSections["Sidebar"] = ""