Exemple #1
func (cmd *ChainReaction) SpawnLevel() {

	// First resize the num active trigger for the level
	l := cmd.Levels[cmd.ActiveLevel]
	cmd.Triggers = cmd.Triggers[0:l.TotalTriggers]

	cmd.NumExploded = 0
	cmd.NumExploding = 0
	cmd.GameState = GS_Start
	cmd.StateChangeTime = time.Nanoseconds()

	// Spawn triggers in this level
	for i := 0; i < l.TotalTriggers; i++ {
		rx := ((rand.Float()-0.01)*2.0 - 1.0)
		ry := ((rand.Float()-0.01)*2.0 - 1.0)
		p := &Vector3{Real(rx * PlayArea), Real(ry * PlayArea), -5.0}

		rx = rand.Float() - 0.5
		ry = rand.Float() - 0.5
		v := &Vector3{Real(rx), Real(ry), 0.0}
		c := TriggerColors[i%5]
		cmd.Triggers[i] = trigger{TS_Trig, 0.0, 0.05, *p, *v, c, 0.0, 0}
Exemple #2
func main() {
	flag_help := flag.Bool("help", false, "display this help")
	flag_size := flag.Int("size", 1000, "number of points")
	flag_k := flag.Float("k", 4.0, "slope of linear function kx + b")
	flag_b := flag.Float("b", 3.0, "y-intercept of linear function kx + b")
	flag_width := flag.Float("width", 10.0, "width of each class")
	flag_d := flag.Float("distance", 5.0, `distance to linear separator. If negative then
there isn't separable without errors (two classes are intersept).`)
	flag_xstart := flag.Float("xstart", -25.0, "x lower bound")
	flag_xend := flag.Float("xend", 25.0, "x upper bound")


	if *flag_help {

	size := *flag_size
	k, b := *flag_k, *flag_b
	width, d := *flag_width, *flag_d
	xstart, xend := *flag_xstart, *flag_xend

	for i := 0; i < size/2; i++ {
		x := rand.Float()*(xend-xstart) + xstart
		y := x*k + b + rand.Float()*width + d
		t := -1.0
		fmt.Printf("%v\t%v\t%v\t\n", t, x, y)

	for i := size / 2; i < size; i++ {
		x := rand.Float()*(xend-xstart) + xstart
		y := x*k + b - rand.Float()*width - d
		t := 1.0
		fmt.Printf("%v\t%v\t%v\t\n", t, x, y)

Exemple #3
func (p *LifeGame) Init(row, col int) *LifeGame {
	p.row = row
	p.col = col
	p.board = make([][]bool, row)
	for r := 0; r < row; r++ {
		p.board[r] = make([]bool, col)
		for c := 0; c < col; c++ {
			if rand.Float() < 0.3 {
				p.board[r][c] = true
	p.time = 0
	return p
Exemple #4
func (p *testphyspower) Use() {
	if MainWorld.InCombat() {
		a := MainWorld.GetSingleArena()
		c, ok1 := a.GetCombattant(0)
		t, ok2 := a.GetCombattant(1)
		if ok1 && ok2 && c != nil && t != nil {
			if c.GetSleepRemaining() > t.GetSleepRemaining() {
				c, t = t, c

			if c.GetHp() > 0 {

				dmg := float(c.GetPhysicalDMG(p.power, t)) * c.GetSTAB(p.elemType) * (0.85 + 0.15*rand.Float())

				t.DealDamage(int(dmg), p.elemType)

				c.SetSleepTime(a, int64(p.cooldown*1e9))



	} else if MainWorld.InField() {
