func cmdBackupExcludes(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, target []string, parentID *backend.ID, excludes []string) {
	cmd := &CmdBackup{global: &global, Excludes: excludes}
	if parentID != nil {
		cmd.Parent = parentID.String()

	t.Logf("backing up %v", target)

	OK(t, cmd.Execute(target))
Exemple #2
// ListPack returns the list of blobs saved in the pack id.
func (r *Repository) ListPack(id backend.ID) ([]pack.Blob, error) {
	h := backend.Handle{Type: backend.Data, Name: id.String()}
	rd := backend.NewReadSeeker(r.Backend(), h)

	unpacker, err := pack.NewUnpacker(r.Key(), rd)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return unpacker.Entries, nil
Exemple #3
func (c *Cache) filename(t backend.Type, subtype string, id backend.ID) (string, error) {
	filename := id.String()
	if subtype != "" {
		filename += "." + subtype

	switch t {
	case backend.Snapshot:
		return filepath.Join(c.base, "snapshots", filename), nil

	return "", fmt.Errorf("cache not supported for type %v", t)
Exemple #4
// checkPack reads a pack and checks the integrity of all blobs.
func checkPack(r *repository.Repository, id backend.ID) error {
	debug.Log("Checker.checkPack", "checking pack %v", id.Str())
	h := backend.Handle{Type: backend.Data, Name: id.String()}
	buf, err := backend.LoadAll(r.Backend(), h, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	hash := backend.Hash(buf)
	if !hash.Equal(id) {
		debug.Log("Checker.checkPack", "Pack ID does not match, want %v, got %v", id.Str(), hash.Str())
		return fmt.Errorf("Pack ID does not match, want %v, got %v", id.Str(), hash.Str())

	unpacker, err := pack.NewUnpacker(r.Key(), bytes.NewReader(buf))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var errs []error
	for i, blob := range unpacker.Entries {
		debug.Log("Checker.checkPack", "  check blob %d: %v", i, blob.ID.Str())

		plainBuf := make([]byte, blob.Length)
		plainBuf, err = crypto.Decrypt(r.Key(), plainBuf, buf[blob.Offset:blob.Offset+blob.Length])
		if err != nil {
			debug.Log("Checker.checkPack", "  error decrypting blob %v: %v", blob.ID.Str(), err)
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("blob %v: %v", i, err))

		hash := backend.Hash(plainBuf)
		if !hash.Equal(blob.ID) {
			debug.Log("Checker.checkPack", "  Blob ID does not match, want %v, got %v", blob.ID.Str(), hash.Str())
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Blob ID does not match, want %v, got %v", blob.ID.Str(), hash.Str()))

	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("pack %v contains %v errors: %v", id.Str(), len(errs), errs)

	return nil
Exemple #5
// ConvertIndex loads the given index from the repo and converts them to the new
// format (if necessary). When the conversion is succcessful, the old index
// is removed. Returned is either the old id (if no conversion was needed) or
// the new id.
func ConvertIndex(repo *Repository, id backend.ID) (backend.ID, error) {
	debug.Log("ConvertIndex", "checking index %v", id.Str())

	idx, err := LoadIndexWithDecoder(repo, id.String(), DecodeOldIndex)
	if err != nil {
		debug.Log("ConvertIndex", "LoadIndexWithDecoder(%v) returned error: %v", id.Str(), err)
		return id, err

	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	idx.supersedes = backend.IDs{id}

	err = idx.Encode(buf)
	if err != nil {
		debug.Log("ConvertIndex", "oldIdx.Encode() returned error: %v", err)
		return id, err

	return repo.SaveUnpacked(backend.Index, buf.Bytes())
Exemple #6
// LoadAndDecrypt loads and decrypts data identified by t and id from the
// backend.
func (r *Repository) LoadAndDecrypt(t backend.Type, id backend.ID) ([]byte, error) {
	debug.Log("Repo.Load", "load %v with id %v", t, id.Str())

	h := backend.Handle{Type: t, Name: id.String()}
	buf, err := backend.LoadAll(, h, nil)
	if err != nil {
		debug.Log("Repo.Load", "error loading %v: %v", id.Str(), err)
		return nil, err

	if t != backend.Config && !backend.Hash(buf).Equal(id) {
		return nil, errors.New("invalid data returned")

	// decrypt
	plain, err := r.Decrypt(buf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return plain, nil
func cmdRestoreIncludes(t testing.TB, global GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID backend.ID, includes []string) {
	cmd := &CmdRestore{global: &global, Target: dir, Include: includes}
	OK(t, cmd.Execute([]string{snapshotID.String()}))
Exemple #8
func lockExists(repo *repository.Repository, t testing.TB, id backend.ID) bool {
	exists, err := repo.Backend().Test(backend.Lock, id.String())
	OK(t, err)

	return exists
Exemple #9
func removeLock(repo *repository.Repository, id backend.ID) error {
	return repo.Backend().Remove(backend.Lock, id.String())
Exemple #10
func (cmd CmdCat) Execute(args []string) error {
	if len(args) < 1 || (args[0] != "masterkey" && args[0] != "config" && len(args) != 2) {
		return fmt.Errorf("type or ID not specified, Usage: %s", cmd.Usage())

	repo, err :=
	if err != nil {
		return err

	lock, err := lockRepo(repo)
	defer unlockRepo(lock)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	tpe := args[0]

	var id backend.ID
	if tpe != "masterkey" && tpe != "config" {
		id, err = backend.ParseID(args[1])
		if err != nil {
			if tpe != "snapshot" {
				return err

			// find snapshot id with prefix
			id, err = restic.FindSnapshot(repo, args[1])
			if err != nil {
				return err

	// handle all types that don't need an index
	switch tpe {
	case "config":
		buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(repo.Config, "", "  ")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return nil
	case "index":
		buf, err := repo.LoadAndDecrypt(backend.Index, id)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		_, err = os.Stdout.Write(append(buf, '\n'))
		return err

	case "snapshot":
		sn := &restic.Snapshot{}
		err = repo.LoadJSONUnpacked(backend.Snapshot, id, sn)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(&sn, "", "  ")
		if err != nil {
			return err


		return nil
	case "key":
		h := backend.Handle{Type: backend.Key, Name: id.String()}
		buf, err := backend.LoadAll(repo.Backend(), h, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		key := &repository.Key{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(buf, key)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		buf, err = json.MarshalIndent(&key, "", "  ")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return nil
	case "masterkey":
		buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(repo.Key(), "", "  ")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return nil
	case "lock":
		lock, err := restic.LoadLock(repo, id)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(&lock, "", "  ")
		if err != nil {
			return err


		return nil

	// load index, handle all the other types
	err = repo.LoadIndex()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	switch tpe {
	case "pack":
		h := backend.Handle{Type: backend.Data, Name: id.String()}
		buf, err := backend.LoadAll(repo.Backend(), h, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		_, err = os.Stdout.Write(buf)
		return err

	case "blob":
		blob, err := repo.Index().Lookup(id)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		buf := make([]byte, blob.Length)
		data, err := repo.LoadBlob(blob.Type, id, buf)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		_, err = os.Stdout.Write(data)
		return err

	case "tree":
		debug.Log("cat", "cat tree %v", id.Str())
		tree := restic.NewTree()
		err = repo.LoadJSONPack(pack.Tree, id, tree)
		if err != nil {
			debug.Log("cat", "unable to load tree %v: %v", id.Str(), err)
			return err

		buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(&tree, "", "  ")
		if err != nil {
			debug.Log("cat", "error json.MarshalIndent(): %v", err)
			return err

		_, err = os.Stdout.Write(append(buf, '\n'))
		return nil

		return errors.New("invalid type")