Exemple #1
func TestMultipleLock(t *testing.T) {
	repo := SetupRepo()
	defer TeardownRepo(repo)

	lock1, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	lock2, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	OK(t, lock1.Unlock())
	OK(t, lock2.Unlock())
Exemple #2
func TestMultipleLock(t *testing.T) {
	repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
	defer cleanup()

	lock1, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	lock2, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	OK(t, lock1.Unlock())
	OK(t, lock2.Unlock())
Exemple #3
func TestLockRefresh(t *testing.T) {
	repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
	defer cleanup()

	lock, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	var lockID *restic.ID
	for id := range repo.List(restic.LockFile, nil) {
		if lockID != nil {
			t.Error("more than one lock found")
		lockID = &id

	OK(t, lock.Refresh())

	var lockID2 *restic.ID
	for id := range repo.List(restic.LockFile, nil) {
		if lockID2 != nil {
			t.Error("more than one lock found")
		lockID2 = &id

	Assert(t, !lockID.Equal(*lockID2),
		"expected a new ID after lock refresh, got the same")
	OK(t, lock.Unlock())
Exemple #4
func TestLockRefresh(t *testing.T) {
	repo := SetupRepo()
	defer TeardownRepo(repo)

	lock, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	var lockID *backend.ID
	for id := range repo.List(backend.Lock, nil) {
		if lockID != nil {
			t.Error("more than one lock found")
		lockID = &id

	OK(t, lock.Refresh())

	var lockID2 *backend.ID
	for id := range repo.List(backend.Lock, nil) {
		if lockID2 != nil {
			t.Error("more than one lock found")
		lockID2 = &id

	Assert(t, !lockID.Equal(*lockID2),
		"expected a new ID after lock refresh, got the same")
	OK(t, lock.Unlock())
Exemple #5
func TestLock(t *testing.T) {
	repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
	defer cleanup()

	lock, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	OK(t, lock.Unlock())
Exemple #6
func TestLock(t *testing.T) {
	repo := SetupRepo()
	defer TeardownRepo(repo)

	lock, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	OK(t, lock.Unlock())
Exemple #7
func TestDoubleUnlock(t *testing.T) {
	repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
	defer cleanup()

	lock, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	OK(t, lock.Unlock())

	err = lock.Unlock()
	Assert(t, err != nil,
		"double unlock didn't return an error, got %v", err)
Exemple #8
func TestDoubleUnlock(t *testing.T) {
	repo := SetupRepo()
	defer TeardownRepo(repo)

	lock, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	OK(t, lock.Unlock())

	err = lock.Unlock()
	Assert(t, err != nil,
		"double unlock didn't return an error, got %v", err)
Exemple #9
func TestExclusiveLockOnLockedRepo(t *testing.T) {
	repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
	defer cleanup()

	elock, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	lock, err := restic.NewExclusiveLock(repo)
	Assert(t, err != nil,
		"create normal lock with exclusively locked repo didn't return an error")
	Assert(t, restic.IsAlreadyLocked(err),
		"create normal lock with exclusively locked repo didn't return the correct error")

	OK(t, lock.Unlock())
	OK(t, elock.Unlock())
Exemple #10
func TestExclusiveLockOnLockedRepo(t *testing.T) {
	repo := SetupRepo()
	defer TeardownRepo(repo)

	elock, err := restic.NewLock(repo)
	OK(t, err)

	lock, err := restic.NewExclusiveLock(repo)
	Assert(t, err != nil,
		"create normal lock with exclusively locked repo didn't return an error")
	Assert(t, restic.IsAlreadyLocked(err),
		"create normal lock with exclusively locked repo didn't return the correct error")

	OK(t, lock.Unlock())
	OK(t, elock.Unlock())