Exemple #1
// Tests are done
func bodyLenCheck(body string) error {
	if len(body) < config.MustGet().Limits.MessageBodyMinLen {
		return fmt.Errorf("message body length should be greater than %d, yours is %d ", config.MustGet().Limits.MessageBodyMinLen, len(body))

	return nil
Exemple #2
// PrepareFileKey prepares a key for redis
func PrepareFileKey(fileId string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(
Exemple #3
// IsAdmin checks if the current requester is an admin or not, this part is just
// a stub and temproray solution for moderation security, when we implement the
// permission system fully, this should be the first function to remove.
func (c *Context) IsAdmin() bool {
	if !c.IsLoggedIn() {
		return false

	superAdmins := config.MustGet().DummyAdmins
	return IsIn(c.Client.Account.Nick, superAdmins...)
Exemple #4
func checkThrottle(channelId, requesterId int64) error {
	c, err := models.Cache.Channel.ById(channelId)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if c.TypeConstant != models.Channel_TYPE_GROUP {
		return nil

	cm := models.NewChannelMessage()

	conf := config.MustGet()

	// if oit is defaul treturn  early
	if conf.Limits.PostThrottleDuration == "" {
		return nil

	// if throttle count is zero, it meands it is not set
	if conf.Limits.PostThrottleCount == 0 {
		return nil

	dur, err := time.ParseDuration(conf.Limits.PostThrottleDuration)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// subtrack duration from current time
	prevTime := time.Now().UTC().Truncate(dur)

	// count sends positional parameters, no need to sanitize input
	count, err := bongo.B.Count(
		"initial_channel_id = ? and "+
			"account_id = ? and "+
			"created_at > ?",
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if count > conf.Limits.PostThrottleCount {
		return fmt.Errorf("reached to throttle, current post count %d for user %d", count, requesterId)

	return nil
Exemple #5
// NewBadRequestWithLogger is creating a new http response with predifined http
// response properties, it uses a special logger for outputting callstack
// properly
func NewBadRequestWithLogger(l logging.Logger, err error) (int, http.Header, interface{}, error) {
	if err == nil {
		err = errors.New("request is not valid")

	// make sure errors are outputted
	l.Debug("Bad Request: %s", err)

	// do not expose errors to the client
	env := config.MustGet().Environment

	// do not expose errors to the client.
	if env != "dev" && env != "test" && socialApiEnv != "wercker" {
		err = genericError

	return http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil, BadRequest{err}
Exemple #6
func (mwc *Controller) migrateAllAccountsToAlgolia() {
	mwc.log.Notice("Account migration to Algolia started")
	successCount := 0

	s := modelhelper.Selector{
		"type": "registered",

	c := config.MustGet()

	algolia := algoliasearch.NewClient(c.Algolia.AppId, c.Algolia.ApiSecretKey)
	// create message handler
	handler := algoliaconnector.New(mwc.log, algolia, c.Algolia.IndexSuffix)

	migrateAccount := func(account interface{}) error {
		oldAccount := account.(*mongomodels.Account)

		return handler.AccountCreated(&models.Account{
			OldId: oldAccount.Id.Hex(),
			Nick:  oldAccount.Profile.Nickname,

	iterOptions := helpers.NewIterOptions()
	iterOptions.CollectionName = "jAccounts"
	iterOptions.F = migrateAccount
	iterOptions.Filter = s
	iterOptions.Result = &mongomodels.Account{}
	iterOptions.Limit = 10000000
	iterOptions.Skip = 0
	iterOptions.Sort = []string{"-_id"}

	helpers.Iter(modelhelper.Mongo, iterOptions)

	mwc.log.Notice("Account migration completed for %d account with %d errors", successCount, errAccountCount)
Exemple #7
func (nc *NotificationChannel) PrepareName() string {
	env := config.MustGet().Environment
	return fmt.Sprintf("notification-%s-%s", env, nc.Account.Nick)