Exemple #1
// makeSureMembership checks if the incoming account is a member of the group
// channel that is persisted within incoming session data
func makeSureMembership(groupChannel *models.Channel, accountId int64) error {
	isMember, err := models.Cache.Participant.ByChannelIdAndAccountId(groupChannel.Id, accountId)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// we dont need to do anything if the user is a member of group channel
	if isMember {
		return nil

	_, err = groupChannel.AddParticipant(accountId)
	if err != nil && err != models.ErrAccountIsAlreadyInTheChannel {
		return err

	return models.Cache.Participant.SetToCache(groupChannel.Id, accountId)
Exemple #2
func Create(u *url.URL, h http.Header, req *models.Channel, context *models.Context) (int, http.Header, interface{}, error) {
	// only logged in users can create a channel
	if !context.IsLoggedIn() {
		return response.NewBadRequest(models.ErrNotLoggedIn)

	// get group name from context
	req.GroupName = context.GroupName
	req.CreatorId = context.Client.Account.Id

	if req.PrivacyConstant == "" {
		req.PrivacyConstant = models.Channel_PRIVACY_PRIVATE

		// if group is koding, then make it public, because it was public before
		if req.GroupName == models.Channel_KODING_NAME {
			req.PrivacyConstant = models.Channel_PRIVACY_PUBLIC

	if req.TypeConstant == "" {
		req.TypeConstant = models.Channel_TYPE_TOPIC

	if err := validateChannelRequest(req); err != nil {
		return response.NewBadRequest(err)

	if err := req.Create(); err != nil {
		return response.NewBadRequest(err)

	if _, err := req.AddParticipant(req.CreatorId); err != nil {
		// channel create works as idempotent, that channel might have been created before
		if err != models.ErrAccountIsAlreadyInTheChannel {
			return response.NewBadRequest(err)

	cc := models.NewChannelContainer()
	if err := cc.PopulateWith(*req, context.Client.Account.Id); err != nil {
		return response.NewBadRequest(err)

	return response.NewOK(cc)