Exemple #1
func TestHandlerBufferSize(t *testing.T) {
	base := BaseHandler{}
	base.log = l.WithField("testing", "basehandler_flush")
	base.interval = 5
	base.maxBufferSize = 100
	base.channel = make(chan metric.Metric)
	base.collectorEndpoints = map[string]CollectorEnd{
		"collector1": CollectorEnd{make(chan metric.Metric), 3},

	emitFunc := func(metrics []metric.Metric) bool {
		assert.Equal(t, 3, len(metrics))
		return true

	go base.run(emitFunc)
	base.CollectorEndpoints()["collector1"].Channel <- metric.New("testMetric")
	base.CollectorEndpoints()["collector1"].Channel <- metric.New("testMetric1")
	base.CollectorEndpoints()["collector1"].Channel <- metric.New("testMetric2")
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
	assert.Equal(t, uint64(3), atomic.LoadUint64(&base.metricsSent))
	assert.Equal(t, uint64(0), atomic.LoadUint64(&base.metricsDropped))

	// This is just to stop goroutines that have been started before
	base.channel <- metric.Metric{}
	base.CollectorEndpoints()["collector1"].Channel <- metric.Metric{}
Exemple #2
func (t *tracker) StatusUpdate() {
	shardCount := atomic.LoadUint64(&t.stats.CompletedShards)
	pointCount := atomic.LoadUint64(&t.stats.PointsRead)
	pointWritten := atomic.LoadUint64(&t.stats.PointsWritten)

	log.Printf("Still Working: Completed Shards: %d/%d Points read/written: %d/%d", shardCount, len(t.shards), pointCount, pointWritten)
Exemple #3
func (h *Hub) Stat(details bool) *HubStat {
	defer h.mutex.RUnlock()
	stat := &HubStat{
		Rooms:       len(h.roomTable),
		Connections: len(h.connectionTable),
		Sessions:    len(h.sessionTable),
		Count:       h.count,
		BroadcastChatMessages: atomic.LoadUint64(&h.broadcastChatMessages),
		UnicastChatMessages:   atomic.LoadUint64(&h.unicastChatMessages),
	if details {
		rooms := make(map[string][]string)
		for roomid, room := range h.roomTable {
			sessions := make([]string, 0, len(room.connections))
			for id := range room.connections {
				sessions = append(sessions, id)
			rooms[roomid] = sessions
		stat.IdsInRoom = rooms
		sessions := make(map[string]*DataSession)
		for sessionid, session := range h.sessionTable {
			sessions[sessionid] = session.Data()
		stat.SessionsById = sessions
		connections := make(map[string]string)
		for id, connection := range h.connectionTable {
			connections[fmt.Sprintf("%d", connection.Idx)] = id
		stat.ConnectionsByIdx = connections
	return stat
Exemple #4
func (z *zeroSum) monitor(d time.Duration) {
	start := timeutil.Now()
	lastTime := start
	var lastOps uint64

	for ticks := 0; true; ticks++ {

		if ticks%20 == 0 {

		now := timeutil.Now()
		elapsed := now.Sub(lastTime).Seconds()
		ops := atomic.LoadUint64(&z.stats.ops)

		ranges, replicas := z.ranges.count, z.ranges.replicas

		fmt.Printf("%8s %9d %11d %8.1f %8d %8d %8d %8d %20s\n",
			z.accountsLen(), ops, float64(ops-lastOps)/elapsed,
			ranges, z.formatReplicas(replicas))
		lastTime = now
		lastOps = ops
Exemple #5
func getAllGauges() ([]IntMetric, []FloatMetric) {
	numIDs := int(atomic.LoadUint32(curIntGaugeID))
	retint := make([]IntMetric, numIDs)

	for i := 0; i < numIDs; i++ {
		retint[i] = IntMetric{
			Name: intgnames[i],
			Val:  atomic.LoadUint64(&intgauges[i]),
			Tgs:  intgtags[i],

	numIDs = int(atomic.LoadUint32(curFloatGaugeID))
	retfloat := make([]FloatMetric, numIDs)

	for i := 0; i < numIDs; i++ {
		// The int64 bit pattern of the float value needs to be converted back
		// into a float64 here. This is a literal reinterpretation of the same
		// exact bits.
		intval := atomic.LoadUint64(&floatgauges[i])

		retfloat[i] = FloatMetric{
			Name: floatgnames[i],
			Val:  math.Float64frombits(intval),
			Tgs:  floatgtags[i],

	return retint, retfloat
Exemple #6
// mangedLogError will take an error and log it to the host, depending on the
// type of error and whether or not the DEBUG flag has been set.
func (h *Host) managedLogError(err error) {
	// Determine the type of error and the number of times that this error has
	// been logged.
	var num uint64
	var probability int // Error will be logged with 1/probability chance.
	switch err.(type) {
	case ErrorCommunication:
		num = atomic.LoadUint64(&h.atomicCommunicationErrors)
		probability = errorCommunicationProbability
	case ErrorConnection:
		num = atomic.LoadUint64(&h.atomicConnectionErrors)
		probability = errorConnectionProbability
	case ErrorConsensus:
		num = atomic.LoadUint64(&h.atomicConsensusErrors)
		probability = errorConsensusProbability
	case ErrorInternal:
		num = atomic.LoadUint64(&h.atomicInternalErrors)
		probability = errorInternalProbability
		num = atomic.LoadUint64(&h.atomicNormalErrors)
		probability = errorNormalProbability

	// If num > logFewLimit, substantially decrease the probability that the error
	// gets logged.
	if num > logFewLimit {
		probability = probability * 25

	// If we've seen less than logAllLimit of that type of error before, log
	// the error as a normal logging statement. Otherwise, probabilistically
	// log the statement. In debugging mode, log all statements.
	logged := false
	rand, randErr := crypto.RandIntn(probability + 1)
	if randErr != nil {
		h.log.Critical("random number generation failed")
	if num < logAllLimit || rand == probability {
		logged = true
	} else {

	// If the error was logged, increment the log counter.
	if logged {
		switch err.(type) {
		case ErrorCommunication:
			atomic.AddUint64(&h.atomicCommunicationErrors, 1)
		case ErrorConnection:
			atomic.AddUint64(&h.atomicConnectionErrors, 1)
		case ErrorConsensus:
			atomic.AddUint64(&h.atomicConsensusErrors, 1)
		case ErrorInternal:
			atomic.AddUint64(&h.atomicInternalErrors, 1)
			atomic.AddUint64(&h.atomicNormalErrors, 1)
Exemple #7
func (s *IDGenerator) GetStream() (int, bool) {
	// based closely on the java-driver stream ID generator
	// avoid false sharing subsequent requests.
	offset := atomic.LoadUint32(&s.offset)
	for !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&s.offset, offset, (offset+1)%s.numBuckets) {
		offset = atomic.LoadUint32(&s.offset)
	offset = (offset + 1) % s.numBuckets

	for i := uint32(0); i < s.numBuckets; i++ {
		pos := int((i + offset) % s.numBuckets)

		bucket := atomic.LoadUint64(&s.streams[pos])
		if bucket == math.MaxUint64 {
			// all streams in use

		for j := 0; j < bucketBits; j++ {
			mask := uint64(1 << streamOffset(j))
			if bucket&mask == 0 {
				if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&s.streams[pos], bucket, bucket|mask) {
					atomic.AddInt32(&s.inuseStreams, 1)
					return streamFromBucket(int(pos), j), true
				bucket = atomic.LoadUint64(&s.streams[offset])

	return 0, false
func (v *signatureVerifier) metrics() []instrumentation.Metric {
	return []instrumentation.Metric{
		instrumentation.Metric{Name: "missingSignatureErrors", Value: atomic.LoadUint64(&v.missingSignatureErrorCount)},
		instrumentation.Metric{Name: "invalidSignatureErrors", Value: atomic.LoadUint64(&v.invalidSignatureErrorCount)},
		instrumentation.Metric{Name: "validSignatures", Value: atomic.LoadUint64(&v.validSignatureCount)},
Exemple #9
func (s *ProxyServer) collectMinersStats() (int64, int, []interface{}) {
	now := util.MakeTimestamp()
	var result []interface{}
	totalHashrate := int64(0)
	totalOnline := 0

	for m := range s.miners.Iter() {
		stats := make(map[string]interface{})
		lastBeat := m.Val.getLastBeat()
		hashrate := m.Val.hashrate()
		totalHashrate += hashrate
		stats["name"] = m.Key
		stats["hashrate"] = hashrate
		stats["lastBeat"] = lastBeat
		stats["validShares"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&m.Val.validShares)
		stats["invalidShares"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&m.Val.invalidShares)
		stats["validBlocks"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&m.Val.validBlocks)
		stats["invalidBlocks"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&m.Val.invalidBlocks)
		stats["ip"] = m.Val.IP

		if now-lastBeat > (int64(s.timeout/2) / 1000000) {
			stats["warning"] = true
		if now-lastBeat > (int64(s.timeout) / 1000000) {
			stats["timeout"] = true
		} else {
		result = append(result, stats)
	return totalHashrate, totalOnline, result
// Dequeue removes and returns the `oldest` element from the ring buffer
// It also returns true if the operation is successful, false otherwise
// It blocks on an empty queue
func (rb *RingBuffer) Dequeue() (data interface{}, b bool) {
	var cell *ring_cell
	pos := atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.dequeue_pos_)
	i := 0
	for {
		cell = rb.buffer_[pos&rb.buffer_mask_]
		seq := atomic.LoadUint64(&cell.sequence_)
		switch dif := seq - pos - 1; {
		case dif == 0:
			if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&rb.dequeue_pos_, pos, pos+1) {
				break Loop
		case dif < 0:
			return nil, false
			pos = atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.dequeue_pos_)
		// freeup the cpu
		if i >= freeup_threshold {
			i = 0
		} else {
	data = cell.data_
	atomic.StoreUint64(&cell.sequence_, pos+rb.buffer_mask_+1)
	b = true
	return data, b
// Enqueue adds a new element to the tail of the ring buffer
// It returns true if the operation is successful, false otherwise
// It blocks on a full queue
func (rb *RingBuffer) Enqueue(data interface{}) bool {
	var cell *ring_cell
	pos := atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.enqueue_pos_)
	i := 0
	for {
		cell = rb.buffer_[pos&rb.buffer_mask_]
		seq := atomic.LoadUint64(&cell.sequence_)
		switch dif := seq - pos; {
		case dif == 0:
			if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&rb.enqueue_pos_, pos, pos+1) {
				break Loop
		case dif < 0:
			return false
			pos = atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.enqueue_pos_)
		// freeup the cpu
		if i >= freeup_threshold {
			i = 0
		} else {

	cell.data_ = data
	atomic.StoreUint64(&cell.sequence_, pos+1)
	return true
Exemple #12
func printLine() {
	// get
	timeNow := time.Now()
	nowTotalIndexed := atomic.LoadUint64(&totalIndexed)
	nowTotalPlainTextIndexed := atomic.LoadUint64(&totalPlainTextIndexed)

	// calculate
	curPlainTextIndexed := nowTotalPlainTextIndexed - lastTotalPlainTextIndexed

	cumTimeTaken := timeNow.Sub(timeStart)
	curTimeTaken := timeNow.Sub(timeLast)

	cumMBytes := float64(nowTotalPlainTextIndexed) / 1000000.0
	curMBytes := float64(curPlainTextIndexed) / 1000000.0

	cumSeconds := float64(cumTimeTaken) / float64(time.Second)
	curSeconds := float64(curTimeTaken) / float64(time.Second)

	dateNow := timeNow.Format(time.RFC3339)
	fmt.Fprintf(statsWriter, "%s,%d,%d,%f,%f\n", dateNow, nowTotalIndexed,
		nowTotalPlainTextIndexed, cumMBytes/cumSeconds, curMBytes/curSeconds)

	timeLast = timeNow
	lastTotalIndexed = nowTotalIndexed
	lastTotalPlainTextIndexed = nowTotalPlainTextIndexed
func (u *dropsondeUnmarshaller) metrics() []instrumentation.Metric {
	var metrics []instrumentation.Metric

	for appID, count := range u.logMessageReceiveCounts {
		metricValue := atomic.LoadUint64(count)
		tags := make(map[string]interface{})
		tags["appId"] = appID
		metrics = append(metrics, instrumentation.Metric{Name: "logMessageReceived", Value: metricValue, Tags: tags})

	metricValue := atomic.LoadUint64(u.receiveCounts[events.Envelope_LogMessage])
	metrics = append(metrics, instrumentation.Metric{Name: "logMessageTotal", Value: metricValue})


	for eventType, counterPointer := range u.receiveCounts {
		if eventType == events.Envelope_LogMessage {
		modifiedEventName := []rune(eventType.String())
		modifiedEventName[0] = unicode.ToLower(modifiedEventName[0])
		metricName := string(modifiedEventName) + "Received"
		metricValue := atomic.LoadUint64(counterPointer)
		metrics = append(metrics, instrumentation.Metric{Name: metricName, Value: metricValue})

	metrics = append(metrics, instrumentation.Metric{
		Name:  "unmarshalErrors",
		Value: atomic.LoadUint64(&u.unmarshalErrorCount),

	return metrics
Exemple #14
func TestHandlerRun(t *testing.T) {
	var mu sync.Mutex
	base := BaseHandler{}
	base.log = l.WithField("testing", "basehandler_run")
	base.interval = 1
	base.maxBufferSize = 1
	base.channel = make(chan metric.Metric)

	emitCalled := false
	emitFunc := func(metrics []metric.Metric) bool {
		assert.Equal(t, 1, len(metrics))
		defer mu.Unlock()
		emitCalled = true
		return true

	// now we are waiting for some metrics
	go base.run(emitFunc)

	base.channel <- metric.New("testMetric")
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
	assert.True(t, emitCalled)
	assert.Equal(t, 1, base.GetEmissionTimesLen())
	assert.Equal(t, uint64(1), atomic.LoadUint64(&base.metricsSent))
	assert.Equal(t, uint64(0), atomic.LoadUint64(&base.metricsDropped))
	assert.Equal(t, uint64(1), atomic.LoadUint64(&base.totalEmissions))
	base.channel <- metric.Metric{}
Exemple #15
func TestManyMessagesSingleSocket(t *testing.T) {
	count := 1000
	interval := 100 * time.Microsecond

	var serverMsgReceivedCount uint64
	ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		sck, err := NewSocket("test_socket", w, r, func(messageType int, message []byte) {
			atomic.AddUint64(&serverMsgReceivedCount, 1)
			assert.Equal(t, "You got a message!", string(message))
		}, nil)

		if err != nil {
			t.Error("Error creating websocket:", err)

		// when a request comes in, start writing lotsa messages to it
		go writeLotsaMessages(sck, count, interval)
	defer ts.Close()

	var clientMsgReceivedCount uint64
	client := makeClient(t, ts.URL, "test_client", func(messageType int, message []byte) {
		atomic.AddUint64(&clientMsgReceivedCount, 1)
		assert.Equal(t, "You got a message!", string(message))
	}, nil)

	// we opened a client connection, starting sending lotsa messages to the server
	go writeLotsaMessages(client, count, interval)

	// sleep a bit to let the messages be sent
	time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

	assert.Equal(t, uint64(count), atomic.LoadUint64(&clientMsgReceivedCount))
	assert.Equal(t, uint64(count), atomic.LoadUint64(&serverMsgReceivedCount))
Exemple #16
// ListPeers returns a verbose listing of all currently active peers.
func (r *rpcServer) ListPeers(ctx context.Context,
	in *lnrpc.ListPeersRequest) (*lnrpc.ListPeersResponse, error) {

	rpcsLog.Tracef("[listpeers] request")

	serverPeers := r.server.Peers()
	resp := &lnrpc.ListPeersResponse{
		Peers: make([]*lnrpc.Peer, 0, len(serverPeers)),

	for _, serverPeer := range serverPeers {
		// TODO(roasbeef): add a snapshot method which grabs peer read mtx

		nodePub := serverPeer.addr.IdentityKey.SerializeCompressed()
		peer := &lnrpc.Peer{
			PubKey:    hex.EncodeToString(nodePub),
			PeerId:    serverPeer.id,
			Address:   serverPeer.conn.RemoteAddr().String(),
			Inbound:   serverPeer.inbound,
			BytesRecv: atomic.LoadUint64(&serverPeer.bytesReceived),
			BytesSent: atomic.LoadUint64(&serverPeer.bytesSent),

		resp.Peers = append(resp.Peers, peer)

	rpcsLog.Debugf("[listpeers] yielded %v peers", serverPeers)

	return resp, nil
func (u *EventUnmarshaller) metrics() []instrumentation.Metric {
	var metrics []instrumentation.Metric

	metricValue := atomic.LoadUint64(u.receiveCounts[events.Envelope_LogMessage])
	metrics = append(metrics, instrumentation.Metric{Name: logMessageTotal, Value: metricValue})

	for eventType, counterPointer := range u.receiveCounts {
		if eventType == events.Envelope_LogMessage {
		modifiedEventName := []rune(eventType.String())
		modifiedEventName[0] = unicode.ToLower(modifiedEventName[0])
		metricName := string(modifiedEventName) + "Received"
		metricValue := atomic.LoadUint64(counterPointer)
		metrics = append(metrics, instrumentation.Metric{Name: metricName, Value: metricValue})

	metrics = append(metrics, instrumentation.Metric{
		Name:  unmarshalErrors,
		Value: atomic.LoadUint64(&u.unmarshalErrorCount),

	metrics = append(metrics, instrumentation.Metric{
		Name:  unknownEvents,
		Value: atomic.LoadUint64(&u.unknownEventTypeCount),

	return metrics
Exemple #18
func snapshot() {
	var last = new(stats)
	for {
		requests := atomic.LoadUint64(&Stats.requests)
		cacheHits := atomic.LoadUint64(&Stats.cacheHits)
		cacheMisses := atomic.LoadUint64(&Stats.cacheMisses)

		ch := cacheHits - last.cacheHits
		ct := cacheMisses - last.cacheMisses + ch
		if ct == 0 {
			ct = 1

		s := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"requests":%d,"cacheRatio":%d,"goroutines":%d}`, requests-last.requests, ch*100/ct, runtime.NumGoroutine()))

		last.requests = requests
		last.cacheHits = cacheHits
		last.cacheMisses = cacheMisses

		file, _ := os.Create("stats.json")
Exemple #19
func (s *IDGenerator) Clear(stream int) (inuse bool) {
	offset := bucketOffset(stream)
	bucket := atomic.LoadUint64(&s.streams[offset])

	mask := uint64(1) << streamOffset(stream)
	if bucket&mask != mask {
		// already cleared
		return false

	for !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&s.streams[offset], bucket, bucket & ^mask) {
		bucket = atomic.LoadUint64(&s.streams[offset])
		if bucket&mask != mask {
			// already cleared
			return false

	// TODO: make this account for 0 stream being reserved
	if atomic.AddInt32(&s.inuseStreams, -1) < 0 {
		// TODO(zariel): remove this
		panic("negative streams inuse")

	return true
Exemple #20
func snapshot(c *Configuration) {
	var last = new(stats)
	buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
	for {
		requests := atomic.LoadUint64(&Stats.requests)
		errors := atomic.LoadUint64(&Stats.errors)
		fatals := atomic.LoadUint64(&Stats.fatals)

		buffer.WriteString(`{"requests":` + strconv.FormatUint(requests-last.requests, 10))
		buffer.WriteString(`,"errors":` + strconv.FormatUint(errors-last.errors, 10))
		buffer.WriteString(`,"fatals":` + strconv.FormatUint(fatals-last.fatals, 10))
		buffer.WriteString(`,"goroutines":` + strconv.Itoa(runtime.NumGoroutine()))

		last.requests = requests
		last.errors = errors
		last.fatals = fatals

		file, e := os.Create(c.statsFile)
		if e != nil {
			log.Println("AUWFG could not write stats: ", e)
		} else {
Exemple #21
func (pipeline *mk_itemPipeline) Count() []uint64 {
	counts := make([]uint64, 3)
	counts[0] = atomic.LoadUint64(&pipeline.sent)
	counts[1] = atomic.LoadUint64(&pipeline.accepted)
	counts[2] = atomic.LoadUint64(&pipeline.processed)
	return counts
// Put adds the provided item to the queue.  If the queue is full, this
// call will block until an item is added to the queue or Dispose is called
// on the queue.  An error will be returned if the queue is disposed.
func (rb *RingBuffer) Put(item interface{}) error {
	var n *node
	pos := atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.queue)
	i := 0
	for {
		if atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.disposed) == 1 {
			return disposedError

		n = rb.nodes[pos&rb.mask]
		seq := atomic.LoadUint64(&n.position)
		switch dif := seq - pos; {
		case dif == 0:
			if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&rb.queue, pos, pos+1) {
				break L
		case dif < 0:
			panic(`Ring buffer in a compromised state during a put operation.`)
			pos = atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.queue)

		if i == 10000 {
			runtime.Gosched() // free up the cpu before the next iteration
			i = 0
		} else {

	n.data = item
	atomic.StoreUint64(&n.position, pos+1)
	return nil
Exemple #23
func (this *myItemPipeline) Count() []uint64 {
	counts := make([]uint64, 3)
	counts[0] = atomic.LoadUint64(&this.sent)
	counts[1] = atomic.LoadUint64(&this.accepted)
	counts[2] = atomic.LoadUint64(&this.processed)
	return counts
Exemple #24
// 获取计数器
func (this *GatewayBackend) GetCounter() (inPack, inByte, outPack, outByte uint64) {
	inPack = atomic.LoadUint64(&this.inPack)
	inByte = atomic.LoadUint64(&this.inByte)
	outPack = atomic.LoadUint64(&this.outPack)
	outByte = atomic.LoadUint64(&this.outByte)
Exemple #25
// atomically adds incr to val, returns new val
func incrementAndGet(val *uint64, incr uint64) uint64 {
	currVal := atomic.LoadUint64(val)
	for !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(val, currVal, currVal+incr) {
		currVal = atomic.LoadUint64(val)
	return currVal + incr
Exemple #26
func (is *IndexStat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	m := map[string]interface{}{}
	m["index"] = is.indexStat
	m["searches"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&is.searches)
	m["search_time"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&is.searchTime)
	return json.Marshal(m)
Exemple #27
// Get will return the next item in the queue.  This call will block
// if the queue is empty.  This call will unblock when an item is added
// to the queue or Dispose is called on the queue.  An error will be returned
// if the queue is disposed.
func (rb *RingBuffer) Get() (interface{}, error) {
	var n *node
	pos := atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.dequeue)
	i := 0
	for {
		if atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.disposed) == 1 {
			return nil, ErrDisposed

		n = rb.nodes[pos&rb.mask]
		seq := atomic.LoadUint64(&n.position)
		switch dif := seq - (pos + 1); {
		case dif == 0:
			if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&rb.dequeue, pos, pos+1) {
				break L
		case dif < 0:
			panic(`Ring buffer in compromised state during a get operation.`)
			pos = atomic.LoadUint64(&rb.dequeue)

		if i == 10000 {
			runtime.Gosched() // free up the cpu before the next iteration
			i = 0
		} else {
	data := n.data
	n.data = nil
	atomic.StoreUint64(&n.position, pos+rb.mask+1)
	return data, nil
Exemple #28
func (is *IndexStat) statsMap() map[string]interface{} {
	m := map[string]interface{}{}
	m["index"] = is.i.i.StatsMap()
	m["searches"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&is.searches)
	m["search_time"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&is.searchTime)
	return m
Exemple #29
func (c *ClientV2) Stats() ClientStats {
	// TODO: deprecated, remove in 1.0
	name := c.ClientID

	clientId := c.ClientID
	hostname := c.Hostname
	userAgent := c.UserAgent
	return ClientStats{
		// TODO: deprecated, remove in 1.0
		Name: name,

		Version:       "V2",
		RemoteAddress: c.RemoteAddr().String(),
		ClientID:      clientId,
		Hostname:      hostname,
		UserAgent:     userAgent,
		State:         atomic.LoadInt32(&c.State),
		ReadyCount:    atomic.LoadInt64(&c.ReadyCount),
		InFlightCount: atomic.LoadInt64(&c.InFlightCount),
		MessageCount:  atomic.LoadUint64(&c.MessageCount),
		FinishCount:   atomic.LoadUint64(&c.FinishCount),
		RequeueCount:  atomic.LoadUint64(&c.RequeueCount),
		ConnectTime:   c.ConnectTime.Unix(),
		SampleRate:    atomic.LoadInt32(&c.SampleRate),
		TLS:           atomic.LoadInt32(&c.TLS) == 1,
		Deflate:       atomic.LoadInt32(&c.Deflate) == 1,
		Snappy:        atomic.LoadInt32(&c.Snappy) == 1,
Exemple #30
// extraServiceInfo implements the profiler.ExtraServiceInfoRetriever interface,
// returning a map of key/value pairs of diagnostic information.
func extraServiceInfo() map[string]interface{} {
	extraInfo := make(map[string]interface{})
	extraInfo["uptime"] = time.Now().Round(time.Second).Sub(startTime).String()
	extraInfo["hit count: /profiler/info.html"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&infoHTMLHitCount)
	extraInfo["hit count: /profiler/info"] = atomic.LoadUint64(&infoHitCount)
	return extraInfo