Exemple #1
// setRequestCancel sets the Cancel field of req, if deadline is
// non-zero. The RoundTripper's type is used to determine whether the legacy
// CancelRequest behavior should be used.
func setRequestCancel(req *Request, rt RoundTripper, deadline time.Time) (stopTimer func(), wasCanceled func() bool) {
	if deadline.IsZero() {
		return nop, alwaysFalse

	initialReqCancel := req.Cancel // the user's original Request.Cancel, if any

	cancel := make(chan struct{})
	req.Cancel = cancel

	wasCanceled = func() bool {
		select {
		case <-cancel:
			return true
			return false

	doCancel := func() {
		// The new way:

		// The legacy compatibility way, used only
		// for RoundTripper implementations written
		// before Go 1.5 or Go 1.6.
		type canceler interface {
		switch v := rt.(type) {
		case *Transport, *http2Transport:
			// Do nothing. The net/http package's transports
			// support the new Request.Cancel channel
		case canceler:

	stopTimerCh := make(chan struct{})
	var once sync.Once
	stopTimer = func() { once.Do(func() { close(stopTimerCh) }) }

	timer := time.NewTimer(time.Until(deadline))
	go func() {
		select {
		case <-initialReqCancel:
		case <-timer.C:
		case <-stopTimerCh:

	return stopTimer, wasCanceled
Exemple #2
func setDeadlineImpl(fd *netFD, t time.Time, mode int) error {
	diff := int64(time.Until(t))
	d := runtimeNano() + diff
	if d <= 0 && diff > 0 {
		// If the user has a deadline in the future, but the delay calculation
		// overflows, then set the deadline to the maximum possible value.
		d = 1<<63 - 1
	if t.IsZero() {
		d = 0
	if err := fd.incref(); err != nil {
		return err
	runtime_pollSetDeadline(fd.pd.runtimeCtx, d, mode)
	return nil
Exemple #3
// WithDeadline returns a copy of the parent context with the deadline adjusted
// to be no later than d. If the parent's deadline is already earlier than d,
// WithDeadline(parent, d) is semantically equivalent to parent. The returned
// context's Done channel is closed when the deadline expires, when the returned
// cancel function is called, or when the parent context's Done channel is
// closed, whichever happens first.
// Canceling this context releases resources associated with it, so code should
// call cancel as soon as the operations running in this Context complete.
func WithDeadline(parent Context, deadline time.Time) (Context, CancelFunc) {
	if cur, ok := parent.Deadline(); ok && cur.Before(deadline) {
		// The current deadline is already sooner than the new one.
		return WithCancel(parent)
	c := &timerCtx{
		cancelCtx: newCancelCtx(parent),
		deadline:  deadline,
	propagateCancel(parent, c)
	d := time.Until(deadline)
	if d <= 0 {
		c.cancel(true, DeadlineExceeded) // deadline has already passed
		return c, func() { c.cancel(true, Canceled) }
	defer c.mu.Unlock()
	if c.err == nil {
		c.timer = time.AfterFunc(d, func() {
			c.cancel(true, DeadlineExceeded)
	return c, func() { c.cancel(true, Canceled) }
Exemple #4
// DialWithDialer connects to the given network address using dialer.Dial and
// then initiates a TLS handshake, returning the resulting TLS connection. Any
// timeout or deadline given in the dialer apply to connection and TLS
// handshake as a whole.
// DialWithDialer interprets a nil configuration as equivalent to the zero
// configuration; see the documentation of Config for the defaults.
func DialWithDialer(dialer *net.Dialer, network, addr string, config *Config) (*Conn, error) {
	// We want the Timeout and Deadline values from dialer to cover the
	// whole process: TCP connection and TLS handshake. This means that we
	// also need to start our own timers now.
	timeout := dialer.Timeout

	if !dialer.Deadline.IsZero() {
		deadlineTimeout := time.Until(dialer.Deadline)
		if timeout == 0 || deadlineTimeout < timeout {
			timeout = deadlineTimeout

	var errChannel chan error

	if timeout != 0 {
		errChannel = make(chan error, 2)
		time.AfterFunc(timeout, func() {
			errChannel <- timeoutError{}

	rawConn, err := dialer.Dial(network, addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	colonPos := strings.LastIndex(addr, ":")
	if colonPos == -1 {
		colonPos = len(addr)
	hostname := addr[:colonPos]

	if config == nil {
		config = defaultConfig()
	// If no ServerName is set, infer the ServerName
	// from the hostname we're connecting to.
	if config.ServerName == "" {
		// Make a copy to avoid polluting argument or default.
		c := config.Clone()
		c.ServerName = hostname
		config = c

	conn := Client(rawConn, config)

	if timeout == 0 {
		err = conn.Handshake()
	} else {
		go func() {
			errChannel <- conn.Handshake()

		err = <-errChannel

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return conn, nil
Exemple #5
func (c *timerCtx) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%v.WithDeadline(%s [%s])", c.cancelCtx.Context, c.deadline, time.Until(c.deadline))