Esempio n. 1

type mapkey struct {
	Key   cas.Key
	Type  string
	Level uint8

// InMemory is a chunks.Store that all chunks in an in-memory map.
// It is intended for unit test use only.
type InMemory struct {
	m map[mapkey][]byte

var _ = chunks.Store(&InMemory{})

func (c *InMemory) get(key cas.Key, typ string, level uint8) ([]byte, error) {
	data := c.m[mapkey{key, typ, level}]
	return data, nil

// Get fetches a Chunk. See chunks.Store.Get.
func (c *InMemory) Get(key cas.Key, typ string, level uint8) (*chunks.Chunk, error) {
	return chunkutil.HandleGet(c.get, key, typ, level)

// Add adds a Chunk to the Store. See chunks.Store.Add.
func (c *InMemory) Add(chunk *chunks.Chunk) (key cas.Key, err error) {
	key = chunkutil.Hash(chunk)
	if c.m == nil {
Esempio n. 2
package mock

import (

// NeverUsed is a chunks.Store meant for unit tests that don't touch
// the CAS, but where the API requires one.
type NeverUsed struct{}

var _ = chunks.Store(NeverUsed{})

// Get fetches a Chunk. See chunks.Store.Get.
func (NeverUsed) Get(key cas.Key, typ string, level uint8) (*chunks.Chunk, error) {
	panic("NeverUsed.Get was called")

// Add adds a Chunk to the Store. See chunks.Store.Add.
func (NeverUsed) Add(chunk *chunks.Chunk) (key cas.Key, err error) {
	panic("NeverUsed.Add was called")
Esempio n. 3
// TODO maybe move this into chunks -- but then chunkutil needs to
// merge there, too, to avoid an import cycle

import (

type storeInKV struct {
	kv kv.KV

var _ = chunks.Store(&storeInKV{})

func makeKey(key cas.Key, typ string, level uint8) []byte {
	k := make([]byte, 0, cas.KeySize+len(typ)+1)
	k = append(k, key.Bytes()...)
	k = append(k, typ...)
	k = append(k, level)
	return k

func (s *storeInKV) get(key cas.Key, type_ string, level uint8) ([]byte, error) {
	k := makeKey(key, type_, level)
	data, err := s.kv.Get(k)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err