/* * WARNING: this method does not work with Mesa as of * version 8.x. Their implementation violates the EGL * specification and does not allow you to release a context. */ func (display *Display) ReleaseCurrentContext() error { success := C.eglMakeCurrent(display.eglDisplay, noSurface, noSurface, noContext) if success == C.EGL_FALSE { return getError() } return nil }
func MakeCurrent( disp Display, draw Surface, read Surface, ctx Context) bool { return goBoolean(C.eglMakeCurrent( C.EGLDisplay(unsafe.Pointer(disp)), C.EGLSurface(unsafe.Pointer(draw)), C.EGLSurface(unsafe.Pointer(read)), C.EGLContext(unsafe.Pointer(ctx)))) }
func (context *Context) MakeCurrent(draw *Surface, read *Surface) error { var eglDraw C.EGLSurface if draw == nil { eglDraw = noSurface } else { eglDraw = draw.eglSurface } var eglRead C.EGLSurface if read == nil { eglRead = noSurface } else { eglRead = read.eglSurface } success := C.eglMakeCurrent(context.Display.eglDisplay, eglDraw, eglRead, context.eglContext) if success == C.EGL_FALSE { return getError() } return nil }