func diffOptionsToC(opts *DiffOptions) (copts *C.git_diff_options, notifyData *diffNotifyData) { cpathspec := C.git_strarray{} if opts != nil { notifyData = &diffNotifyData{ Callback: opts.NotifyCallback, } if opts.Pathspec != nil { cpathspec.count = C.size_t(len(opts.Pathspec)) cpathspec.strings = makeCStringsFromStrings(opts.Pathspec) } copts = &C.git_diff_options{ version: C.GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_VERSION, flags: C.uint32_t(opts.Flags), ignore_submodules: C.git_submodule_ignore_t(opts.IgnoreSubmodules), pathspec: cpathspec, context_lines: C.uint32_t(opts.ContextLines), interhunk_lines: C.uint32_t(opts.InterhunkLines), id_abbrev: C.uint16_t(opts.IdAbbrev), max_size: C.git_off_t(opts.MaxSize), old_prefix: C.CString(opts.OldPrefix), new_prefix: C.CString(opts.NewPrefix), } if opts.NotifyCallback != nil { C._go_git_setup_diff_notify_callbacks(copts) copts.notify_payload = unsafe.Pointer(notifyData) } } return }
func populateCIndexEntry(source *IndexEntry, dest *C.git_index_entry) { dest.ctime.seconds = C.git_time_t(source.Ctime.Unix()) dest.ctime.nanoseconds = C.uint(source.Ctime.UnixNano()) dest.mtime.seconds = C.git_time_t(source.Mtime.Unix()) dest.mtime.nanoseconds = C.uint(source.Mtime.UnixNano()) dest.mode = C.uint(source.Mode) dest.uid = C.uint(source.Uid) dest.gid = C.uint(source.Gid) dest.file_size = C.git_off_t(source.Size) = *source.Id.toC() dest.path = C.CString(source.Path) }
func (v *Repository) DiffTreeToTree(oldTree, newTree *Tree, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error) { var diffPtr *C.git_diff var oldPtr, newPtr *C.git_tree if oldTree != nil { oldPtr = oldTree.cast_ptr } if newTree != nil { newPtr = newTree.cast_ptr } cpathspec := C.git_strarray{} var copts *C.git_diff_options var notifyData *diffNotifyData if opts != nil { notifyData = &diffNotifyData{ Callback: opts.NotifyCallback, } if opts.Pathspec != nil { cpathspec.count = C.size_t(len(opts.Pathspec)) cpathspec.strings = makeCStringsFromStrings(opts.Pathspec) defer freeStrarray(&cpathspec) } copts = &C.git_diff_options{ version: C.GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_VERSION, flags: C.uint32_t(opts.Flags), ignore_submodules: C.git_submodule_ignore_t(opts.IgnoreSubmodules), pathspec: cpathspec, context_lines: C.uint16_t(opts.ContextLines), interhunk_lines: C.uint16_t(opts.InterhunkLines), id_abbrev: C.uint16_t(opts.IdAbbrev), max_size: C.git_off_t(opts.MaxSize), } if opts.NotifyCallback != nil { C._go_git_setup_diff_notify_callbacks(copts) copts.notify_payload = unsafe.Pointer(notifyData) } } ecode := C.git_diff_tree_to_tree(&diffPtr, v.ptr, oldPtr, newPtr, copts) if ecode < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ecode) } if notifyData != nil && notifyData.Diff != nil { return notifyData.Diff, nil } return newDiffFromC(diffPtr), nil }
// NewWriteStream opens a write stream to the ODB, which allows you to // create a new object in the database. The size and type must be // known in advance func (v *Odb) NewWriteStream(size int64, otype ObjectType) (*OdbWriteStream, error) { stream := new(OdbWriteStream) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() ret := C.git_odb_open_wstream(&stream.ptr, v.ptr, C.git_off_t(size), C.git_otype(otype)) if ret < 0 { return nil, MakeGitError(ret) } runtime.SetFinalizer(stream, (*OdbWriteStream).Free) return stream, nil }