Esempio n. 1
func handleVerify(conn http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	if !(req.Method == "POST" && req.URL.Path == "/camli/sig/verify") {
		httputil.BadRequestError(conn, "Inconfigured handler.")

	sjson := req.FormValue("sjson")
	if sjson == "" {
		httputil.BadRequestError(conn, "Missing sjson parameter.")

	m := make(map[string]interface{})

	vreq := jsonsign.NewVerificationRequest(sjson, pubKeyFetcher)
	if vreq.Verify() {
		m["signatureValid"] = 1
		m["verifiedData"] = vreq.PayloadMap
	} else {
		errStr := vreq.Err.String()
		m["signatureValid"] = 0
		m["errorMessage"] = errStr

	conn.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) // no HTTP response code fun, error info in JSON
	httputil.ReturnJson(conn, m)
Esempio n. 2
func (h *JSONSignHandler) handleVerify(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	sjson := req.FormValue("sjson")
	if sjson == "" {
		http.Error(rw, "missing \"sjson\" parameter", http.StatusBadRequest)

	m := make(map[string]interface{})

	// TODO: use a different fetcher here that checks memory, disk,
	// the internet, etc.
	fetcher := h.pubKeyFetcher

	vreq := jsonsign.NewVerificationRequest(sjson, fetcher)
	if vreq.Verify() {
		m["signatureValid"] = 1
		m["signerKeyId"] = vreq.SignerKeyId
		m["verifiedData"] = vreq.PayloadMap
	} else {
		errStr := vreq.Err.String()
		m["signatureValid"] = 0
		m["errorMessage"] = errStr

	rw.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) // no HTTP response code fun, error info in JSON
	httputil.ReturnJson(rw, m)
Esempio n. 3
func (mi *Indexer) populateClaim(client *mysql.Client, blobRef *blobref.BlobRef, camli *schema.Superset, sniffer *blobSniffer) (err os.Error) {
	pnBlobref := blobref.Parse(camli.Permanode)
	if pnBlobref == nil {
		// Skip bogus claim with malformed permanode.

	verifiedKeyId := ""
	if rawJson, err := sniffer.Body(); err == nil {
		vr := jsonsign.NewVerificationRequest(rawJson, mi.KeyFetcher)
		if vr.Verify() {
			verifiedKeyId = vr.SignerKeyId
			log.Printf("mysqlindex: verified claim %s from %s", blobRef, verifiedKeyId)

			if err = execSQL(client, "INSERT IGNORE INTO signerkeyid (blobref, keyid) "+
				"VALUES (?, ?)", vr.CamliSigner.String(), verifiedKeyId); err != nil {
		} else {
			log.Printf("mysqlindex: verification failure on claim %s: %v", blobRef, vr.Err)

	if err = execSQL(client,
		"INSERT IGNORE INTO claims (blobref, signer, verifiedkeyid, date, unverified, claim, permanode, attr, value) "+
			"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 'Y', ?, ?, ?, ?)",
		blobRef.String(), camli.Signer, verifiedKeyId, camli.ClaimDate,
		camli.ClaimType, camli.Permanode,
		camli.Attribute, camli.Value); err != nil {

	if verifiedKeyId != "" {
		// TODO: limit this to only certain attributes (for now, just "camliRoot") once search handler
		// is working and the UI permits setting camliRoot.
		if err = execSQL(client, "INSERT IGNORE INTO signerattrvalue (keyid, attr, value, claimdate, blobref, permanode) "+
			"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
			verifiedKeyId, camli.Attribute, camli.Value,
			camli.ClaimDate, blobRef.String(), camli.Permanode); err != nil {

	// And update the lastmod on the permanode row.
	if err = execSQL(client,
		"INSERT IGNORE INTO permanodes (blobref) VALUES (?)",
		pnBlobref.String()); err != nil {
	if err = execSQL(client,
		"UPDATE permanodes SET lastmod=? WHERE blobref=? AND ? > lastmod",
		camli.ClaimDate, pnBlobref.String(), camli.ClaimDate); err != nil {

	return nil
Esempio n. 4
func (mi *Indexer) populateClaim(blobRef *blobref.BlobRef, camli *schema.Superset, sniffer *blobSniffer) (err os.Error) {
	pnBlobref := blobref.Parse(camli.Permanode)
	if pnBlobref == nil {
		// Skip bogus claim with malformed permanode.

	verifiedKeyId := ""
	if rawJson, err := sniffer.Body(); err == nil {
		vr := jsonsign.NewVerificationRequest(rawJson, mi.KeyFetcher)
		if vr.Verify() {
			verifiedKeyId = vr.SignerKeyId
			log.Printf("mysqlindex: verified claim %s from %s", blobRef, verifiedKeyId)

			if err = mi.db.Execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO signerkeyid (blobref, keyid) "+
				"VALUES (?, ?)", vr.CamliSigner.String(), verifiedKeyId); err != nil {
		} else {
			log.Printf("mysqlindex: verification failure on claim %s: %v", blobRef, vr.Err)

	if err = mi.db.Execute(
		"INSERT IGNORE INTO claims (blobref, signer, verifiedkeyid, date, unverified, claim, permanode, attr, value) "+
			"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 'Y', ?, ?, ?, ?)",
		blobRef.String(), camli.Signer, verifiedKeyId, camli.ClaimDate,
		camli.ClaimType, camli.Permanode,
		camli.Attribute, camli.Value); err != nil {

	if verifiedKeyId != "" {
		switch camli.Attribute {
		case "camliRoot", "tag", "title":
			// TODO(bradfitz,mpl): these tag names are hard-coded.
			// we should probably have a config file of attributes
			// and properties (e.g. which way(s) they're indexed)
			if err = mi.db.Execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO signerattrvalue (keyid, attr, value, claimdate, blobref, permanode) "+
				"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
				verifiedKeyId, camli.Attribute, camli.Value,
				camli.ClaimDate, blobRef.String(), camli.Permanode); err != nil {
			if camli.Attribute == "tag" || camli.Attribute == "title" {
				// Identical copy for fulltext searches
				// TODO(mpl): do the DELETEs as well
				if err = mi.db.Execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO signerattrvalueft (keyid, attr, value, claimdate, blobref, permanode) "+
					"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
					verifiedKeyId, camli.Attribute, camli.Value,
					camli.ClaimDate, blobRef.String(), camli.Permanode); err != nil {
		if strings.HasPrefix(camli.Attribute, "camliPath:") {
			// TODO: deal with set-attribute vs. del-attribute
			// properly? I think we get it for free when
			// del-attribute has no Value, but we need to deal
			// with the case where they explicitly delete the
			// current value.
			suffix := camli.Attribute[len("camliPath:"):]
			active := "Y"
			if camli.ClaimType == "del-attribute" {
				active = "N"
			if err = mi.db.Execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO path (claimref, claimdate, keyid, baseref, suffix, targetref, active) "+
				"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
				blobRef.String(), camli.ClaimDate, verifiedKeyId, camli.Permanode, suffix, camli.Value, active); err != nil {

	// And update the lastmod on the permanode row.
	if err = mi.db.Execute(
		"INSERT IGNORE INTO permanodes (blobref) VALUES (?)",
		pnBlobref.String()); err != nil {
	if err = mi.db.Execute(
		"UPDATE permanodes SET lastmod=? WHERE blobref=? AND ? > lastmod",
		camli.ClaimDate, pnBlobref.String(), camli.ClaimDate); err != nil {

	return nil