Esempio n. 1
func NewAction(action string, allowParseNames bool) *Action {
	var a Action
	a.CommandSet = getopt.New()
	a.CommandSet.SetProgram("docker-fw (init|start|allow|add|add-input|add-two-ways|add-internal|ls|save-hostconfig|replay|drop) containerId")
	a.CommandSet.SetParameters("\n\nSyntax for all add actions:\n\tdocker-fw (add|add-input|add-two-ways|add-internal) ...")
	a.Action = action

	a.VerboseArg = a.CommandSet.BoolVarLong(&a.verbose, "verbose", 'v', "use more verbose output, prints all iptables operations")

	// define all command line options
	a.SourceArg = a.CommandSet.StringVarLong(&a.source, "source", 's', "source-specification*", ".")
	a.SourcePortArg = a.CommandSet.Uint16VarLong(&a.sourcePort, "sport", 0, "Source port, optional", "port")
	a.DestArg = a.CommandSet.StringVarLong(&a.dest, "dest", 'd', "destination-specification*", ".")
	a.DestPortArg = a.CommandSet.Uint16VarLong(&a.destPort, "dport", 0, "Destination port, mandatory only for 'add-input', 'add-two-ways' and 'add-internal' actions", "port")
	a.ProtoArg = a.CommandSet.EnumVarLong(&a.proto, "protocol", 'p', []string{"tcp", "udp"}, "The protocol of the packet to check")
	a.FilterArg = a.CommandSet.StringVarLong(&a.filter, "filter", 0, "extra iptables conditions")
	if allowParseNames {
		a.ReverseLookupContainerIPv4Arg = a.CommandSet.BoolVarLong(&a.reverseLookupContainerIPv4, "rev-lookup", 0, "allow specifying addresses in 172.* subnet and map them back to container names")

	// explicitly set all option defaults
	a.proto = "tcp"
	a.source = "."
	a.dest = "."
	a.sourcePort = 0
	a.destPort = 0
	a.filter = ""

	return &a
Esempio n. 2
func TestHandleArgs(t *testing.T) {
	/*Testing 3 invalid files*/
	testCommand := getopt.New()
	testCommand.Parse([]string{"a.out", "faketextfile", "fakelogfile", "fakecodefile"})
	if _, errs := handleArgs(nil, testCommand); len(errs) != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 3 errors, got: %d", len(errs))
	/*Testing 3 valid files*/
	testCommand = getopt.New()
	textfile := createTempFile(t, "textfile")
	defer os.Remove(textfile.Name())
	logfile := createTempFile(t, "logfile")
	defer os.Remove(logfile.Name())
	codefile := createTempFile(t, "codefile")
	defer os.Remove(codefile.Name())
	testCommand.Parse([]string{"a.out", textfile.Name(), logfile.Name(), codefile.Name()})
	if files, errs := handleArgs(nil, testCommand); len(errs) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("Errors encountered on treatment of valid files")
	} else if len(files) != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 3 files, got: %d", len(files))
	} else if string(files[0]) != "Testing fpaste command line client with temp file: textfile" {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected content for textfile, got: %s", string(files[0]))
	} else if string(files[1]) != "Testing fpaste command line client with temp file: logfile" {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected content for logfile, got: %s", string(files[1]))
	} else if string(files[2]) != "Testing fpaste command line client with temp file: codefile" {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected content for codefile, got: %s", string(files[2]))
	/*Testing invalid stdin*/
	testCommand = getopt.New()
	if _, errs := handleArgs(&fakeReader{}, testCommand); len(errs) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("Error expected on treatment of invalid stdin")
	/*Testing stdin*/
	testCommand = getopt.New()
	testReader := bytes.NewBufferString("Testing fpaste command line client stdin option")
	if files, errs := handleArgs(testReader, testCommand); len(errs) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("Errors encountered on treatment of stdin")
	} else if len(files) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("Expected 1 file, got: %d", len(files))
	} else if string(files[0]) != "Testing fpaste command line client stdin option" {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected content for stdin, got: %s", string(files[0]))
	/*Do not test nil as stdin because os.Stdin is the only option*/
Esempio n. 3
func initConfig(args []string) *config {
	getopt.CommandLine = getopt.New()
	var flags config = getopt.BoolLong("help", 'h', "Display this help")
	flags.priv = getopt.BoolLong("private", 'P', "Private paste flag")
	flags.user = getopt.StringLong("user", 'u', "", "An alphanumeric username of the paste author")
	flags.pass = getopt.StringLong("pass", 'p', "", "Add a password")
	flags.lang = getopt.StringLong("lang", 'l', "Text", "The development language used")
	flags.expire = getopt.StringLong("expire", 'e', "0", "Seconds after which paste will be deleted from server")
	return &flags