Esempio n. 1
func (s *summary) Write(out *dto.Metric) error {
	sum := &dto.Summary{}
	qs := make([]*dto.Quantile, 0, len(s.objectives))


	if len(s.hotBuf) != 0 {

	sum.SampleCount = proto.Uint64(s.cnt)
	sum.SampleSum = proto.Float64(s.sum)

	for _, rank := range s.sortedObjectives {
		qs = append(qs, &dto.Quantile{
			Quantile: proto.Float64(rank),
			Value:    proto.Float64(s.headStream.Query(rank)),


	if len(qs) > 0 {
	sum.Quantile = qs

	out.Summary = sum
	out.Label = s.labelPairs
	return nil
func computeEpochResult(e Evaluator, examples Examples) pb.EpochResult {
	l := make([]labelledPrediction, 0, len(examples))

	boolLabel := func(example *pb.Example) bool {
		if example.GetLabel() > 0 {
			return true
		return false

	for _, ex := range examples {
		l = append(l, labelledPrediction{
			Label:      boolLabel(ex),
			Prediction: e.Evaluate(ex.GetFeatures()),

	lp := labelledPredictions(l)
	return pb.EpochResult{
		Roc:               proto.Float64(lp.ROC()),
		LogScore:          proto.Float64(lp.LogScore()),
		NormalizedEntropy: proto.Float64(lp.NormalizedEntropy()),
		Calibration:       proto.Float64(lp.Calibration()),
Esempio n. 3
func NewIntervalDatum(key string, timestamp int64, minmax [2]float64) (
	d pb.TelemetryDatum) {
	d.Key = proto.String(key)
	d.Timestamp = proto.Int64(timestamp)
	d.IntervalMin = proto.Float64(minmax[0])
	d.IntervalMax = proto.Float64(minmax[1])
	return d
Esempio n. 4
func fieldsToProto(src []Field) ([]*pb.Field, error) {
	// Maps to catch duplicate time or numeric fields.
	timeFields, numericFields := make(map[string]bool), make(map[string]bool)
	dst := make([]*pb.Field, 0, len(src))
	for _, f := range src {
		if !validFieldName(f.Name) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: invalid field name %q", f.Name)
		fieldValue := &pb.FieldValue{}
		switch x := f.Value.(type) {
		case string:
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_TEXT.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(x)
		case Atom:
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_ATOM.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(string(x))
		case HTML:
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_HTML.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(string(x))
		case time.Time:
			if timeFields[f.Name] {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: duplicate time field %q", f.Name)
			timeFields[f.Name] = true
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_DATE.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(strconv.FormatInt(x.UnixNano()/1e6, 10))
		case float64:
			if numericFields[f.Name] {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: duplicate numeric field %q", f.Name)
			numericFields[f.Name] = true
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_NUMBER.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(strconv.FormatFloat(x, 'e', -1, 64))
		case appengine.GeoPoint:
			if !x.Valid() {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf(
					"search: GeoPoint field %q with invalid value %v",
					f.Name, x)
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_GEO.Enum()
			fieldValue.Geo = &pb.FieldValue_Geo{
				Lat: proto.Float64(x.Lat),
				Lng: proto.Float64(x.Lng),
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: unsupported field type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(f.Value))
		if p := fieldValue.StringValue; p != nil && !utf8.ValidString(*p) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: %q field is invalid UTF-8: %q", f.Name, *p)
		dst = append(dst, &pb.Field{
			Name:  proto.String(f.Name),
			Value: fieldValue,
	return dst, nil
Esempio n. 5
func (l leastAbsoluteDeviationLoss) UpdateWeightedLabels(e Examples) {
	for _, ex := range e {
		prediction := l.evaluator.Evaluate(ex.Features)
		if ex.GetLabel()-prediction > 0 {
			ex.WeightedLabel = proto.Float64(1.0)
		} else {
			ex.WeightedLabel = proto.Float64(-1.0)
// Tests that we split correctly on a trivial example
// label == f[0] > 0.5
func TestBestSplit(t *testing.T) {
	examples := []*pb.Example{
			Features:      []float64{0.0},
			Label:         proto.Float64(0.0),
			WeightedLabel: proto.Float64(0.0),
			Features:      []float64{1.0},
			Label:         proto.Float64(1.0),
			WeightedLabel: proto.Float64(1.0),
			Features:      []float64{1.0},
			Label:         proto.Float64(1.0),
			WeightedLabel: proto.Float64(1.0),
			Features:      []float64{0.0},
			Label:         proto.Float64(0.0),
			WeightedLabel: proto.Float64(0.0),
	bestSplit := getBestSplit(examples, 0 /* feature */)
	if bestSplit.feature != 0 {
	if bestSplit.index != 2 {
	if math.Abs(bestSplit.gain-1.0) > 0.001 {
Esempio n. 7
func (h huberLoss) UpdateWeightedLabels(e Examples) {
	by(func(e1, e2 *pb.Example) bool {
		return h.residual(e1) < h.residual(e2)
	marginalExample := e[int64(float64(len(e))*h.huberAlpha)]
	delta := h.residual(marginalExample)
	for _, ex := range e {
		divergence := h.residual(ex)
		if divergence <= delta {
			ex.WeightedLabel = proto.Float64(divergence)
		} else {
			ex.WeightedLabel = proto.Float64(delta * divergence / math.Abs(divergence))
Esempio n. 8
func NewDoubleDatum(key string, timestamp int64, v float64) (
	d pb.TelemetryDatum) {
	d.Key = proto.String(key)
	d.Timestamp = proto.Int64(timestamp)
	d.Double = proto.Float64(v)
	return d
Esempio n. 9
func (cn *Conn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
	const lim = 1 << 20 // max per chunk

	for n < len(b) {
		chunk := b[n:]
		if len(chunk) > lim {
			chunk = chunk[:lim]

		req := &pb.SendRequest{
			SocketDescriptor: &cn.desc,
			Data:             chunk,
			StreamOffset:     &cn.offset,
		res := &pb.SendReply{}
		if !cn.writeDeadline.IsZero() {
			req.TimeoutSeconds = proto.Float64(cn.writeDeadline.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())
		if err = cn.c.Call("remote_socket", "Send", req, res, nil); err != nil {
			// assume zero bytes were sent in this RPC
		n += int(res.GetDataSent())

	cn.offset += int64(n)
Esempio n. 10
func (cn *Conn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
	const maxRead = 1 << 20
	if len(b) > maxRead {
		b = b[:maxRead]

	req := &pb.ReceiveRequest{
		SocketDescriptor: &cn.desc,
		DataSize:         proto.Int32(int32(len(b))),
	res := &pb.ReceiveReply{}
	if !cn.readDeadline.IsZero() {
		req.TimeoutSeconds = proto.Float64(cn.readDeadline.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())
	if err := cn.c.Call("remote_socket", "Receive", req, res, nil); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if len(res.Data) == 0 {
		return 0, io.EOF
	if len(res.Data) > len(b) {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("socket: internal error: read too much data: %d > %d", len(res.Data), len(b))
	return copy(b, res.Data), nil
Esempio n. 11
func NewScalarResource(name string, val float64) *mesos.Resource {
	return &mesos.Resource{
		Name:   proto.String(name),
		Type:   mesos.Value_SCALAR.Enum(),
		Scalar: &mesos.Value_Scalar{Value: proto.Float64(val)},
Esempio n. 12
func (p *pruner) pruneTree(t *pb.TreeNode, e Examples) prunedStage {
	bestNode, bestCost, bestLeaves := &pb.TreeNode{}, math.MaxFloat64, 0
	mapTree(t, e, TreeMapperFunc(func(n *pb.TreeNode, ex Examples) (*pb.TreeNode, bool) {
		nodeSquaredDivergence, nodeLeaves := weakestLinkCostFunction(n, ex)
		nodeCost := nodeSquaredDivergence / float64(nodeLeaves)
		if nodeCost < bestCost {
			bestNode = t
			bestCost = nodeCost
			bestLeaves = nodeLeaves
		return proto.Clone(n).(*pb.TreeNode), true

	prunedTree := mapTree(t, e, TreeMapperFunc(func(n *pb.TreeNode, ex Examples) (*pb.TreeNode, bool) {
		if n != bestNode {
			return proto.Clone(n).(*pb.TreeNode), true

		// Otherwise, return the leaf constructed by pruning all subtrees
		leafWeight := p.lossFunction.GetLeafWeight(ex)
		prior := p.lossFunction.GetPrior(ex)
		return &pb.TreeNode{
			LeafValue: proto.Float64(leafWeight * prior),
		}, false

	rootCost, rootLeaves := weakestLinkCostFunction(t, e)
	alpha := (rootCost - bestCost) / float64(rootLeaves-bestLeaves)
	return prunedStage{
		alpha: alpha,
		tree:  prunedTree,
Esempio n. 13
func TestStatusUpdateMessageHandling(t *testing.T) {
	sched := NewMesosScheduler()
	sched.StatusUpdate = func(schedDriver *SchedulerDriver, taskStatus *mesos.TaskStatus) {
		if taskStatus.GetState() != mesos.TaskState(mesos.TaskState_TASK_RUNNING) {
			log.Fatal("Scheduler.StatusUpdate expected State value not received.")

		if string(taskStatus.GetData()) != "World!" {
			log.Fatal("Scheduler.StatusUpdate expected Status.Data not received.")

	msg := &mesos.StatusUpdateMessage{
		Update: &mesos.StatusUpdate{
			FrameworkId: &mesos.FrameworkID{Value: proto.String("test-framework-1")},
			Status: &mesos.TaskStatus{
				TaskId:  &mesos.TaskID{Value: proto.String("test-task-1")},
				State:   mesos.TaskState(mesos.TaskState_TASK_RUNNING).Enum(),
				Message: proto.String("Hello"),
				Data:    []byte("World!"),
			Timestamp: proto.Float64(1234567.2),
			Uuid:      []byte("abcd-efg1-2345-6789-abcd-efg1"),

	driver, err := NewSchedDriver(sched, &mesos.FrameworkInfo{}, "localhost:0")
	if err != nil {
	driver.schedMsgQ <- msg
Esempio n. 14
func lease(c appengine.Context, maxTasks int, queueName string, leaseTime int, groupByTag bool, tag []byte) ([]*Task, error) {
	req := &taskqueue_proto.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksRequest{
		QueueName:    []byte(queueName),
		LeaseSeconds: proto.Float64(float64(leaseTime)),
		MaxTasks:     proto.Int64(int64(maxTasks)),
		GroupByTag:   proto.Bool(groupByTag),
		Tag:          tag,
	res := &taskqueue_proto.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksResponse{}
	callOpts := &appengine_internal.CallOptions{
		Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
	if err := c.Call("taskqueue", "QueryAndOwnTasks", req, res, callOpts); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	tasks := make([]*Task, len(res.Task))
	for i, t := range res.Task {
		tasks[i] = &Task{
			Payload:    t.Body,
			Name:       string(t.TaskName),
			Method:     "PULL",
			ETA:        time.Unix(0, *t.EtaUsec*1e3),
			RetryCount: *t.RetryCount,
			Tag:        string(t.Tag),
	return tasks, nil
Esempio n. 15
func KeyValueEncode(key int64, value float64) ([]byte, error) {
	kv := &KeyValue{
		Timestamp: proto.Int64(key),
		Value:     proto.Float64(value),
	record, err := proto.Marshal(kv)
	return record, err
Esempio n. 16
func setOptionalFloat(s string, v **float64) {
	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
	if err == nil {
		*v = proto.Float64(f)
	} else {
		*v = nil
Esempio n. 17
func NewStatusUpdate(frameworkId *mesos.FrameworkID, taskStatus *mesos.TaskStatus, timestamp float64, uuid []byte) *mesos.StatusUpdate {
	return &mesos.StatusUpdate{
		FrameworkId: frameworkId,
		Status:      taskStatus,
		Timestamp:   proto.Float64(timestamp),
		Uuid:        uuid,
Esempio n. 18
func TestStatusUpdateMessage(t *testing.T) {
	eventQ := make(chan interface{})
	go func() {
		for msg := range eventQ {
			val, ok := msg.(*mesos.StatusUpdateMessage)
			if !ok {
				t.Fatal("Failed to receive msg of type StatusUpdateMessage")

			if val.Update.FrameworkId.GetValue() != "test-framework-1" {
				t.Fatal("Expected StatusUpdateMessage.FramewId not received.")

			if val.Update.Status.GetState() != mesos.TaskState(mesos.TaskState_TASK_RUNNING) {
				t.Fatal("Expected StatusUpdateMessage.Update.Status.State not received.")

			if string(val.Update.Status.GetData()) != "World!" {
				t.Fatal("Expected StatusUpdateMessage.Update.Message not received.")


	proc, err := newSchedulerProcess(eventQ)
	if err != nil {
	proc.started = true
	proc.aborted = false

	msg := &mesos.StatusUpdateMessage{
		Update: &mesos.StatusUpdate{
			FrameworkId: &mesos.FrameworkID{Value: proto.String("test-framework-1")},
			Status: &mesos.TaskStatus{
				TaskId:  &mesos.TaskID{Value: proto.String("test-task-1")},
				State:   mesos.TaskState(mesos.TaskState_TASK_RUNNING).Enum(),
				Message: proto.String("Hello"),
				Data:    []byte("World!"),
			Timestamp: proto.Float64(1234567.2),
			Uuid:      []byte("abcd-efg1-2345-6789-abcd-efg1"),
	data, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to marshal StatusUpdateMessage, %v", err)

	req := buildHttpRequest(t, "StatusUpdateMessage", data)
	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()

	proc.ServeHTTP(resp, req)

	if resp.Code != http.StatusAccepted {
		t.Fatalf("Expecting server status %d but got status %d", http.StatusAccepted, resp.Code)
Esempio n. 19
func populateMetric(
	t ValueType,
	v float64,
	labelPairs []*dto.LabelPair,
	m *dto.Metric,
) {
	m.Label = labelPairs
	switch t {
	case CounterValue:
		m.Counter = &dto.Counter{Value: proto.Float64(v)}
	case GaugeValue:
		m.Gauge = &dto.Gauge{Value: proto.Float64(v)}
	case UntypedValue:
		m.Untyped = &dto.Untyped{Value: proto.Float64(v)}
		panic(fmt.Errorf("encountered unknown type %v", t))
Esempio n. 20
// toRetryParameter converts RetryOptions to taskqueue_proto.TaskQueueRetryParameters.
func (opt *RetryOptions) toRetryParameters() *taskqueue_proto.TaskQueueRetryParameters {
	params := &taskqueue_proto.TaskQueueRetryParameters{}
	if opt.RetryLimit > 0 {
		params.RetryLimit = proto.Int32(opt.RetryLimit)
	if opt.AgeLimit > 0 {
		params.AgeLimitSec = proto.Int64(int64(opt.AgeLimit.Seconds()))
	if opt.MinBackoff > 0 {
		params.MinBackoffSec = proto.Float64(opt.MinBackoff.Seconds())
	if opt.MaxBackoff > 0 {
		params.MaxBackoffSec = proto.Float64(opt.MaxBackoff.Seconds())
	if opt.MaxDoublings > 0 || (opt.MaxDoublings == 0 && opt.ApplyZeroMaxDoublings) {
		params.MaxDoublings = proto.Int32(opt.MaxDoublings)
	return params
Esempio n. 21
func makeAnnotatedTree(level int, numFeatures int) *pb.TreeNode {
	if level == 0 {
		return &pb.TreeNode{
			LeafValue: proto.Float64(rand.Float64()),
	splittingFeature := rand.Int63n(int64(numFeatures))
	splittingValue := rand.Float64()
	t := &pb.TreeNode{
		Feature:    proto.Int64(splittingFeature),
		SplitValue: proto.Float64(splittingValue),
		Left:       makeAnnotatedTree(level-1, numFeatures),
		Right:      makeAnnotatedTree(level-1, numFeatures),
		Annotation: &pb.Annotation{
			LeftFraction: proto.Float64(rand.Float64()),
	return t
Esempio n. 22
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) initializeForest(e Examples) {
	b.forest = &pb.Forest{
		Trees:     make([]*pb.TreeNode, 0, b.forestConfig.GetNumWeakLearners()),
		Rescaling: b.getRescaling().Enum(),

	// Initial prior
	b.forest.Trees = append(b.forest.Trees, &pb.TreeNode{
		LeafValue: proto.Float64(b.getLossFunction().GetPrior(e)),
func constructSmallExamples(numExamples int, numFeatures int) Examples {
	result := make([]*pb.Example, 0, numExamples)
	for i := 0; i < numExamples; i++ {
		example := &pb.Example{
			Features: make([]float64, numFeatures),
		sample := rand.NormFloat64()
		example.Features[rand.Intn(numFeatures)] = sample

		if sample < 0.5 {
			example.Label = proto.Float64(1.0)
			example.WeightedLabel = proto.Float64(1.0)
		} else {
			example.Label = proto.Float64(-1.0)
			example.WeightedLabel = proto.Float64(-1.0)
		result = append(result, example)
	return result
Esempio n. 24
func makeTree(level int, numFeatures int) *pb.TreeNode {
	if level == 0 {
		return &pb.TreeNode{
			LeafValue: proto.Float64(rand.Float64()),
	splittingFeature := rand.Int63n(int64(numFeatures))
	splittingValue := rand.Float64()
	t := &pb.TreeNode{
		Feature:    proto.Int64(splittingFeature),
		SplitValue: proto.Float64(splittingValue),
		Left:       makeTree(level-1, numFeatures),
		Right:      makeTree(level-1, numFeatures),
	err := validateTree(t)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatal("Invalid tree: ", err)
	return t
func constructBenchmarkExamples(numExamples int, numFeatures int, threshold float64) Examples {
	glog.Info("Num examples: ", numExamples)
	result := make([]*pb.Example, 0, numExamples)
	for i := 0; i < numExamples; i++ {
		example := &pb.Example{
			Features: make([]float64, numFeatures),
		sum := 0.0
		for j := 0; j < numFeatures; j++ {
			sample := rand.NormFloat64()
			sum += sample
			example.Features[int64(j)] = sample
		if sum < threshold {
			example.Label = proto.Float64(1.0)
		} else {
			example.Label = proto.Float64(-1.0)
		result = append(result, example)
	return result
Esempio n. 26
// readingValue represents the state where the last byte read (now in
// p.currentByte) is the first byte of the sample value (i.e. a float).
func (p *Parser) readingValue() stateFn {
	// When we are here, we have read all the labels, so for the
	// infamous special case of a summary, we can finally find out
	// if the metric already exists.
	if p.currentMF.GetType() == dto.MetricType_SUMMARY {
		signature := model.LabelsToSignature(p.currentLabels)
		if summary := p.summaries[signature]; summary != nil {
			p.currentMetric = summary
		} else {
			p.summaries[signature] = p.currentMetric
			p.currentMF.Metric = append(p.currentMF.Metric, p.currentMetric)
	} else {
		p.currentMF.Metric = append(p.currentMF.Metric, p.currentMetric)
	if p.readTokenUntilWhitespace(); p.err != nil {
		return nil // Unexpected end of input.
	value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(p.currentToken.String(), 64)
	if err != nil {
		// Create a more helpful error message.
		p.parseError(fmt.Sprintf("expected float as value, got %q", p.currentToken.String()))
		return nil
	switch p.currentMF.GetType() {
	case dto.MetricType_COUNTER:
		p.currentMetric.Counter = &dto.Counter{Value: proto.Float64(value)}
	case dto.MetricType_GAUGE:
		p.currentMetric.Gauge = &dto.Gauge{Value: proto.Float64(value)}
	case dto.MetricType_UNTYPED:
		p.currentMetric.Untyped = &dto.Untyped{Value: proto.Float64(value)}
	case dto.MetricType_SUMMARY:
		// *sigh*
		if p.currentMetric.Summary == nil {
			p.currentMetric.Summary = &dto.Summary{}
		switch {
		case p.currentIsSummaryCount:
			p.currentMetric.Summary.SampleCount = proto.Uint64(uint64(value))
		case p.currentIsSummarySum:
			p.currentMetric.Summary.SampleSum = proto.Float64(value)
		case !math.IsNaN(p.currentQuantile):
			p.currentMetric.Summary.Quantile = append(
					Quantile: proto.Float64(p.currentQuantile),
					Value:    proto.Float64(value),
		p.err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected type for metric name %q", p.currentMF.GetName())
	if p.currentByte == '\n' {
		return p.startOfLine
	return p.startTimestamp
Esempio n. 27
func prepareBuf(b *testing.B) *proto.Buffer {
	buf := proto.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 4096))
	v := &SampleValueSeries{Value: make([]*SampleValueSeries_Value, 0, numSamples)}
	for i := 0; i < numSamples; i++ {
		v.Value = append(v.Value, &SampleValueSeries_Value{
			Timestamp: proto.Int64(rand.Int63()),
			Value:     proto.Float64(rand.NormFloat64()),
	if err := buf.Marshal(v); err != nil {
	return buf
Esempio n. 28
// ModifyLease modifies the lease of a task.
// Used to request more processing time, or to abandon processing.
// leaseTime is in seconds and must not be negative.
func ModifyLease(c appengine.Context, task *Task, queueName string, leaseTime int) error {
	req := &taskqueue_proto.TaskQueueModifyTaskLeaseRequest{
		QueueName:    []byte(queueName),
		TaskName:     []byte(task.Name),
		EtaUsec:      proto.Int64(task.ETA.UnixNano() / 1e3), // Used to verify ownership.
		LeaseSeconds: proto.Float64(float64(leaseTime)),
	res := &taskqueue_proto.TaskQueueModifyTaskLeaseResponse{}
	if err := c.Call("taskqueue", "ModifyTaskLease", req, res, nil); err != nil {
		return err
	task.ETA = time.Unix(0, *res.UpdatedEtaUsec*1e3)
	return nil
Esempio n. 29
func eventToPbEvent(event *Event) (*proto.Event, error) {
	var e proto.Event

	if event.Host == "" {
		event.Host, _ = os.Hostname()
	t := reflect.ValueOf(&e).Elem()
	s := reflect.ValueOf(event).Elem()
	typeOfEvent := s.Type()
	for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {
		f := s.Field(i)
		value := reflect.ValueOf(f.Interface())
		if reflect.Zero(f.Type()) != value && f.Interface() != nil {
			name := typeOfEvent.Field(i).Name
			switch name {
			case "State", "Service", "Host", "Description":
				tmp := reflect.ValueOf(pb.String(value.String()))
			case "Ttl":
				tmp := reflect.ValueOf(pb.Float32(float32(value.Float())))
			case "Time":
				tmp := reflect.ValueOf(pb.Int64(value.Int()))
			case "Tags":
				tmp := reflect.ValueOf(value.Interface().([]string))
			case "Metric":
				switch reflect.TypeOf(f.Interface()).Kind() {
				case reflect.Int:
					tmp := reflect.ValueOf(pb.Int64(int64(value.Int())))
				case reflect.Float32:
					tmp := reflect.ValueOf(pb.Float32(float32(value.Float())))
				case reflect.Float64:
					tmp := reflect.ValueOf(pb.Float64(value.Float()))
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Metric of invalid type (type %v)",

	return &e, nil
Esempio n. 30
//message TransactionValue {
//	optional int64 int_value = 1;
//	optional bool bool_value = 2;
//	optional double double_value = 3;
//	optional string string_value = 4;
//	optional bytes bytes_value = 5;
//	optional TransactionCollection array = 6;
//	optional TransactionCollection map = 7;
func toTransactionValue(o interface{}) *TransactionValue {
	// TODO: do it by reflection to catch map and arrays
	switch o.(type) {

	case *TransactionValue:
		return o.(*TransactionValue)

	case string:
		return &TransactionValue{
			StringValue: pb.String(o.(string)),

	case int:
		return &TransactionValue{
			IntValue: pb.Int64(int64(o.(int))),

	case int64:
		return &TransactionValue{
			IntValue: pb.Int64(o.(int64)),

	case bool:
		return &TransactionValue{
			BoolValue: pb.Bool(o.(bool)),

	case float32:
		return &TransactionValue{
			DoubleValue: pb.Float64(float64(o.(float32))),

	case float64:
		return &TransactionValue{
			DoubleValue: pb.Float64(o.(float64)),

	case nrv.Map, map[string]interface{}:
		var mp map[string]interface{}
		if val, ok := o.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
			mp = val
		} else {
			mp = map[string]interface{}(o.(nrv.Map))

		values := make([]*TransactionCollectionValue, len(mp))
		i := 0

		for k, v := range mp {
			values[i] = &TransactionCollectionValue{
				Key:   pb.String(k),
				Value: toTransactionValue(v),

		return &TransactionValue{
			Map: &TransactionCollection{
				Values: values,

	case nrv.Array, []interface{}:
		var ar []interface{}
		if val, ok := o.([]interface{}); ok {
			ar = val
		} else {
			ar = []interface{}(o.(nrv.Array))
		values := make([]*TransactionCollectionValue, len(ar))

		for i, v := range ar {
			values[i] = &TransactionCollectionValue{
				Value: toTransactionValue(v),

		return &TransactionValue{
			Array: &TransactionCollection{
				Values: values,

	case nil:
		return &TransactionValue{}

	panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value not supported: %s", reflect.TypeOf(o)))
	return nil