Esempio n. 1
// move implements the directional movement commands. This allows movement from
// location to location by typing a direction such as N or North.
// TODO: Modify command so that it can handle buffering of multiple location
// broadcasts.
func (b *Basic) move(cmd *command.Command, d direction) (handled bool) {
	if to := b.directionalExits[d]; to != nil {
		if !cmd.CanLock(to) {
			return true


		// If the location is crowded you are not going to notice someone leaving
		if !b.Crowded() {
			b.Broadcast([]thing.Interface{cmd.Issuer}, "[YELLOW]You see %s go %s.", cmd.Issuer.Name(), directionLongNames[d])


		// If the location is crowded you are not going to notice someone entering
		if !to.Crowded() {
			to.Broadcast([]thing.Interface{cmd.Issuer}, "[YELLOW]You see %s walk in.", cmd.Issuer.Name())

	} else {
		cmd.Respond("[RED]You can't go %s from here!", directionLongNames[d])
	return true