Esempio n. 1
func (self *ClusterConfiguration) getShardRange(querySpec QuerySpec, shards []*ShardData) []*ShardData {
	if querySpec.AllShardsQuery() {
		return shards

	startTime := common.TimeToMicroseconds(querySpec.GetStartTime())
	endTime := common.TimeToMicroseconds(querySpec.GetEndTime())

	// the shards are always in descending order, if we have the following shards
	// [t + 20, t + 30], [t + 10, t + 20], [t, t + 10]
	// if we are querying [t + 5, t + 15], we have to find the first shard whose
	// startMicro is less than the end time of the query,
	// which is the second shard [t + 10, t + 20], then
	// start searching from this shard for the shard that has
	// endMicro less than the start time of the query, which is
	// no entry (sort.Search will return the length of the slice
	// in this case) so we return [t + 10, t + 20], [t, t + 10]
	// as expected

	startIndex := sort.Search(len(shards), func(n int) bool {
		return shards[n].startMicro < endTime

	if startIndex == len(shards) {
		return nil

	endIndex := sort.Search(len(shards)-startIndex, func(n int) bool {
		return shards[n+startIndex].endMicro <= startTime

	return shards[startIndex : endIndex+startIndex]
Esempio n. 2
func (self *QueryParserSuite) TestGetQueryStringForContinuousQuery(c *C) {
	base := time.Now().Truncate(time.Minute)
	start := base.UTC()
	end := base.Add(time.Minute).UTC()

	startMicroseconds := common.TimeToMicroseconds(start.UTC()) - 1
	endMicroseconds := common.TimeToMicroseconds(end.UTC())

	inputQuery := "select count(c1) from s1 group by time(1m) into d1;"
	outputQuery := fmt.Sprintf("select count(c1) from s1 group by time(1m) where time > %du and time < %du", startMicroseconds, endMicroseconds)

	queries, err := ParseQuery(inputQuery)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(queries, HasLen, 1)

	query := queries[0]
	c.Assert(query.SelectQuery, NotNil)

	selectQuery := query.SelectQuery
	c.Assert(selectQuery.GetQueryStringForContinuousQuery(start, end), Equals, outputQuery)

	// try to parse the query with the time condition
	queries, err = ParseQuery(selectQuery.GetQueryStringForContinuousQuery(start, end))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	query = queries[0]
	c.Assert(query.SelectQuery, NotNil)

	selectQuery = query.SelectQuery
	c.Assert(selectQuery.GetStartTime().Round(time.Second), Equals, start)
	c.Assert(selectQuery.GetEndTime(), Equals, end)
Esempio n. 3
func (self *SelectDeleteCommonQuery) GetQueryStringForContinuousQuery(start, end time.Time) string {
	queryString := self.GetQueryString()
	queryString = strings.TrimSuffix(queryString, ";")

	intoRegex, _ := regexp.Compile("(?i)\\s+into\\s+")
	components := intoRegex.Split(queryString, 2)

	queryString = components[0]

	startTime := common.TimeToMicroseconds(start)
	startTimeStr := strconv.FormatInt(startTime-1, 10)
	endTime := common.TimeToMicroseconds(end)
	endTimeStr := strconv.FormatInt(endTime, 10)

	if self.GetWhereCondition() == nil {
		queryString = queryString + " where "
	} else {
		queryString = queryString + " and "

	if start.IsZero() {
		return queryString + "time < " + endTimeStr + "u"
	} else {
		return queryString + "time > " + startTimeStr + "u and time < " + endTimeStr + "u"
Esempio n. 4
func NewShard(id uint32, startTime, endTime time.Time, shardType ShardType, durationIsSplit bool, wal WAL) *ShardData {
	return &ShardData{
		id:              id,
		startTime:       startTime,
		endTime:         endTime,
		wal:             wal,
		startMicro:      common.TimeToMicroseconds(startTime),
		endMicro:        common.TimeToMicroseconds(endTime),
		serverIds:       make([]uint32, 0),
		shardType:       shardType,
		durationIsSplit: durationIsSplit,
		shardDuration:   endTime.Sub(startTime),
Esempio n. 5
func (self *QueryParserSuite) TestGetQueryStringWithTimeCondition(c *C) {
	now := time.Now().Round(time.Minute).UTC()
	micros := common.TimeToMicroseconds(now)

	for _, q := range []string{
		"delete from foo",
		fmt.Sprintf("delete from foo where time < %du", micros),
	} {
		fmt.Printf("testing %s\n", q)

		queries, err := ParseQuery(q)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)

		c.Assert(queries, HasLen, 1)

		_q := queries[0]

		c.Assert(_q.DeleteQuery, NotNil)

		q := _q.DeleteQuery

		// try to parse the query with the time condition
		queries, err = ParseQuery(q.GetQueryStringWithTimeCondition())
		fmt.Printf("query: %s\n", q.GetQueryStringWithTimeCondition())
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)

		_q = queries[0]
		c.Assert(_q.DeleteQuery, NotNil)

		q = _q.DeleteQuery

		c.Assert(q.GetEndTime().Round(time.Minute), Equals, now)
Esempio n. 6
func (self *SelectDeleteCommonQuery) GetQueryStringWithTimeCondition() string {
	queryString := self.GetQueryString()

	if self.endTimeSet {
		return queryString

	t := common.TimeToMicroseconds(self.GetEndTime())
	timeStr := strconv.FormatInt(t, 10)

	condition := self.GetWhereCondition()
	if condition == nil {
		return queryString + " where time < " + timeStr + "u"

	return queryString + " and time < " + timeStr + "u"
Esempio n. 7
func (self *LevelDbDatastore) DeleteRangeOfSeries(database, series string, startTime, endTime time.Time) error {
	columns := self.getColumnNamesForSeries(database, series)
	fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(database, series, columns)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes := self.byteArraysForStartAndEndTimes(common.TimeToMicroseconds(startTime), common.TimeToMicroseconds(endTime))
	ro := levigo.NewReadOptions()
	defer ro.Close()
	rangesToCompact := make([]*levigo.Range, 0)
	for _, field := range fields {
		it := self.db.NewIterator(ro)
		defer it.Close()
		wb := levigo.NewWriteBatch()

		startKey := append(field.Id, startTimeBytes...)
		endKey := startKey
		if it.Valid() {
			if !bytes.Equal(it.Key()[:8], field.Id) {
				if it.Valid() {
					startKey = it.Key()
		for it = it; it.Valid(); it.Next() {
			k := it.Key()
			if len(k) < 16 || !bytes.Equal(k[:8], field.Id) || bytes.Compare(k[8:16], endTimeBytes) == 1 {
			endKey = k
		err = self.db.Write(self.writeOptions, wb)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		rangesToCompact = append(rangesToCompact, &levigo.Range{startKey, endKey})
	for _, r := range rangesToCompact {
	return nil
Esempio n. 8
func (self *Shard) fetchSinglePoint(querySpec *parser.QuerySpec, series string, fields []*metastore.Field) (*protocol.Series, error) {
	query := querySpec.SelectQuery()
	fieldCount := len(fields)
	fieldNames := make([]string, 0, fieldCount)
	point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, 0, fieldCount)}
	timestamp := common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime())
	sequenceNumber, err := query.GetSinglePointQuerySequenceNumber()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	timeAndSequenceBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 16))
	binary.Write(timeAndSequenceBuffer, binary.BigEndian, self.convertTimestampToUint(&timestamp))
	binary.Write(timeAndSequenceBuffer, binary.BigEndian, sequenceNumber)
	sequenceNumber_uint64 := uint64(sequenceNumber)
	point.SequenceNumber = &sequenceNumber_uint64

	timeAndSequenceBytes := timeAndSequenceBuffer.Bytes()
	for _, field := range fields {
		pointKeyBuff := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 24))

		if data, err := self.db.Get(pointKeyBuff.Bytes()); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		} else {
			fieldValue := &protocol.FieldValue{}
			err := proto.Unmarshal(data, fieldValue)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if data != nil {
				fieldNames = append(fieldNames, field.Name)
				point.Values = append(point.Values, fieldValue)

	result := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: []*protocol.Point{point}}

	return result, nil
Esempio n. 9
func (self *LevelDbDatastore) fetchSinglePoint(database, series string, fields []*Field,
	query *parser.SelectQuery) (*protocol.Series, error) {
	fieldCount := len(fields)
	fieldNames := make([]string, 0, fieldCount)
	point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, 0, fieldCount)}
	timestampBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 8))
	sequenceNumberBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 8))
	timestamp := common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime())
	sequenceNumber, err := query.GetSinglePointQuerySequenceNumber()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	binary.Write(timestampBuffer, binary.BigEndian, self.convertTimestampToUint(&timestamp))
	binary.Write(sequenceNumberBuffer, binary.BigEndian, sequenceNumber)
	sequenceNumber_uint64 := uint64(sequenceNumber)
	point.SequenceNumber = &sequenceNumber_uint64

	for _, field := range fields {
		pointKey := append(append(field.Id, timestampBuffer.Bytes()...), sequenceNumberBuffer.Bytes()...)

		if data, err := self.db.Get(self.readOptions, pointKey); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		} else {
			fieldValue := &protocol.FieldValue{}
			err := proto.Unmarshal(data, fieldValue)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if data != nil {
				fieldNames = append(fieldNames, field.Name)
				point.Values = append(point.Values, fieldValue)

	result := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: []*protocol.Point{point}}

	return result, nil
Esempio n. 10
func (self *Shard) byteArrayForTime(t time.Time) []byte {
	timeBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 8))
	timeMicro := common.TimeToMicroseconds(t)
	binary.Write(timeBuffer, binary.BigEndian, self.convertTimestampToUint(&timeMicro))
	return timeBuffer.Bytes()
Esempio n. 11
func (self *Shard) deleteRangeOfSeries(database, series string, startTime, endTime time.Time) error {
	startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes := self.byteArraysForStartAndEndTimes(common.TimeToMicroseconds(startTime), common.TimeToMicroseconds(endTime))
	return self.deleteRangeOfSeriesCommon(database, series, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes)
Esempio n. 12
func (self *LevelDbDatastore) executeQueryForSeries(database, series string, columns []string,
	query *parser.SelectQuery, yield func(*protocol.Series) error,
	ringFilter func(database, series *string, time *int64) bool) error {

	startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes := self.byteArraysForStartAndEndTimes(common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime()), common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetEndTime()))
	emptyResult := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Points: nil}

	fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(database, series, columns)
	if err != nil {
		// because a db is distributed across the cluster, it's possible we don't have the series indexed here. ignore
		switch err := err.(type) {
		case FieldLookupError:
			return yield(emptyResult)
			return err

	fieldCount := len(fields)
	rawColumnValues := make([]*rawColumnValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)

	if query.IsSinglePointQuery() {
		result, err := self.fetchSinglePoint(database, series, fields, query)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if err := yield(result); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

	fieldNames, iterators := self.getIterators(fields, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes, query.Ascending)
	result := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}

	limit := query.Limit
	shouldLimit := true
	if limit == 0 {
		limit = -1
		shouldLimit = false
	resultByteCount := 0

	// TODO: clean up, this is super gnarly
	// optimize for the case where we're pulling back only a single column or aggregate
	for {
		isValid := false
		point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)}

		for i, it := range iterators {
			if rawColumnValues[i] != nil || !it.Valid() {

			key := it.Key()
			if len(key) < 16 {

			if !isPointInRange(fields[i].Id, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes, key) {

			value := it.Value()
			sequenceNumber := key[16:]

			rawTime := key[8:16]
			rawValue := &rawColumnValue{time: rawTime, sequence: sequenceNumber, value: value}
			rawColumnValues[i] = rawValue

		var pointTimeRaw []byte
		var pointSequenceRaw []byte
		// choose the highest (or lowest in case of ascending queries) timestamp
		// and sequence number. that will become the timestamp and sequence of
		// the next point.
		for _, value := range rawColumnValues {
			if value == nil {

			pointTimeRaw, pointSequenceRaw = value.updatePointTimeAndSequence(pointTimeRaw,
				pointSequenceRaw, query.Ascending)

		for i, iterator := range iterators {
			// if the value is nil or doesn't match the point's timestamp and sequence number
			// then skip it
			if rawColumnValues[i] == nil ||
				!bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].time, pointTimeRaw) ||
				!bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].sequence, pointSequenceRaw) {

				point.Values[i] = &protocol.FieldValue{IsNull: &TRUE}

			// if we emitted at lease one column, then we should keep
			// trying to get more points
			isValid = true

			// advance the iterator to read a new value in the next iteration
			if query.Ascending {
			} else {

			fv := &protocol.FieldValue{}
			resultByteCount += len(rawColumnValues[i].value)
			err := proto.Unmarshal(rawColumnValues[i].value, fv)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			point.Values[i] = fv
			rawColumnValues[i] = nil

		var sequence uint64
		// set the point sequence number and timestamp
		binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(pointSequenceRaw), binary.BigEndian, &sequence)
		var t uint64
		binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(pointTimeRaw), binary.BigEndian, &t)
		time := self.convertUintTimestampToInt64(&t)
		point.SequenceNumber = &sequence

		// stop the loop if we ran out of points
		if !isValid {

		limit -= 1

		if ringFilter != nil && ringFilter(&database, &series, point.Timestamp) {

		result.Points = append(result.Points, point)

		// add byte count for the timestamp and the sequence
		resultByteCount += 16

		// check if we should send the batch along
		if resultByteCount > MAX_SERIES_SIZE || (shouldLimit && limit == 0) {
			dropped, err := self.sendBatch(query, result, yield)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			limit += dropped
			resultByteCount = 0
			result = &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
		if shouldLimit && limit < 1 {
	if _, err := self.sendBatch(query, result, yield); err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = self.sendBatch(query, emptyResult, yield)
	return err
Esempio n. 13
func (self *LevelDbDatastore) executeQueryForSeries(database, series string, columns []string, query *parser.Query, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes := self.byteArraysForStartAndEndTimes(common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime()), common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetEndTime()))

	fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(database, series, columns)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fieldCount := len(fields)
	prefixes := make([][]byte, fieldCount, fieldCount)
	iterators := make([]*levigo.Iterator, fieldCount, fieldCount)
	fieldNames := make([]string, len(fields))

	// start the iterators to go through the series data
	for i, field := range fields {
		fieldNames[i] = field.Name
		prefixes[i] = field.Id
		iterators[i] = self.db.NewIterator(self.readOptions)
		if query.Ascending {
			iterators[i].Seek(append(field.Id, startTimeBytes...))
		} else {
			iterators[i].Seek(append(append(field.Id, endTimeBytes...), MAX_SEQUENCE...))
			if iterators[i].Valid() {

	result := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
	rawColumnValues := make([]*rawColumnValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)
	isValid := true

	limit := query.Limit
	if limit == 0 {

	resultByteCount := 0

	// TODO: clean up, this is super gnarly
	// optimize for the case where we're pulling back only a single column or aggregate
	for isValid {
		isValid = false
		latestTimeRaw := make([]byte, 8, 8)
		latestSequenceRaw := make([]byte, 8, 8)
		point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)}
		for i, it := range iterators {
			if rawColumnValues[i] == nil && it.Valid() {
				k := it.Key()
				if len(k) >= 16 {
					t := k[8:16]
					if bytes.Equal(k[:8], fields[i].Id) && bytes.Compare(t, startTimeBytes) > -1 && bytes.Compare(t, endTimeBytes) < 1 {
						v := it.Value()
						s := k[16:]
						rawColumnValues[i] = &rawColumnValue{time: t, sequence: s, value: v}
						timeCompare := bytes.Compare(t, latestTimeRaw)
						if timeCompare == 1 {
							latestTimeRaw = t
							latestSequenceRaw = s
						} else if timeCompare == 0 {
							if bytes.Compare(s, latestSequenceRaw) == 1 {
								latestSequenceRaw = s

		for i, iterator := range iterators {
			if rawColumnValues[i] != nil && bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].time, latestTimeRaw) && bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].sequence, latestSequenceRaw) {
				isValid = true
				if query.Ascending {
				} else {
				fv := &protocol.FieldValue{}
				err := proto.Unmarshal(rawColumnValues[i].value, fv)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				resultByteCount += len(rawColumnValues[i].value)
				point.Values[i] = fv
				var t uint64
				binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(rawColumnValues[i].time), binary.BigEndian, &t)
				time := self.convertUintTimestampToInt64(&t)
				var sequence uint64
				binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(rawColumnValues[i].sequence), binary.BigEndian, &sequence)
				seq32 := uint32(sequence)
				point.SequenceNumber = &seq32
				rawColumnValues[i] = nil
		if isValid {
			limit -= 1
			result.Points = append(result.Points, point)

			// add byte count for the timestamp and the sequence
			resultByteCount += 16

			// check if we should send the batch along
			if resultByteCount > MAX_SERIES_SIZE {
				filteredResult, _ := Filter(query, result)
				if err := yield(filteredResult); err != nil {
					return err
				resultByteCount = 0
				result = &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
		if limit < 1 {
	filteredResult, _ := Filter(query, result)
	if err := yield(filteredResult); err != nil {
		return err
	emptyResult := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: nil}
	return yield(emptyResult)
Esempio n. 14
func (self *LevelDbDatastore) executeQueryForSeries(database, series string, columns []string, query *parser.Query, yield func(*protocol.Series) error) error {
	startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes := self.byteArraysForStartAndEndTimes(common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetStartTime()), common.TimeToMicroseconds(query.GetEndTime()))

	fields, err := self.getFieldsForSeries(database, series, columns)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fieldCount := len(fields)
	fieldNames, iterators := self.getIterators(fields, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes, query.Ascending)

	// iterators :=

	result := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
	rawColumnValues := make([]*rawColumnValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)

	limit := query.Limit
	if limit == 0 {

	resultByteCount := 0

	// TODO: clean up, this is super gnarly
	// optimize for the case where we're pulling back only a single column or aggregate
	for {
		isValid := false

		point := &protocol.Point{Values: make([]*protocol.FieldValue, fieldCount, fieldCount)}
		for i, it := range iterators {
			if rawColumnValues[i] != nil || !it.Valid() {

			key := it.Key()
			if len(key) < 16 {

			if !isPointInRange(fields[i].Id, startTimeBytes, endTimeBytes, key) {

			time := key[8:16]
			value := it.Value()
			sequenceNumber := key[16:]

			rawValue := &rawColumnValue{time: time, sequence: sequenceNumber, value: value}
			rawColumnValues[i] = rawValue

		var pointTimeRaw []byte
		var pointSequenceRaw []byte
		// choose the highest (or lowest in case of ascending queries) timestamp
		// and sequence number. that will become the timestamp and sequence of
		// the next point.
		for _, value := range rawColumnValues {
			if value == nil {

			pointTimeRaw, pointSequenceRaw = value.updatePointTimeAndSequence(pointTimeRaw,
				pointSequenceRaw, query.Ascending)

		for i, iterator := range iterators {
			// if the value is nil, or doesn't match the point's timestamp and sequence number
			// then skip it
			if rawColumnValues[i] == nil ||
				!bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].time, pointTimeRaw) ||
				!bytes.Equal(rawColumnValues[i].sequence, pointSequenceRaw) {


			// if we emitted at lease one column, then we should keep
			// trying to get more points
			isValid = true

			// advance the iterator to read a new value in the next iteration
			if query.Ascending {
			} else {
			fv := &protocol.FieldValue{}
			err := proto.Unmarshal(rawColumnValues[i].value, fv)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			resultByteCount += len(rawColumnValues[i].value)
			point.Values[i] = fv
			var t uint64
			binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(rawColumnValues[i].time), binary.BigEndian, &t)
			time := self.convertUintTimestampToInt64(&t)
			var sequence uint64
			binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(rawColumnValues[i].sequence), binary.BigEndian, &sequence)
			seq32 := uint32(sequence)
			point.SequenceNumber = &seq32
			rawColumnValues[i] = nil

		// stop the loop if we ran out of points
		if !isValid {

		limit -= 1
		result.Points = append(result.Points, point)

		// add byte count for the timestamp and the sequence
		resultByteCount += 16

		// check if we should send the batch along
		if resultByteCount > MAX_SERIES_SIZE || limit < 1 {
			dropped, err := self.sendBatch(query, result, yield)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			limit += dropped
			resultByteCount = 0
			result = &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
		if limit < 1 {
	if _, err := self.sendBatch(query, result, yield); err != nil {
		return err
	emptyResult := &protocol.Series{Name: &series, Fields: fieldNames, Points: nil}
	_, err = self.sendBatch(query, emptyResult, yield)
	return err