Esempio n. 1
func TestCorrectSetSuccNodes(t *testing.T) {
	c := setUpCoupling()

	n2 := c.Nodes[1]

	SteppingStone(n2, 1, 0)

	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(n2, c.Nodes[0].Succ), "node (1,0) did not remain a successor for (0,0)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(n2, c.Nodes[1].Succ), "node (1,0) did not remain a successor for (0,1)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(n2, c.Nodes[2].Succ), "node (1,0) did not become a successor for (1,0)")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(n2, c.Nodes[3].Succ), "node (1,0) remained a successor for (1,1)")
Esempio n. 2
func TestCorrectFindNonZeros(t *testing.T) {
	c, m, visited, exact, d := coupling.SetUpTest()

	w := matching.FindFeasibleMatching(m, 0, 3, &c)
	setpair.Setpair(m, w, exact, visited, d, &c)

	nonZero := findNonZero(w, exact, d, &c)

	assert.Equal(t, len(nonZero), 5, "the length of the non-zero node slice was not 5")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, nonZero), "node (0,3) was not added to the non-zero slice")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[2][2].To, nonZero), "node (2,3) was not added to the non-zero slice")
Esempio n. 3
func TestCorrectFilterNonZero(t *testing.T) {
	c, m, visited, exact, d := coupling.SetUpTest()

	w := matching.FindFeasibleMatching(m, 0, 3, &c)
	setpair.Setpair(m, w, exact, visited, d, &c)

	reachables := coupling.Reachable(w)
	nonZeroReachables := filterZeros(reachables, exact, d)

	assert.Equal(t, len(nonZeroReachables), 3, "the filtered node slice did not have length 3")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[2][2].To, nonZeroReachables), "node (2,3) was not filtered")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[0][0].To, nonZeroReachables), "node (0,1) was filtered")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[3][2].To, nonZeroReachables), "node (2,5) was filtered")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[2][2].To.Adj[0][1].To, nonZeroReachables), "node (1,1) was not filtered")
Esempio n. 4
func TestCorrectSuccNodesRemoved(t *testing.T) {
	c, m, visited, exact, d := coupling.SetUpTest()

	w := matching.FindFeasibleMatching(m, 0, 3, &c)
	setpair.Setpair(m, w, exact, visited, d, &c)

	n := w.Adj[2][2].To
	n2 := n.Adj[1][2].To

	removeExactEdges(n, exact)

	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, n.Succ), "node (0,3) was removed as a successor for (2,3)")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(n, w.Adj[0][0].To.Succ), "node (2,3) is still a successor for (0,1)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, w.Adj[0][0].To.Succ), "node (0,3) was removed as a successor for (0,1)")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(n, n2.Succ), "node (2,3) was not removed as a successor for (2,2)")
Esempio n. 5
func updateEdge(edge *coupling.Edge, signal bool, min float64, n *coupling.Node) {
	if signal {
		log.Printf("increasing at cell (%v,%v)", edge.To.S, edge.To.T)
		// increase and set the node to basic
		edge.Prob += min

		if !edge.Basic {
			edge.Basic = true

		// add the main node as a successor to the node if it not already is
		if !coupling.IsNodeInSlice(n, edge.To.Succ) {
			edge.To.Succ = append(edge.To.Succ, n)

	} else {
		log.Printf("decreasing at cell (%v,%v)", edge.To.S, edge.To.T)
		edge.Prob -= min
		// if the line edge.Prob -= min, makes edge.Prob to zero, it is not a basic cell
		edge.Basic = !utils.ApproxEqual(edge.Prob, 0)

		// if no longer basic remove the main node as a successor for the node
		if !edge.Basic {
			coupling.DeleteNodeInSlice(n, &edge.To.Succ)

	edge.To.Visited = false
Esempio n. 6
func updateNode(node *coupling.Node, newValues []float64) {
	if (len(node.Adj) * len(node.Adj[0])) != len(newValues) {
		log.Printf("%v %v", (len(node.Adj) * len(node.Adj[0])), len(newValues))
		panic("The amount of new values does not match the adjacency matrix!")

	k := 0
	for i := range (*node).Adj {
		for _, edge := range (*node).Adj[i] {
			prevBasic := edge.Basic
			prob := newValues[k]

			if utils.ApproxEqual(prob, 0.0) {
				edge.Basic = false
				coupling.DeleteNodeInSlice(node, &edge.To.Succ)
				if prevBasic {
			} else {
				edge.Basic = true
				if !prevBasic {
				if !coupling.IsNodeInSlice(node, edge.To.Succ) {
					edge.To.Succ = append(edge.To.Succ, node)
			edge.Prob = prob
func TestCorrectSuccessorFound(t *testing.T) {
	c := coupling.New()
	m := coupling.SetUpMarkov()

	w := FindFeasibleMatching(m, 0, 3, &c)
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, w.Adj[0][0].To.Succ), "node (0,3) did not become a successor for (0,1)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, w.Adj[1][1].To.Succ), "node (0,3) did not become a successor for (1,2)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, w.Adj[2][2].To.Succ), "node (0,3) did not become a successor for (2,3)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, w.Adj[3][2].To.Succ), "node (0,3) did not become a successor for (2,5)")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, w.Adj[0][1].To.Succ), "node (0,3) become a successor for (1,1)")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, w.Adj[1][0].To.Succ), "node (0,3) become a successor for (0,2)")
Esempio n. 8
func findReverseReachable(node *coupling.Node, reachables []*coupling.Node) []*coupling.Node {
	node.Visited = true

	for _, succ := range node.Succ {
		if !coupling.IsNodeInSlice(succ, reachables) {
			reachables = append(reachables, succ)

		if len(succ.Succ) == 0 || succ.Visited {

		reachables = findReverseReachable(succ, reachables)

	node.Visited = false

	return reachables
Esempio n. 9
func updateUntilOptimalSolutionsFound(lambda float64, m markov.MarkovChain, node *coupling.Node, exact [][]bool, visited [][]bool, d [][]float64, c coupling.Coupling, TPSolver func(markov.MarkovChain, *coupling.Node, [][]float64, float64, int, int), solvedNodes []*coupling.Node) {
	log.Printf("find optimal for: (%v,%v)", node.S, node.T)
	min, i, j := uvmethod.Run(node, d)
	// if min is negative, we can further improve it, so we update it using the TPSolver and iterated until we cannot improve it further
	for min < 0 && !utils.ApproxEqual(min, 0) {
		previ, prevj := i, j
		TPSolver(m, node, d, min, i, j)
		setpair.Setpair(m, node, exact, visited, d, &c)
		disc.Disc(lambda, node, exact, d, &c)

		min, i, j = uvmethod.Run(node, d)

		if previ == i && prevj == j && min < 0 {

	// append solved nodes such that we do not end up recurively calling nodes that have already been found to be optimal
	solvedNodes = append(solvedNodes, node)

	for _, row := range node.Adj {
		for _, edge := range row {
			if edge.To.Adj == nil {
				// if the node do not have an adjacency matrix or is exact, we do not have to proccess it
			if coupling.IsNodeInSlice(edge.To, solvedNodes) {
				// if the node has already been proccesses, we do not have to do it again

			updateUntilOptimalSolutionsFound(lambda, m, edge.To, exact, visited, d, c, TPSolver, solvedNodes)

	exact[node.S][node.T] = true
	exact[node.S][node.T] = true

Esempio n. 10
func TestCorrectNestedSuccessorFound(t *testing.T) {
	// the same functions used for random matching testing
	c, m, visited, exact, d := coupling.SetUpTest()

	w := matching.FindFeasibleMatching(m, 0, 3, &c)
	Setpair(m, w, exact, visited, d, &c)

	node := w.Adj[2][2].To

	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(node, node.Adj[0][0].To.Succ), "node (2,3) did not become a successor for (0,1)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(node, node.Adj[0][1].To.Succ), "node (2,3) did not become a successor for (1,1)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(node, node.Adj[1][1].To.Succ), "node (2,3) did not become a successor for (1,2)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(node, node.Adj[1][2].To.Succ), "node (2,3) did not become a successor for (2,2)")
	// common children between node(2,3) and w(0,3)
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, node.Adj[0][0].To.Succ), "node (0,1) did not have node (0,3) as a successor")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, node.Adj[1][1].To.Succ), "node (1,2) did not have node (0,3) as a successor")
Esempio n. 11
func TestCorrectReverseCouplingNodesFound(t *testing.T) {
	c, m, visited, exact, d := coupling.SetUpTest()

	w := matching.FindFeasibleMatching(m, 0, 3, &c)
	setpair.Setpair(m, w, exact, visited, d, &c)

	nonZeroReachables := []*coupling.Node{}

	nonZeroReachables = findReverseReachable(w.Adj[0][0].To, nonZeroReachables)

	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, nonZeroReachables), "node (0,3) was not a successor for (0,1)")
	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[2][2].To, nonZeroReachables), "node (2,3) was not a successor for (0,1)")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[1][1].To, nonZeroReachables), "node (1,2) was a successor for (0,1)")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[2][2].To.Adj[1][2].To, nonZeroReachables), "node (2,2) was a successor for (0,1)")

	nonZeroReachables2 := []*coupling.Node{}

	nonZeroReachables2 = findReverseReachable(w.Adj[2][2].To, nonZeroReachables2)

	assert.True(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w, nonZeroReachables2), "node (0,3) was not a successor for (2,3)")
	assert.False(t, coupling.IsNodeInSlice(w.Adj[0][0].To, nonZeroReachables2), "node (0,1) was a successor for (2,3)")